Those refusing the vaccine and mask mandates are refusing to serve our country

Those refusing the vaccine and mask mandates are refusing to serve our country.
In WWII and Viet Nam, individuals were mandated to serve in our military to fight in the wars against our enemy.
The wars since have been fought by a volunteer military. It has proved to provide all personnel needed.
In the fight against COVID our nation has gone back to mandating all citizens receive the vaccine and adhere to mask protocol. The US and all western nations have determined this is how COVID will be neutralized and stop destroying our normal way of life.
The countries who have the most citizens willing to do what their nations ask, to fight COVID, are the most successful. Israel is a great example. While having a surge in late summer, they introduced the booster and now their cases are plummeting. Some of the lowest infection rates in the world.
The US has been hit the hardest and continues to struggle because of too many selfish citizens driven by fear and refuse to do what their nation asks for the common good. Thank goodness we did not have these cowards refusing to serve in WWII or we would all be Nazis now.

lighten up, Francis.
Don't underestimate how much of it is just a middle finger to snowflake lefties that think they can control everybody.

It's nothing to do with your paranoia about leftie. It's about stopping a virus that knows no boundaries.
Ask those godbothering republicans who are dying in hospitals from breing unvaccinated.
You're a patriots arsehole and a gutless one with it.
100% wrong. Worse, you know it is not true.
i know its is completely true, because there are different kinds of masks.
Medical masks do protect the wearer, but those arent available to consumers.

The typical mask available to the public should be thought of as a "breath diverting device", their main role is to stop exhaled breath travelling too far away from the wearer. They are effective at reducing the extent of the spread, which is important with this virus since it spread from asymptomatic people and pre-symptomatic people.

Elmer Crud thinks that if you aren’t scared shitless and cow towing then you aren’t an American,
Wrong, the healthy die all the time with COVID. But you keep thinking they don't. It will help you sleep at night.
Meh, the Bidens were just caught red handed breaking their own mask mandate so screw masks, nobody has to wear them.
Good thinking Blues Legend, If one person doesn't do it I will not either.
The words of a person who cannot think for themselves. The characteristic of a Trump minion.
Only a true coward defines the world by fear.
Patriots do not fear COVID, they take actions to beat COVID.
Patriots use their mental faculties to identify what Covid is and take personal action accordingly,
You want to decide for everyone and force them to comply with your feelings.
Very Hitler like but you are a troll si we free thinkers understand you demented feelers.
Good thinking Blues Legend, If one person doesn't do it I will not either.
The words of a person who cannot think for themselves. The characteristic of a Trump minion.
If your leaders are not following the mask mandate nobody needs to. Suck on that sour pill lib, own the epic hypocrisy displayed by your Dem leaders.

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