This Will Make You Appreciate Slavery!

Islam STILL profits from slavery , the west moved on. Islam is stuck in the 13 century. Kidnap young girls, sell them into slavery. Sexual mutilation, forced removal of the clitoris. Muslims STILL do this. Not something admirable in ANY culture.
It would appear that these people were Christians and operating under a western religion.
Um, no, history proves Islam were big-time slavers and, they still are. And much worse. You defend all that?

This story has ZERO to do with slavery. The OP put it in the title for reasons nobody knows. It's also got nothing to do with "Islam". The OP's article made no mention of religion but Kenya is predominantly Christian and these perversions of burning people to exorcise devils is straight out of the European witch craze.
Good post! We want truth. Islam? Islam still condones slavery even now, taxes non Muslims and so called apostates. Islam creates this hateful atmosphere.
Islam STILL profits from slavery , the west moved on. Islam is stuck in the 13 century. Kidnap young girls, sell them into slavery. Sexual mutilation, forced removal of the clitoris. Muslims STILL do this. Not something admirable in ANY culture.
It would appear that these people were Christians and operating under a western religion.
Um, no, history proves Islam were big-time slavers and, they still are. And much worse. You defend all that?

This story has ZERO to do with slavery. The OP put it in the title for reasons nobody knows. It's also got nothing to do with "Islam". The OP's article made no mention of religion but Kenya is predominantly Christian and these perversions of burning people to exorcise devils is straight out of the European witch craze.
Good post! We want truth. Islam? Islam still condones slavery even now, taxes non Muslims and so called apostates. Islam creates this hateful atmosphere.

Well yes it does, but it seems that people get very upset if this is brought up.
This story has ZERO to do with slavery. The OP put it in the title for reasons nobody knows. It's also got nothing to do with "Islam". The OP's article made no mention of religion but Kenya is predominantly Christian and these perversions of burning people to exorcise devils is straight out of the European witch craze.

You just set up a complete strawman out of nothing, and then challenged somebody else to "defend" its alternative. That's bullshit.

No but people had mentioned Islam, then this began an attempt at Christian bashing, thus logically Mary then made her comments.

I agree the OP wasn't about Islam, but then Islam somehow was mentioned.

Yes it was, by Mary. That's why I immediately called it out as irrelevant. As I did with the "slavery" malarkey.

Well I was trying to put it in context, as to why Mary made her comment, that she made the comment for a reason, it wasn't just an off the top of head comment, if you understand.

I'm reading stuff on Voodoo in NOLA, it seems it still occurs but in greatly diminished fashion, as opposed to decades ago where it was commonly practiced.

I can tell you all about Voudoun/Voodoo. I'm just waiting for the next pearl of brilliance from the inebriated.

It'd be interesting if we could have a thread about Voodoo, many people would learn a lot about a very strange, but interesting practice.

Well it looks like the Aussie is sleeping off a bender so..... Voodoo is basically a collaborative effort of American slaves who were taken from for the most part West Africa, particularly the Yoruba people, to re-assemble whatever bits of their native spirituality they had in their homeland. ""Voodoo" comes from Haitian-French voudoun, and the same process is known in Spanish speaking Americas as Santeria and in Brasil as Candomblé. Part of the Yoruba world view is that the natural world and the supernatural world intersect, and is manifest in what are commonly mis-termed "gods" but really are more like "forces of nature", for example Shango/Chango, the force ("god") of thunder. Others represent the sea, the flowing water of a river, fire, etc. These forces of nature (called Orishas or orixás in Brasil) can be, and are, summnoned to communicate through mystical music especially drumming. They appear by means of inhabiting the body of one of the participants, who goes into convulsions and chants things that, after the ceremony, they have no memory of.

That's all reconstructed from West Africa though, not East Africa where this event was.
And they certainly don't have "wood sprites". :rolleyes:

Voodoo came to New Orleans from Haiti and flourished there too. In the 19th century Congo Square in New Orleans was the only place in the country where blacks were allowed (on Sundays) to express their culture, which they did with big drumming parties. This is part of the roots of the beginnings of Jazz decades later in the same city, pioneered by Buddy Bolden....

Teachers in Nairobi set fire to a 17 year old girl because she does not reveal the whereabouts of another student and would not confess to "devil worship". I guess mere detention or ISS was not sufficient. Another girl, 13, was recently burned and injured during an exorcism.

I guess slavery was not so bad afterall, eh? It got you out of that shit hole continent and gets you taken care of. You get to entertain yourselves with iPhones and television while those in Africa get to play with dirt and crocodiles.

I'm not seeing the relationship between this and slavery. Are you saying that there are only two possible alternatives - abuse and slavery?

That's just whacked.
No but people had mentioned Islam, then this began an attempt at Christian bashing, thus logically Mary then made her comments.

I agree the OP wasn't about Islam, but then Islam somehow was mentioned.

Yes it was, by Mary. That's why I immediately called it out as irrelevant. As I did with the "slavery" malarkey.

Well I was trying to put it in context, as to why Mary made her comment, that she made the comment for a reason, it wasn't just an off the top of head comment, if you understand.

I'm reading stuff on Voodoo in NOLA, it seems it still occurs but in greatly diminished fashion, as opposed to decades ago where it was commonly practiced.

I can tell you all about Voudoun/Voodoo. I'm just waiting for the next pearl of brilliance from the inebriated.

It'd be interesting if we could have a thread about Voodoo, many people would learn a lot about a very strange, but interesting practice.

Well it looks like the Aussie is sleeping off a bender so..... Voodoo is basically a collaborative effort of American slaves who were taken from for the most part West Africa, particularly the Yoruba people, to re-assemble whatever bits of their native spirituality they had in their homeland. ""Voodoo" comes from Haitian-French voudoun, and the same process is known in Spanish speaking Americas as Santeria and in Brasil as Candomblé. Part of the Yoruba world view is that the natural world and the supernatural world intersect, and is manifest in what are commonly mis-termed "gods" but really are more like "forces of nature", for example Shango/Chango, the force ("god") of thunder. Others represent the sea, the flowing water of a river, fire, etc. These forces of nature (called Orishas or orixás in Brasil) can be, and are, summnoned to communicate through mystical music especially drumming. They appear by means of inhabiting the body of one of the participants, who goes into convulsions and chants things that, after the ceremony, they have no memory of.

That's all reconstructed from West Africa though, not East Africa where this event was.
And they certainly don't have "wood sprites". :rolleyes:

Voodoo came to New Orleans from Haiti and flourished there too. In the 19th century Congo Square in New Orleans was the only place in the country where blacks were allowed (on Sundays) to express their culture, which they did with big drumming parties. This is part of the roots of the beginnings of Jazz decades later in the same city, pioneered by Buddy Bolden....


That's very interesting stuff Pogo, thank you.
Teachers in Nairobi set fire to a 17 year old girl because she does not reveal the whereabouts of another student and would not confess to "devil worship". I guess mere detention or ISS was not sufficient. Another girl, 13, was recently burned and injured during an exorcism.

I guess slavery was not so bad afterall, eh? It got you out of that shit hole continent and gets you taken care of. You get to entertain yourselves with iPhones and television while those in Africa get to play with dirt and crocodiles.

I'm not seeing the relationship between this and slavery. Are you saying that there are only two possible alternatives - abuse and slavery?

That's just whacked.
I think he is. maybe the slaves should pay some reparations to their former owners ?
Lucy thinks that all black people should be sterilised.Any of her comments need to be viewed in that context.

WTF does that have to do with THE TOPIC OF THIS THREAD? Nothing that's what.
Are you denying it ?
How can you comment about people you want to see dead without admitting this ?
It is dishonest.

Oh shut up you fool.

From you an admitted IRA sympathiser, your words on ANYTHING mean nothing.

It's 1.04am, isn't it your bedtime now.
How can you comment on people that you want to see dead without stating it up front ?
Its not honest.
Yes it was, by Mary. That's why I immediately called it out as irrelevant. As I did with the "slavery" malarkey.

Well I was trying to put it in context, as to why Mary made her comment, that she made the comment for a reason, it wasn't just an off the top of head comment, if you understand.

I'm reading stuff on Voodoo in NOLA, it seems it still occurs but in greatly diminished fashion, as opposed to decades ago where it was commonly practiced.

I can tell you all about Voudoun/Voodoo. I'm just waiting for the next pearl of brilliance from the inebriated.

It'd be interesting if we could have a thread about Voodoo, many people would learn a lot about a very strange, but interesting practice.

Well it looks like the Aussie is sleeping off a bender so..... Voodoo is basically a collaborative effort of American slaves who were taken from for the most part West Africa, particularly the Yoruba people, to re-assemble whatever bits of their native spirituality they had in their homeland. ""Voodoo" comes from Haitian-French voudoun, and the same process is known in Spanish speaking Americas as Santeria and in Brasil as Candomblé. Part of the Yoruba world view is that the natural world and the supernatural world intersect, and is manifest in what are commonly mis-termed "gods" but really are more like "forces of nature", for example Shango/Chango, the force ("god") of thunder. Others represent the sea, the flowing water of a river, fire, etc. These forces of nature (called Orishas or orixás in Brasil) can be, and are, summnoned to communicate through mystical music especially drumming. They appear by means of inhabiting the body of one of the participants, who goes into convulsions and chants things that, after the ceremony, they have no memory of.

That's all reconstructed from West Africa though, not East Africa where this event was.
And they certainly don't have "wood sprites". :rolleyes:

Voodoo came to New Orleans from Haiti and flourished there too. In the 19th century Congo Square in New Orleans was the only place in the country where blacks were allowed (on Sundays) to express their culture, which they did with big drumming parties. This is part of the roots of the beginnings of Jazz decades later in the same city, pioneered by Buddy Bolden....


That's very interesting stuff Pogo, thank you.

Here's some fascinating reading on much of that, Ooooosie.
You have made a statement that has no relevance to my posting. Slavery was practised by Christians as well as Muslims. There is no higher g
slavery was practiced by non-Christians and atheists too bubba.

True, but the fact remains ---- NOTHING in this story has anything in the remotest way to do with "slavery".

What the OP's point was in introducing that red herring in his own title remains a mystery.
But after being asked that question he seems to have run away. I think he's off to challenge himself with a game of "find your foot".
Well I was trying to put it in context, as to why Mary made her comment, that she made the comment for a reason, it wasn't just an off the top of head comment, if you understand.

I'm reading stuff on Voodoo in NOLA, it seems it still occurs but in greatly diminished fashion, as opposed to decades ago where it was commonly practiced.

I can tell you all about Voudoun/Voodoo. I'm just waiting for the next pearl of brilliance from the inebriated.

It'd be interesting if we could have a thread about Voodoo, many people would learn a lot about a very strange, but interesting practice.

Well it looks like the Aussie is sleeping off a bender so..... Voodoo is basically a collaborative effort of American slaves who were taken from for the most part West Africa, particularly the Yoruba people, to re-assemble whatever bits of their native spirituality they had in their homeland. ""Voodoo" comes from Haitian-French voudoun, and the same process is known in Spanish speaking Americas as Santeria and in Brasil as Candomblé. Part of the Yoruba world view is that the natural world and the supernatural world intersect, and is manifest in what are commonly mis-termed "gods" but really are more like "forces of nature", for example Shango/Chango, the force ("god") of thunder. Others represent the sea, the flowing water of a river, fire, etc. These forces of nature (called Orishas or orixás in Brasil) can be, and are, summnoned to communicate through mystical music especially drumming. They appear by means of inhabiting the body of one of the participants, who goes into convulsions and chants things that, after the ceremony, they have no memory of.

That's all reconstructed from West Africa though, not East Africa where this event was.
And they certainly don't have "wood sprites". :rolleyes:

Voodoo came to New Orleans from Haiti and flourished there too. In the 19th century Congo Square in New Orleans was the only place in the country where blacks were allowed (on Sundays) to express their culture, which they did with big drumming parties. This is part of the roots of the beginnings of Jazz decades later in the same city, pioneered by Buddy Bolden....


That's very interesting stuff Pogo, thank you.

Here's some fascinating reading on much of that, Ooooosie.

You have made a statement that has no relevance to my posting. Slavery was practised by Christians as well as Muslims. There is no higher g
slavery was practiced by non-Christians and atheists too bubba.

True, but the fact remains ---- NOTHING in this story has anything in the remotest way to do with "slavery".

What the OP's point was in introducing that red herring in his own title remains a mystery.
But after being asked that question he seems to have run away. I think he's off to challenge himself with a game of "find your foot".
I think he is saying that the black people of America should be grateful for slavery because it saved them from the 1 in 10 million chance of being burned by Christian extremists. I could be wrong.
You have made a statement that has no relevance to my posting. Slavery was practised by Christians as well as Muslims. There is no higher g
slavery was practiced by non-Christians and atheists too bubba.

True, but the fact remains ---- NOTHING in this story has anything in the remotest way to do with "slavery".

What the OP's point was in introducing that red herring in his own title remains a mystery.
But after being asked that question he seems to have run away. I think he's off to challenge himself with a game of "find your foot".
I think he is saying that the black people of America should be grateful for slavery because it saved them from the 1 in 10 million chance of being burned by Christian extremists. I could be wrong.

We can only guess :dunno:
But if he is saying that he's in a time tunnel train wreck, since the witch burning crap wasn't brought to Africa by those Xian missionaries until much later. Africans certainly didn't come up with it.
I think he is saying that the black people of America should be grateful for slavery because it saved them from the 1 in 10 million chance of being burned by Christian extremists. I could be wrong.
Well, you can't discount that fact.
Islam condones and still practices slavery. I am no student of law or history, but Sharia law allows enslaving non Muslims. As a avowed non Muslim, they can geniality mutilate and sell me into slavery. I don't like that.
Islam condones and still practices slavery. I am no student of law or history, but Sharia law allows enslaving non Muslims. As a avowed non Muslim, they can geniality mutilate and sell me into slavery. I don't like that.
The Bible condones slavery,there is no higher ground here.
Islam condones and still practices slavery. I am no student of law or history, but Sharia law allows enslaving non Muslims. As a avowed non Muslim, they can geniality mutilate and sell me into slavery. I don't like that.

What the fuck is the deal with you and this "Islam" canard??

There is no "Islam" in this story. AT ALL. Matter of fact the girl, at least, is Catholic.

And AGAIN for the wilfully ignorant --- FGM is an ancient CULTURAL practice that has nothing to do with Islam, or with any religion at all, anywhere. It was around for centuries before Islam existed.


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