Those supporting Kim Davis don't really care about Religious Freedom

OMG this one! bodecea

Yeah, I saw that one the other day. My wife watches that show and was ROFL.
I don't make wagers with losers....I suppose you think you have some kind of link that will show that others can sign these licenses too.
You mean you don't make losing wagers. I get it. You can't put your money (or sig or avatar or time off the board) where your mouth is. So much for YOUR conviction in what you say. :lol:
I make no wagers with losers......period...

AS for time off the board....The forums have already won that....You people are so toxic I'm going leave before the end of the week.....this incident was just the last straw...when I get to the point when I see just how stupid and hate-filled you people have become...Its time to move on and do some real good in the world....

Besides...if you lost, you'd just ignore it like the rest of the progressives do....You have no credibility or integrity.
You mean you make not losing wagers. You know you would lose and you have no convictions in your own beliefs..not even for a avatar, sig, or time off board bet.

And I like your excuse saying that people ignore bets. You apparently haven't been on this board enough to know that all the welchers to a person are RWrs. I actually lost a bet once a few years back and faithfully stayed off the board for 30 days. I don't believe you are made of enough honest stuff to stick by your own beliefs.
So, that makes you a double liar...

Of course, for you...anything that you don't like is a RW's fault.....

BTW...I've been on this forum longer than you have.....

Or would you care to wager on that?


worthless people who think that a person has to meet THEIR criteria on what a christian is, in order to meet the definition of a Christian...

Too fucking funny.
Wager you've been here longer? Fool, I can see your join date. :rofl: So you know all about the Election 2012 welchers then. To pretend you don't will just show that you have no credibility.

So.. you are leaving this board forever by the end of this week? Ok....see you next week. :bye1:
No, I"ll be moving on.....Its for My own sanity....

And you want to know why?

For lies like you just stated..

Care to show where I said I would be leaving forever?

You realized she did not become a Christian until AFTER her divorces... ignorant!
A belief in Christianity isn't a function of time...but belief...she could have been saved a week before....does not diminish her faith or committment.....

Clearly it does not diminish her commitment....

I guess we can now all apply there standard of belief to all the progressives who practice civil disobedience too...
You mean you don't make losing wagers. I get it. You can't put your money (or sig or avatar or time off the board) where your mouth is. So much for YOUR conviction in what you say. :lol:
I make no wagers with losers......period...

AS for time off the board....The forums have already won that....You people are so toxic I'm going leave before the end of the week.....this incident was just the last straw...when I get to the point when I see just how stupid and hate-filled you people have become...Its time to move on and do some real good in the world....

Besides...if you lost, you'd just ignore it like the rest of the progressives do....You have no credibility or integrity.
You mean you make not losing wagers. You know you would lose and you have no convictions in your own beliefs..not even for a avatar, sig, or time off board bet.

And I like your excuse saying that people ignore bets. You apparently haven't been on this board enough to know that all the welchers to a person are RWrs. I actually lost a bet once a few years back and faithfully stayed off the board for 30 days. I don't believe you are made of enough honest stuff to stick by your own beliefs.
So, that makes you a double liar...

Of course, for you...anything that you don't like is a RW's fault.....

BTW...I've been on this forum longer than you have.....

Or would you care to wager on that?


worthless people who think that a person has to meet THEIR criteria on what a christian is, in order to meet the definition of a Christian...

Too fucking funny.
Wager you've been here longer? Fool, I can see your join date. :rofl: So you know all about the Election 2012 welchers then. To pretend you don't will just show that you have no credibility.

So.. you are leaving this board forever by the end of this week? Ok....see you next week. :bye1:
No, I"ll be moving on.....Its for My own sanity....

And you want to know why?

For lies like you just stated..

Care to show where I said I would be leaving forever?'re leaving forever....See you next week. :bye1:
Absolutely. It works like this:

Matthew 6:24
"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

Guess what she is trying to do, and can't. If she, in GOOD CONSCIENCE, can't do her job as required by the law and the taxpayers that pay her salary then she needs to get another job. All clear now, grasshopper...
I guess you fail ethics...

One has the right and permission to do as needed to survive in life....they can follow a path of enrichment to their hearts content.

When one conflicts with the other..then a choice must be made....

She did exactly that.....she chose to do the right thing based upon her own conscience.....which is all anyone knowledgeable of ethics can expect...

However, there is no conflict with keeping her job since her moral were not in conflict when she accepted the job and only later have been put to the test...

She if showing the entire world the meaning of integrity......I'll bet you wish you had those kinds of balls.

Yes, she chose...(but cowardly tried to have her cake and eat it too) and FORCED her clerks to go by HER interpretation of religion. Again, you are no supporter of Religious Freedom.....why don't you admit it. You are a supporter of Religious Tyranny.
Again...your statement has been proven false....
She FORCED no one....Because they lacked the courage to opposer here does NOT equate to her forcing them...

Even a 2 year old would understand that.

She's their boss. She has the authority to allow or disallow. Unlike her, who can not be fired - they can.

No, she went to jail and has a permanent record.

And her job.
I guess we can now all apply there standard of belief to all the progressives who practice civil disobedience too...
All who practice it must remember that the hammer will fall, on their heads, and they are not all heroes. Kim is simply a bitch who wouldn't resign when she could no longer do her job, and she wouldn't let the others do their jobs either. That is why she sits in jail, and I hope that she does for a very long time...
I make no wagers with losers......period...

AS for time off the board....The forums have already won that....You people are so toxic I'm going leave before the end of the week.....this incident was just the last straw...when I get to the point when I see just how stupid and hate-filled you people have become...Its time to move on and do some real good in the world....

Besides...if you lost, you'd just ignore it like the rest of the progressives do....You have no credibility or integrity.
You mean you make not losing wagers. You know you would lose and you have no convictions in your own beliefs..not even for a avatar, sig, or time off board bet.

And I like your excuse saying that people ignore bets. You apparently haven't been on this board enough to know that all the welchers to a person are RWrs. I actually lost a bet once a few years back and faithfully stayed off the board for 30 days. I don't believe you are made of enough honest stuff to stick by your own beliefs.
So, that makes you a double liar...

Of course, for you...anything that you don't like is a RW's fault.....

BTW...I've been on this forum longer than you have.....

Or would you care to wager on that?


worthless people who think that a person has to meet THEIR criteria on what a christian is, in order to meet the definition of a Christian...

Too fucking funny.
Wager you've been here longer? Fool, I can see your join date. :rofl: So you know all about the Election 2012 welchers then. To pretend you don't will just show that you have no credibility.

So.. you are leaving this board forever by the end of this week? Ok....see you next week. :bye1:
No, I"ll be moving on.....Its for My own sanity....

And you want to know why?

For lies like you just stated..

Care to show where I said I would be leaving forever?'re leaving forever....See you next week. :bye1:
Brained damaged too....Good thing you have others feeding you information to regurgitate.

You realized she did not become a Christian until AFTER her divorces... ignorant!
A belief in Christianity isn't a function of time...but belief...she could have been saved a week before....does not diminish her faith or committment.....

Clearly it does not diminish her commitment....

I guess we can now all apply there standard of belief to all the progressives who practice civil disobedience too...

Her commitment is fine, but she doesn't have the right to impose it on others. She also has a job where she swore to follow the law. If she found herself in a position where she could not, she should have stepped down, asked for legislative changes, or allowed her deputies to do it.

Would you be fighting as hard if it was a Muslim worker in a fast food restaurant who refused to serve bacon, and refused to allow his subordinants to serve bacon on religious principle despite the fact that his boss specified bacon is to be served?
I guess we can now all apply there standard of belief to all the progressives who practice civil disobedience too...
All who practice it must remember that the hammer will fall, on their heads, and they are not all heroes. Kim is simply a bitch who wouldn't resign when she could no longer do her job, and she wouldn't let the others do their jobs either. That is why she sits in jail, and I hope that she does for a very long time...
Oh she'll cave. I'm sure people in Kentucky are appreciative of the image she is presenting for their state atm....just as Tennessee appreciated the image they got from the Scopes Monkey Trial.
You mean you make not losing wagers. You know you would lose and you have no convictions in your own beliefs..not even for a avatar, sig, or time off board bet.

And I like your excuse saying that people ignore bets. You apparently haven't been on this board enough to know that all the welchers to a person are RWrs. I actually lost a bet once a few years back and faithfully stayed off the board for 30 days. I don't believe you are made of enough honest stuff to stick by your own beliefs.
So, that makes you a double liar...

Of course, for you...anything that you don't like is a RW's fault.....

BTW...I've been on this forum longer than you have.....

Or would you care to wager on that?


worthless people who think that a person has to meet THEIR criteria on what a christian is, in order to meet the definition of a Christian...

Too fucking funny.
Wager you've been here longer? Fool, I can see your join date. :rofl: So you know all about the Election 2012 welchers then. To pretend you don't will just show that you have no credibility.

So.. you are leaving this board forever by the end of this week? Ok....see you next week. :bye1:
No, I"ll be moving on.....Its for My own sanity....

And you want to know why?

For lies like you just stated..

Care to show where I said I would be leaving forever?'re leaving forever....See you next week. :bye1:
Brained damaged too....Good thing you have others feeding you information to regurgitate.
What? You're still here? The end of the week approacheth. See you next week. :bye1:
This post alone is glaringly aparant you know little about the Christian faith,yet fee free to toss your ill informed options,while blubbering about tyrany.priceless!! And typical people like yourself have no idea what freedom or tranny really mean,let alone conviction,you flop around like leaves in the wind storm of feel good self rightgousness a sad way to be.
I guess we can now all apply there standard of belief to all the progressives who practice civil disobedience too...
All who practice it must remember that the hammer will fall, on their heads, and they are not all heroes. Kim is simply a bitch who wouldn't resign when she could no longer do her job, and she wouldn't let the others do their jobs either. That is why she sits in jail, and I hope that she does for a very long time...
Wow...can you possibly make less sense?

All who attack it must remember that the hammer will fall, on their heads, and they are not heroes at all. PMH is simply stupid and wouldn't admit it when he could no longer come up with anything germane to say regarding ethics. That is why he sits in this lame ass thread trying to sound as if he knows the first thing about morals...and I fear he won't ever get any closer to understanding.
So, that makes you a double liar...

Of course, for you...anything that you don't like is a RW's fault.....

BTW...I've been on this forum longer than you have.....

Or would you care to wager on that?


worthless people who think that a person has to meet THEIR criteria on what a christian is, in order to meet the definition of a Christian...

Too fucking funny.
Wager you've been here longer? Fool, I can see your join date. :rofl: So you know all about the Election 2012 welchers then. To pretend you don't will just show that you have no credibility.

So.. you are leaving this board forever by the end of this week? Ok....see you next week. :bye1:
No, I"ll be moving on.....Its for My own sanity....

And you want to know why?

For lies like you just stated..

Care to show where I said I would be leaving forever?'re leaving forever....See you next week. :bye1:
Brained damaged too....Good thing you have others feeding you information to regurgitate.
What? You're still here? The end of the week approacheth. See you next week. :bye1:

For everyone's edification....please note...I've reduced this one to repeating the same line over and over....
This post alone is glaringly aparant you know little about the Christian faith,yet fee free to toss your ill informed options,while blubbering about tyrany.priceless!! And typical people like yourself have no idea what freedom or tranny really mean,let alone conviction,you flop around like leaves in the wind storm of feel good self rightgousness a sad way to be.
Was there a complete cognitive thought in that post somewhere?
Wager you've been here longer? Fool, I can see your join date. :rofl: So you know all about the Election 2012 welchers then. To pretend you don't will just show that you have no credibility.

So.. you are leaving this board forever by the end of this week? Ok....see you next week. :bye1:
No, I"ll be moving on.....Its for My own sanity....

And you want to know why?

For lies like you just stated..

Care to show where I said I would be leaving forever?'re leaving forever....See you next week. :bye1:
Brained damaged too....Good thing you have others feeding you information to regurgitate.
What? You're still here? The end of the week approacheth. See you next week. :bye1:

For everyone's edification....please note...I've reduced this one to repeating the same line over and over....
I'm being polite and holding the door for you. See you next week. :bye1:
I guess we can now all apply there standard of belief to all the progressives who practice civil disobedience too...
All who practice it must remember that the hammer will fall, on their heads, and they are not all heroes. Kim is simply a bitch who wouldn't resign when she could no longer do her job, and she wouldn't let the others do their jobs either. That is why she sits in jail, and I hope that she does for a very long time...
Wow...can you possibly make less sense?

All who attack it must remember that the hammer will fall, on their heads, and they are not heroes at all. PMH is simply stupid and wouldn't admit it when he could no longer come up with anything germane to say regarding ethics. That is why he sits in this lame ass thread trying to sound as if he knows the first thing about morals...and I fear he won't ever get any closer to understanding.
She doesn't have a moral leg to stand on there little buddy. Just another bitch with a Bible, she doesn't comprehend...
No, I"ll be moving on.....Its for My own sanity....

And you want to know why?

For lies like you just stated..

Care to show where I said I would be leaving forever?'re leaving forever....See you next week. :bye1:
Brained damaged too....Good thing you have others feeding you information to regurgitate.
What? You're still here? The end of the week approacheth. See you next week. :bye1:

For everyone's edification....please note...I've reduced this one to repeating the same line over and over....
I'm being polite and holding the door for you. See you next week. :bye1:
Your in standby mode waiting for instructions....

Lets see if you can operate interdependently....

Which day is the last day of the week, and for a bonus what time does that day end?

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