This would be sad if it wasn't so funny

Lincoln Project brilliantly trolls Mango Menace again. :cool-45:
Ah, the child molesters. Always nice to get their take on things.

Has Matt weighed in?

Absolutely....they even elected one as Speaker of the House. (not to mention the grabber of pu**ies they elected President)
Nothing has been proven about Gaetz.
So you are giving him your full support, right?
What about it? You fully support lies.
Such as?
dOnald tRump is a shell of himself.

yet you are the one giving him the attention.
When Clinton left office, he was no longer relevant. Same for Bush and Obama.

But for some reason, you just cant let go.

You know, when I accidentally drink sour milk, I yearn for the good milk of last week.

Think about that.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
View attachment 486126
This man got more votes than obama?

Yep. Sucks to be you.
Not in 2024 when biden or I mean Harris gives the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump.

Keep on bleevin', pinhead. :113:
View attachment 486180


View attachment 486224
Get your pussy hat ready! :itsok:

donny will have either stroked out by then, given his piss poor diet & obesity ... in jail ... or both.

what's funny AF, is he isn't even gonna try to run - he just wants to rake in all his dupes' cash thru his PAC to pay for his lawsuits & criminal investigations.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. Trump is going to hand harris's ass back to her.

oh you poor poor poorly educated dupe that donny loves long time.

he ripped people off with his fraudulant university...

he ripped people off with his fraudulent 'charitable' foundation...

& you think he's on yer side.

lol ...
Trump was on America's side, unlike pedo joe.
Trump was up Americas butt ,,, On Putins side
Lol, Russian collusion was a hoax, but Obama telling putin to wait till after the election. So he can kiss his ass better, is real.

& what exactly did obama do in regards to pootey poot?

oh ya ... imposed sanctions, kicked all his ambassadors<coughcoughspies> outa the country & closed down their compounds.

& donny?



What did the brown turd do to the man from Russia?

LOL!!!! are you kidding me? that AGAIN????????????? had to drag that outa the dustbin, didn't you?

so - pray tell, what exactly happened regarding obama's 'flexibility' with the roooskies, 'eh? what scandals occurred? please, by all means - source a credible, unbiased link & show the class....

i'll tell you what happened after that exchange:

imposed sanctions, kicked all his ambassadors<coughcoughspies> outa the country & closed down their compounds.

feel free to prove me wrong.
Lincoln Project brilliantly trolls Mango Menace again. :cool-45:
Ah, the child molesters. Always nice to get their take on things.

Has Matt weighed in?

Absolutely....they even elected one as Speaker of the House. (not to mention the grabber of pu**ies they elected President)
Nothing has been proven about Gaetz.
you need 12 people to tell you? You don't have a mind of your own?? Oh that's right ,,you're a trump butt kisser
Lincoln Project brilliantly trolls Mango Menace again. :cool-45:
Ah, the child molesters. Always nice to get their take on things.

Has Matt weighed in?

Absolutely....they even elected one as Speaker of the House. (not to mention the grabber of pu**ies they elected President)
Nothing has been proven about Gaetz.
you need 12 people to tell you? You don't have a mind of your own?? Oh that's right ,,you're a trump butt kisser
12 liars? No thanks.
dOnald tRump is a shell of himself.

Trump was never ‘leader’ of the free world; he was the enemy of the free world – coddling dictators and attacking America’s longtime allies.

He represents America's last hope. He is a non-politician who pulled the cover off of our corrupt government, intelligence agencies and Media. We can only hope someone steps up in 2024 to carry the torch for AMERICA if it isn't Donald Trump.

Because I've known and heard of individuals who have been conned by dishonest smooth talkers with no moral compass and no feelings of guilt for the lives they ruin, I always knew that it was possible for a demagogue to rise to power under the right set of circumstances. But if it ever happened in my lifetime, I always thought that the economy would have been in far worse shape, and the person would seemingly posses some kind of moral authority even if it was mostly a contrived affectation.

Never in my life did I believe that so many people could get conned by a man who is so clearly dishonest, incompetent, and corrupt to his very core as Trump is.

Sadly, the available evidence points to Obama as being an unwitting catalyst in Trump's rise to power due to both the ascendency of the Tea Party in the 2010 midterms and Trump's constant questioning of Obama's citizenship, and hence his legitimacy to be president. It was more than a dog whistle to racists and bigots who didn't like the idea of a Black man being president.

While it's conceivable that Trump could have simply been manipulating his base without being a racist himself, Trump's earlier condemnation of the Central Park 5 in 1989 and his May 1, 1989 call for them to be executed in full page ads in all four of New York's daily newspapers couldn't help but lead other racists to believe that he was "one of them." This is even more true considering the fact that he has never withdrawn his statement or apologized for what he said even after the boys' convictions were vacated in 2002 when the real perpetrator, Matias Reyes, confessed and his DNA was the sole match to the person who assaulted Trisha Meili in Central Park.

However if there was ever any real doubt of Trump's true feelings regarding race, it was erased six months into his presidency when Trump later commented on the Unite the Right rally attended by large numbers of neo-Nazis and said that there were very fine people on both sides. That's when racists in this country knew for sure that Trump was one of them both in heart and mind, and they would forget and forgive any failings on his part as president as long as they felt that kinship with him.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.

Have you seen the daily case charts for South Dakota, Jim? 107 cases per day in the whole state the week they held the rally in Sturgis. Case numbers had been very low throughout the spring and summer. By August 29th, it was more than 400 cases per day. It peaked in November at more than 2000 cases per day, and has declined steadily every since.

From the day that rally ended, case rates in South Dakota rose in a direct line. They had 9,000 cases total from the start of the outbreak, and by the end of November when the outbreak peaked, they had 80,000 cases. They're right around 200 cases per day now. For the three months since the February 1st, they've had 40,000 cases.

They had no first wave, and no The ONLY outbreak in South Dakota started after the Sturgiss Rally and ended before Christmas - and all of it started with the Sturgiss Rally.

When the Kung Flu was first released by Biden Admin working with China, the progressive elites were all screaming that we needed to flatten the curve on Chinese flu deaths, of course Blue state governors put infected people in with the infirm and elderly thus killing 10s of thousands of people really quick and when the "DEATH RATE" started dropping, free people of the US wanted to open up and get back business. Then the Prog elites didnt want this to happen because then it would make president Trump look the hero while sleepy joe, who was hiding in his basement, look the zero, so the prog elites changed the rules. They started the panic about Kung Flu cases and not deaths.



Never gonna happen.
Lincoln Project brilliantly trolls Mango Menace again. :cool-45:
Ah, the child molesters. Always nice to get their take on things.

Has Matt weighed in?

Absolutely....they even elected one as Speaker of the House. (not to mention the grabber of pu**ies they elected President)
Nothing has been proven about Gaetz.
So you are giving him your full support, right?
What about it? You fully support lies.
Such as?
No fraud.
Lincoln Project brilliantly trolls Mango Menace again. :cool-45:
Ah, the child molesters. Always nice to get their take on things.

Has Matt weighed in?

Absolutely....they even elected one as Speaker of the House. (not to mention the grabber of pu**ies they elected President)
Nothing has been proven about Gaetz.
So you are giving him your full support, right?
What about it? You fully support lies.
Such as?
No fraud.
Prove it's a lie.
dOnald tRump is a shell of himself.
Have you taken a close look at your boy lately? I keep looking for the puppet strings that make his mouth move.
Because I've known and heard of individuals who have been conned by dishonest smooth talkers with no moral compass and no feelings of guilt for the lives they ruin, I always knew that it was possible for a demagogue to rise to power under the right set of circumstances. But if it ever happened in my lifetime, I always thought that the economy would have been in far worse shape, and the person would seemingly posses some kind of moral authority even if it was mostly a contrived affectation.

Never in my life did I believe that so many people could get conned by a man who is so clearly dishonest, incompetent, and corrupt to his very core as Trump is.

Sadly, the available evidence points to Obama as being an unwitting catalyst in Trump's rise to power due to both the ascendency of the Tea Party in the 2010 midterms and Trump's constant questioning of Obama's citizenship, and hence his legitimacy to be president. It was more than a dog whistle to racists and bigots who didn't like the idea of a Black man being president.

While it's conceivable that Trump could have simply been manipulating his base without being a racist himself, Trump's earlier condemnation of the Central Park 5 in 1989 and his May 1, 1989 call for them to be executed in full page ads in all four of New York's daily newspapers couldn't help but lead other racists to believe that he was "one of them." This is even more true considering the fact that he has never withdrawn his statement or apologized for what he said even after the boys' convictions were vacated in 2002 when the real perpetrator, Matias Reyes, confessed and his DNA was the sole match to the person who assaulted Trisha Meili in Central Park.
Nice speech, no sale. You put a lot of effort into cherry-picking just the news over a 30 year span to "prove" that Donald Trump is a Racist. Fail. He is not nor ever has been a Racist. He is America First and that is what made him the President we really needed given the succession of globalists and the outright Marxist anti-American Obama. Look at the drooling China puppet you put into office. There is far more evidence of Biden's racism during his 47 year career as a politician than Donald Trump. He is also brain damaged, corrupt and quite frankly an asshole to everyday Americans. You and your Trump hating buddies are the ones who have been duped by the Ministry of Disinformation a.k.a The Media.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Still more than Biden could ever draw.
Of course.

Those who voted for Biden don't have this bizarre, inexplicable, hyper-emotional attachment to him that Trumpsters have for their adored one.

Biden's just a politician. Hopefully the good he does will clearly outweigh the not-so-good. But he rid us of the orange buffoon, and that's pretty neat in our book.
Lol, more voted for Biden than obama your savior.

more like more voted against donny. (D)s, indies, AND more importantly real (R)s.
Yep. I would have much preferred to vote third party, but I had to vote against Trumpism, period.
Booming economy until the scamdemic, energy independence, lower taxes. That is Trumpism and that is why he was re-elected and the election had to be stolen. FACT.
2.4% GDP with crashed bond yields, an extended manufacturing recession, the NY Fed having to pour $1.5T into short term credit markets and exploded deficit and debt are not a "booming economy".

Gawd, you people are ignorant.
That was after the big lie called Covid. You know that you are just being an asshole.
NO, it WASN'T.

of it was. We were at 2.4% GDP BEFORE the virus. The manufacturing recession was in 2019. The NY Fed acted in 2019.


God damn, you people are hopeless.
But we are not criminals and liars, that ball is in your court.

Wow!!! He proved you wrong and you immediately moved the goalposts, but in your unwavering idiocy, you moved them right into our strike zone.:

LIARS: Donald Trump lied to you more than 30,000 times, and those are just the bigger lies. Donald Trump's lies about covid19 cost you more than 500,000 lives, and counting, and you still support him.

CRIMINALS: Hundreds of criminal charges against members of the Nixon, Reagan, G.W. Bush, and Trump Administrations versus a handful (as in fewer than 10) of charges against the Johnson, Carter, Clinton, and Obama Administrations combined.

I am unwavering because Trump was defrauded. The evidence was never heard because our system is thouroughlty corrupt.

What specifically am I lying about?
The fraud. The murder of Babbitt. Basically everything.

Jeezus, you're fucking thick.

1. You've yet to prove any voter fraud.
2. You believe Babbitt is a martyr where I believe a brave hero cop terminated a terrorist while defending the chamber. He wasn't even charged for it.
3. The facts are on my side, while you stand around waving your dick around.

Besides wasting bandwidth, what is it you say you actually do around here?
Fraud has been proven to me and countless others. I do not expect you to accept the facts already presented. But you could stop lying about both.
Lol, what facts? All you've got is lies and conspiracy theories.
dOnald tRump is a shell of himself.

Trump was never ‘leader’ of the free world; he was the enemy of the free world – coddling dictators and attacking America’s longtime allies.

Yea how dare Trump actually expect them to hold up their end of the deal and PAY for their national defense that they AGREED TO but refused to under Obama. And Bush I believe also.

God I miss Trump.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
Joe Biden could only get 6 people in a room and they were all lickspittle lapdog media types.

View attachment 486121

you mean being responsible by not holding super spreader events that #45's trump humping pawns gladly attended, & spread to so many others?


after all that sickness & death ... how did all that there rallying work out for president tinkles?

View attachment 486204
Bwaaahhhaaaaaa...99.9% chance of survivability, only the infirm and elderly can be murdered by it as found in blue states where governors put the Kung Flu and killed 10s of thousands.

Didnt hear about this super spreader event that didnt super spread the virus did ya? You are such a progressive slave...Yesa masta i must wear my mask....

CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

The August event brought together about 462,000 people from 61% of all U.S. counties.
CDC: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally led to 'widespread transmission' of COVID-19

more & more young people are being hospitalized &/or dying as the disease mutates & dumbfucks who think they won't get it stay unvaccinated.

The media's false narrative about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a COVID-19 superspreader event | Just The News
"The hard data showed that there were about 260 cases that came from here," Ainslie said. "Now, the reality was there were probably some additional cases beyond those 260 that were immediately traced here, but to try to state that there were a quarter million, that's just ridiculous, and it was fanciful, and it was just pushing their narrative."
Funny that i was there, looking for the Kung Flu, met a lot of people, and still couldnt get the chinese virus. Oh yeah, i didnt wear a mask either, because free people dont wear masks, now shut up slave and put your mask on.

You probably got it, didn’t know it, and killed a few people
Lincoln Project brilliantly trolls Mango Menace again. :cool-45:
Ah, the child molesters. Always nice to get their take on things.

Has Matt weighed in?

Absolutely....they even elected one as Speaker of the House. (not to mention the grabber of pu**ies they elected President)
Nothing has been proven about Gaetz.
So you are giving him your full support, right?
What about it? You fully support lies.
Such as?
No fraud.
Prove it's a lie.
He can't.
dOnald tRump is a shell of himself.
Have you taken a close look at your boy lately? I keep looking for the puppet strings that make his mouth move.
Because I've known and heard of individuals who have been conned by dishonest smooth talkers with no moral compass and no feelings of guilt for the lives they ruin, I always knew that it was possible for a demagogue to rise to power under the right set of circumstances. But if it ever happened in my lifetime, I always thought that the economy would have been in far worse shape, and the person would seemingly posses some kind of moral authority even if it was mostly a contrived affectation.

Never in my life did I believe that so many people could get conned by a man who is so clearly dishonest, incompetent, and corrupt to his very core as Trump is.

Sadly, the available evidence points to Obama as being an unwitting catalyst in Trump's rise to power due to both the ascendency of the Tea Party in the 2010 midterms and Trump's constant questioning of Obama's citizenship, and hence his legitimacy to be president. It was more than a dog whistle to racists and bigots who didn't like the idea of a Black man being president.

While it's conceivable that Trump could have simply been manipulating his base without being a racist himself, Trump's earlier condemnation of the Central Park 5 in 1989 and his May 1, 1989 call for them to be executed in full page ads in all four of New York's daily newspapers couldn't help but lead other racists to believe that he was "one of them." This is even more true considering the fact that he has never withdrawn his statement or apologized for what he said even after the boys' convictions were vacated in 2002 when the real perpetrator, Matias Reyes, confessed and his DNA was the sole match to the person who assaulted Trisha Meili in Central Park.
Nice speech, no sale. You put a lot of effort into cherry-picking just the news over a 30 year span to "prove" that Donald Trump is a Racist. Fail. He is not nor ever has been a Racist. He is America First and that is what made him the President we really needed given the succession of globalists and the outright Marxist anti-American Obama. Look at the drooling China puppet you put into office. There is far more evidence of Biden's racism during his 47 year career as a politician than Donald Trump. He is also brain damaged, corrupt and quite frankly an asshole to everyday Americans. You and your Trump hating buddies are the ones who have been duped by the Ministry of Disinformation a.k.a The Media.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's NOT a duck? Is that your argument?
Hmm. Regardless of your thoughts on him, I'm pretty sure Donald Trump is still doing better than everyone on this forum combined in regards wealth and popularity.

Fake news this is. Hyperbolic nonsense.

"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and to lose his soul?" Trump lost his soul years ago.
When the camera panned the room it was packed wall to wall full of excited people. ... :thup:
Tens of people, all in one room.
View attachment 486126
This man got more votes than obama?

Yep. Sucks to be you.
Not in 2024 when biden or I mean Harris gives the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump.

Keep on bleevin', pinhead. :113:
View attachment 486180


View attachment 486224
Get your pussy hat ready! :itsok:

donny will have either stroked out by then, given his piss poor diet & obesity ... in jail ... or both.

what's funny AF, is he isn't even gonna try to run - he just wants to rake in all his dupes' cash thru his PAC to pay for his lawsuits & criminal investigations.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. Trump is going to hand harris's ass back to her.

oh you poor poor poorly educated dupe that donny loves long time.

he ripped people off with his fraudulant university...

he ripped people off with his fraudulent 'charitable' foundation...

& you think he's on yer side.

lol ...
Trump was on America's side, unlike pedo joe.
Trump was up Americas butt ,,, On Putins side
Lol, Russian collusion was a hoax, but Obama telling putin to wait till after the election. So he can kiss his ass better, is real.

If Russian collusion was a hoax, why did Paul Manifort plead guilty to handing over the Republican polling data to a Russian spy, who has been sanctioned for his role.

If Russian collusion is a hoax, why is Rudy Guiliani under investigation at the SDNY?

If Russian collusion is a hoax, why did President Biden just sanction Russia?
dOnald tRump is a shell of himself.
Have you taken a close look at your boy lately? I keep looking for the puppet strings that make his mouth move.
Because I've known and heard of individuals who have been conned by dishonest smooth talkers with no moral compass and no feelings of guilt for the lives they ruin, I always knew that it was possible for a demagogue to rise to power under the right set of circumstances. But if it ever happened in my lifetime, I always thought that the economy would have been in far worse shape, and the person would seemingly posses some kind of moral authority even if it was mostly a contrived affectation.

Never in my life did I believe that so many people could get conned by a man who is so clearly dishonest, incompetent, and corrupt to his very core as Trump is.

Sadly, the available evidence points to Obama as being an unwitting catalyst in Trump's rise to power due to both the ascendency of the Tea Party in the 2010 midterms and Trump's constant questioning of Obama's citizenship, and hence his legitimacy to be president. It was more than a dog whistle to racists and bigots who didn't like the idea of a Black man being president.

While it's conceivable that Trump could have simply been manipulating his base without being a racist himself, Trump's earlier condemnation of the Central Park 5 in 1989 and his May 1, 1989 call for them to be executed in full page ads in all four of New York's daily newspapers couldn't help but lead other racists to believe that he was "one of them." This is even more true considering the fact that he has never withdrawn his statement or apologized for what he said even after the boys' convictions were vacated in 2002 when the real perpetrator, Matias Reyes, confessed and his DNA was the sole match to the person who assaulted Trisha Meili in Central Park.
Nice speech, no sale. You put a lot of effort into cherry-picking just the news over a 30 year span to "prove" that Donald Trump is a Racist. Fail. He is not nor ever has been a Racist. He is America First and that is what made him the President we really needed given the succession of globalists and the outright Marxist anti-American Obama. Look at the drooling China puppet you put into office. There is far more evidence of Biden's racism during his 47 year career as a politician than Donald Trump. He is also brain damaged, corrupt and quite frankly an asshole to everyday Americans. You and your Trump hating buddies are the ones who have been duped by the Ministry of Disinformation a.k.a The Media.

Talk about "cherry picking". First off, you post is nothing more than Trump Cult bullshit and lies.

When you refer to Obama as an "outright Marxist anti-American, I know you're a total idiot because Obama was further to the right than any Conservative leader of a First World democracy, including most Republican Presidents. Since you also think Trump isn't a racist, that can only mean that you think you're not a racist, but there's strong evidence that you are.

And then you cement my low opinion of your intellect by referring to Biden as a "China puppet". Ignoring Donald Trump's inability to string a sentence together, or finish a thought, and as for being an asshole to everyday Americans, Donald Trump left his elderly rally supporters out in the middle of nowhere, miles from their cars, in below freezing temperature. 40 of them had to be take to hospital.

As for corruption, Donald Trump is going to spend the rest of his miserable life fighting the corruption charges from his four years of stealing from the public purse, and doing Vladimir Putin's bidding.

We don't hate Trump. We just think him stupid and dangerous. And we're all glad he's gone.

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