Those supporting Kim Davis don't really care about Religious Freedom

I repeat...there is no such thing as Christian Sharia struggled in school didn't you?
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
There most certainly is. And you are a big supporter of it. Most of your posts are on what you think the laws should be in this country based on YOUR interpretation of YOUR religious faith. That is sharia pure and simple. Just because you don't like it to be called that because of the muslim connotations doesn't make it any less tru.

You know what? You better hope this nation's Christians don't go Sharia law on you left'd be sorely outnumbered and YOU may very well find yourself being tossed of a tall building. Think about it, toad.
There it is! Sassy admitting that if her brand of Christian got to make our nation's laws based on their interpretation...they would kill us.
Once again....Christians aren't a threat to homosexuals......Muslims are.
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
There most certainly is. And you are a big supporter of it. Most of your posts are on what you think the laws should be in this country based on YOUR interpretation of YOUR religious faith. That is sharia pure and simple. Just because you don't like it to be called that because of the muslim connotations doesn't make it any less tru.

You know what? You better hope this nation's Christians don't go Sharia law on you left'd be sorely outnumbered and YOU may very well find yourself being tossed of a tall building. Think about it, toad.
There it is! Sassy admitting that if her brand of Christian got to make our nation's laws based on their interpretation...they would kill us.
Once again....Christians aren't a threat to homosexuals......Muslims are.

Gaypers and leftists are scared shit less when it comes to Muzzies.
Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
There most certainly is. And you are a big supporter of it. Most of your posts are on what you think the laws should be in this country based on YOUR interpretation of YOUR religious faith. That is sharia pure and simple. Just because you don't like it to be called that because of the muslim connotations doesn't make it any less tru.

You know what? You better hope this nation's Christians don't go Sharia law on you left'd be sorely outnumbered and YOU may very well find yourself being tossed of a tall building. Think about it, toad.
There it is! Sassy admitting that if her brand of Christian got to make our nation's laws based on their interpretation...they would kill us.
Once again....Christians aren't a threat to homosexuals......Muslims are.

Gaypers and leftists are scared shit less when it comes to Muzzies.
I don't see any muslims in America denying marriage licenses.
Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
There most certainly is. And you are a big supporter of it. Most of your posts are on what you think the laws should be in this country based on YOUR interpretation of YOUR religious faith. That is sharia pure and simple. Just because you don't like it to be called that because of the muslim connotations doesn't make it any less tru.

You know what? You better hope this nation's Christians don't go Sharia law on you left'd be sorely outnumbered and YOU may very well find yourself being tossed of a tall building. Think about it, toad.
There it is! Sassy admitting that if her brand of Christian got to make our nation's laws based on their interpretation...they would kill us.
Once again....Christians aren't a threat to homosexuals......Muslims are.

Gaypers and leftists are scared shit less when it comes to Muzzies.
The dirty little secret in Islam is that as long as you keep it hidden you can be Gay.

Once the Sun goes down they literally come out of the woodwork.There's a rumor that Yassar Arafat died of AIDs.

It explains why Obama can be bi-sexual and Muslim at the same time.
Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
There most certainly is. And you are a big supporter of it. Most of your posts are on what you think the laws should be in this country based on YOUR interpretation of YOUR religious faith. That is sharia pure and simple. Just because you don't like it to be called that because of the muslim connotations doesn't make it any less tru.

You know what? You better hope this nation's Christians don't go Sharia law on you left'd be sorely outnumbered and YOU may very well find yourself being tossed of a tall building. Think about it, toad.
There it is! Sassy admitting that if her brand of Christian got to make our nation's laws based on their interpretation...they would kill us.
Once again....Christians aren't a threat to homosexuals......Muslims are.

Gaypers and leftists are scared shit less when it comes to Muzzies.
The Sand ******* don't bother them anymore than you do. All cut from the same rancid garbage called religion.
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
There most certainly is. And you are a big supporter of it. Most of your posts are on what you think the laws should be in this country based on YOUR interpretation of YOUR religious faith. That is sharia pure and simple. Just because you don't like it to be called that because of the muslim connotations doesn't make it any less tru.

You know what? You better hope this nation's Christians don't go Sharia law on you left'd be sorely outnumbered and YOU may very well find yourself being tossed of a tall building. Think about it, toad.
There it is! Sassy admitting that if her brand of Christian got to make our nation's laws based on their interpretation...they would kill us.
Once again....Christians aren't a threat to homosexuals......Muslims are.
The threat is the same, only the Christians usually don't have the balls to carry through...
Typical. A conservative doesn't know anything about the story he's commenting on? Shocker! :laugh:
Did you wake up knowing your own name this morning? Because that would be a big improvement for you.....
They testified to what Bodey said in fucking court! No way to spin out of this one! :laugh:
They testified to being stupid and cowards?

Wow.....good for them..... did know that SHE was the only authority permitted to sign the licenses, right?
Since she is out of the county, that doesn't apply. The other clerks take over her duties. That is why she is in jail in Carter not Rowan county...
An illicit move that will be nullified on appeal. These others are issuing invalid licenses. A judge cannot overturn the vote of the people. Even congress people continue to server in jail until they are removed from office.
Ignorant nonsense.

The licenses being issued are in fact valid:

'State law does not require a clerk’s signature on the license; to be valid, it must have “the signature of the county clerk or deputy clerk issuing the license.”

The Rowan County attorney, Cecil Watkins, has said that licenses issued without Ms. Davis’s assent would be valid[.]'

Do you and most others on the right even care about the truth – or do you just contrive and repeat lies over again in the hope they're perceived to be 'true.'
I repeat...there is no such thing as Christian Sharia struggled in school didn't you?
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
So your only objection is to the use of the term 'sharia'?
Do you teally think that calling it christian sharia or something else makes a difference?

You clowns are trying to associate Christianity with Islam when you use that idiotic term. Nothing more and nothing less. There is no such thing, you know it and I know it. Just stop
What term would you like for imposing religious rules on the masses?
And why do most social conservatives seek to impose their religious beliefs through force of law – fear, ignorance, and arrogance are likely factors, but it is indeed bizarre to wish to do so, particularly since it's anathema to the First Amendment and the Framers' desire to prevent the conjoining of Church and state as existed in Europe and the rest of the world at the time.
There most certainly is. And you are a big supporter of it. Most of your posts are on what you think the laws should be in this country based on YOUR interpretation of YOUR religious faith. That is sharia pure and simple. Just because you don't like it to be called that because of the muslim connotations doesn't make it any less tru.

You know what? You better hope this nation's Christians don't go Sharia law on you left'd be sorely outnumbered and YOU may very well find yourself being tossed of a tall building. Think about it, toad.
There it is! Sassy admitting that if her brand of Christian got to make our nation's laws based on their interpretation...they would kill us.
Once again....Christians aren't a threat to homosexuals......Muslims are.

Gaypers and leftists are scared shit less when it comes to Muzzies.
I don't see any muslims in America denying marriage licenses.

Know why you won't see Muslims denying marriage licenses to gays? Because Islam KILLS gays.

Unless you're gonna we'd two gay corpses in Tehran.
That's right. You don't. Kim FORCED her office staff to adhere to HER interpretation of christian sharia under threat of being fired. What about THEIR religious freedom to not believe as she did? So, saying this is about Religious Freedom is all a's about freedom to force people in government to go by YOUR interpretation of religion.
Kim is systematic of Kentucky's bias against common sense and rational thinking...Ky. houses some of the poorest people in this country and yet these hillbillies, these trailer park trashies, who wouldn't be alive were it not for government hand outs, ie welfare and SSI checks, all pride themselves on being anti government bible toting conservatives. Its not so much about her religion, because clearly cousin it, doesn't practice the very bible she claims as her guidance, its about yet another hillbilly clone of Ky. hatin on mf's cause they different and I would rather her hide behind that truth, than that of God!!

I personally hopes she rots in jail. If the media would stop covering the chic, she'd be a non factor in 3 seconds.
That's right. You don't. Kim FORCED her office staff to adhere to HER interpretation of christian sharia under threat of being fired. What about THEIR religious freedom to not believe as she did? So, saying this is about Religious Freedom is all a's about freedom to force people in government to go by YOUR interpretation of religion.
Kim is systematic of Kentucky's bias against common sense and rational thinking...Ky. houses some of the poorest people in this country and yet these hillbillies, these trailer park trashies, who wouldn't be alive were it not for government hand outs, ie welfare and SSI checks, all pride themselves on being anti government bible toting conservatives. Its not so much about her religion, because clearly cousin it, doesn't practice the very bible she claims as her guidance, its about yet another hillbilly clone of Ky. hatin on mf's cause they different and I would rather her hide behind that truth, than that of God!!

I personally hopes she rots in jail. If the media would stop covering the chic, she'd be a non factor in 3 seconds.

You don't like anybody do you? I've never encountered such a negative and hateful person such as you
That's right. You don't. Kim FORCED her office staff to adhere to HER interpretation of christian sharia under threat of being fired. What about THEIR religious freedom to not believe as she did? So, saying this is about Religious Freedom is all a's about freedom to force people in government to go by YOUR interpretation of religion.
Kim is systematic of Kentucky's bias against common sense and rational thinking...Ky. houses some of the poorest people in this country and yet these hillbillies, these trailer park trashies, who wouldn't be alive were it not for government hand outs, ie welfare and SSI checks, all pride themselves on being anti government bible toting conservatives. Its not so much about her religion, because clearly cousin it, doesn't practice the very bible she claims as her guidance, its about yet another hillbilly clone of Ky. hatin on mf's cause they different and I would rather her hide behind that truth, than that of God!!

I personally hopes she rots in jail. If the media would stop covering the chic, she'd be a non factor in 3 seconds.

You don't like anybody do you? I've never encountered such a negative and hateful person such as you've finally met one!!
You know what? You better hope this nation's Christians don't go Sharia law on you left'd be sorely outnumbered and YOU may very well find yourself being tossed of a tall building. Think about it, toad.
There it is! Sassy admitting that if her brand of Christian got to make our nation's laws based on their interpretation...they would kill us.
Once again....Christians aren't a threat to homosexuals......Muslims are.

Gaypers and leftists are scared shit less when it comes to Muzzies.
I don't see any muslims in America denying marriage licenses.

Know why you won't see Muslims denying marriage licenses to gays? Because Islam KILLS gays.

Unless you're gonna we'd two gay corpses in Tehran.

This makes almost as much sense as the posts that are NOT garbled, by the homophobes posting here.
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
There most certainly is. And you are a big supporter of it. Most of your posts are on what you think the laws should be in this country based on YOUR interpretation of YOUR religious faith. That is sharia pure and simple. Just because you don't like it to be called that because of the muslim connotations doesn't make it any less tru.

You know what? You better hope this nation's Christians don't go Sharia law on you left'd be sorely outnumbered and YOU may very well find yourself being tossed of a tall building. Think about it, toad.
There it is! Sassy admitting that if her brand of Christian got to make our nation's laws based on their interpretation...they would kill us.
Once again....Christians aren't a threat to homosexuals......Muslims are.
Yes they are....has anyone here denied that they are? But did you read Sassy's post. There's some wishful "christian" thinking for you.....thank goodness for our secular laws protecting us from "christians" like her.
You know what? You better hope this nation's Christians don't go Sharia law on you left'd be sorely outnumbered and YOU may very well find yourself being tossed of a tall building. Think about it, toad.
There it is! Sassy admitting that if her brand of Christian got to make our nation's laws based on their interpretation...they would kill us.
Once again....Christians aren't a threat to homosexuals......Muslims are.

Gaypers and leftists are scared shit less when it comes to Muzzies.
I don't see any muslims in America denying marriage licenses.

Know why you won't see Muslims denying marriage licenses to gays? Because Islam KILLS gays.

Unless you're gonna we'd two gay corpses in Tehran.
Let me guess...we should be GRATEFUL that the far right "christians" here don't kill us. Trust me, it's not out of the "goodness" of their hearts. It's because of our secular laws and our wonderful U.S. Constitution. The best of America.
Well, thank our courts for making sure christian sharia isn't taking hold in places like Kentucky where Kim Davis was trying to establish it. We know you don't like to be called on your attempts to establish and support christian sharia so you pretend it doesn't exist. That's not gonna work. You want our laws to be based on YOUR interpretation of what YOUR religion says. Jeremiah wants our laws based on HER interpretation of what HER religion says. The truth is...neither of you get to interject your religions into our secular laws. Thank goodness. :clap:

I repeat...there is no such thing as Christian Sharia struggled in school didn't you?
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
There most certainly is. And you are a big supporter of it. Most of your posts are on what you think the laws should be in this country based on YOUR interpretation of YOUR religious faith. That is sharia pure and simple. Just because you don't like it to be called that because of the muslim connotations doesn't make it any less tru.

You know what? You better hope this nation's Christians don't go Sharia law on you left'd be sorely outnumbered and YOU may very well find yourself being tossed of a tall building. Think about it, toad.
I thought this post needed quoting again. What you see from Sassy is what would happen if the far-right "christians" got their christian sharia. She even admits it.
Well, thank our courts for making sure christian sharia isn't taking hold in places like Kentucky where Kim Davis was trying to establish it. We know you don't like to be called on your attempts to establish and support christian sharia so you pretend it doesn't exist. That's not gonna work. You want our laws to be based on YOUR interpretation of what YOUR religion says. Jeremiah wants our laws based on HER interpretation of what HER religion says. The truth is...neither of you get to interject your religions into our secular laws. Thank goodness. :clap:

I repeat...there is no such thing as Christian Sharia struggled in school didn't you?
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
So your only objection is to the use of the term 'sharia'?
Do you teally think that calling it christian sharia or something else makes a difference?

You clowns are trying to associate Christianity with Islam when you use that idiotic term. Nothing more and nothing less. There is no such thing, you know it and I know it. Just stop
Do you really think there's much difference between your brand of "christianity" and far right muslims version of "islam"?
I repeat...there is no such thing as Christian Sharia struggled in school didn't you?
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
So your only objection is to the use of the term 'sharia'?
Do you teally think that calling it christian sharia or something else makes a difference?

You clowns are trying to associate Christianity with Islam when you use that idiotic term. Nothing more and nothing less. There is no such thing, you know it and I know it. Just stop
What term would you like for imposing religious rules on the masses?
Religious tyranny works just as well.
During the 50's and 60's I lived in a theocracy in Georgia. The only businesses allowed to be open on Sundays were gas stations, pharmacies and convenience stores. I couldn't even go to a hardware store to buy some nails. Forget about alcohol, and most forms of entertainment. Want to go to the mall? Forget it.

I'm not going back to that kind of crap. Keep your religion at church and out of my life.

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