Those supporting Kim Davis don't really care about Religious Freedom

There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" law. You've been schooled on this a number of times
All I can say is, they should move to Iran and see if they can get a marriage license.

America is said to be the worst country by the left.....but this is how they treat gays in Iran.

Ah there it is....the "you should be grateful we don't hang you like they do in the Middle East" meme.
As long as we don't hang them, gays should be happy with whatever they get

Ingrates's logic along the same lines as "blacks should be grateful we took them out of Africa".
"Those supporting Kim Davis don't really care about Religious Freedom"

That or they're ignorant of the fact that requiring a state officer to do her job in no way 'violates' religious liberty.
Absolutely. It works like this:

Matthew 6:24
"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

Guess what she is trying to do, and can't. If she, in GOOD CONSCIENCE, can't do her job as required by the law and the taxpayers that pay her salary then she needs to get another job. All clear now, grasshopper...
I guess you fail ethics...

One has the right and permission to do as needed to survive in life....they can follow a path of enrichment to their hearts content.

When one conflicts with the other..then a choice must be made....

She did exactly that.....she chose to do the right thing based upon her own conscience.....which is all anyone knowledgeable of ethics can expect...

However, there is no conflict with keeping her job since her moral were not in conflict when she accepted the job and only later have been put to the test...

She if showing the entire world the meaning of integrity......I'll bet you wish you had those kinds of balls.

Being ethical is doing the job you took an oath to do. Integrity is doing it even when it may be difficult to do.
NO...Ethical is doing the right thing, regardless of circumstance...Integrity is holding true to your beliefs and actions with regard to your ethics..

Ethics 101.

[eth-i-kuh l]

pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct.
2. being in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice, especially the standards of a profession:
the definition of ethical

And what was Kim's profession? Being a clerk, not a priest...
I know you are limited in understanding....but consider this...

1. Pertaining to right and wrong in conduct........

This is what she has done....she is conducting herself as she perceives right and wrong. It does not get any more clear than that.

The standards of profession is NUMBER 2....meaning is is secondary in importance....but setting that aside....

So, if a person has a deeply held personal ethic of doing what they held to be right, and a job had a standard that was in conflict with that ethic, personal ethics always come first
You must not hold down jobs very long. The standards of profession are #1 as far as your employers are concerned. If you can't possibly consider them as #1 because of your religious faith.....................................wait for quit.
There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" law. You've been schooled on this a number of times
Well, thank our courts for making sure christian sharia isn't taking hold in places like Kentucky where Kim Davis was trying to establish it. We know you don't like to be called on your attempts to establish and support christian sharia so you pretend it doesn't exist. That's not gonna work. You want our laws to be based on YOUR interpretation of what YOUR religion says. Jeremiah wants our laws based on HER interpretation of what HER religion says. The truth is...neither of you get to interject your religions into our secular laws. Thank goodness. :clap:

I repeat...there is no such thing as Christian Sharia struggled in school didn't you?
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" law. You've been schooled on this a number of times
Well, thank our courts for making sure christian sharia isn't taking hold in places like Kentucky where Kim Davis was trying to establish it. We know you don't like to be called on your attempts to establish and support christian sharia so you pretend it doesn't exist. That's not gonna work. You want our laws to be based on YOUR interpretation of what YOUR religion says. Jeremiah wants our laws based on HER interpretation of what HER religion says. The truth is...neither of you get to interject your religions into our secular laws. Thank goodness. :clap:

I repeat...there is no such thing as Christian Sharia struggled in school didn't you?
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
There most certainly is. And you are a big supporter of it. Most of your posts are on what you think the laws should be in this country based on YOUR interpretation of YOUR religious faith. That is sharia pure and simple. Just because you don't like it to be called that because of the muslim connotations doesn't make it any less tru.
There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" law. You've been schooled on this a number of times
Well, thank our courts for making sure christian sharia isn't taking hold in places like Kentucky where Kim Davis was trying to establish it. We know you don't like to be called on your attempts to establish and support christian sharia so you pretend it doesn't exist. That's not gonna work. You want our laws to be based on YOUR interpretation of what YOUR religion says. Jeremiah wants our laws based on HER interpretation of what HER religion says. The truth is...neither of you get to interject your religions into our secular laws. Thank goodness. :clap:

I repeat...there is no such thing as Christian Sharia struggled in school didn't you?
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
There most certainly is. And you are a big supporter of it. Most of your posts are on what you think the laws should be in this country based on YOUR interpretation of YOUR religious faith. That is sharia pure and simple. Just because you don't like it to be called that because of the muslim connotations doesn't make it any less tru.

You know what? You better hope this nation's Christians don't go Sharia law on you left'd be sorely outnumbered and YOU may very well find yourself being tossed of a tall building. Think about it, toad.
There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" law. You've been schooled on this a number of times
Well, thank our courts for making sure christian sharia isn't taking hold in places like Kentucky where Kim Davis was trying to establish it. We know you don't like to be called on your attempts to establish and support christian sharia so you pretend it doesn't exist. That's not gonna work. You want our laws to be based on YOUR interpretation of what YOUR religion says. Jeremiah wants our laws based on HER interpretation of what HER religion says. The truth is...neither of you get to interject your religions into our secular laws. Thank goodness. :clap:

I repeat...there is no such thing as Christian Sharia struggled in school didn't you?
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
So your only objection is to the use of the term 'sharia'?
Do you teally think that calling it christian sharia or something else makes a difference?
There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" law. You've been schooled on this a number of times
Well, thank our courts for making sure christian sharia isn't taking hold in places like Kentucky where Kim Davis was trying to establish it. We know you don't like to be called on your attempts to establish and support christian sharia so you pretend it doesn't exist. That's not gonna work. You want our laws to be based on YOUR interpretation of what YOUR religion says. Jeremiah wants our laws based on HER interpretation of what HER religion says. The truth is...neither of you get to interject your religions into our secular laws. Thank goodness. :clap:

I repeat...there is no such thing as Christian Sharia struggled in school didn't you?
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
So your only objection is to the use of the term 'sharia'?
Do you teally think that calling it christian sharia or something else makes a difference?

You clowns are trying to associate Christianity with Islam when you use that idiotic term. Nothing more and nothing less. There is no such thing, you know it and I know it. Just stop
That's right. You don't. Kim FORCED her office staff to adhere to HER interpretation of christian sharia under threat of being fired. What about THEIR religious freedom to not believe as she did? So, saying this is about Religious Freedom is all a's about freedom to force people in government to go by YOUR interpretation of religion.
Just the American Taliban at work, pretending she knows God's Will...
NO, those were the people on the other side of the counter.
No, they know the law, and the law rules here, not Kim's God...
People and their rights rule here.....the right to be secure in your own conscious rules......Not even the King of England could make a true American change their conscious...A few gays aren't going to make much of a dent.
Likely because no one is seeking to do so.

There are no 'right's' being 'violated,' no government – Federal, state, or local – is attempting to disallow Davis to practice her religion as she sees fit.

There are no Free Exercise Clause issues at stake, Davis' liberties are in no way 'jeopardized.'

This nonsense about issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples 'violating' her religious liberty is a ridiculous, ignorant contrivance by Davis, completely devoid of merit and support by First Amendment jurisprudence.
Well, thank our courts for making sure christian sharia isn't taking hold in places like Kentucky where Kim Davis was trying to establish it. We know you don't like to be called on your attempts to establish and support christian sharia so you pretend it doesn't exist. That's not gonna work. You want our laws to be based on YOUR interpretation of what YOUR religion says. Jeremiah wants our laws based on HER interpretation of what HER religion says. The truth is...neither of you get to interject your religions into our secular laws. Thank goodness. :clap:

I repeat...there is no such thing as Christian Sharia struggled in school didn't you?
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
So your only objection is to the use of the term 'sharia'?
Do you teally think that calling it christian sharia or something else makes a difference?

You clowns are trying to associate Christianity with Islam when you use that idiotic term. Nothing more and nothing less. There is no such thing, you know it and I know it. Just stop
What term would you like for imposing religious rules on the masses?
Absolutely. It works like this:

Matthew 6:24
"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

Guess what she is trying to do, and can't. If she, in GOOD CONSCIENCE, can't do her job as required by the law and the taxpayers that pay her salary then she needs to get another job. All clear now, grasshopper...
I guess you fail ethics...

One has the right and permission to do as needed to survive in life....they can follow a path of enrichment to their hearts content.

When one conflicts with the other..then a choice must be made....

She did exactly that.....she chose to do the right thing based upon her own conscience.....which is all anyone knowledgeable of ethics can expect...

However, there is no conflict with keeping her job since her moral were not in conflict when she accepted the job and only later have been put to the test...

She if showing the entire world the meaning of integrity......I'll bet you wish you had those kinds of balls.

Being ethical is doing the job you took an oath to do. Integrity is doing it even when it may be difficult to do.
NO...Ethical is doing the right thing, regardless of circumstance...Integrity is holding true to your beliefs and actions with regard to your ethics..

Ethics 101.

[eth-i-kuh l]

pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct.
2. being in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice, especially the standards of a profession:
the definition of ethical

And what was Kim's profession? Being a clerk, not a priest...
I know you are limited in understanding....but consider this...

1. Pertaining to right and wrong in conduct........

This is what she has done....she is conducting herself as she perceives right and wrong. It does not get any more clear than that.

The standards of profession is NUMBER 2....meaning is is secondary in importance....but setting that aside....

So, if a person has a deeply held personal ethic of doing what they held to be right, and a job had a standard that was in conflict with that ethic, personal ethics always come first
Personal ethics at that point require you, unless others can accommodate the job requirements for you, to get another job. If you're a devout Muslim who works at the Kosher deli and they decide to start selling pork products, and you're required to because it's a one-man operation, you quit. No one ever said life was fair...
There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" law. You've been schooled on this a number of times
Well, thank our courts for making sure christian sharia isn't taking hold in places like Kentucky where Kim Davis was trying to establish it. We know you don't like to be called on your attempts to establish and support christian sharia so you pretend it doesn't exist. That's not gonna work. You want our laws to be based on YOUR interpretation of what YOUR religion says. Jeremiah wants our laws based on HER interpretation of what HER religion says. The truth is...neither of you get to interject your religions into our secular laws. Thank goodness. :clap:

I repeat...there is no such thing as Christian Sharia struggled in school didn't you?
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
That works, just like the American Taliban works. You are all evil little peas in your evil little pod...
Last edited:
There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" law. You've been schooled on this a number of times
Well, thank our courts for making sure christian sharia isn't taking hold in places like Kentucky where Kim Davis was trying to establish it. We know you don't like to be called on your attempts to establish and support christian sharia so you pretend it doesn't exist. That's not gonna work. You want our laws to be based on YOUR interpretation of what YOUR religion says. Jeremiah wants our laws based on HER interpretation of what HER religion says. The truth is...neither of you get to interject your religions into our secular laws. Thank goodness. :clap:

I repeat...there is no such thing as Christian Sharia struggled in school didn't you?
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
So your only objection is to the use of the term 'sharia'?
Do you teally think that calling it christian sharia or something else makes a difference?
We had life under Christian Law once, it's referred to as the Dark Ages...
Well, thank our courts for making sure christian sharia isn't taking hold in places like Kentucky where Kim Davis was trying to establish it. We know you don't like to be called on your attempts to establish and support christian sharia so you pretend it doesn't exist. That's not gonna work. You want our laws to be based on YOUR interpretation of what YOUR religion says. Jeremiah wants our laws based on HER interpretation of what HER religion says. The truth is...neither of you get to interject your religions into our secular laws. Thank goodness. :clap:

I repeat...there is no such thing as Christian Sharia struggled in school didn't you?
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
There most certainly is. And you are a big supporter of it. Most of your posts are on what you think the laws should be in this country based on YOUR interpretation of YOUR religious faith. That is sharia pure and simple. Just because you don't like it to be called that because of the muslim connotations doesn't make it any less tru.

You know what? You better hope this nation's Christians don't go Sharia law on you left'd be sorely outnumbered and YOU may very well find yourself being tossed of a tall building. Think about it, toad.
There it is! Sassy admitting that if her brand of Christian got to make our nation's laws based on their interpretation...they would kill us.
Well, thank our courts for making sure christian sharia isn't taking hold in places like Kentucky where Kim Davis was trying to establish it. We know you don't like to be called on your attempts to establish and support christian sharia so you pretend it doesn't exist. That's not gonna work. You want our laws to be based on YOUR interpretation of what YOUR religion says. Jeremiah wants our laws based on HER interpretation of what HER religion says. The truth is...neither of you get to interject your religions into our secular laws. Thank goodness. :clap:

I repeat...there is no such thing as Christian Sharia struggled in school didn't you?
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
There most certainly is. And you are a big supporter of it. Most of your posts are on what you think the laws should be in this country based on YOUR interpretation of YOUR religious faith. That is sharia pure and simple. Just because you don't like it to be called that because of the muslim connotations doesn't make it any less tru.

You know what? You better hope this nation's Christians don't go Sharia law on you left'd be sorely outnumbered and YOU may very well find yourself being tossed of a tall building. Think about it, toad.

Now that's super christy^^
Well, thank our courts for making sure christian sharia isn't taking hold in places like Kentucky where Kim Davis was trying to establish it. We know you don't like to be called on your attempts to establish and support christian sharia so you pretend it doesn't exist. That's not gonna work. You want our laws to be based on YOUR interpretation of what YOUR religion says. Jeremiah wants our laws based on HER interpretation of what HER religion says. The truth is...neither of you get to interject your religions into our secular laws. Thank goodness. :clap:

I repeat...there is no such thing as Christian Sharia struggled in school didn't you?
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
So your only objection is to the use of the term 'sharia'?
Do you teally think that calling it christian sharia or something else makes a difference?
We had life under Christian Law once, it's referred to as the Dark Ages...

The pilgrims had it but they burned witches not gays.
God told me that he wants Kim in jail, and that if she gets out, I must not follow any laws in Kentucky the next time I drive through it on my way to Maryland.
God told me that because Obama doesn't follow our laws....neither should the rest of America.
There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" law. You've been schooled on this a number of times
Well, thank our courts for making sure christian sharia isn't taking hold in places like Kentucky where Kim Davis was trying to establish it. We know you don't like to be called on your attempts to establish and support christian sharia so you pretend it doesn't exist. That's not gonna work. You want our laws to be based on YOUR interpretation of what YOUR religion says. Jeremiah wants our laws based on HER interpretation of what HER religion says. The truth is...neither of you get to interject your religions into our secular laws. Thank goodness. :clap:

I repeat...there is no such thing as Christian Sharia struggled in school didn't you?
Why do you keep saying that? Do you really believe that Christians don't have rules about how to behave and treat other people?

Once again, there is no such thing as Christian Sharia law, it's some idiot term the anti Christian crowd has made up. It's just that simple but being simpleminded fools you can't quite wrap your heads around it
That works, just like the American Taliban works. You are all evil little peas in your evil little pod...

Go paint your house, toadie

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