Those who disagree with Bundy, how about Yowell

CaféAuLait;8976604 said:
Raymond Yowell is going through the same this as Bundy ( almost) he is 84 years old.

BLM has taken his cattle and are taking his Social Security Checks because of grazing fees.

Difference between him and Bundy his land is on an Indian Reservation.

BLM states they have the right to take his cattle and garnish his SS Check because he said they have no right to charge him grazing fees on an Indian Reservation, the BLM disagrees and says the land is being held in trust for Native Americans and they really don't own it.

Raymond Yowell says it is their land and he own the government who took so much from them nothing.

So Bundy haters, is he wrong too? Do you think BLM is overstepping here?

Shoshone Farmer, Raymond Yowell, Set to Take on the Bureau of Land Management -

From what I have read so far I can get behind this guy.
CaféAuLait;8976604 said:
Raymond Yowell is going through the same this as Bundy ( almost) he is 84 years old.

BLM has taken his cattle and are taking his Social Security Checks because of grazing fees.

Difference between him and Bundy his land is on an Indian Reservation.

BLM states they have the right to take his cattle and garnish his SS Check because he said they have no right to charge him grazing fees on an Indian Reservation, the BLM disagrees and says the land is being held in trust for Native Americans and they really don't own it.

Raymond Yowell says it is their land and he own the government who took so much from them nothing.

So Bundy haters, is he wrong too? Do you think BLM is overstepping here?

Shoshone Farmer, Raymond Yowell, Set to Take on the Bureau of Land Management -

From what I have read so far I can get behind this guy.

How about the Dann sisters?
CaféAuLait;8977785 said:
CaféAuLait;8976604 said:
Raymond Yowell is going through the same this as Bundy ( almost) he is 84 years old.

BLM has taken his cattle and are taking his Social Security Checks because of grazing fees.

Difference between him and Bundy his land is on an Indian Reservation.

BLM states they have the right to take his cattle and garnish his SS Check because he said they have no right to charge him grazing fees on an Indian Reservation, the BLM disagrees and says the land is being held in trust for Native Americans and they really don't own it.

Raymond Yowell says it is their land and he own the government who took so much from them nothing.

So Bundy haters, is he wrong too? Do you think BLM is overstepping here?

Shoshone Farmer, Raymond Yowell, Set to Take on the Bureau of Land Management -

From what I have read so far I can get behind this guy.

How about the Dann sisters?

Got to look them up but its probably going to be the same thing.
False equivalency. The Bundy's just don't want to pay their grazing fees and they are molesting the right with tortoise tales to justify tax evasion.

Land managers for Indian Reservations? It is not US land it is their land. What happened to Inherent sovereign authority on Indian Reservations, they are sovereign nations, or am I wrong?

This I very much agree with you. Apples to oranges to the Bundy case, solely based on your statement above.

According to BLM it is not their land though. It is held in trust for them and the BLM can charge where they see fit to live on their land. Same with the Dann sisters.
Bureau of Land Management agents intended to destroy the economic life of Western Shoshone horse and cattle ranchers, the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs approved the distribution of money-for-land-title payments to Western Shoshone tribal members. The distribution plan, now slated to become law, effectively destroys the Shoshone claim to their aboriginal lands under the Treaty of Ruby Valley.

In an effort to continue a process that has otherwise been thoroughly discredited by any and all accurate historical accountings, the U.S. government has moved mightily to conclude, in the 21st Century, a massive land swindle that has been some 140 years in the making. The federal government has a growing number of people deeply troubled by its actions in this case. And they should be troubled. Among the affected, a large minority of the tribe, including the Dann sisters, a pair of grandmother-ranchers who have tenaciously upheld the assertion that their people never gave up title to their aboriginal lands. The U.S. asserts it that it seized the land by encroachment starting as early as the 1860s...

This massive land swindle has the appearance of legality, but it still stinks. In particular, there is no just cause for what Interior Secretary Gale Norton's Bureau of Land Management agents and enforcers are doing to the Dann sisters, Carrie and Mary, and other Western Shoshone ranchers. Its an outright shame that legitimate Indian farmers, Western Shoshone grandmothers in this case, have to undergo SWAT-type raids from the federal government, for living and working on their ancestral lands.

Read more at Last stand for Western Shoshone; it might look legal, but it stinks -
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CaféAuLait;8976604 said:
Raymond Yowell is going through the same this as Bundy ( almost) he is 84 years old.

BLM has taken his cattle and are taking his Social Security Checks because of grazing fees.

Difference between him and Bundy his land is on an Indian Reservation.

BLM states they have the right to take his cattle and garnish his SS Check because he said they have no right to charge him grazing fees on an Indian Reservation, the BLM disagrees and says the land is being held in trust for Native Americans and they really don't own it.

Raymond Yowell says it is their land and he own the government who took so much from them nothing.

So Bundy haters, is he wrong too? Do you think BLM is overstepping here?

Shoshone Farmer, Raymond Yowell, Set to Take on the Bureau of Land Management -

Depends on whether the land is truly reservation or are there restricting covenants.

It is truly a reservation. And this is what he claims gives him the right to graze his cattle without fee.

He also compares his case to Bundy but stresses he has more rights than Bundy does because of the above treaty.

This is what he says

"But there’s a definite pattern in the West right now, beginning in the 1990s, maybe in the late 80's, of what I feel are illegal cattle seizures. [Bundy] is the latest example of that pattern."
At the present time Yowell is preparing his case for a hearing in Reno, Nevada on February 21. He has filed a $30 million lawsuit against the BLM and the Treasury Department. With no money for attorney fees, or the fight, he only hopes someone will come to his aid. This case could change the fundamentals of the Federal Indian Law’s concerning grazing rights, treaties, and the fees charged to Native Americans now and in the future.
Read more at Shoshone Farmer, Raymond Yowell, Set to Take on the Bureau of Land Management -

lol 30 million...
Besides that the article didn't go into the land issue. Beyond that the link is stupid
CaféAuLait;8978205 said:
CaféAuLait;8976604 said:
Raymond Yowell is going through the same this as Bundy ( almost) he is 84 years old.

BLM has taken his cattle and are taking his Social Security Checks because of grazing fees.

Difference between him and Bundy his land is on an Indian Reservation.

BLM states they have the right to take his cattle and garnish his SS Check because he said they have no right to charge him grazing fees on an Indian Reservation, the BLM disagrees and says the land is being held in trust for Native Americans and they really don't own it.

Raymond Yowell says it is their land and he own the government who took so much from them nothing.

So Bundy haters, is he wrong too? Do you think BLM is overstepping here?

Shoshone Farmer, Raymond Yowell, Set to Take on the Bureau of Land Management -

Depends on whether the land is truly reservation or are there restricting covenants.

It is truly a reservation. And this is what he claims gives him the right to graze his cattle without fee.

He also compares his case to Bundy but stresses he has more rights than Bundy does because of the above treaty.

This is what he says

"But there’s a definite pattern in the West right now, beginning in the 1990s, maybe in the late 80's, of what I feel are illegal cattle seizures. [Bundy] is the latest example of that pattern."

Now at 81, Yowell can adapt no more. His Livestock Association questioned why he and the Shoshone had to pay a grazing fee for their own land and request a copy of the permit. They had been paying a fee every year since 1940 but none of them had ever signed any document. The mater was turned over to the Bureau of Land Management and no one there could provide any document to support the fee, so Yowell and his Livestock Association quite paying the bill in 1984.

Thats all the link gave....
CaféAuLait;8978205 said:
Depends on whether the land is truly reservation or are there restricting covenants.

It is truly a reservation. And this is what he claims gives him the right to graze his cattle without fee.

He also compares his case to Bundy but stresses he has more rights than Bundy does because of the above treaty.

This is what he says

"But there’s a definite pattern in the West right now, beginning in the 1990s, maybe in the late 80's, of what I feel are illegal cattle seizures. [Bundy] is the latest example of that pattern."

Now at 81, Yowell can adapt no more. His Livestock Association questioned why he and the Shoshone had to pay a grazing fee for their own land and request a copy of the permit. They had been paying a fee every year since 1940 but none of them had ever signed any document. The mater was turned over to the Bureau of Land Management and no one there could provide any document to support the fee, so Yowell and his Livestock Association quite paying the bill in 1984.

Thats all the link gave....

Sorry, I thought I put up more links...

The U.S. has endeavored for years to extinguish the territorial integrity of the Western Shoshone Nation. Yowell's persistence in challenging this is a thorn in the side of the federal government. After the ICC decision, the U.S. offered money in exchange for Western Shoshone title. When they refused to accept the money, the U.S. took the extraordinary step of accepting it on their behalf, claiming to be their "trustee." The U.S. Supreme Court upheld this in United States v. Dann, 470 U.S. 39 (1985), stating that "the Shoshone's aboriginal title has been extinguished" because the U.S. accepted the money from itself on behalf of the Western Shoshone.

Raymond Yowell's land, from which BLM seized his cattle, is within the ancestral territories of the Western Shoshone Nation recognized in the 1863 Treaty of Peace and Friendship signed at Ruby Valley . The Western Shoshone have never ceded or relinquished their fundamental indigenous relationship to these territories. They continue to hunt, fish, gather, graze, and live on the lands in accordance with laws and instructions given to them by the Ah-Peh (Father).

Read more at Raymond Yowell: A Courageous Indigenous Leader -

NV tribal leader, BLM in US court cattle battle
False equivalency. The Bundy's just don't want to pay their grazing fees and they are molesting the right with tortoise tales to justify tax evasion.

Land managers for Indian Reservations? It is not US land it is their land. What happened to Inherent sovereign authority on Indian Reservations, they are sovereign nations, or am I wrong?
This I very much agree with you. Apples to oranges to the Bundy case, solely based on your statement above.

Molesting the right of tortoise sales?

Wtf does that mean?

You are aptly named, loon.
At the present time Yowell is preparing his case for a hearing in Reno, Nevada on February 21. He has filed a $30 million lawsuit against the BLM and the Treasury Department. With no money for attorney fees, or the fight, he only hopes someone will come to his aid. This case could change the fundamentals of the Federal Indian Law’s concerning grazing rights, treaties, and the fees charged to Native Americans now and in the future.
Read more at Shoshone Farmer, Raymond Yowell, Set to Take on the Bureau of Land Management -

lol 30 million...
Besides that the article didn't go into the land issue. Beyond that the link is stupid

Why is the link stupid? You have something against Native American Media? I guess you will hate many of the links I provide then.

Indian Country Today Media Network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

30 million is a pittance for that the government did to Native Americans.

One of his petitions filed with the court.
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