This will go to the USSC

The only ignorance is yours. The PEOPLE of California voted to pass an AMENDMENT to their Constitution.

The FEDS shot it down. Which is the point I was argueing.

Now, STFU.
The federal government stepped in, as it has been required to do so many times in the past, to protect the people from the ignorance of their local government and politics. We have a little thing called a "Constitution" which not only gave the feds the power but the responsibility.


We're just back to your ignorance.
How many of those countries allow NO EXCUSE mail-in ballots? I'm thinking NONE. Does anyone know of any country where a voter can vote by mail without reason or ID?


According to the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC), nearly every country in Europe has imposed either a partial or total ban on mail-in voting. One-fifth of the developed countries in the world don’t even allow absentee voting. If their citizens want to vote in national elections, they have to show up in their home country and vote in person (with voter ID). In the handful of developed nations that do allow mail-in voting, the voter is still required to show up in person and display their passport or another photo ID to pick up the ballot.

In Japan and Poland, you have to have a special certificate from a doctor proving that you’re disabled in order to receive a mail-in ballot. Brazil, Russia, Israel, Mexico and a host of additional developed nations have banned mail-in voting completely, and most require in-person voter ID. What does it say when a country like Mexico has more secure elections than Oregon or Rhode Island? Mexico banned all mail-in voting back in 1991, due to rampant vote fraud.

A few countries have decided to allow mail-in voting for this year only, due to the coronavirus. But in every one of those countries, the elected government has passed a provisional rule that sunsets after this year. The ban on mail-in voting will be immediately reinstated in those countries. Here in America, Democrats are demanding that mail-in voting be made the new permanent standard.

Do any of those few countries that do allow mail-in voting do so without cause? No reason? No ID? For future elections? I don't think so.

How many times have you seen some dork on cable news telling you there’s “no evidence” that main-in voting encourages fraud? Probably too many to count. But almost none of the developed countries in Europe trust mail-in voting. At all.

A total fallacy and lies, as usual. This Washington Post article bebunks your whole line of bullshit:

I would not be surprised if it goes all the way to SCOTUS and is ruled unconstitutional. But Biden will still be president
Precisely! No one objected or sued prior to Trumps election loss, with other previous elections being held seating the winners. Both Rs and Ds wrote and agreed with the law and did not challenge it in a timely manner....waited till Trump lost, to do so, if memory serves...

Both Rs and D's had equal opportunity to vote absentee ballot, it did not favor any side....Trump discouraged his voters from voting in that manner....not the law itself....

Elections held prior to any final court decision will legally stand, imo too.
Precisely! No one objected or sued prior to Trumps election loss, with other previous elections being held seating the winners. Both Rs and Ds wrote and agreed with the law and did not challenge it in a timely manner....waited till Trump lost, to do so, if memory serves...

Both Rs and D's had equal opportunity to vote absentee ballot, it did not favor any side....Trump discouraged his voters from voting in that manner....not the law itself....

Elections held prior to any final court decision will legally stand, imo too.
It’s unconstitutional according to the PA constitution. Doesn’t have anything to do with Trump
"One unusual feature of the Elections Clause is that it does not confer the power to regulate congressional elections on states as a whole, but rather the “Legislature” of each state. The Supreme Court has construed the term “Legislature” extremely broadly to include any entity or procedure that a state’s constitution permits to exercise lawmaking power. Thus, laws regulating congressional elections may be enacted not only by a state’s actual legislature, but also directly by a state’s voters through the initiative process or public referendum, in states that allow such procedures.

The Court also has held that a legislature may delegate its authority under the Elections Clause to other entities or officials. "

While I know this is shock to those of the fascist left, the courts are NOT actually a "super legislature" the way the Reich thinks they are.
There has been no evidence of that. No one has found any evidence of fraud that has changed the election. Several Republicans have been arrested for vote fraud.

No evidence of what?

Lying won't change that the United States Marshalls took this video.

Nor that the corrupt DOJ under Oberfuhrer Garland spent months using public funds to lie to the public by suppressing fact that expose your filthy Reich.

The Corrupt DOJ was finally COMPELLED by the courts to obey the law.

Now we see a democrat openly stuffing the ballot box.
yeah thanks. Talk to Care4all she’s the one with her panties in a twist.
The implication here, the reason that Trump people get so excited about this, is that by declaring the law unconstitutional, they can declare the 2020 election null and void.

And that is sad, desperate and kind of stupid.
It insulted you. Your response says so. Poor baby
I got ya sarah...


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