This will go to the USSC

I love the so-called Democratic Voting crap you shove that is turning us into a communist nation. You represent the enemy.
Yeah, lot of democratic vote'n going on in them Communist obviously represent forking moroonies everywhere....
It is CLEAR.

It lists reasons the legislators MUST PROVIDE AN ABSETEE BALLOT.

Now, where is the language, anywhere, that says that list is ALL INCLUSIVE. Point to one passage that states the legislators may not mail a ballot to someone not on that list. The constitution gives them the power to determine how elections are run. Nowhere are limitations on mail in ballots outlined. The legislators were specifically given a power and you want to claim that specific outlined power is limited to in person voting excepting under specific circumstance.

That language does not exist. It is why I asked for the specific text that says so. You cant point to such a passage because you are inserting it on your own so you just blanked the entire passage again.

For the third time, that list is a set of requirements that the legislative body must fulfill. Nowhere is any limitation placed that makes this an all inclusive list. This is why no judge has cited that as the passage Act 77 violates, it clearly does not.
We clearly look at this from different perspectives. You read the PA Constitution and if it doesn't say the Government can't do something then you think it can. I read it and if it doesn't say it can then it can't. We will just have to agree to disagree on this.
When you assault the Constitution, you are undermining the rule of law.

The Trumpybears final assault culminated on Jan 6th when his Fascist inspired MAGAMOB ran a muck. Well I say assault, it was really his final 'Hail Mary' play at overturning the free an fair election that he lost. It was aq massive failure. Of course now the Neo-Fascist are in the middle of a new plan, an even greater assault on the democratic institutions that made our country the envy of the world.
The Trumpybears final assault culminated on Jan 6th when his Fascist inspired MAGAMOB ran a muck. Well I say assault, it was really his final 'Hail Mary' play at overturning the free an fair election that he lost. It was aq massive failure. Of course now the Neo-Fascist are in the middle of a new plan, an even greater assault on the democratic institutions that made our country the envy of the world.

We clearly look at this from different perspectives. You read the PA Constitution and if it doesn't say the Government can't do something then you think it can. I read it and if it doesn't say it can then it can't. We will just have to agree to disagree on this.
No, I don't.

I read the constitution as a specific and very narrow set of things the government is authorized to do. The government is SPECIFICALLY charged with running elections. That power is specifically conferred to them.

That you want to shoehorn extra limitations that do not exist on a very narrow power that is given to the government is not me thinking that if the constitution 'doesn't say the Government can't do something then you think it can.' That is, again, you inserting something that is not there. It is why I pointed out in my last post that the legislative branch was charged with running elections. To make the point they have the power conferred on them.

The fact you cannot point to specific passages that support the limitations YOU want should tell you that you are stuck in confirmation bias Couch. Just THINK about it for a few minutes.

Not much of a history buff are you. That fire came soon after Hitler was appointed Chancellor and he ruthlessly used it to suppress the opposition parties and set himself up to be dictator for life. The fledgling Republic in Germany was no match for the Nazis. Our well established Republic, with all our Democratic institution, has withstood the 4+ years of the Neo-GOP budding little fascist attempt do dissolve it.
No, I don't.

I read the constitution as a specific and very narrow set of things the government is authorized to do. The government is SPECIFICALLY charged with running elections. That power is specifically conferred to them.

That you want to shoehorn extra limitations that do not exist on a very narrow power that is given to the government is not me thinking that if the constitution 'doesn't say the Government can't do something then you think it can.' That is, again, you inserting something that is not there. It is why I pointed out in my last post that the legislative branch was charged with running elections. To make the point they have the power conferred on them.

The fact you cannot point to specific passages that support the limitations YOU want should tell you that you are stuck in confirmation bias Couch. Just THINK about it for a few minutes.
If you want to parse the words and act like mail in voting isn't the same thing as absentee voting have at it. But it is, and if you are actually honest with yourself you know that.

See this is where you are fundamentally incorrect. Absentee Voting <> Mail-in Voting.

Absentee voting means you get to vote because you are going to be absent.

No excuse Mail-in voting has no "absence" requirement, it means it is a method of voting that you can choose to use to exercise your franchise.
So while the method of voting (i.e. mail-in or dropbox) is the same, that does not mean the requirements or limitations are the same to qualify to receive a ballot.


You obviously do not care what the truth is here.

I thought you were better than this couch. I really did.
Look we just see this differently. I might be wrong, but it's just the way I see it, and I'm ok with that. Had they amended the Constitution it would be a different story. I'm not sure why they didn't as it's not all that high a bar to clear in PA and they seemed to have the support in the Legislature to do so if this bill is any indication. All that said we can keep going back and forth but are you going to change your mind because of it? I don't think you are, and I don't see what you can say to sway me. So instead of arguing AT each other we can just agree to disagree. I don't live in PA (though I am from there) so it doesn't really affect me as I have no interest in moving back. We will see what the PA SC says though I don't think I'm going to follow this story after this post honestly, unless someone else necro's it when the court rules on it.
See this is where you are fundamentally incorrect. Absentee Voting <> Mail-in Voting.

Absentee voting means you get to vote because you are going to be absent.

No excuse Mail-in voting has no "absence" requirement, it means it is a method of voting that you can choose to use to exercise your franchise.
So while the method of voting (i.e. mail-in or dropbox) is the same, that does not mean the requirements or limitations are the same to qualify to receive a ballot.

Not much of a history buff are you. That fire came soon after Hitler was appointed Chancellor and he ruthlessly used it to suppress the opposition parties

and set himself up to be dictator for life. The fledgling Republic in Germany was no match for the Nazis. Our well established Republic, with all our Democratic institution, has withstood the 4+ years of the Neo-GOP budding little fascist attempt do dissolve it.

So to recap, the 1/6 Reichstag Fire is ruthlessly used by the Nazicrats to crush opposition voices as democrat Nazis federalize elections and mandate corruption in order to set up Nazi rule for life.
So to recap, the 1/6 Reichstag Fire is ruthlessly used by the Nazicrats to crush opposition voices

Sure pal, all those rabid right wing lying media whores over at Faux, NewsMaxine and my fav, OAN all been locked up, shut up, shut down and outlawed.

You're still a nut.
Sure pal, all those rabid right wing lying media whores over at Faux, NewsMaxine and my fav, OAN all been locked up, shut up, shut down and outlawed.

You're still a nut.

Oh, look at the Nazi lie.

Do you get a "Soros Treat" each time you lie?

Sure pal, all those rabid right wing lying media whores over at Faux, NewsMaxine and my fav, OAN all been locked up, shut up, shut down and outlawed.

You're still a nut.
imo hanpatty was right in telling Trump it would be his Waterloo if he didn't condemn it and get in front. Biden is an anchor, but the dems would still have to come up with a moderate who didn't scare the middle as much as does Trump. Unfortunately, his color is good.


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