Those who would impose strict gun laws and gun bans


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
How do you as an unarmed citizen handle a lone wolf terrorist that is armed and has you in his sight?
They are here and want to do you harm you don't have time to call for the Police so what do you do when you don';t have a gun and he does?
Oh, stop it, bigreb. You have a conceal carry permit in NC, same as me in Ut.

What we don't get as normal civilians access to certain military weapons.

You don't need a RPG for self defense.
How do you as an unarmed citizen handle a lone wolf terrorist that is armed and has you in his sight?
They are here and want to do you harm you don't have time to call for the Police so what do you do when you don';t have a gun and he does?

How many lone wolf terrorist have been taken down by Second Amendment Advocates...



but we did have 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries last year. That's like 10 9-11 attacks. Every year.

The terrorists don't need to attack us when we are doing such a number on ourselves.
How do you as an unarmed citizen handle a lone wolf terrorist that is armed and has you in his sight?
They are here and want to do you harm you don't have time to call for the Police so what do you do when you don';t have a gun and he does?
Why, shoot you, of course.
What if?

What if we set our gun laws based on the fantasies of NRAbots rather than the cold, hard facts about gun deaths in the US?
BigReb, why do you expect Gun Grabbers to come back with reasonable and rational answers?

"You don't need an RPG".
"We'd shoot YOU".

Gun Grabbers don't see a Right of Private Gun Ownership but they see Abortion Rights in the "privacy clause". This is how they view things.
Liberals think Cops and Military will protect them but they don't know that the Cops and Military are not trained to trust THEM.

Progressive, Liberal Gun Grabbers are Mentally Ill. It doesn't matter WHAT they think.
A couple of more of these lone wolf incidents and the NRA wont have enough people to process all the memberships.......not to mention that gun sales, already about 70 million strong in the past 6 years will go into the stratosphere!!!:2up::rock::rock::rock:.

Im looking forward to more gun ranges popping up all over the place.:woohoo:

Only negative is......some ammo will again become harder to find.......FTG
Bigreb has a point

In establishing a national gun policy, we need to weigh the possibility of guns being used to ward off an attack by crazed terrorists against those guns being used in crime, mass killings, murder, domestic violence, suicide and children accidently killing themselves

Once we look at the plusses and minuses of gun ownership we can develop a sensible policy
Bigreb has a point

In establishing a national gun policy, we need to weigh the possibility of guns being used to ward off an attack by crazed terrorists against those guns being used in crime, mass killings, murder, domestic violence, suicide and children accidently killing themselves

Once we look at the plusses and minuses of gun ownership we can develop a sensible policy

Yeah....but fringe sentiments have zero impact on public policy s0n. You dont quite get it.:up:

In 2014, "sensible" is defined as run like hell to the gun store and buy a gun and tons of ammo. That's the way the public reacts ( see suburban Boston gun sales/NRS membership explosion after the Boston Bombing ). Of course, this makes the gun grabber fringe heads explode but it just the way it is.
Lets face it.......gun grabbing nutters are drawn to internet message boards to sound off trying desperately get their message out. Obviously, its a far cry from the public's mindset in 2014. Sucks for them.......but thank God most of society is sensible on this stuff.
Lets face it.......gun grabbing nutters are drawn to internet message boards to sound off trying desperately get their message out. Obviously, its a far cry from the public's mindset in 2014. Sucks for them.......but thank God most of society is sensible on this stuff.
You`re kidding right? Look how many threads are begun by gun control advocates and how many are begun by gun fondlers and then tell us again who is using message boards to help spread their paranoia. Paranoia with a side order of racism for good measure.
The gun safety organization Everytown said Tuesday's incident was the 74th shooting in a school in the United States since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School. So what can you say about it?
How do you as an unarmed citizen handle a lone wolf terrorist that is armed and has you in his sight?
They are here and want to do you harm you don't have time to call for the Police so what do you do when you don';t have a gun and he does?

How many lone wolf terrorist have been taken down by Second Amendment Advocates...



but we did have 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries last year. That's like 10 9-11 attacks. Every year.

The terrorists don't need to attack us when we are doing such a number on ourselves.

Let me help you be clearer on your claim.

"but we did have 32,000 gun deaths (of which 2/3 were suicides) and 78,000 gun injuries last year."
The gun safety organization Everytown said Tuesday's incident was the 74th shooting in a school in the United States since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School. So what can you say about it?

That statement is a bit misleading. I think most people, after reading that, would assume that there were 74 mass shootings in schools. That is not the case.

According to School Shootings in America Since Sandy Hook Everytown for Gun Safety - School Shootings in America Since Sandy Hook there have been 87 school shootings since the Newtown tragedy. However, 24 of those shootings involved the shooting of one person or less. In 12 of the incidents, a gun was discharged on school grounds, but no one was killed or injured.
Lets face it.......gun grabbing nutters are drawn to internet message boards to sound off trying desperately get their message out. Obviously, its a far cry from the public's mindset in 2014. Sucks for them.......but thank God most of society is sensible on this stuff.
You`re kidding right? Look how many threads are begun by gun control advocates and how many are begun by gun fondlers and then tell us again who is using message boards to help spread their paranoia. Paranoia with a side order of racism for good measure.

s0n.......bubble dwelling is gay.

Virtually ALL of the gun threads are started by the mental cases on here like Dot Com and Joe B. Actually.....almost daily!! Not that I'm complaining........they are by far the most fun of all the threads on his particular forum. Making fun of these mental cases is a hoot......especially when they post up stuff as if it is the prevailing consensus of the public. The recent Gallup poll pretty much says it all.......gun grabbing hasnt been this unpopular since...........ready for this..........1959!!! 56 years!!!!!:rock::rock::rock::fu:
How do you as an unarmed citizen handle a lone wolf terrorist that is armed and has you in his sight?
They are here and want to do you harm you don't have time to call for the Police so what do you do when you don';t have a gun and he does?

How many lone wolf terrorist have been taken down by Second Amendment Advocates...



but we did have 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries last year. That's like 10 9-11 attacks. Every year.

The terrorists don't need to attack us when we are doing such a number on ourselves.
Anti gun socialist, shut up.

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