Those refusing the vaccine and mask mandates are refusing to serve our country

Those refusing the vaccine and mask mandates are refusing to serve our country.

Americans work everyday to keep this country running everyday, to protect, heal, defend, supply, feed, house, etc... fellow Americans...

They work hard as the lifeblood of this nation, working hard and paying their taxes while their politicians focus on getting richer, acquiring more power, how to stay in power, and on how to FUCK and fleece the middle class every single day.

When there is no crisis of which to take advantage they create them.

When there is nothing to divide the Hatton the create one.

When there is no existing excuse to strip Americans of their civil, Constitutional, and / or legal rights IOT impose tyrannical rule over Anericans they, again, create it.

In the midst of a declining economy, slowing job growth, climbing inflation, and the on-going, self-induced Supply Chain crisis, Biden and his failed criminal administration imposes an Un-Constitutional vaccine mandate guaranteed to put even more Americabs out of work than he already has and to fuck up the economy even more than he already has.

Let's go, Brandon!
Those refusing the vaccine and mask mandates are refusing to serve our country.
In WWII and Viet Nam, individuals were mandated to serve in our military to fight in the wars against our enemy.
The wars since have been fought by a volunteer military. It has proved to provide all personnel needed.
In the fight against COVID our nation has gone back to mandating all citizens receive the vaccine and adhere to mask protocol. The US and all western nations have determined this is how COVID will be neutralized and stop destroying our normal way of life.
The countries who have the most citizens willing to do what their nations ask, to fight COVID, are the most successful. Israel is a great example. While having a surge in late summer, they introduced the booster and now their cases are plummeting. Some of the lowest infection rates in the world.
The US has been hit the hardest and continues to struggle because of too many selfish citizens driven by fear and refuse to do what their nation asks for the common good. Thank goodness we did not have these cowards refusing to serve in WWII or we would all be Nazis now.

They are serving the country by demanding their rights and pointing out at the same time that the government does not have that power to demand anything. Keeping this country free by demanding our rights is serving this country.
i know its is completely true, because there are different kinds of masks.
Medical masks do protect the wearer, but those arent available to consumers.

The typical mask available to the public should be thought of as a "breath diverting device", their main role is to stop exhaled breath travelling too far away from the wearer. They are effective at reducing the extent of the spread, which is important with this virus since it spread from asymptomatic people and pre-symptomatic people.

Okay, let me see if I have your logic correct.

I'm wrong that masks do not work. You're right that masks, NOT AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC do work. Keep talking! :D

Those refusing the vaccine and mask mandates are refusing to serve our country.
In WWII and Viet Nam, individuals were mandated to serve in our military to fight in the wars against our enemy.
The wars since have been fought by a volunteer military. It has proved to provide all personnel needed.
In the fight against COVID our nation has gone back to mandating all citizens receive the vaccine and adhere to mask protocol. The US and all western nations have determined this is how COVID will be neutralized and stop destroying our normal way of life.
The countries who have the most citizens willing to do what their nations ask, to fight COVID, are the most successful. Israel is a great example. While having a surge in late summer, they introduced the booster and now their cases are plummeting. Some of the lowest infection rates in the world.
The US has been hit the hardest and continues to struggle because of too many selfish citizens driven by fear and refuse to do what their nation asks for the common good. Thank goodness we did not have these cowards refusing to serve in WWII or we would all be Nazis now.

Screw xiden, the commie whore is an idiot.
Patriots use their mental faculties to identify what Covid is and take personal action accordingly,
You want to decide for everyone and force them to comply with your feelings.
Very Hitler like but you are a troll si we free thinkers understand you demented feelers.
In 1940 you would be saying, "I will not let everyone and the government tell me that Hitler is the enemy." Just because he kills millions does not mean he is the enemy.
Now, just because COVID has killed over 750,000 in the USA, 4,500,000 worldwide does not mean it is an enemy.
You are a fricking idiot.
You, idiots, think that by not wearing masks or getting the vaccine, you own Libs? Hardly. It's the Covid virus that owns you.

But hey, go for it. The quicker we thin the trumptard herd, the better for America! :dance: Back at ya.
The virus owns you. Pure projection.
In 1940 you would be saying, "I will not let everyone and the government tell me that Hitler is the enemy." Just because he kills millions does not mean he is the enemy.
Now, just because COVID has killed over 750,000 in the USA, 4,500,000 worldwide does not mean it is an enemy.
You are a fricking idiot.
No I think and you emote and offer up what you feel I might have though about Hitler 80 years ago. Libs cannot operate in the present moment because that’s a thinking mans ability, There are always absorbed in 60-150 years ago for their “rebuttals”
They are serving the country by demanding their rights and pointing out at the same time that the government does not have that power to demand anything. Keeping this country free by demanding our rights is serving this country.
You better tell that to all who have served their country when demanded during WWII and Viet Nam.
Those who do what is best for the common good, when not demanded by the government, are to be admired.
You are only concerned about keeping yourself from doing anything that is a discomfort. You are a pathetic, disgusting piece of crap. How do you live with your cowardly self?
Okay, let me see if I have your logic correct.

I'm wrong that masks do not work. You're right that masks, NOT AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC do work. Keep talking! :D

its important to know the context. Fauci made this statements in march 2020, prior to certainty about the asymptomatic spread of coronavirus....

at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, masks were not recommended for the general public, as authorities were trying to prevent a mask shortage for health workers and the extent of asymptomatic spread was unknown.

As more information became available about SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, health authorities and organizations around the world have changed their stance towards the impact of face masks and the spread of the disease ( here ).

Its like saying the weatherman told me to wear a jacket yesterday because its raining. But today its not raining, but i need to wear a jacket? because i was watching yesterdays weather report.
its important to know the context. Fauci made this statements in march 2020, prior to certainty about the asymptomatic spread of coronavirus....

at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, masks were not recommended for the general public, as authorities were trying to prevent a mask shortage for health workers and the extent of asymptomatic spread was unknown.

As more information became available about SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, health authorities and organizations around the world have changed their stance towards the impact of face masks and the spread of the disease ( here ).

Its like saying the weatherman told me to wear a jacket yesterday because its raining. But today its not raining, but i need to wear a jacket? because i was watching yesterdays weather report.
People who lie to Congress are not trustworthy. Congress is not trustworthy because they do nothing about it. Too many lies.
Covid is a big nothing burger


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