thoughts on Franken

I see partisanship in the OP, ambition in the accuser of Franken, a pass given to Trump, Session and the entire Trump clan, as well as self righteous indignation in too many message board comments.
Been watching this scandal Franken is in closely. He is, unfortunately, my Senator. When I moved to MN one of the first things I did was register to vote specifically to vote against his reelection. I find him to be a disgusting vile man.

So when the scandal broke i wasn't surprised. It's not like we were ignorant of what kind of man he was before he was elected.

What did surprise me was how fast he apologized. I've been wrestling with whether to support calling for him to resign. That surprises me too. When he apologized I was immediately impressed with the conversation Jesus had with Peter. "How oft should I forgive? Seventy times seven."

Forgiveness is an act of healing. It became clear that the Lord wanted me to forgive him. But I wrestled with what that means. Does that mean I shouldn't call for him to resign? I mean what he did was still horrendous.

Last night I happened to randomly be reading Luke 6. Jesus was exhorting his disciples to love their enemies. A point that struck me was when He mentions that the Father loves even the ungrateful and evil.

I also thought how our nation needs healing. I think we should forgive him. I think we should let him face whatever the Senate ethics panel deems appropriate.

Now I'm sure there will be many who say he will get away with this. Yeah, perhaps. But the world knows now. He can't hide that. I plan on voting against him next time still. Heck, I may run against him if I absolutely have to.

But i think right now, we need to heal. We need to be a people who will take the better path. We need to be filled with the same love God has and that means doing what He would do in this situation. If we can be a people who can love and forgive Franken, I have hope for this nation no matter who is in office.
Somebody rapes your wife or daughter.

Once CAUGHT, he apologizes.

You say, "I forgive you."

Should he not go to prison because he "apologized" (ONLY AFTER CAUGHT)?

You "forgave" him. Are you naive enough to leave your wife or daughter alone with him?
So...this was rape?
the far left is hiding behind the this bogus ethics committee.

The last time the ethics committee did anything of this nature it took 22 months and never had a resolution..

This is so the al the far left members can say they support doing things this way, instead of calling for him to step down.

Once again the far left shows they are cowards and will support sexual predators..
I see partisanship in the OP, ambition in the accuser of Franken, a pass given to Trump, Session and the entire Trump clan, as well as self righteous indignation in too many message board comments.

Says the far left drone that supported Hilary the enabler of Bill.

You far left drones show you will support sexual predators for 30 years or more.

You far left drones do not have a leg to stand on when you support and voted for Hilary.
Meh, beside the religious angle let' look at what he did. A big nothing.

Franken fell on the sword too hard and shouldn' apologized and kept it moving. Looking for a fair investigation from Republicans is like jumping in the lion cage and hoping the tiger is friendly.
Franken is a piece of shit.
He is far better than Moore, but that is like a fallen angel being far better than Lucifer.

Franken nailed Sessions on several lies that he told about meetings with Russians. Caught him red handed. For that very reason I hope he doesn't resign. We need senators on these investigative panels who can out the Trump regime and throw them out of D.C.
Sessions smoked Franken! Lmfao. You are full of :9:
Now your statement is out of touch with reality.
Been watching this scandal Franken is in closely. He is, unfortunately, my Senator. When I moved to MN one of the first things I did was register to vote specifically to vote against his reelection. I find him to be a disgusting vile man.

So when the scandal broke i wasn't surprised. It's not like we were ignorant of what kind of man he was before he was elected.

What did surprise me was how fast he apologized. I've been wrestling with whether to support calling for him to resign. That surprises me too. When he apologized I was immediately impressed with the conversation Jesus had with Peter. "How oft should I forgive? Seventy times seven."

Forgiveness is an act of healing. It became clear that the Lord wanted me to forgive him. But I wrestled with what that means. Does that mean I shouldn't call for him to resign? I mean what he did was still horrendous.

Last night I happened to randomly be reading Luke 6. Jesus was exhorting his disciples to love their enemies. A point that struck me was when He mentions that the Father loves even the ungrateful and evil.

I also thought how our nation needs healing. I think we should forgive him. I think we should let him face whatever the Senate ethics panel deems appropriate.

Now I'm sure there will be many who say he will get away with this. Yeah, perhaps. But the world knows now. He can't hide that. I plan on voting against him next time still. Heck, I may run against him if I absolutely have to.

But i think right now, we need to heal. We need to be a people who will take the better path. We need to be filled with the same love God has and that means doing what He would do in this situation. If we can be a people who can love and forgive Franken, I have hope for this nation no matter who is in office.
What kind of man he was? What kind was that?
As long as any of you say 'franken is ok and moore is bad' or 'moore is ok and franken is bad," you are playing manure politics and have no decency as a human being.

Avatar4321 has been one of the top three decent guys on the Board for a very long time and has shown it yet again.

Good on you.
What Franken did was obviously a joke, admittedly not a very funny one. Moore's diddling around with teenage girls is a different issue.

A whole different issue, especially since there don't seem to be any pictures.

Sexual predators don't allow photos to be taken.
They just tell their victims this: "If you tell, no one will believe you. I'm the D.A. or I'm a judge."
And then they compensate for their aberrant behavior by thumping loudly on their Bibles and spouting Christian values.
Very loudly, so that that is what people remember about them.
And they maintain this secret life until they are caught.
Moore had some good role models:


This guy wrote about his sexual experience with Ted Haggard, closet homosexual and evangelical preacher.



You have some rather strange friends.
Been watching this scandal Franken is in closely. He is, unfortunately, my Senator. When I moved to MN one of the first things I did was register to vote specifically to vote against his reelection. I find him to be a disgusting vile man.

So when the scandal broke i wasn't surprised. It's not like we were ignorant of what kind of man he was before he was elected.

What did surprise me was how fast he apologized. I've been wrestling with whether to support calling for him to resign. That surprises me too. When he apologized I was immediately impressed with the conversation Jesus had with Peter. "How oft should I forgive? Seventy times seven."

Forgiveness is an act of healing. It became clear that the Lord wanted me to forgive him. But I wrestled with what that means. Does that mean I shouldn't call for him to resign? I mean what he did was still horrendous.

Last night I happened to randomly be reading Luke 6. Jesus was exhorting his disciples to love their enemies. A point that struck me was when He mentions that the Father loves even the ungrateful and evil.

I also thought how our nation needs healing. I think we should forgive him. I think we should let him face whatever the Senate ethics panel deems appropriate.

Now I'm sure there will be many who say he will get away with this. Yeah, perhaps. But the world knows now. He can't hide that. I plan on voting against him next time still. Heck, I may run against him if I absolutely have to.

But i think right now, we need to heal. We need to be a people who will take the better path. We need to be filled with the same love God has and that means doing what He would do in this situation. If we can be a people who can love and forgive Franken, I have hope for this nation no matter who is in office.
Somebody rapes your wife or daughter.

Once CAUGHT, he apologizes.

You say, "I forgive you."

Should he not go to prison because he "apologized" (ONLY AFTER CAUGHT)?

You "forgave" him. Are you naive enough to leave your wife or daughter alone with him?
So...this was rape?
Where did I say that you moron. Do you understand hypotheticals?

He told us the "noble" thing to do would be to forgive and forget.

I pointed out the folly of his reasoning.

Now quit being stupid.
If the people of Minnesota want him out of the Senate vote him out if the people of Alabama don’t want Moore in Congress don’t vote for him it’s up to them decide how the rest of us feel about Franken and Moore is irrelevant.
Meh, beside the religious angle let' look at what he did. A big nothing.

Franken fell on the sword too hard and shouldn' apologized and kept it moving. Looking for a fair investigation from Republicans is like jumping in the lion cage and hoping the tiger is friendly.

so you would be okay with a dude doing that to your kids?
kids? We're talking about Moore now?

Really? Pleas provide this compelling evidence, say like a picture?
The accusations, the lack of character by Moore, and public opinion condemn Moore before the American public.

Moore's assaults on the young girls are much worse than the accusations against Franken.
Been watching this scandal Franken is in closely. He is, unfortunately, my Senator. When I moved to MN one of the first things I did was register to vote specifically to vote against his reelection. I find him to be a disgusting vile man.

So when the scandal broke i wasn't surprised. It's not like we were ignorant of what kind of man he was before he was elected.

What did surprise me was how fast he apologized. I've been wrestling with whether to support calling for him to resign. That surprises me too. When he apologized I was immediately impressed with the conversation Jesus had with Peter. "How oft should I forgive? Seventy times seven."

Forgiveness is an act of healing. It became clear that the Lord wanted me to forgive him. But I wrestled with what that means. Does that mean I shouldn't call for him to resign? I mean what he did was still horrendous.

Last night I happened to randomly be reading Luke 6. Jesus was exhorting his disciples to love their enemies. A point that struck me was when He mentions that the Father loves even the ungrateful and evil.

I also thought how our nation needs healing. I think we should forgive him. I think we should let him face whatever the Senate ethics panel deems appropriate.

Now I'm sure there will be many who say he will get away with this. Yeah, perhaps. But the world knows now. He can't hide that. I plan on voting against him next time still. Heck, I may run against him if I absolutely have to.

But i think right now, we need to heal. We need to be a people who will take the better path. We need to be filled with the same love God has and that means doing what He would do in this situation. If we can be a people who can love and forgive Franken, I have hope for this nation no matter who is in office.

Serial abusers will apologize that doesn't mean they won't do it again.
Been watching this scandal Franken is in closely. He is, unfortunately, my Senator. When I moved to MN one of the first things I did was register to vote specifically to vote against his reelection. I find him to be a disgusting vile man.

So when the scandal broke i wasn't surprised. It's not like we were ignorant of what kind of man he was before he was elected.

What did surprise me was how fast he apologized. I've been wrestling with whether to support calling for him to resign. That surprises me too. When he apologized I was immediately impressed with the conversation Jesus had with Peter. "How oft should I forgive? Seventy times seven."

Forgiveness is an act of healing. It became clear that the Lord wanted me to forgive him. But I wrestled with what that means. Does that mean I shouldn't call for him to resign? I mean what he did was still horrendous.

Last night I happened to randomly be reading Luke 6. Jesus was exhorting his disciples to love their enemies. A point that struck me was when He mentions that the Father loves even the ungrateful and evil.

I also thought how our nation needs healing. I think we should forgive him. I think we should let him face whatever the Senate ethics panel deems appropriate.

Now I'm sure there will be many who say he will get away with this. Yeah, perhaps. But the world knows now. He can't hide that. I plan on voting against him next time still. Heck, I may run against him if I absolutely have to.

But i think right now, we need to heal. We need to be a people who will take the better path. We need to be filled with the same love God has and that means doing what He would do in this situation. If we can be a people who can love and forgive Franken, I have hope for this nation no matter who is in office.
And just who are you to pass judgment? Forgiveness is given by the ones he harmed not you.

Religious mumbo jumbo
The accusations, the lack of character by Moore, and public opinion condemn Moore before the American public.

Moore's assaults on the young girls are much worse than the accusations against Franken.

Funny you call the Moore accusations assaults and the Franken assaults accusations. Methinks you are a political hack.
Been watching this scandal Franken is in closely. He is, unfortunately, my Senator. When I moved to MN one of the first things I did was register to vote specifically to vote against his reelection. I find him to be a disgusting vile man.

So when the scandal broke i wasn't surprised. It's not like we were ignorant of what kind of man he was before he was elected.

What did surprise me was how fast he apologized. I've been wrestling with whether to support calling for him to resign. That surprises me too. When he apologized I was immediately impressed with the conversation Jesus had with Peter. "How oft should I forgive? Seventy times seven."

Forgiveness is an act of healing. It became clear that the Lord wanted me to forgive him. But I wrestled with what that means. Does that mean I shouldn't call for him to resign? I mean what he did was still horrendous.

Last night I happened to randomly be reading Luke 6. Jesus was exhorting his disciples to love their enemies. A point that struck me was when He mentions that the Father loves even the ungrateful and evil.

I also thought how our nation needs healing. I think we should forgive him. I think we should let him face whatever the Senate ethics panel deems appropriate.

Now I'm sure there will be many who say he will get away with this. Yeah, perhaps. But the world knows now. He can't hide that. I plan on voting against him next time still. Heck, I may run against him if I absolutely have to.

But i think right now, we need to heal. We need to be a people who will take the better path. We need to be filled with the same love God has and that means doing what He would do in this situation. If we can be a people who can love and forgive Franken, I have hope for this nation no matter who is in office.
Somebody rapes your wife or daughter.

Once CAUGHT, he apologizes .

You say, "I forgive you."

Should he not go to prison because he "apologized" (ONLY AFTER CAUGHT)?

You "forgave" him. Are you naive enough to leave your wife or daughter alone with him?
Fallacy of false equivalency.

There is a difference between rape and touching. Grow up.
True, but it is still pretty foul. It isn’t the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor. It is the difference between a capital offense and a five year felony.
Thank you, a loss for words, for admitting the difference as being serious between rape and touching. You are growing up.

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