Those supporting Kim Davis don't really care about Religious Freedom

I bet you do.



You realized she did not become a Christian until AFTER her divorces... ignorant!

She wasn't a Christian? Was she muslim before then? Buddhist?
No relevance ,what so ever.
Total relevance. The claim was made she did not become a christian until after her divorces. I simply want to know what she was beforehand....inquiring minds want to know.
No question she was a Christian
just not THAT kind of Christian
Wow...can you possibly make less sense?

All who attack it must remember that the hammer will fall, on their heads, and they are not heroes at all. PMH is simply stupid and wouldn't admit it when he could no longer come up with anything germane to say regarding ethics. That is why he sits in this lame ass thread trying to sound as if he knows the first thing about morals...and I fear he won't ever get any closer to understanding.
She doesn't have a moral leg to stand on there little buddy. Just another bitch with a Bible, she doesn't comprehend...
In fact, her moral leg is significant and with historic precedence.....How about yours?

Oh that's right. History is replete with tales of barbarians killing innocents...
So she's moral but the many thousands of other Christian clerks in the country aren't, because they are obeying the law? Got it.
IN fact they are...

If you say that every person must have the same understanding of God then you are even more fucking stupid than I thought. You must not be don't have the same moral values I do..That's how stupid your statement is.
Now you are starting to get it. Not every person must have the same understanding of their god (or gods/goddesses)....Kim Davis was forcing HER understanding onto her staff. That was religious tyranny.
You DON'T understand it...

Again...saying it does not make it true.

She forced no one.
There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" law. You've been schooled on this a number of times
All I can say is, they should move to Iran and see if they can get a marriage license.

America is said to be the worst country by the left.....but this is how they treat gays in Iran.


You realized she did not become a Christian until AFTER her divorces... ignorant!

She wasn't a Christian? Was she muslim before then? Buddhist?
No relevance ,what so ever.
Total relevance. The claim was made she did not become a christian until after her divorces. I simply want to know what she was beforehand....inquiring minds want to know.
in a rational way,explain why her faith,or lack of befor has anything,to do besides just being a nosy bizzy body.

You realized she did not become a Christian until AFTER her divorces... ignorant!

She wasn't a Christian? Was she muslim before then? Buddhist?
No relevance ,what so ever.
Total relevance. The claim was made she did not become a christian until after her divorces. I simply want to know what she was beforehand....inquiring minds want to know.
No question she was a Christian
just not THAT kind of Christian
You know...I was raised Lutheran and came from a town with lots of Catholics (mostly Irish, Polish, and Italian) and some Methodists and Presbyterians too...and we all thought we were all Christians. Then I went to college and with a friend went to a Bible meeting one day to check it out. They started talking about being Christian in that, if you weren't with them, you weren't Christian...and the usage of the term was very very exclusionary. Turned me right off to their form of "religion". To me,that "holier than thou" attitude is just outright evil.
There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" law. You've been schooled on this a number of times
All I can say is, they should move to Iran and see if they can get a marriage license.

America is said to be the worst country by the left.....but this is how they treat gays in Iran.

If you don't like it...

There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" law. You've been schooled on this a number of times
All I can say is, they should move to Iran and see if they can get a marriage license.

America is said to be the worst country by the left.....but this is how they treat gays in Iran.

Ah there it is....the "you should be grateful we don't hang you like they do in the Middle East" meme.
She doesn't have a moral leg to stand on there little buddy. Just another bitch with a Bible, she doesn't comprehend...
In fact, her moral leg is significant and with historic precedence.....How about yours?

Oh that's right. History is replete with tales of barbarians killing innocents...
So she's moral but the many thousands of other Christian clerks in the country aren't, because they are obeying the law? Got it.
IN fact they are...

If you say that every person must have the same understanding of God then you are even more fucking stupid than I thought. You must not be don't have the same moral values I do..That's how stupid your statement is.
Now you are starting to get it. Not every person must have the same understanding of their god (or gods/goddesses)....Kim Davis was forcing HER understanding onto her staff. That was religious tyranny.
You DON'T understand it...

Again...saying it does not make it true.

She forced no one.
Tell us, when the boss, in your case mommy, tells you to do something, what do you do?
Conscience, dumbass...


[kon-shuh ns]

the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action:
to follow the dictates of conscience.
Good for you....

Now, do you understand it?
Absolutely. It works like this:

Matthew 6:24
"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

Guess what she is trying to do, and can't. If she, in GOOD CONSCIENCE, can't do her job as required by the law and the taxpayers that pay her salary then she needs to get another job. All clear now, grasshopper...
I guess you fail ethics...

One has the right and permission to do as needed to survive in life....they can follow a path of enrichment to their hearts content.

When one conflicts with the other..then a choice must be made....

She did exactly that.....she chose to do the right thing based upon her own conscience.....which is all anyone knowledgeable of ethics can expect...

However, there is no conflict with keeping her job since her moral were not in conflict when she accepted the job and only later have been put to the test...

She if showing the entire world the meaning of integrity......I'll bet you wish you had those kinds of balls.

Being ethical is doing the job you took an oath to do. Integrity is doing it even when it may be difficult to do.
NO...Ethical is doing the right thing, regardless of circumstance...Integrity is holding true to your beliefs and actions with regard to your ethics..

Ethics 101.

Apparently she showed neither while refusing to do her sworn duty.
She doesn't have a moral leg to stand on there little buddy. Just another bitch with a Bible, she doesn't comprehend...
In fact, her moral leg is significant and with historic precedence.....How about yours?

Oh that's right. History is replete with tales of barbarians killing innocents...
So she's moral but the many thousands of other Christian clerks in the country aren't, because they are obeying the law? Got it.
IN fact they are...

If you say that every person must have the same understanding of God then you are even more fucking stupid than I thought. You must not be don't have the same moral values I do..That's how stupid your statement is.
Now you are starting to get it. Not every person must have the same understanding of their god (or gods/goddesses)....Kim Davis was forcing HER understanding onto her staff. That was religious tyranny.
You DON'T understand it...

Again...saying it does not make it true.

She forced no one.
She did not allow her clerks to do their legal job. She forced her version of religion onto them...Religious Tyranny.
You realized she did not become a Christian until AFTER her divorces... ignorant!

She wasn't a Christian? Was she muslim before then? Buddhist?
No relevance ,what so ever.
Total relevance. The claim was made she did not become a christian until after her divorces. I simply want to know what she was beforehand....inquiring minds want to know.
No question she was a Christian
just not THAT kind of Christian
You know...I was raised Lutheran and came from a town with lots of Catholics (mostly Irish, Polish, and Italian) and some Methodists and Presbyterians too...and we all thought we were all Christians. Then I went to college and with a friend went to a Bible meeting one day to check it out. They started talking about being Christian in that, if you weren't with them, you weren't Christian...and the usage of the term was very very exclusionary. Turned me right off to their form of "religion". To me,that "holier than thou" attitude is just outright evil.
And you base all Christians on that alone.makes it easy dosnt it?
There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" law. You've been schooled on this a number of times
All I can say is, they should move to Iran and see if they can get a marriage license.

America is said to be the worst country by the left.....but this is how they treat gays in Iran.

Ah there it is....the "you should be grateful we don't hang you like they do in the Middle East" meme.
I was thinking.....all of the bad press we get is a bit exaggerated.

Also....count your blessings.

Things could be worse.
God told me that he wants Kim in jail, and that if she gets out, I must not follow any laws in Kentucky the next time I drive through it on my way to Maryland.
There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" law. You've been schooled on this a number of times
Well, thank our courts for making sure christian sharia isn't taking hold in places like Kentucky where Kim Davis was trying to establish it. We know you don't like to be called on your attempts to establish and support christian sharia so you pretend it doesn't exist. That's not gonna work. You want our laws to be based on YOUR interpretation of what YOUR religion says. Jeremiah wants our laws based on HER interpretation of what HER religion says. The truth is...neither of you get to interject your religions into our secular laws. Thank goodness. :clap:

I repeat...there is no such thing as Christian Sharia struggled in school didn't you?
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?
She wasn't a Christian? Was she muslim before then? Buddhist?
No relevance ,what so ever.
Total relevance. The claim was made she did not become a christian until after her divorces. I simply want to know what she was beforehand....inquiring minds want to know.
No question she was a Christian
just not THAT kind of Christian
You know...I was raised Lutheran and came from a town with lots of Catholics (mostly Irish, Polish, and Italian) and some Methodists and Presbyterians too...and we all thought we were all Christians. Then I went to college and with a friend went to a Bible meeting one day to check it out. They started talking about being Christian in that, if you weren't with them, you weren't Christian...and the usage of the term was very very exclusionary. Turned me right off to their form of "religion". To me,that "holier than thou" attitude is just outright evil.
And you base all Christians on that alone.makes it easy dosnt it? need to read my post again, just the opposite. I see christians as all sorts, as I did growing up. The people who turned me off were those doing the excluding and the "we're christian and you're not" crap.
God told me that he wants Kim in jail, and that if she gets out, I must not follow any laws in Kentucky the next time I drive through it on my way to Maryland.
I think I here my gods saying the same thing.
There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" law. You've been schooled on this a number of times
All I can say is, they should move to Iran and see if they can get a marriage license.

America is said to be the worst country by the left.....but this is how they treat gays in Iran.

Ah there it is....the "you should be grateful we don't hang you like they do in the Middle East" meme.
As long as we don't hang them, gays should be happy with whatever they get

No, they know the law, and the law rules here, not Kim's God...
People and their rights rule here.....the right to be secure in your own conscious rules......Not even the King of England could make a true American change their conscious...A few gays aren't going to make much of a dent.
Conscience, dumbass...


[kon-shuh ns]

the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action:
to follow the dictates of conscience.
Good for you....

Now, do you understand it?
Absolutely. It works like this:

Matthew 6:24
"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

Guess what she is trying to do, and can't. If she, in GOOD CONSCIENCE, can't do her job as required by the law and the taxpayers that pay her salary then she needs to get another job. All clear now, grasshopper...
I guess you fail ethics...

One has the right and permission to do as needed to survive in life....they can follow a path of enrichment to their hearts content.

When one conflicts with the other..then a choice must be made....

She did exactly that.....she chose to do the right thing based upon her own conscience.....which is all anyone knowledgeable of ethics can expect...

However, there is no conflict with keeping her job since her moral were not in conflict when she accepted the job and only later have been put to the test...

She if showing the entire world the meaning of integrity......I'll bet you wish you had those kinds of balls.
She did not take an oath to uphold the law and constitution only if she agreed with it.
Good for you....

Now, do you understand it?
Absolutely. It works like this:

Matthew 6:24
"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

Guess what she is trying to do, and can't. If she, in GOOD CONSCIENCE, can't do her job as required by the law and the taxpayers that pay her salary then she needs to get another job. All clear now, grasshopper...
I guess you fail ethics...

One has the right and permission to do as needed to survive in life....they can follow a path of enrichment to their hearts content.

When one conflicts with the other..then a choice must be made....

She did exactly that.....she chose to do the right thing based upon her own conscience.....which is all anyone knowledgeable of ethics can expect...

However, there is no conflict with keeping her job since her moral were not in conflict when she accepted the job and only later have been put to the test...

She if showing the entire world the meaning of integrity......I'll bet you wish you had those kinds of balls.

Being ethical is doing the job you took an oath to do. Integrity is doing it even when it may be difficult to do.
NO...Ethical is doing the right thing, regardless of circumstance...Integrity is holding true to your beliefs and actions with regard to your ethics..

Ethics 101.

[eth-i-kuh l]

pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct.
2. being in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice, especially the standards of a profession:
the definition of ethical

And what was Kim's profession? Being a clerk, not a priest...
I know you are limited in understanding....but consider this...

1. Pertaining to right and wrong in conduct........

This is what she has done....she is conducting herself as she perceives right and wrong. It does not get any more clear than that.

The standards of profession is NUMBER 2....meaning is is secondary in importance....but setting that aside....

So, if a person has a deeply held personal ethic of doing what they held to be right, and a job had a standard that was in conflict with that ethic, personal ethics always come first
There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" law. You've been schooled on this a number of times
All I can say is, they should move to Iran and see if they can get a marriage license.

America is said to be the worst country by the left.....but this is how they treat gays in Iran.

Ah there it is....the "you should be grateful we don't hang you like they do in the Middle East" meme.
I was thinking.....all of the bad press we get is a bit exaggerated.

Also....count your blessings.

Things could be worse.
Oh gee...I guess we should be grateful you don't kill us, eh?

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