Thomas Frank: "Biden won Kansas county that went heavily for Barry Goldwater...hasn't gone for a Democrat since Woodrow Wilson"...FRAUD?

something's fishy around here, my friends!

What is fishy? Most of the population is sick of trump and he lost by 7 million votes. Did Kansas County vote for Woodrow Wilson? Yes? So the voters had a change of heart. The KKK was in favor of Dems years ago, but no more.
Now they vote with the trump party.
What did Biden do to win crucial support in the heartland? Three things. He went there frequently, which Hillary Clinton did not. Biden talked about jobs, with the message that “we can revitalize our industrial base at the heart of the American middle class.” Most importantly, Biden treated working-class whites with respect, which had been sorely lacking when Clinton decried Trump supporters as “deplorables” and Barack Obama condescendingly described Midwestern working-class voters as bitter people clinging to guns and religion. Biden instead pointed out that Trump was a fake while signaling his own respect for working class folks: “I’ve dealt with guys like Donald Trump my whole life, who would look down on us because we didn’t have a lot of money or your parents didn’t go to college. Guys who think they’re better than you. Guys who inherit everything they’ve ever gotten in their life and squander it.”

The KKK is a dems operative group-----they started off to get Lincoln and then restarted in the early 1900s as the Dems sought to use fear (like they do now with BLM and anti-fa) to gain political power. No one associates Biden with Jobs---and no one showed up to hear him talk so there was certainly nothing he said that would gain him support from Trump. Trump btw is the jobs president----Jobs weren't around under Obama, atleast not full time decent paying jobs, that all changed when trump took over.

what the hell are you babbling about looking down on anyone---no one associates him with that either. Is this your attempt to try spin class warfare? The Biden and his family are multi-millionaires thanks mostly to taking kickbacks in government. Btw, you need to look up SQUANDER----Trump has actually turned the millions he inherited into billions $$$ so SQUANDER isn't a correct word choice.

The KKK started as Dems and now supports the trump party. Dems did not invent those groups to use fear to gain political power. those groups are independent and hardly helped the Dems achieve political power. If anything, they hurt the Dems. Obama created 8.9 million jobs and many people today still work 2 jobs to make ends meet.
No one showed up for a traveling circus when Biden spoke because they could watch it on tv, and evidently they did watch him speak, yes? Biden did not take kickbacks from anybody except in your pee-head uninformed little mind.
Trump did indeed squander his wealth on several occasions, but his grifting skills got him out of much financial trouble. He has, as we speak, a personal note that is due shortly in the amount of 400 million dollars. let's see how that goes. If you took the time to study his history you would read about his 5 bankruptcies and nefarious activities.
Oh yes, he does look down at you and doesn't like the working middle class. Maybe you should stop the babbling
and take a good look at your grifter president who just lost an election because the voters are sick of his petulance, divisiveness, and incompetence.

The KKK ain’t got nothin’ on BLM. The democrats and media aid and abet BLM racism, murder and vandalism.
The KKK is marginal at best. They only even ostensibly exist because of the overblown mentioning they get from Pravda and Pravda suckers like you.

An elected official was sent death threats yesterday. One of your low-life bloggers threatened to 'finish what the Dems started', whatever that means. He flapped that we, meaning your ilk, have guns and that the military will back his group of peaceful trump supporters when they attack. What do ya think, sucka?
something's fishy around here, my friends!

What is fishy? Most of the population is sick of trump and he lost by 7 million votes. Did Kansas County vote for Woodrow Wilson? Yes? So the voters had a change of heart. The KKK was in favor of Dems years ago, but no more.
Now they vote with the trump party.
What did Biden do to win crucial support in the heartland? Three things. He went there frequently, which Hillary Clinton did not. Biden talked about jobs, with the message that “we can revitalize our industrial base at the heart of the American middle class.” Most importantly, Biden treated working-class whites with respect, which had been sorely lacking when Clinton decried Trump supporters as “deplorables” and Barack Obama condescendingly described Midwestern working-class voters as bitter people clinging to guns and religion. Biden instead pointed out that Trump was a fake while signaling his own respect for working class folks: “I’ve dealt with guys like Donald Trump my whole life, who would look down on us because we didn’t have a lot of money or your parents didn’t go to college. Guys who think they’re better than you. Guys who inherit everything they’ve ever gotten in their life and squander it.”

The KKK is a dems operative group-----they started off to get Lincoln and then restarted in the early 1900s as the Dems sought to use fear (like they do now with BLM and anti-fa) to gain political power. No one associates Biden with Jobs---and no one showed up to hear him talk so there was certainly nothing he said that would gain him support from Trump. Trump btw is the jobs president----Jobs weren't around under Obama, atleast not full time decent paying jobs, that all changed when trump took over.

what the hell are you babbling about looking down on anyone---no one associates him with that either. Is this your attempt to try spin class warfare? The Biden and his family are multi-millionaires thanks mostly to taking kickbacks in government. Btw, you need to look up SQUANDER----Trump has actually turned the millions he inherited into billions $$$ so SQUANDER isn't a correct word choice.

The KKK started as Dems and now supports the trump party. Dems did not invent those groups to use fear to gain political power. those groups are independent and hardly helped the Dems achieve political power. If anything, they hurt the Dems. Obama created 8.9 million jobs and many people today still work 2 jobs to make ends meet.
No one showed up for a traveling circus when Biden spoke because they could watch it on tv, and evidently they did watch him speak, yes? Biden did not take kickbacks from anybody except in your pee-head uninformed little mind.
Trump did indeed squander his wealth on several occasions, but his grifting skills got him out of much financial trouble. He has, as we speak, a personal note that is due shortly in the amount of 400 million dollars. let's see how that goes. If you took the time to study his history you would read about his 5 bankruptcies and nefarious activities.
Oh yes, he does look down at you and doesn't like the working middle class. Maybe you should stop the babbling
and take a good look at your grifter president who just lost an election because the voters are sick of his petulance, divisiveness, and incompetence.

The KKK ain’t got nothin’ on BLM. The democrats and media aid and abet BLM racism, murder and vandalism.
The KKK is marginal at best. They only even ostensibly exist because of the overblown mentioning they get from Pravda and Pravda suckers like you.

Actually. Democrats and media do not aid and abet BLM racism, murder, and vandalism. These people may vote for Democrats and I don't blame them since the alternative is trump's party, but I don't know any Democrat or media
that aid and abet any violence. Currently, there are trump followers on this post and elsewhere who are threatening violence and who are starting to be violent, the KKK, proud brotherhood, white supremacists, independent lone wolves notwithstanding.

Media intentionally refuse to investigate and report BLM accurately. That makes them abettors.
something's fishy around here, my friends!

What is fishy? Most of the population is sick of trump and he lost by 7 million votes. Did Kansas County vote for Woodrow Wilson? Yes? So the voters had a change of heart. The KKK was in favor of Dems years ago, but no more.
Now they vote with the trump party.
What did Biden do to win crucial support in the heartland? Three things. He went there frequently, which Hillary Clinton did not. Biden talked about jobs, with the message that “we can revitalize our industrial base at the heart of the American middle class.” Most importantly, Biden treated working-class whites with respect, which had been sorely lacking when Clinton decried Trump supporters as “deplorables” and Barack Obama condescendingly described Midwestern working-class voters as bitter people clinging to guns and religion. Biden instead pointed out that Trump was a fake while signaling his own respect for working class folks: “I’ve dealt with guys like Donald Trump my whole life, who would look down on us because we didn’t have a lot of money or your parents didn’t go to college. Guys who think they’re better than you. Guys who inherit everything they’ve ever gotten in their life and squander it.”

The KKK is a dems operative group-----they started off to get Lincoln and then restarted in the early 1900s as the Dems sought to use fear (like they do now with BLM and anti-fa) to gain political power. No one associates Biden with Jobs---and no one showed up to hear him talk so there was certainly nothing he said that would gain him support from Trump. Trump btw is the jobs president----Jobs weren't around under Obama, atleast not full time decent paying jobs, that all changed when trump took over.

what the hell are you babbling about looking down on anyone---no one associates him with that either. Is this your attempt to try spin class warfare? The Biden and his family are multi-millionaires thanks mostly to taking kickbacks in government. Btw, you need to look up SQUANDER----Trump has actually turned the millions he inherited into billions $$$ so SQUANDER isn't a correct word choice.

The KKK started as Dems and now supports the trump party. Dems did not invent those groups to use fear to gain political power. those groups are independent and hardly helped the Dems achieve political power. If anything, they hurt the Dems. Obama created 8.9 million jobs and many people today still work 2 jobs to make ends meet.
No one showed up for a traveling circus when Biden spoke because they could watch it on tv, and evidently they did watch him speak, yes? Biden did not take kickbacks from anybody except in your pee-head uninformed little mind.
Trump did indeed squander his wealth on several occasions, but his grifting skills got him out of much financial trouble. He has, as we speak, a personal note that is due shortly in the amount of 400 million dollars. let's see how that goes. If you took the time to study his history you would read about his 5 bankruptcies and nefarious activities.
Oh yes, he does look down at you and doesn't like the working middle class. Maybe you should stop the babbling
and take a good look at your grifter president who just lost an election because the voters are sick of his petulance, divisiveness, and incompetence.

The KKK ain’t got nothin’ on BLM. The democrats and media aid and abet BLM racism, murder and vandalism.
The KKK is marginal at best. They only even ostensibly exist because of the overblown mentioning they get from Pravda and Pravda suckers like you.

An elected official was sent death threats yesterday. One of your low-life bloggers threatened to 'finish what the Dems started', whatever that means. He flapped that we, meaning your ilk, have guns and that the military will back his group of peaceful trump supporters when they attack. What do ya think, sucka?

Pointing out anomalous threats does not justify systemic left wing violence.
something's fishy around here, my friends!

What is fishy? Most of the population is sick of trump and he lost by 7 million votes. Did Kansas County vote for Woodrow Wilson? Yes? So the voters had a change of heart. The KKK was in favor of Dems years ago, but no more.
Now they vote with the trump party.
What did Biden do to win crucial support in the heartland? Three things. He went there frequently, which Hillary Clinton did not. Biden talked about jobs, with the message that “we can revitalize our industrial base at the heart of the American middle class.” Most importantly, Biden treated working-class whites with respect, which had been sorely lacking when Clinton decried Trump supporters as “deplorables” and Barack Obama condescendingly described Midwestern working-class voters as bitter people clinging to guns and religion. Biden instead pointed out that Trump was a fake while signaling his own respect for working class folks: “I’ve dealt with guys like Donald Trump my whole life, who would look down on us because we didn’t have a lot of money or your parents didn’t go to college. Guys who think they’re better than you. Guys who inherit everything they’ve ever gotten in their life and squander it.”

The KKK is a dems operative group-----they started off to get Lincoln and then restarted in the early 1900s as the Dems sought to use fear (like they do now with BLM and anti-fa) to gain political power. No one associates Biden with Jobs---and no one showed up to hear him talk so there was certainly nothing he said that would gain him support from Trump. Trump btw is the jobs president----Jobs weren't around under Obama, atleast not full time decent paying jobs, that all changed when trump took over.

what the hell are you babbling about looking down on anyone---no one associates him with that either. Is this your attempt to try spin class warfare? The Biden and his family are multi-millionaires thanks mostly to taking kickbacks in government. Btw, you need to look up SQUANDER----Trump has actually turned the millions he inherited into billions $$$ so SQUANDER isn't a correct word choice.

The KKK started as Dems and now supports the trump party. Dems did not invent those groups to use fear to gain political power. those groups are independent and hardly helped the Dems achieve political power. If anything, they hurt the Dems. Obama created 8.9 million jobs and many people today still work 2 jobs to make ends meet.
No one showed up for a traveling circus when Biden spoke because they could watch it on tv, and evidently they did watch him speak, yes? Biden did not take kickbacks from anybody except in your pee-head uninformed little mind.
Trump did indeed squander his wealth on several occasions, but his grifting skills got him out of much financial trouble. He has, as we speak, a personal note that is due shortly in the amount of 400 million dollars. let's see how that goes. If you took the time to study his history you would read about his 5 bankruptcies and nefarious activities.
Oh yes, he does look down at you and doesn't like the working middle class. Maybe you should stop the babbling
and take a good look at your grifter president who just lost an election because the voters are sick of his petulance, divisiveness, and incompetence.

The KKK ain’t got nothin’ on BLM. The democrats and media aid and abet BLM racism, murder and vandalism.
The KKK is marginal at best. They only even ostensibly exist because of the overblown mentioning they get from Pravda and Pravda suckers like you.

An elected official was sent death threats yesterday. One of your low-life bloggers threatened to 'finish what the Dems started', whatever that means. He flapped that we, meaning your ilk, have guns and that the military will back his group of peaceful trump supporters when they attack. What do ya think, sucka?

people do not have to do anything but watch your people die. Your children and infants who are diseased as an example. You kill your own as tribute to your god for gosh sakes. The tribes are slowly forming on the other side. It takes a long time when food and a roof is still available.
something's fishy around here, my friends!

What is fishy? Most of the population is sick of trump and he lost by 7 million votes. Did Kansas County vote for Woodrow Wilson? Yes? So the voters had a change of heart. The KKK was in favor of Dems years ago, but no more.
Now they vote with the trump party.
What did Biden do to win crucial support in the heartland? Three things. He went there frequently, which Hillary Clinton did not. Biden talked about jobs, with the message that “we can revitalize our industrial base at the heart of the American middle class.” Most importantly, Biden treated working-class whites with respect, which had been sorely lacking when Clinton decried Trump supporters as “deplorables” and Barack Obama condescendingly described Midwestern working-class voters as bitter people clinging to guns and religion. Biden instead pointed out that Trump was a fake while signaling his own respect for working class folks: “I’ve dealt with guys like Donald Trump my whole life, who would look down on us because we didn’t have a lot of money or your parents didn’t go to college. Guys who think they’re better than you. Guys who inherit everything they’ve ever gotten in their life and squander it.”

The KKK is a dems operative group-----they started off to get Lincoln and then restarted in the early 1900s as the Dems sought to use fear (like they do now with BLM and anti-fa) to gain political power. No one associates Biden with Jobs---and no one showed up to hear him talk so there was certainly nothing he said that would gain him support from Trump. Trump btw is the jobs president----Jobs weren't around under Obama, atleast not full time decent paying jobs, that all changed when trump took over.

what the hell are you babbling about looking down on anyone---no one associates him with that either. Is this your attempt to try spin class warfare? The Biden and his family are multi-millionaires thanks mostly to taking kickbacks in government. Btw, you need to look up SQUANDER----Trump has actually turned the millions he inherited into billions $$$ so SQUANDER isn't a correct word choice.

The KKK started as Dems and now supports the trump party. Dems did not invent those groups to use fear to gain political power. those groups are independent and hardly helped the Dems achieve political power. If anything, they hurt the Dems. Obama created 8.9 million jobs and many people today still work 2 jobs to make ends meet.
No one showed up for a traveling circus when Biden spoke because they could watch it on tv, and evidently they did watch him speak, yes? Biden did not take kickbacks from anybody except in your pee-head uninformed little mind.
Trump did indeed squander his wealth on several occasions, but his grifting skills got him out of much financial trouble. He has, as we speak, a personal note that is due shortly in the amount of 400 million dollars. let's see how that goes. If you took the time to study his history you would read about his 5 bankruptcies and nefarious activities.
Oh yes, he does look down at you and doesn't like the working middle class. Maybe you should stop the babbling
and take a good look at your grifter president who just lost an election because the voters are sick of his petulance, divisiveness, and incompetence.

The KKK ain’t got nothin’ on BLM. The democrats and media aid and abet BLM racism, murder and vandalism.
The KKK is marginal at best. They only even ostensibly exist because of the overblown mentioning they get from Pravda and Pravda suckers like you.

Actually. Democrats and media do not aid and abet BLM racism, murder, and vandalism. These people may vote for Democrats and I don't blame them since the alternative is trump's party, but I don't know any Democrat or media
that aid and abet any violence. Currently, there are trump followers on this post and elsewhere who are threatening violence and who are starting to be violent, the KKK, proud brotherhood, white supremacists, independent lone wolves notwithstanding.

Media intentionally refuse to investigate and report BLM accurately. That makes them abettors.

They do not have to be investigated by the media. Government agencies do those investigations and the media reports on it.
NYC went for Abe Lincoln now voted for Joe Biden. Fraud?
something's fishy around here, my friends!

What is fishy? Most of the population is sick of trump and he lost by 7 million votes. Did Kansas County vote for Woodrow Wilson? Yes? So the voters had a change of heart. The KKK was in favor of Dems years ago, but no more.
Now they vote with the trump party.
What did Biden do to win crucial support in the heartland? Three things. He went there frequently, which Hillary Clinton did not. Biden talked about jobs, with the message that “we can revitalize our industrial base at the heart of the American middle class.” Most importantly, Biden treated working-class whites with respect, which had been sorely lacking when Clinton decried Trump supporters as “deplorables” and Barack Obama condescendingly described Midwestern working-class voters as bitter people clinging to guns and religion. Biden instead pointed out that Trump was a fake while signaling his own respect for working class folks: “I’ve dealt with guys like Donald Trump my whole life, who would look down on us because we didn’t have a lot of money or your parents didn’t go to college. Guys who think they’re better than you. Guys who inherit everything they’ve ever gotten in their life and squander it.”

The KKK is a dems operative group-----they started off to get Lincoln and then restarted in the early 1900s as the Dems sought to use fear (like they do now with BLM and anti-fa) to gain political power. No one associates Biden with Jobs---and no one showed up to hear him talk so there was certainly nothing he said that would gain him support from Trump. Trump btw is the jobs president----Jobs weren't around under Obama, atleast not full time decent paying jobs, that all changed when trump took over.

what the hell are you babbling about looking down on anyone---no one associates him with that either. Is this your attempt to try spin class warfare? The Biden and his family are multi-millionaires thanks mostly to taking kickbacks in government. Btw, you need to look up SQUANDER----Trump has actually turned the millions he inherited into billions $$$ so SQUANDER isn't a correct word choice.

The KKK started as Dems and now supports the trump party. Dems did not invent those groups to use fear to gain political power. those groups are independent and hardly helped the Dems achieve political power. If anything, they hurt the Dems. Obama created 8.9 million jobs and many people today still work 2 jobs to make ends meet.
No one showed up for a traveling circus when Biden spoke because they could watch it on tv, and evidently they did watch him speak, yes? Biden did not take kickbacks from anybody except in your pee-head uninformed little mind.
Trump did indeed squander his wealth on several occasions, but his grifting skills got him out of much financial trouble. He has, as we speak, a personal note that is due shortly in the amount of 400 million dollars. let's see how that goes. If you took the time to study his history you would read about his 5 bankruptcies and nefarious activities.
Oh yes, he does look down at you and doesn't like the working middle class. Maybe you should stop the babbling
and take a good look at your grifter president who just lost an election because the voters are sick of his petulance, divisiveness, and incompetence.

The KKK ain’t got nothin’ on BLM. The democrats and media aid and abet BLM racism, murder and vandalism.
The KKK is marginal at best. They only even ostensibly exist because of the overblown mentioning they get from Pravda and Pravda suckers like you.

An elected official was sent death threats yesterday. One of your low-life bloggers threatened to 'finish what the Dems started', whatever that means. He flapped that we, meaning your ilk, have guns and that the military will back his group of peaceful trump supporters when they attack. What do ya think, sucka?

Pointing out anomalous threats does not justify systemic left wing violence.

Those kind of threats by armed protesters often lead to violence and become systematic as time goes on.
something's fishy around here, my friends!

What is fishy? Most of the population is sick of trump and he lost by 7 million votes. Did Kansas County vote for Woodrow Wilson? Yes? So the voters had a change of heart. The KKK was in favor of Dems years ago, but no more.
Now they vote with the trump party.
What did Biden do to win crucial support in the heartland? Three things. He went there frequently, which Hillary Clinton did not. Biden talked about jobs, with the message that “we can revitalize our industrial base at the heart of the American middle class.” Most importantly, Biden treated working-class whites with respect, which had been sorely lacking when Clinton decried Trump supporters as “deplorables” and Barack Obama condescendingly described Midwestern working-class voters as bitter people clinging to guns and religion. Biden instead pointed out that Trump was a fake while signaling his own respect for working class folks: “I’ve dealt with guys like Donald Trump my whole life, who would look down on us because we didn’t have a lot of money or your parents didn’t go to college. Guys who think they’re better than you. Guys who inherit everything they’ve ever gotten in their life and squander it.”

The KKK is a dems operative group-----they started off to get Lincoln and then restarted in the early 1900s as the Dems sought to use fear (like they do now with BLM and anti-fa) to gain political power. No one associates Biden with Jobs---and no one showed up to hear him talk so there was certainly nothing he said that would gain him support from Trump. Trump btw is the jobs president----Jobs weren't around under Obama, atleast not full time decent paying jobs, that all changed when trump took over.

what the hell are you babbling about looking down on anyone---no one associates him with that either. Is this your attempt to try spin class warfare? The Biden and his family are multi-millionaires thanks mostly to taking kickbacks in government. Btw, you need to look up SQUANDER----Trump has actually turned the millions he inherited into billions $$$ so SQUANDER isn't a correct word choice.

The KKK started as Dems and now supports the trump party. Dems did not invent those groups to use fear to gain political power. those groups are independent and hardly helped the Dems achieve political power. If anything, they hurt the Dems. Obama created 8.9 million jobs and many people today still work 2 jobs to make ends meet.
No one showed up for a traveling circus when Biden spoke because they could watch it on tv, and evidently they did watch him speak, yes? Biden did not take kickbacks from anybody except in your pee-head uninformed little mind.
Trump did indeed squander his wealth on several occasions, but his grifting skills got him out of much financial trouble. He has, as we speak, a personal note that is due shortly in the amount of 400 million dollars. let's see how that goes. If you took the time to study his history you would read about his 5 bankruptcies and nefarious activities.
Oh yes, he does look down at you and doesn't like the working middle class. Maybe you should stop the babbling
and take a good look at your grifter president who just lost an election because the voters are sick of his petulance, divisiveness, and incompetence.

The KKK ain’t got nothin’ on BLM. The democrats and media aid and abet BLM racism, murder and vandalism.
The KKK is marginal at best. They only even ostensibly exist because of the overblown mentioning they get from Pravda and Pravda suckers like you.

An elected official was sent death threats yesterday. One of your low-life bloggers threatened to 'finish what the Dems started', whatever that means. He flapped that we, meaning your ilk, have guns and that the military will back his group of peaceful trump supporters when they attack. What do ya think, sucka?

people do not have to do anything but watch your people die. Your children and infants who are diseased as an example. You kill your own as tribute to your god for gosh sakes. The tribes are slowly forming on the other side. It takes a long time when food and a roof is still available.

What the fuck are you talking about? Go see a shrink.
something's fishy around here, my friends!

What is fishy? Most of the population is sick of trump and he lost by 7 million votes. Did Kansas County vote for Woodrow Wilson? Yes? So the voters had a change of heart. The KKK was in favor of Dems years ago, but no more.
Now they vote with the trump party.
What did Biden do to win crucial support in the heartland? Three things. He went there frequently, which Hillary Clinton did not. Biden talked about jobs, with the message that “we can revitalize our industrial base at the heart of the American middle class.” Most importantly, Biden treated working-class whites with respect, which had been sorely lacking when Clinton decried Trump supporters as “deplorables” and Barack Obama condescendingly described Midwestern working-class voters as bitter people clinging to guns and religion. Biden instead pointed out that Trump was a fake while signaling his own respect for working class folks: “I’ve dealt with guys like Donald Trump my whole life, who would look down on us because we didn’t have a lot of money or your parents didn’t go to college. Guys who think they’re better than you. Guys who inherit everything they’ve ever gotten in their life and squander it.”

The KKK is a dems operative group-----they started off to get Lincoln and then restarted in the early 1900s as the Dems sought to use fear (like they do now with BLM and anti-fa) to gain political power. No one associates Biden with Jobs---and no one showed up to hear him talk so there was certainly nothing he said that would gain him support from Trump. Trump btw is the jobs president----Jobs weren't around under Obama, atleast not full time decent paying jobs, that all changed when trump took over.

what the hell are you babbling about looking down on anyone---no one associates him with that either. Is this your attempt to try spin class warfare? The Biden and his family are multi-millionaires thanks mostly to taking kickbacks in government. Btw, you need to look up SQUANDER----Trump has actually turned the millions he inherited into billions $$$ so SQUANDER isn't a correct word choice.

Why do conservatives continue to fail at trying to revise history....

Ex Confederate soldiers founded the KKK -- to the extent they were Democrats is irrelevant -- what is relevant is that these folks were CONSERVATIVES who opposed Reconstruction as being too progressive and too radical -- and what they wanted instead was to RETURN BACK to oppression of minorities, which has normally been the position of CONSERVATIVES for the entirety of this country...

Which is why conservatives like you desperately try to rewrite history -- because I am sure it sucks to find yourself on the wrong side of it over and over again
something's fishy around here, my friends!

What is fishy? Most of the population is sick of trump and he lost by 7 million votes. Did Kansas County vote for Woodrow Wilson? Yes? So the voters had a change of heart. The KKK was in favor of Dems years ago, but no more.
Now they vote with the trump party.
What did Biden do to win crucial support in the heartland? Three things. He went there frequently, which Hillary Clinton did not. Biden talked about jobs, with the message that “we can revitalize our industrial base at the heart of the American middle class.” Most importantly, Biden treated working-class whites with respect, which had been sorely lacking when Clinton decried Trump supporters as “deplorables” and Barack Obama condescendingly described Midwestern working-class voters as bitter people clinging to guns and religion. Biden instead pointed out that Trump was a fake while signaling his own respect for working class folks: “I’ve dealt with guys like Donald Trump my whole life, who would look down on us because we didn’t have a lot of money or your parents didn’t go to college. Guys who think they’re better than you. Guys who inherit everything they’ve ever gotten in their life and squander it.”

The KKK is a dems operative group-----they started off to get Lincoln and then restarted in the early 1900s as the Dems sought to use fear (like they do now with BLM and anti-fa) to gain political power. No one associates Biden with Jobs---and no one showed up to hear him talk so there was certainly nothing he said that would gain him support from Trump. Trump btw is the jobs president----Jobs weren't around under Obama, atleast not full time decent paying jobs, that all changed when trump took over.

what the hell are you babbling about looking down on anyone---no one associates him with that either. Is this your attempt to try spin class warfare? The Biden and his family are multi-millionaires thanks mostly to taking kickbacks in government. Btw, you need to look up SQUANDER----Trump has actually turned the millions he inherited into billions $$$ so SQUANDER isn't a correct word choice.

The KKK started as Dems and now supports the trump party. Dems did not invent those groups to use fear to gain political power. those groups are independent and hardly helped the Dems achieve political power. If anything, they hurt the Dems. Obama created 8.9 million jobs and many people today still work 2 jobs to make ends meet.
No one showed up for a traveling circus when Biden spoke because they could watch it on tv, and evidently they did watch him speak, yes? Biden did not take kickbacks from anybody except in your pee-head uninformed little mind.
Trump did indeed squander his wealth on several occasions, but his grifting skills got him out of much financial trouble. He has, as we speak, a personal note that is due shortly in the amount of 400 million dollars. let's see how that goes. If you took the time to study his history you would read about his 5 bankruptcies and nefarious activities.
Oh yes, he does look down at you and doesn't like the working middle class. Maybe you should stop the babbling
and take a good look at your grifter president who just lost an election because the voters are sick of his petulance, divisiveness, and incompetence.

The KKK ain’t got nothin’ on BLM. The democrats and media aid and abet BLM racism, murder and vandalism.
The KKK is marginal at best. They only even ostensibly exist because of the overblown mentioning they get from Pravda and Pravda suckers like you.

An elected official was sent death threats yesterday. One of your low-life bloggers threatened to 'finish what the Dems started', whatever that means. He flapped that we, meaning your ilk, have guns and that the military will back his group of peaceful trump supporters when they attack. What do ya think, sucka?

people do not have to do anything but watch your people die. Your children and infants who are diseased as an example. You kill your own as tribute to your god for gosh sakes. The tribes are slowly forming on the other side. It takes a long time when food and a roof is still available.

What the fuck are you talking about? Go see a shrink.

These folks are nuts....
something's fishy around here, my friends!

What is fishy? Most of the population is sick of trump and he lost by 7 million votes. Did Kansas County vote for Woodrow Wilson? Yes? So the voters had a change of heart. The KKK was in favor of Dems years ago, but no more.
Now they vote with the trump party.
What did Biden do to win crucial support in the heartland? Three things. He went there frequently, which Hillary Clinton did not. Biden talked about jobs, with the message that “we can revitalize our industrial base at the heart of the American middle class.” Most importantly, Biden treated working-class whites with respect, which had been sorely lacking when Clinton decried Trump supporters as “deplorables” and Barack Obama condescendingly described Midwestern working-class voters as bitter people clinging to guns and religion. Biden instead pointed out that Trump was a fake while signaling his own respect for working class folks: “I’ve dealt with guys like Donald Trump my whole life, who would look down on us because we didn’t have a lot of money or your parents didn’t go to college. Guys who think they’re better than you. Guys who inherit everything they’ve ever gotten in their life and squander it.”

I appreciate your candor in siting how Obama and Hillary wrote off white working class people in the Midwest; and, you are correct, Biden did speak to them. But, there is no way he can deliver a vibrant industrial base to middle class working people ofvthe midwest without pissing off China or the Paris Accord signatures.
something's fishy around here, my friends!

What is fishy? Most of the population is sick of trump and he lost by 7 million votes. Did Kansas County vote for Woodrow Wilson? Yes? So the voters had a change of heart. The KKK was in favor of Dems years ago, but no more.
Now they vote with the trump party.
What did Biden do to win crucial support in the heartland? Three things. He went there frequently, which Hillary Clinton did not. Biden talked about jobs, with the message that “we can revitalize our industrial base at the heart of the American middle class.” Most importantly, Biden treated working-class whites with respect, which had been sorely lacking when Clinton decried Trump supporters as “deplorables” and Barack Obama condescendingly described Midwestern working-class voters as bitter people clinging to guns and religion. Biden instead pointed out that Trump was a fake while signaling his own respect for working class folks: “I’ve dealt with guys like Donald Trump my whole life, who would look down on us because we didn’t have a lot of money or your parents didn’t go to college. Guys who think they’re better than you. Guys who inherit everything they’ve ever gotten in their life and squander it.”

I appreciate your candor in siting how Obama and Hillary wrote off white working class people in the Midwest; and, you are correct, Biden did speak to them. But, there is no way he can deliver a vibrant industrial base to middle class working people ofvthe midwest without pissing off China or the Paris Accord signatures.

We don't know what Biden can or cannot do and only the industrial corporations can deliver. We will see how he relates to the working class, and let us not judge him before he is in control.
something's fishy around here, my friends!

What is fishy? Most of the population is sick of trump and he lost by 7 million votes. Did Kansas County vote for Woodrow Wilson? Yes? So the voters had a change of heart. The KKK was in favor of Dems years ago, but no more.
Now they vote with the trump party.
What did Biden do to win crucial support in the heartland? Three things. He went there frequently, which Hillary Clinton did not. Biden talked about jobs, with the message that “we can revitalize our industrial base at the heart of the American middle class.” Most importantly, Biden treated working-class whites with respect, which had been sorely lacking when Clinton decried Trump supporters as “deplorables” and Barack Obama condescendingly described Midwestern working-class voters as bitter people clinging to guns and religion. Biden instead pointed out that Trump was a fake while signaling his own respect for working class folks: “I’ve dealt with guys like Donald Trump my whole life, who would look down on us because we didn’t have a lot of money or your parents didn’t go to college. Guys who think they’re better than you. Guys who inherit everything they’ve ever gotten in their life and squander it.”

I appreciate your candor in siting how Obama and Hillary wrote off white working class people in the Midwest; and, you are correct, Biden did speak to them. But, there is no way he can deliver a vibrant industrial base to middle class working people ofvthe midwest without pissing off China or the Paris Accord signatures.

We don't know what Biden can or cannot do and only the industrial corporations can deliver. We will see how he relates to the working class, and let us not judge him before he is in control.

I am not judging him......I am assessing his situation.
something's fishy around here, my friends!

What is fishy? Most of the population is sick of trump and he lost by 7 million votes. Did Kansas County vote for Woodrow Wilson? Yes? So the voters had a change of heart. The KKK was in favor of Dems years ago, but no more.
Now they vote with the trump party.
What did Biden do to win crucial support in the heartland? Three things. He went there frequently, which Hillary Clinton did not. Biden talked about jobs, with the message that “we can revitalize our industrial base at the heart of the American middle class.” Most importantly, Biden treated working-class whites with respect, which had been sorely lacking when Clinton decried Trump supporters as “deplorables” and Barack Obama condescendingly described Midwestern working-class voters as bitter people clinging to guns and religion. Biden instead pointed out that Trump was a fake while signaling his own respect for working class folks: “I’ve dealt with guys like Donald Trump my whole life, who would look down on us because we didn’t have a lot of money or your parents didn’t go to college. Guys who think they’re better than you. Guys who inherit everything they’ve ever gotten in their life and squander it.”

The KKK is a dems operative group-----they started off to get Lincoln and then restarted in the early 1900s as the Dems sought to use fear (like they do now with BLM and anti-fa) to gain political power. No one associates Biden with Jobs---and no one showed up to hear him talk so there was certainly nothing he said that would gain him support from Trump. Trump btw is the jobs president----Jobs weren't around under Obama, atleast not full time decent paying jobs, that all changed when trump took over.

what the hell are you babbling about looking down on anyone---no one associates him with that either. Is this your attempt to try spin class warfare? The Biden and his family are multi-millionaires thanks mostly to taking kickbacks in government. Btw, you need to look up SQUANDER----Trump has actually turned the millions he inherited into billions $$$ so SQUANDER isn't a correct word choice.

The KKK started as Dems and now supports the trump party. Dems did not invent those groups to use fear to gain political power. those groups are independent and hardly helped the Dems achieve political power. If anything, they hurt the Dems. Obama created 8.9 million jobs and many people today still work 2 jobs to make ends meet.
No one showed up for a traveling circus when Biden spoke because they could watch it on tv, and evidently they did watch him speak, yes? Biden did not take kickbacks from anybody except in your pee-head uninformed little mind.
Trump did indeed squander his wealth on several occasions, but his grifting skills got him out of much financial trouble. He has, as we speak, a personal note that is due shortly in the amount of 400 million dollars. let's see how that goes. If you took the time to study his history you would read about his 5 bankruptcies and nefarious activities.
Oh yes, he does look down at you and doesn't like the working middle class. Maybe you should stop the babbling
and take a good look at your grifter president who just lost an election because the voters are sick of his petulance, divisiveness, and incompetence.

The KKK ain’t got nothin’ on BLM. The democrats and media aid and abet BLM racism, murder and vandalism.
The KKK is marginal at best. They only even ostensibly exist because of the overblown mentioning they get from Pravda and Pravda suckers like you.

Actually. Democrats and media do not aid and abet BLM racism, murder, and vandalism. These people may vote for Democrats and I don't blame them since the alternative is trump's party, but I don't know any Democrat or media
that aid and abet any violence. Currently, there are trump followers on this post and elsewhere who are threatening violence and who are starting to be violent, the KKK, proud brotherhood, white supremacists, independent lone wolves notwithstanding.

Media intentionally refuse to investigate and report BLM accurately. That makes them abettors.

They do not have to be investigated by the media. Government agencies do those investigations and the media reports on it.

Journalists have an obligation to the people to investigate and report. That is what makes the press in our country unique. The fact that you discount that suggests that your indoctrinated.
something's fishy around here, my friends!

What is fishy? Most of the population is sick of trump and he lost by 7 million votes. Did Kansas County vote for Woodrow Wilson? Yes? So the voters had a change of heart. The KKK was in favor of Dems years ago, but no more.
Now they vote with the trump party.
What did Biden do to win crucial support in the heartland? Three things. He went there frequently, which Hillary Clinton did not. Biden talked about jobs, with the message that “we can revitalize our industrial base at the heart of the American middle class.” Most importantly, Biden treated working-class whites with respect, which had been sorely lacking when Clinton decried Trump supporters as “deplorables” and Barack Obama condescendingly described Midwestern working-class voters as bitter people clinging to guns and religion. Biden instead pointed out that Trump was a fake while signaling his own respect for working class folks: “I’ve dealt with guys like Donald Trump my whole life, who would look down on us because we didn’t have a lot of money or your parents didn’t go to college. Guys who think they’re better than you. Guys who inherit everything they’ve ever gotten in their life and squander it.”

The KKK is a dems operative group-----they started off to get Lincoln and then restarted in the early 1900s as the Dems sought to use fear (like they do now with BLM and anti-fa) to gain political power. No one associates Biden with Jobs---and no one showed up to hear him talk so there was certainly nothing he said that would gain him support from Trump. Trump btw is the jobs president----Jobs weren't around under Obama, atleast not full time decent paying jobs, that all changed when trump took over.

what the hell are you babbling about looking down on anyone---no one associates him with that either. Is this your attempt to try spin class warfare? The Biden and his family are multi-millionaires thanks mostly to taking kickbacks in government. Btw, you need to look up SQUANDER----Trump has actually turned the millions he inherited into billions $$$ so SQUANDER isn't a correct word choice.

The KKK started as Dems and now supports the trump party. Dems did not invent those groups to use fear to gain political power. those groups are independent and hardly helped the Dems achieve political power. If anything, they hurt the Dems. Obama created 8.9 million jobs and many people today still work 2 jobs to make ends meet.
No one showed up for a traveling circus when Biden spoke because they could watch it on tv, and evidently they did watch him speak, yes? Biden did not take kickbacks from anybody except in your pee-head uninformed little mind.
Trump did indeed squander his wealth on several occasions, but his grifting skills got him out of much financial trouble. He has, as we speak, a personal note that is due shortly in the amount of 400 million dollars. let's see how that goes. If you took the time to study his history you would read about his 5 bankruptcies and nefarious activities.
Oh yes, he does look down at you and doesn't like the working middle class. Maybe you should stop the babbling
and take a good look at your grifter president who just lost an election because the voters are sick of his petulance, divisiveness, and incompetence.

The KKK ain’t got nothin’ on BLM. The democrats and media aid and abet BLM racism, murder and vandalism.
The KKK is marginal at best. They only even ostensibly exist because of the overblown mentioning they get from Pravda and Pravda suckers like you.

An elected official was sent death threats yesterday. One of your low-life bloggers threatened to 'finish what the Dems started', whatever that means. He flapped that we, meaning your ilk, have guns and that the military will back his group of peaceful trump supporters when they attack. What do ya think, sucka?

Pointing out anomalous threats does not justify systemic left wing violence.

Those kind of threats by armed protesters often lead to violence and become systematic as time goes on.

You just described the democrats and their incessant violence this year.
something's fishy around here, my friends!

What is fishy? Most of the population is sick of trump and he lost by 7 million votes. Did Kansas County vote for Woodrow Wilson? Yes? So the voters had a change of heart. The KKK was in favor of Dems years ago, but no more.
Now they vote with the trump party.
What did Biden do to win crucial support in the heartland? Three things. He went there frequently, which Hillary Clinton did not. Biden talked about jobs, with the message that “we can revitalize our industrial base at the heart of the American middle class.” Most importantly, Biden treated working-class whites with respect, which had been sorely lacking when Clinton decried Trump supporters as “deplorables” and Barack Obama condescendingly described Midwestern working-class voters as bitter people clinging to guns and religion. Biden instead pointed out that Trump was a fake while signaling his own respect for working class folks: “I’ve dealt with guys like Donald Trump my whole life, who would look down on us because we didn’t have a lot of money or your parents didn’t go to college. Guys who think they’re better than you. Guys who inherit everything they’ve ever gotten in their life and squander it.”

The KKK is a dems operative group-----they started off to get Lincoln and then restarted in the early 1900s as the Dems sought to use fear (like they do now with BLM and anti-fa) to gain political power. No one associates Biden with Jobs---and no one showed up to hear him talk so there was certainly nothing he said that would gain him support from Trump. Trump btw is the jobs president----Jobs weren't around under Obama, atleast not full time decent paying jobs, that all changed when trump took over.

what the hell are you babbling about looking down on anyone---no one associates him with that either. Is this your attempt to try spin class warfare? The Biden and his family are multi-millionaires thanks mostly to taking kickbacks in government. Btw, you need to look up SQUANDER----Trump has actually turned the millions he inherited into billions $$$ so SQUANDER isn't a correct word choice.

The KKK started as Dems and now supports the trump party. Dems did not invent those groups to use fear to gain political power. those groups are independent and hardly helped the Dems achieve political power. If anything, they hurt the Dems. Obama created 8.9 million jobs and many people today still work 2 jobs to make ends meet.
No one showed up for a traveling circus when Biden spoke because they could watch it on tv, and evidently they did watch him speak, yes? Biden did not take kickbacks from anybody except in your pee-head uninformed little mind.
Trump did indeed squander his wealth on several occasions, but his grifting skills got him out of much financial trouble. He has, as we speak, a personal note that is due shortly in the amount of 400 million dollars. let's see how that goes. If you took the time to study his history you would read about his 5 bankruptcies and nefarious activities.
Oh yes, he does look down at you and doesn't like the working middle class. Maybe you should stop the babbling
and take a good look at your grifter president who just lost an election because the voters are sick of his petulance, divisiveness, and incompetence.

The KKK ain’t got nothin’ on BLM. The democrats and media aid and abet BLM racism, murder and vandalism.
The KKK is marginal at best. They only even ostensibly exist because of the overblown mentioning they get from Pravda and Pravda suckers like you.

Actually. Democrats and media do not aid and abet BLM racism, murder, and vandalism. These people may vote for Democrats and I don't blame them since the alternative is trump's party, but I don't know any Democrat or media
that aid and abet any violence. Currently, there are trump followers on this post and elsewhere who are threatening violence and who are starting to be violent, the KKK, proud brotherhood, white supremacists, independent lone wolves notwithstanding.

Media intentionally refuse to investigate and report BLM accurately. That makes them abettors.

They do not have to be investigated by the media. Government agencies do those investigations and the media reports on it.

Journalists have an obligation to the people to investigate and report. That is what makes the press in our country unique. The fact that you discount that suggests that your indoctrinated.

The media does indeed report the BLM's activity or you wouldn't know anything about it. Their reporting leads me to believe that the BLM is overstepping their boundaries.
something's fishy around here, my friends!

What is fishy? Most of the population is sick of trump and he lost by 7 million votes. Did Kansas County vote for Woodrow Wilson? Yes? So the voters had a change of heart. The KKK was in favor of Dems years ago, but no more.
Now they vote with the trump party.
What did Biden do to win crucial support in the heartland? Three things. He went there frequently, which Hillary Clinton did not. Biden talked about jobs, with the message that “we can revitalize our industrial base at the heart of the American middle class.” Most importantly, Biden treated working-class whites with respect, which had been sorely lacking when Clinton decried Trump supporters as “deplorables” and Barack Obama condescendingly described Midwestern working-class voters as bitter people clinging to guns and religion. Biden instead pointed out that Trump was a fake while signaling his own respect for working class folks: “I’ve dealt with guys like Donald Trump my whole life, who would look down on us because we didn’t have a lot of money or your parents didn’t go to college. Guys who think they’re better than you. Guys who inherit everything they’ve ever gotten in their life and squander it.”

The KKK is a dems operative group-----they started off to get Lincoln and then restarted in the early 1900s as the Dems sought to use fear (like they do now with BLM and anti-fa) to gain political power. No one associates Biden with Jobs---and no one showed up to hear him talk so there was certainly nothing he said that would gain him support from Trump. Trump btw is the jobs president----Jobs weren't around under Obama, atleast not full time decent paying jobs, that all changed when trump took over.

what the hell are you babbling about looking down on anyone---no one associates him with that either. Is this your attempt to try spin class warfare? The Biden and his family are multi-millionaires thanks mostly to taking kickbacks in government. Btw, you need to look up SQUANDER----Trump has actually turned the millions he inherited into billions $$$ so SQUANDER isn't a correct word choice.

The KKK started as Dems and now supports the trump party. Dems did not invent those groups to use fear to gain political power. those groups are independent and hardly helped the Dems achieve political power. If anything, they hurt the Dems. Obama created 8.9 million jobs and many people today still work 2 jobs to make ends meet.
No one showed up for a traveling circus when Biden spoke because they could watch it on tv, and evidently they did watch him speak, yes? Biden did not take kickbacks from anybody except in your pee-head uninformed little mind.
Trump did indeed squander his wealth on several occasions, but his grifting skills got him out of much financial trouble. He has, as we speak, a personal note that is due shortly in the amount of 400 million dollars. let's see how that goes. If you took the time to study his history you would read about his 5 bankruptcies and nefarious activities.
Oh yes, he does look down at you and doesn't like the working middle class. Maybe you should stop the babbling
and take a good look at your grifter president who just lost an election because the voters are sick of his petulance, divisiveness, and incompetence.

The KKK ain’t got nothin’ on BLM. The democrats and media aid and abet BLM racism, murder and vandalism.
The KKK is marginal at best. They only even ostensibly exist because of the overblown mentioning they get from Pravda and Pravda suckers like you.

Actually. Democrats and media do not aid and abet BLM racism, murder, and vandalism. These people may vote for Democrats and I don't blame them since the alternative is trump's party, but I don't know any Democrat or media
that aid and abet any violence. Currently, there are trump followers on this post and elsewhere who are threatening violence and who are starting to be violent, the KKK, proud brotherhood, white supremacists, independent lone wolves notwithstanding.

Media intentionally refuse to investigate and report BLM accurately. That makes them abettors.

They do not have to be investigated by the media. Government agencies do those investigations and the media reports on it.

Journalists have an obligation to the people to investigate and report. That is what makes the press in our country unique. The fact that you discount that suggests that your indoctrinated.

The media does indeed report the BLM's activity or you wouldn't know anything about it. Their reporting leads me to believe that the BLM is overstepping their boundaries.

You mean the peaceful protests?
Where has MSM described BLM as the black supremacist hate group that they are? They target and assassinate police and they commit cross-burnings in the form of spray paint vandalism all over others’ property.
You’re digging yourself a deeper hole of dishonesty.
something's fishy around here, my friends!

What is fishy? Most of the population is sick of trump and he lost by 7 million votes. Did Kansas County vote for Woodrow Wilson? Yes? So the voters had a change of heart. The KKK was in favor of Dems years ago, but no more.
Now they vote with the trump party.
What did Biden do to win crucial support in the heartland? Three things. He went there frequently, which Hillary Clinton did not. Biden talked about jobs, with the message that “we can revitalize our industrial base at the heart of the American middle class.” Most importantly, Biden treated working-class whites with respect, which had been sorely lacking when Clinton decried Trump supporters as “deplorables” and Barack Obama condescendingly described Midwestern working-class voters as bitter people clinging to guns and religion. Biden instead pointed out that Trump was a fake while signaling his own respect for working class folks: “I’ve dealt with guys like Donald Trump my whole life, who would look down on us because we didn’t have a lot of money or your parents didn’t go to college. Guys who think they’re better than you. Guys who inherit everything they’ve ever gotten in their life and squander it.”

The KKK is a dems operative group-----they started off to get Lincoln and then restarted in the early 1900s as the Dems sought to use fear (like they do now with BLM and anti-fa) to gain political power. No one associates Biden with Jobs---and no one showed up to hear him talk so there was certainly nothing he said that would gain him support from Trump. Trump btw is the jobs president----Jobs weren't around under Obama, atleast not full time decent paying jobs, that all changed when trump took over.

what the hell are you babbling about looking down on anyone---no one associates him with that either. Is this your attempt to try spin class warfare? The Biden and his family are multi-millionaires thanks mostly to taking kickbacks in government. Btw, you need to look up SQUANDER----Trump has actually turned the millions he inherited into billions $$$ so SQUANDER isn't a correct word choice.

The KKK started as Dems and now supports the trump party. Dems did not invent those groups to use fear to gain political power. those groups are independent and hardly helped the Dems achieve political power. If anything, they hurt the Dems. Obama created 8.9 million jobs and many people today still work 2 jobs to make ends meet.
No one showed up for a traveling circus when Biden spoke because they could watch it on tv, and evidently they did watch him speak, yes? Biden did not take kickbacks from anybody except in your pee-head uninformed little mind.
Trump did indeed squander his wealth on several occasions, but his grifting skills got him out of much financial trouble. He has, as we speak, a personal note that is due shortly in the amount of 400 million dollars. let's see how that goes. If you took the time to study his history you would read about his 5 bankruptcies and nefarious activities.
Oh yes, he does look down at you and doesn't like the working middle class. Maybe you should stop the babbling
and take a good look at your grifter president who just lost an election because the voters are sick of his petulance, divisiveness, and incompetence.

The KKK ain’t got nothin’ on BLM. The democrats and media aid and abet BLM racism, murder and vandalism.
The KKK is marginal at best. They only even ostensibly exist because of the overblown mentioning they get from Pravda and Pravda suckers like you.

Actually. Democrats and media do not aid and abet BLM racism, murder, and vandalism. These people may vote for Democrats and I don't blame them since the alternative is trump's party, but I don't know any Democrat or media
that aid and abet any violence. Currently, there are trump followers on this post and elsewhere who are threatening violence and who are starting to be violent, the KKK, proud brotherhood, white supremacists, independent lone wolves notwithstanding.

Media intentionally refuse to investigate and report BLM accurately. That makes them abettors.

They do not have to be investigated by the media. Government agencies do those investigations and the media reports on it.

Journalists have an obligation to the people to investigate and report. That is what makes the press in our country unique. The fact that you discount that suggests that your indoctrinated.

The media does indeed report the BLM's activity or you wouldn't know anything about it. Their reporting leads me to believe that the BLM is overstepping their boundaries.

You mean the peaceful protests?
Where has MSM described BLM as the black supremacist hate group that they are? They target and assassinate police and they commit cross-burnings in the form of spray paint vandalism all over others’ property.
You’re digging yourself a deeper hole of dishonesty.
something's fishy around here, my friends!

What is fishy? Most of the population is sick of trump and he lost by 7 million votes. Did Kansas County vote for Woodrow Wilson? Yes? So the voters had a change of heart. The KKK was in favor of Dems years ago, but no more.
Now they vote with the trump party.
What did Biden do to win crucial support in the heartland? Three things. He went there frequently, which Hillary Clinton did not. Biden talked about jobs, with the message that “we can revitalize our industrial base at the heart of the American middle class.” Most importantly, Biden treated working-class whites with respect, which had been sorely lacking when Clinton decried Trump supporters as “deplorables” and Barack Obama condescendingly described Midwestern working-class voters as bitter people clinging to guns and religion. Biden instead pointed out that Trump was a fake while signaling his own respect for working class folks: “I’ve dealt with guys like Donald Trump my whole life, who would look down on us because we didn’t have a lot of money or your parents didn’t go to college. Guys who think they’re better than you. Guys who inherit everything they’ve ever gotten in their life and squander it.”

The KKK is a dems operative group-----they started off to get Lincoln and then restarted in the early 1900s as the Dems sought to use fear (like they do now with BLM and anti-fa) to gain political power. No one associates Biden with Jobs---and no one showed up to hear him talk so there was certainly nothing he said that would gain him support from Trump. Trump btw is the jobs president----Jobs weren't around under Obama, atleast not full time decent paying jobs, that all changed when trump took over.

what the hell are you babbling about looking down on anyone---no one associates him with that either. Is this your attempt to try spin class warfare? The Biden and his family are multi-millionaires thanks mostly to taking kickbacks in government. Btw, you need to look up SQUANDER----Trump has actually turned the millions he inherited into billions $$$ so SQUANDER isn't a correct word choice.

The KKK started as Dems and now supports the trump party. Dems did not invent those groups to use fear to gain political power. those groups are independent and hardly helped the Dems achieve political power. If anything, they hurt the Dems. Obama created 8.9 million jobs and many people today still work 2 jobs to make ends meet.
No one showed up for a traveling circus when Biden spoke because they could watch it on tv, and evidently they did watch him speak, yes? Biden did not take kickbacks from anybody except in your pee-head uninformed little mind.
Trump did indeed squander his wealth on several occasions, but his grifting skills got him out of much financial trouble. He has, as we speak, a personal note that is due shortly in the amount of 400 million dollars. let's see how that goes. If you took the time to study his history you would read about his 5 bankruptcies and nefarious activities.
Oh yes, he does look down at you and doesn't like the working middle class. Maybe you should stop the babbling
and take a good look at your grifter president who just lost an election because the voters are sick of his petulance, divisiveness, and incompetence.

The KKK ain’t got nothin’ on BLM. The democrats and media aid and abet BLM racism, murder and vandalism.
The KKK is marginal at best. They only even ostensibly exist because of the overblown mentioning they get from Pravda and Pravda suckers like you.

Actually. Democrats and media do not aid and abet BLM racism, murder, and vandalism. These people may vote for Democrats and I don't blame them since the alternative is trump's party, but I don't know any Democrat or media
that aid and abet any violence. Currently, there are trump followers on this post and elsewhere who are threatening violence and who are starting to be violent, the KKK, proud brotherhood, white supremacists, independent lone wolves notwithstanding.

Media intentionally refuse to investigate and report BLM accurately. That makes them abettors.

They do not have to be investigated by the media. Government agencies do those investigations and the media reports on it.

Journalists have an obligation to the people to investigate and report. That is what makes the press in our country unique. The fact that you discount that suggests that your indoctrinated.

The media does indeed report the BLM's activity or you wouldn't know anything about it. Their reporting leads me to believe that the BLM is overstepping their boundaries.

You mean the peaceful protests?
Where has MSM described BLM as the black supremacist hate group that they are? They target and assassinate police and they commit cross-burnings in the form of spray paint vandalism all over others’ property.
You’re digging yourself a deeper hole of dishonesty.

I am not digging at all. You want the media to describe them in a certain way? No. That is for us to deduce from the media reports. My take is exactly the same as yours, so give it a rest.

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