Thomas More was No Saint!

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
The history of the Inquisitor madman, Thomas More is horrific. He was no Saint! Ever heard of him? You will if you read this thread. Here is the story on Thomas More.

Pope makes bigoted papal persecutor the patron saint of politicians


Sir Thomas More (1478-1535).

Sir Thomas More, (the so-called man for all seasons) was Lord Chancellor of England from 1529 to 1532. He was one of the most cruel Inquisitors in history ranking right up there with Torquemada, Philip II, Bloody Mary, Judge Jeffreys etc., etc.

His all consuming passion in life was to capture William Tyndale—the translator of the Bible into English— and BURN him at the stake!! William Tyndale was the father of the English Bible and the father of the English language.

Thomas More was made a saint of the Roman Catholic church in 1936 and on Reformation Day in the year 2000, the Pope made him the patron saint of politicians.

Official Chronology of Sir Thomas More.
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Thomas Hitten was the first be burned alive by Saint Thomas More

Thomas Hitten was the first victim of More's wrath:

"There had had been no burnings in England for eight years. More soon put a stop to that. He did not quite condemn his predecessors —"I will not say that the Judges did wrong' —but he made it clear that he thought them lax. The heretic had been mollycoddled, allowed to escape through recantation and faggot-carrying, and in this the bishops and church officers were "almost more than lawful", in that they admitted him to such an abjuration as they did, and that they did not rather leave him to the secular arm'. He concluded that 'in the condemnation of heretics, the clergy might lawfully do much more sharply than they do'"(Moynahan, God's Bestseller, p. 204).

Thomas Hutton was burned alive in 1530, the first of many, many more victims of Saint Thomas More!!

"A priest named Thomas Hitton was the first to suffer from More's new `sharpness'. He was seized near Gravesend in January 30 as he was making his way to the coast to take a ship for Antwerp. Hitton had fled to join Tyndale and the English exiles in the Low Countries after becoming a convinced evangelical. He returned to England on a brief visit to contact supporters of Tyndale and to arrange for the distribution of smuggled books. The first English psalter had been published in Antwerp in January, as well as Tyndale's Pentateuch, in a translation by George Joye that included a commentary 'declarynge brefly thentente and bstance of the wholl psalme'"(Moynahan, God's Bestseller, p. 205).
Thomas Bilney was the second victim of Saint Thomas More

Thomas Bilney was the second victim to be burned alive by More:

"Bilney was duly seized in March 1531 and brought in front of Bishop Nix of Norwich. He was convicted of heresy and 'relaxed' to the secular power. Foxe says that More sent down the writ to burn him. Bilney practised for his martyrdom in his cell by burning his fingers in a candle, constantly repeating Isaiah's words: `When thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burnt.' It was nearing harvest time, and he compared himself to the straw in the fields. `Howsoever the stubble of this my body shall be wasted' by the fire, he told himself, 'yet my soul and spirit shall be purged thereby: a pain for the time, whereupon notwithstanding followeth joy unspeakable.' While he was waiting to be bound to the stake, in the Lollards' sandpit at Norwich, on 19 August 1531, Bilney repeated the creed as proof that he died as a true Christian, and offered up a prayer: `Enter not into judgement with thy servant, 0 Lord, for in thy sight no living flesh can be justified.' (Moynahan, God's Bestseller, pp. 251-252).
Richard Bayfield was the third victim of Saint Thomas More

Richard Bayfied was another victim of Inquisitor More:

"Others were less fortunate. Richard Bayfield was a leading trader in the Testaments and the other Tyndale books, a Cambridge graduate and a former Benedictine monk at Bury St Edmunds, who had taken up evangelical ideas. He had abjured in front of Tunstall in 1528, thus exposing himself to the fire if he lapsed, and had then fled to the Low Countries. Here, he helped Tyndale and John Frith, the survivor of the Oxford fish cellar, who was now working with Tyndale. Bayfield `brought substance with him', so Foxe recorded, and `sold all their works and the works of the Germans, both in France and England'.
Bayfield ran at least three large cargoes of Tyndale's books into England. On his first trip, at midsummer in 1530, he landed illicitly on the east coast and brought the books to London by way of Colchester. The following November he shipped another consignment to St Katherine's docks, less than a thousand yards downriver from the Tower of London. More had wind of this operation and most of the cargo was seized. At Easter 1531, avoiding the Essex coast and the London docks, Bayfield landed in Norfolk and brought his books to London along graziers' roads.
Betrayed, he was seized and held in the Tower, shackled to the wall of his cell by his neck, waist and legs, in darkness. More's strange obsession with married heretics resurfaced. He falsely claimed that Bayfield, 'beynge both a preste and a monke, went about two wyves, one in Brabande [Brabant], a nother in Englande'. Bayfield `fell to heresye and was abiured, and after that lyke a dog returnyng to his vomyte,' More wrote, `and beyng fledde ouer the see, and sendynge from thense Tyndales heresyes hyther with many myschevouse sortes of bokes (Moynahan, God's Bestseller, pp. 259).
John Tewkesbury was the fourth victim of Saint Thomas More

John Tewkesbury was another victim of More:

"Less than three weeks later, the London leather seller John Tewkesbury shared the same fate. He was also betrayed by Constantine. Tewkesbury was held in the porter's lodge at More's Chelsea house, so Foxe wrote, pinioned `hand, foot, and head in the stocks', for six days without release. Foxe claimed that More , had Tewkesbury whipped at 'Jesu's tree' in his garden, `and also twisted his brows with small ropes, so that the blood started out of his eyes'. This was, of course, the torture also described by Segar; Nicholson. Tewkesbury was then sent to the Tower and racked until he was nearly lame.
More led two public examinations of Tewkesbury. He found his prisoner very obstinate. `He couvered and hyd yt [his heresies] by all the meanes he coulde make,' More wrote, `and labored to make euery man wene that he had neuer holden any suche opynyons.'
But the lord chancellor's informers had done their work well. 'In, howse was founden Tyndales boke of obedyence, and hyswykked boke also of the wykked mammoma,' More gloated, noting that, after the discovery, Tewkesbury said `at hys examynacyon, that all the heresyes therein were good and crysten fayth, beynge in dede, as full of false heresyes, and as frantike as ewer heretyke made any syth cryst was borne'. How did More winkle'. that out of him? For later, `when he was in the shyryffes warde, and at the tyme of his deth,' More remarked, `he wolde not speke of hys heresyes any thynge but handled hym selfe as couertly as he coude ...'.
As was now usual, More taunted Tyndale over Tewkesbury's (Moynahan, God's Bestseller, pp. 260).
James Bainham was the fifth victim of Saint Thomas More

James Bainham was the fifth but not the last victim of More:

"'I come hither, good people,' he said to the crowd, 'accused and condemned for a heretic, Sir Thomas More being my accuser and my judge.' He then spoke of the beliefs for which he was to die. Foxe claims that he ticked off all the main evangelical articles. 'First, I say it is lawful for every man and woman, to have God's book in their mother tongue. Second, that the bishop of Rome is Antichrist ... there is no purgatory, but the purgatory of Christ's blood, for our souls immediately go to heaven and rest with Jesus Christ for ever ...'
At this, the town clerk, Master Pave, said: 'Thou liest, thou heretic! Thou deniest the blessed sacrament of the altar.' Bainham retorted that he did not deny the sacrament of Christ's body and blood, but only 'your idolatry to the bread, and that Christ God and man should dwell in a piece of bread ...'. At that, Pave ordered: 'Set fire to him and burn him.'
As the train of gunpowder came towards him, Bainham lifted up his eyes and hands to heaven, and said to Pave: `God forgive tee, and show thee more mercy than thou showest to me. The Lord forgive Sir Thomas More! and pray for me, all good people ...'With that, the fire 'took his bowels and his head'" (Moynahan, God's Bestseller, p. 265).

During his short reign as Lord Chancellor, More had at least 10 Reformed Christians burned alive. Countless more were permanently maimed by his tortures in the Tower. More found that public burnings were actually spreading the Faith so he resorted to more subtler means such as poisoning.
Does the name Tyndale ring a bell? It should! Here is his story!

More's final target was William Tyndale

More's one all consuming passion was to add Tyndale's name to his list of burn victims....To accomplish this he spared not his money nor his time....His network of paid informers and spies were everywhere. God spared the life of William until 1536 when most of the Old Testament was completed.


William Tyndale (1494-1536).

William Tyndale (1494-1536) is the father of the English Bible, the father of the English language and the father of the English Reformation. Without controversy, he is one of the greatest Englishman that ever lived!!

He was born in Gloustershire, England, not far from Bristol. He graduated with a Master of Arts from Oxford University in 1515.

A brilliant man, he was fluent in 8 languages: Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Italian, German, Spanish, English, French.

An exile from his own country, he learned German from Martin Luther in Wittenberg, and Hebrew while on the run from Sir Thomas More.

His life's ambition was to give the English people the Bible in their own language.

In a theological discussion with a fellow clergyman about the Scriptures, Saint William Tyndale gave his timeless reply:

"It was not long after, but Master Tyndale happened to be in the company of a certain divine, recounted for a learned man, and, in communing and disputing with him, he drave him to that issue, that the said great doctor burst out into these blasphemous words, and said, “We were better to be without God’s laws than the pope’s.” Master Tyndale, hearing this, full of godly zeal, and not bearing that blasphemous saying, replied again, and said, “I defy the pope, and all his laws;” and further added, that if God spared him life, ere many years he would cause a boy that driveth the plough, to know more of the Scripture than he did”(Foxe, Acts & Monuments, vol. 5, p. 207).

More offered what amounted to the present day equivalent of a million dollars to capture William Tyndale. Finally his bribes paid off. A Judas named Henry Philipps betrayed Master Tyndale to the police in Antwerp, Belgium, and William was arrested and thrown into a foul cell. There he languished for 16 months in cold and hunger until he was taken out and burnt alive.


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The Pope made a mass murderer the patron saint of politicians. Does anyone in America THINK anymore? This man he calls a saint was the man who murdered Tyndale.

Pope Makes Bigoted Papal Persecutor the Patron Saint of Politicians!!

Sir Thomas More Unmasked!!

"Pope John Paul II has announced that he is to declare Sir Thomas More, Lord Chancellor of England during the reign of Henry VIII, the patron saint of statesmen and politicians"(BBC Special Report).

Sir Thomas More had William Tyndale—the father of the English Bible—arrested and burned alive for translating Matthew 16:18 in the correct form:

"When Jesus came into coasts of the city which is called Cesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples saying: whom do men say that I the son of man am? They said, some say that thou art John Baptist, some Elias, some Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He said unto them: but whom say ye that I am? Simon Peter answered and said: THOU ART CHRIST THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD. And Jesus answered and said to him: happy art thou Simon the son of Jonas, for flesh and blood hath not opened unto thee that, but my father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter: and upon this rock I will build myCONGREGATION. And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee, the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou bindest upon earth, shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou loosest on earth, shall be loosed in heaven" (Matt. 16:13-19). (Tyndale's New Testament,1534).

I strongly doubt that Tyndale would want anyone confusing him with the Roman Catholic Institution that had him burned to death at the stake. (by calling him Saint Tyndale) He would no doubt cringe at the thought!
Think Francis was being sarcastic?

I mean, "Patron Saint of Politicians"?

It's Rome. They are dead serious, Henry. It was not Pope Francis - it was the Pope in office in year 2000. I'll have to find a picture.

Here is the Pope that made Thomas More the Patron Saint of Politicians. He signed it on October 31st. Satan's high holy day. How appropriate. And he is wearing his Father's (the devil) favorite color! Green!

Pope John Paul II
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Protest of Red Mass in Hawaii. The Red Mass is done for politicians the first Sunday every October. In this video the people openly protest and confront the politicians coming for the Red Mass.

Here is the Pope that made Thomas More the Patron Saint of Politicians. He signed it on October 31st. Satan's high holy day. How appropriate. And he is wearing his Father's (the devil) favorite color! Green!
Jeremiah, how did you come to the conclusion that "green" is the Devil's favorite color??

I am only here to learn. ..... :cool:
Your sources are suspect, your conclusions wrong.

But don't let that stop a good catholic bashing
Here is the Pope that made Thomas More the Patron Saint of Politicians. He signed it on October 31st. Satan's high holy day. How appropriate. And he is wearing his Father's (the devil) favorite color! Green!
Jeremiah, how did you come to the conclusion that "green" is the Devil's favorite color??

I am only here to learn. ..... :cool:

I didn't. That is the report coming from people who have left Satanism. Green is his favorite color. You know people in his camp. Ask them!
Your sources are suspect, your conclusions wrong.

But don't let that stop a good catholic bashing

My sources are numerous and I even posted a book published in 1888 Called Washington in the Lap of Rome so look it up on the history forum and start reading. It's a free book, read it. Educate yourself.
I didn't. That is the report coming from people who have left Satanism. Green is his favorite color. You know people in his camp. Ask them!
I was asking you Jeremiah because you are the only Satan worshipper that I have ever known. ..... :cool:
Your sources are suspect, your conclusions wrong.

But don't let that stop a good catholic bashing

My sources are numerous and I even posted a book published in 1888 Called Washington in the Lap of Rome so look it up on the history forum and start reading. It's a free book, read it. Educate yourself.
yes, you have numerous anti-catholic sources. the number or their age doesn't make them any more credible.
Is it not unbelievable that we would have politicians and even our own President attending such a Mass - the Red Mass - praying to this dead Inquistor - Thomas More - who history tells us put to death the humble servant of God - Tyndale? If that doesn't reveal a frightening level of ignorance in this country I do not know what does!!!
That's what happens when religion and government are allowed to mix. It is too bad that some people can't learn the lessons of history.

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