Those refusing the vaccine and mask mandates are refusing to serve our country

I don't care if you chose to die choking for air. That's your freedom at work.
How is it called hypocrisy? You don't know the meaning if the word.

Tell me why you refuse to get it other than a medical condition certified by a doctor.

See how good you are now.
Colin, you cannot be this stupid. Are you seriously asking the question.
I am not a doctor but I can diagnose you as butt stupid. Unfortunately there is no cure.
So basically you're just some self-righteous jackass who thinks you can judge others because you got an experimental shot twice? Good luck with that, you silly clown.
I was vaccinated along with 200 million other Americans who are concerned about the common good. It is hardly an exclusive group but it is a group to be proud of.
The anti-vaxxers, on the other hand, like you, are grasping at straws to cover your fear, stupidity and selfishness. The straws are not working. As time goes on your fear, stupidity and selfishness becomes obvious to all.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
I was vaccinated along with 200 million other Americans who are concerned about the common good. It is hardly an exclusive group but it is a group to be proud of.
The anti-vaxxers, on the other hand, like you, are grasping at straws to cover your fear, stupidity and selfishness. The straws are not working. As time goes on your fear, stupidity and selfishness becomes obvious to all.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
You just keep on taking all of YOUR shots. Please!
I was vaccinated along with 200 million other Americans who are concerned about the common good. It is hardly an exclusive group but it is a group to be proud of.
The anti-vaxxers, on the other hand, like you, are grasping at straws to cover your fear, stupidity and selfishness. The straws are not working. As time goes on your fear, stupidity and selfishness becomes obvious to all.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
You are a funny little clown. The common good? Not at all, only your new master, big pharma, benefits from this. Keep feeding their greed.
So basically you're just some self-righteous jackass who thinks you can judge others because you got an experimental shot twice? Good luck with that, you silly clown.

You are a funny little clown. The common good? Not at all, only your new master, big pharma, benefits from this. Keep feeding their greed.
Colin, you cannot be this stupid. Are you seriously asking the question.
I am not a doctor but I can diagnose you as butt stupid. Unfortunately there is no cure.

There are people dying on ventilators.
What are they for? Sniffing coke?

Don't bother with the personal attacks when you have nothing to substantiate your claims. You're the none who looks stupid.
But you're safe comrade. No self respecting virus would live in an ignoramus like you.
Selfish people...not a good look for America.

Why is it “selfish” for sane, intelligent people not to sacrifice their comfort, health, and safety to pander the irrational fears of brainwashed cowards; but not selfish for those brainwashed cowards to demand that sane people make these sacrifices?

Your irrational fear, your ignorance, and your gullibility are your own problem, not mine.
Those refusing the vaccine and mask mandates are refusing to serve our country.
In WWII and Viet Nam, individuals were mandated to serve in our military to fight in the wars against our enemy.
The wars since have been fought by a volunteer military. It has proved to provide all personnel needed.
In the fight against COVID our nation has gone back to mandating all citizens receive the vaccine and adhere to mask protocol. The US and all western nations have determined this is how COVID will be neutralized and stop destroying our normal way of life.
The countries who have the most citizens willing to do what their nations ask, to fight COVID, are the most successful. Israel is a great example. While having a surge in late summer, they introduced the booster and now their cases are plummeting. Some of the lowest infection rates in the world.
The US has been hit the hardest and continues to struggle because of too many selfish citizens driven by fear and refuse to do what their nation asks for the common good. Thank goodness we did not have these cowards refusing to serve in WWII or we would all be Nazis now.

Still fishing for a reason to support executing those that won’t get jabbed with an experimental vaccine?

You’re almost there.
I was vaccinated along with 200 million other Americans who are concerned about the common good. It is hardly an exclusive group but it is a group to be proud of.
The anti-vaxxers, on the other hand, like you, are grasping at straws to cover your fear, stupidity and selfishness. The straws are not working. As time goes on your fear, stupidity and selfishness becomes obvious to all.
You should be ashamed of yourself.

The mRNA vaccines do not contain covid-19, but they do contain what essentially is a self replicating virus, but it is just artificial.
However, that does not prevent it from being fatal or getting out of control.
It is not at all well designed, and seems to only last 3 months, so than it is not working at all.
There are people dying on ventilators.
What are they for? Sniffing coke?

Don't bother with the personal attacks when you have nothing to substantiate your claims. You're the none who looks stupid.
But you're safe comrade. No self respecting virus would live in an ignoramus like you.

No one should be on ventilators.
The covid virus does nothing really, and the only harm is if the immune system over reaction and starts chewing up the lungs.
But not only do we have immuno-suppressants that should easily be able to take care of that, but when the immune system starts filling the lungs with fluid, then a ventilator is the LAST thing you ever want to do. Ventilators can work when the lungs are full of fluid. So instead what you are supposed to do is constantly rotate the patients so that the lungs drain.
And you can't that is you induced chemical comas and intubated them.
You better tell that to all who have served their country when demanded during WWII and Viet Nam.
Those who do what is best for the common good, when not demanded by the government, are to be admired.
You are only concerned about keeping yourself from doing anything that is a discomfort. You are a pathetic, disgusting piece of crap. How do you live with your cowardly self?
Lib please you have category 9 TDS
I do not have trump defeat syndrome.
You do.

Are you still hanging away from the vaccine because it has a microchip in it?

Maybe it's made too quickly for an expert like you. Ok. As your were.
No one should be on ventilators.
The covid virus does nothing really, and the only harm is if the immune system over reaction and starts chewing up the lungs.
But not only do we have immuno-suppressants that should easily be able to take care of that, but when the immune system starts filling the lungs with fluid, then a ventilator is the LAST thing you ever want to do. Ventilators can work when the lungs are full of fluid. So instead what you are supposed to do is constantly rotate the patients so that the lungs drain.
And you can't that is you induced chemical comas and intubated them.

Have you given your expert medical knowledge to the thousands of hospitals that have them on ventilators?
You should have told someone.
No one knew we had a resident respiratory expert on here.
Have a listen to yourself. As if you know anything about it. you're another witch doctor from the " I hate democrats" book for dummies.
In 1940 you would be saying, "I will not let everyone and the government tell me that Hitler is the enemy." Just because he kills millions does not mean he is the enemy.
Now, just because COVID has killed over 750,000 in the USA, 4,500,000 worldwide does not mean it is an enemy.
You are a fricking idiot.
Are you serious? That's just stupid and shows your utter desperation.
Vaccines generally work by introducing a piece of a virus or bacteria into your body so you can develop long-lasting immunity to the pathogen. While the piece introduced by the vaccine rapidly fades away, your body's immune system remembers what it saw. When it encounters the virus or bacteria in the real world it mounts a strong immune response preventing or decreasing the severity of infection.
The faux covid vaccines----fade away 2-8 months after 2nd dose.

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