thoughts on Franken

Been watching this scandal Franken is in closely. He is, unfortunately, my Senator. When I moved to MN one of the first things I did was register to vote specifically to vote against his reelection. I find him to be a disgusting vile man.

So when the scandal broke i wasn't surprised. It's not like we were ignorant of what kind of man he was before he was elected.

What did surprise me was how fast he apologized. I've been wrestling with whether to support calling for him to resign. That surprises me too. When he apologized I was immediately impressed with the conversation Jesus had with Peter. "How oft should I forgive? Seventy times seven."

Forgiveness is an act of healing. It became clear that the Lord wanted me to forgive him. But I wrestled with what that means. Does that mean I shouldn't call for him to resign? I mean what he did was still horrendous.

Last night I happened to randomly be reading Luke 6. Jesus was exhorting his disciples to love their enemies. A point that struck me was when He mentions that the Father loves even the ungrateful and evil.

I also thought how our nation needs healing. I think we should forgive him. I think we should let him face whatever the Senate ethics panel deems appropriate.

Now I'm sure there will be many who say he will get away with this. Yeah, perhaps. But the world knows now. He can't hide that. I plan on voting against him next time still. Heck, I may run against him if I absolutely have to.

But i think right now, we need to heal. We need to be a people who will take the better path. We need to be filled with the same love God has and that means doing what He would do in this situation. If we can be a people who can love and forgive Franken, I have hope for this nation no matter who is in office.
Somebody rapes your wife or daughter.

Once CAUGHT, he apologizes.

You say, "I forgive you."

Should he not go to prison because he "apologized" (ONLY AFTER CAUGHT)?

You "forgave" him. Are you naive enough to leave your wife or daughter alone with him?
Fallacy of false equivalency.

There is a difference between rape and touching. Grow up.

stop defending sexual assault
You are the one every day and in every way defending it. Grow up.
Been watching this scandal Franken is in closely. He is, unfortunately, my Senator. When I moved to MN one of the first things I did was register to vote specifically to vote against his reelection. I find him to be a disgusting vile man.

So when the scandal broke i wasn't surprised. It's not like we were ignorant of what kind of man he was before he was elected.

What did surprise me was how fast he apologized. I've been wrestling with whether to support calling for him to resign. That surprises me too. When he apologized I was immediately impressed with the conversation Jesus had with Peter. "How oft should I forgive? Seventy times seven."

Forgiveness is an act of healing. It became clear that the Lord wanted me to forgive him. But I wrestled with what that means. Does that mean I shouldn't call for him to resign? I mean what he did was still horrendous.

Last night I happened to randomly be reading Luke 6. Jesus was exhorting his disciples to love their enemies. A point that struck me was when He mentions that the Father loves even the ungrateful and evil.

I also thought how our nation needs healing. I think we should forgive him. I think we should let him face whatever the Senate ethics panel deems appropriate.

Now I'm sure there will be many who say he will get away with this. Yeah, perhaps. But the world knows now. He can't hide that. I plan on voting against him next time still. Heck, I may run against him if I absolutely have to.

But i think right now, we need to heal. We need to be a people who will take the better path. We need to be filled with the same love God has and that means doing what He would do in this situation. If we can be a people who can love and forgive Franken, I have hope for this nation no matter who is in office.
Somebody rapes your wife or daughter.

Once CAUGHT, he apologizes.

You say, "I forgive you."

Should he not go to prison because he "apologized" (ONLY AFTER CAUGHT)?

You "forgave" him. Are you naive enough to leave your wife or daughter alone with him?
Fallacy of false equivalency.

There is a difference between rape and touching. Grow up.

stop defending sexual assault
You are the one every day and in every way defending it. Grow up.

oh troll jakefakely goes into projection mode once again
Look, Franken is a democrat.

democrats are not subject to laws that cover mere normals. We shouldn't judge Franken is if he were some nothing normal. He is important, from Hollywood. He can grab a sleeping womens tits if he feels like it, he is special, he is the elite. Narmals need to bow down to our rulers, our glorious democrats. Women BETTER submit when one of our ruling democrats demands them.
Been watching this scandal Franken is in closely. He is, unfortunately, my Senator. When I moved to MN one of the first things I did was register to vote specifically to vote against his reelection. I find him to be a disgusting vile man.

So when the scandal broke i wasn't surprised. It's not like we were ignorant of what kind of man he was before he was elected.

What did surprise me was how fast he apologized. I've been wrestling with whether to support calling for him to resign. That surprises me too. When he apologized I was immediately impressed with the conversation Jesus had with Peter. "How oft should I forgive? Seventy times seven."

Forgiveness is an act of healing. It became clear that the Lord wanted me to forgive him. But I wrestled with what that means. Does that mean I shouldn't call for him to resign? I mean what he did was still horrendous.

Last night I happened to randomly be reading Luke 6. Jesus was exhorting his disciples to love their enemies. A point that struck me was when He mentions that the Father loves even the ungrateful and evil.

I also thought how our nation needs healing. I think we should forgive him. I think we should let him face whatever the Senate ethics panel deems appropriate.

Now I'm sure there will be many who say he will get away with this. Yeah, perhaps. But the world knows now. He can't hide that. I plan on voting against him next time still. Heck, I may run against him if I absolutely have to.

But i think right now, we need to heal. We need to be a people who will take the better path. We need to be filled with the same love God has and that means doing what He would do in this situation. If we can be a people who can love and forgive Franken, I have hope for this nation no matter who is in office.
Somebody rapes your wife or daughter.

Once CAUGHT, he apologizes.

You say, "I forgive you."

Should he not go to prison because he "apologized" (ONLY AFTER CAUGHT)?

You "forgave" him. Are you naive enough to leave your wife or daughter alone with him?

Just think, Death Angel finds a pic of pretending to honk some tits more offensive than trolling the high schools to attempt to fuck little girls.

Take us word for it
Meh, beside the religious angle let' look at what he did. A big nothing.

Franken fell on the sword too hard and shouldn' apologized and kept it moving. Looking for a fair investigation from Republicans is like jumping in the lion cage and hoping the tiger is friendly.

so you would be okay with a dude doing that to your kids?
kids? We're talking about Moore now?

Really? Pleas provide this compelling evidence, say like a picture?

You don't believe Moore himself?
Been watching this scandal Franken is in closely. He is, unfortunately, my Senator. When I moved to MN one of the first things I did was register to vote specifically to vote against his reelection. I find him to be a disgusting vile man.

So when the scandal broke i wasn't surprised. It's not like we were ignorant of what kind of man he was before he was elected.

What did surprise me was how fast he apologized. I've been wrestling with whether to support calling for him to resign. That surprises me too. When he apologized I was immediately impressed with the conversation Jesus had with Peter. "How oft should I forgive? Seventy times seven."

Forgiveness is an act of healing. It became clear that the Lord wanted me to forgive him. But I wrestled with what that means. Does that mean I shouldn't call for him to resign? I mean what he did was still horrendous.

Last night I happened to randomly be reading Luke 6. Jesus was exhorting his disciples to love their enemies. A point that struck me was when He mentions that the Father loves even the ungrateful and evil.

I also thought how our nation needs healing. I think we should forgive him. I think we should let him face whatever the Senate ethics panel deems appropriate.

Now I'm sure there will be many who say he will get away with this. Yeah, perhaps. But the world knows now. He can't hide that. I plan on voting against him next time still. Heck, I may run against him if I absolutely have to.

But i think right now, we need to heal. We need to be a people who will take the better path. We need to be filled with the same love God has and that means doing what He would do in this situation. If we can be a people who can love and forgive Franken, I have hope for this nation no matter who is in office.
Somebody rapes your wife or daughter.

Once CAUGHT, he apologizes.

You say, "I forgive you."

Should he not go to prison because he "apologized" (ONLY AFTER CAUGHT)?

You "forgave" him. Are you naive enough to leave your wife or daughter alone with him?
Fallacy of false equivalency.

There is a difference between rape and touching. Grow up.

stop defending sexual assault
You are the one every day and in every way defending it. Grow up.

oh troll jakefakely goes into projection mode once again
You are the one talking in the mirror, silly one.
Been watching this scandal Franken is in closely. He is, unfortunately, my Senator. When I moved to MN one of the first things I did was register to vote specifically to vote against his reelection. I find him to be a disgusting vile man.

So when the scandal broke i wasn't surprised. It's not like we were ignorant of what kind of man he was before he was elected.

What did surprise me was how fast he apologized. I've been wrestling with whether to support calling for him to resign. That surprises me too. When he apologized I was immediately impressed with the conversation Jesus had with Peter. "How oft should I forgive? Seventy times seven."

Forgiveness is an act of healing. It became clear that the Lord wanted me to forgive him. But I wrestled with what that means. Does that mean I shouldn't call for him to resign? I mean what he did was still horrendous.

Last night I happened to randomly be reading Luke 6. Jesus was exhorting his disciples to love their enemies. A point that struck me was when He mentions that the Father loves even the ungrateful and evil.

I also thought how our nation needs healing. I think we should forgive him. I think we should let him face whatever the Senate ethics panel deems appropriate.

Now I'm sure there will be many who say he will get away with this. Yeah, perhaps. But the world knows now. He can't hide that. I plan on voting against him next time still. Heck, I may run against him if I absolutely have to.

But i think right now, we need to heal. We need to be a people who will take the better path. We need to be filled with the same love God has and that means doing what He would do in this situation. If we can be a people who can love and forgive Franken, I have hope for this nation no matter who is in office.
Somebody rapes your wife or daughter.

Once CAUGHT, he apologizes.

You say, "I forgive you."

Should he not go to prison because he "apologized" (ONLY AFTER CAUGHT)?

You "forgave" him. Are you naive enough to leave your wife or daughter alone with him?

Just think, Death Angel finds a pic of pretending to honk some tits more offensive than trolling the high schools to attempt to fuck little girls.

Take us word for it
I am willing to say if Moore did this, he needs to go to jail. But he is accused only. Moore insists on his innocence. (Which I don't believe for a pico second, but still) . Anglo saxon jurisprudence says he is still, officially, innocent. Franken has confessed and THERE IS A PICTURE OF HIM MOLESTING the woman. he is guilty as sin, and he needs to go.
Look, Franken is a democrat.

democrats are not subject to laws that cover mere normals. We shouldn't judge Franken is if he were some nothing normal. He is important, from Hollywood. He can grab a sleeping womens tits if he feels like it, he is special, he is the elite. Narmals need to bow down to our rulers, our glorious democrats. Women BETTER submit when one of our ruling democrats demands them.
And in the words of our Commander and Chief, an inspiring example to the American people, "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."
Thank you, a loss for words, for admitting the difference as being serious between rape and touching. You are growing up.
Grabbing a woman's boobs is still serious, just not as serious.

It is not a small matter. Don't make light of it. He still needs to go. I am willing to agree that it is not a capital felony, but it is still a felony
You are over reacting. A man in his thirties assaulting girls is far worse than the Franken prank gone wrong.

They are not equivalent.

They are a difference of kind, not degree.
Been watching this scandal Franken is in closely. He is, unfortunately, my Senator. When I moved to MN one of the first things I did was register to vote specifically to vote against his reelection. I find him to be a disgusting vile man.

So when the scandal broke i wasn't surprised. It's not like we were ignorant of what kind of man he was before he was elected.

What did surprise me was how fast he apologized. I've been wrestling with whether to support calling for him to resign. That surprises me too. When he apologized I was immediately impressed with the conversation Jesus had with Peter. "How oft should I forgive? Seventy times seven."

Forgiveness is an act of healing. It became clear that the Lord wanted me to forgive him. But I wrestled with what that means. Does that mean I shouldn't call for him to resign? I mean what he did was still horrendous.

Last night I happened to randomly be reading Luke 6. Jesus was exhorting his disciples to love their enemies. A point that struck me was when He mentions that the Father loves even the ungrateful and evil.

I also thought how our nation needs healing. I think we should forgive him. I think we should let him face whatever the Senate ethics panel deems appropriate.

Now I'm sure there will be many who say he will get away with this. Yeah, perhaps. But the world knows now. He can't hide that. I plan on voting against him next time still. Heck, I may run against him if I absolutely have to.

But i think right now, we need to heal. We need to be a people who will take the better path. We need to be filled with the same love God has and that means doing what He would do in this situation. If we can be a people who can love and forgive Franken, I have hope for this nation no matter who is in office.
Somebody rapes your wife or daughter.

Once CAUGHT, he apologizes.

You say, "I forgive you."

Should he not go to prison because he "apologized" (ONLY AFTER CAUGHT)?

You "forgave" him. Are you naive enough to leave your wife or daughter alone with him?

Just think, Death Angel finds a pic of pretending to honk some tits more offensive than trolling the high schools to attempt to fuck little girls.

Take us word for it
I am willing to say if Moore did this, he needs to go to jail. But he is accused only. Moore insists on his innocence. (Which I don't believe for a pico second, but still) . Anglo saxon jurisprudence says he is still, officially, innocent. Franken has confessed and THERE IS A PICTURE OF HIM MOLESTING the woman. he is guilty as sin, and he needs to go.
Go back and read the truth about the image, admit your nonsense, and grow up.
Been watching this scandal Franken is in closely. He is, unfortunately, my Senator. When I moved to MN one of the first things I did was register to vote specifically to vote against his reelection. I find him to be a disgusting vile man.

So when the scandal broke i wasn't surprised. It's not like we were ignorant of what kind of man he was before he was elected.

What did surprise me was how fast he apologized. I've been wrestling with whether to support calling for him to resign. That surprises me too. When he apologized I was immediately impressed with the conversation Jesus had with Peter. "How oft should I forgive? Seventy times seven."

Forgiveness is an act of healing. It became clear that the Lord wanted me to forgive him. But I wrestled with what that means. Does that mean I shouldn't call for him to resign? I mean what he did was still horrendous.

Last night I happened to randomly be reading Luke 6. Jesus was exhorting his disciples to love their enemies. A point that struck me was when He mentions that the Father loves even the ungrateful and evil.

I also thought how our nation needs healing. I think we should forgive him. I think we should let him face whatever the Senate ethics panel deems appropriate.

Now I'm sure there will be many who say he will get away with this. Yeah, perhaps. But the world knows now. He can't hide that. I plan on voting against him next time still. Heck, I may run against him if I absolutely have to.

But i think right now, we need to heal. We need to be a people who will take the better path. We need to be filled with the same love God has and that means doing what He would do in this situation. If we can be a people who can love and forgive Franken, I have hope for this nation no matter who is in office.
Somebody rapes your wife or daughter.

Once CAUGHT, he apologizes.

You say, "I forgive you."

Should he not go to prison because he "apologized" (ONLY AFTER CAUGHT)?

You "forgave" him. Are you naive enough to leave your wife or daughter alone with him?

Just think, Death Angel finds a pic of pretending to honk some tits more offensive than trolling the high schools to attempt to fuck little girls.

Take us word for it
I am willing to say if Moore did this, he needs to go to jail. But he is accused only. Moore insists on his innocence. (Which I don't believe for a pico second, but still) . Anglo saxon jurisprudence says he is still, officially, innocent. Franken has confessed and THERE IS A PICTURE OF HIM MOLESTING the woman. he is guilty as sin, and he needs to go.

Innocent in a court of law doesn't mean you'e unable to form an opinion goofball liar.

You'e trying to let a child fucker pass on semantics and hang Franken on the same samantic bullshit. Fuck off. Either provide a defense on why all those people are less credible than Moore or go Fuck off for defending a child fucker on a technicality.

Child fuckers will never get a pass from me. You are different I guess
Thank you, a loss for words, for admitting the difference as being serious between rape and touching. You are growing up.
Grabbing a woman's boobs is still serious, just not as serious.

It is not a small matter. Don't make light of it. He still needs to go. I am willing to agree that it is not a capital felony, but it is still a felony
You are over reacting. A man in his thirties assaulting girls is far worse than the Franken prank gone wrong.

They are not equivalent.

They are a difference of kind, not degree.

I need this dude to explain why trying to fuck a teenager is a common occurrence for a 30 year old. Let's not pussy foot around it. Go on and tell everyone why it's ok
Been watching this scandal Franken is in closely. He is, unfortunately, my Senator. When I moved to MN one of the first things I did was register to vote specifically to vote against his reelection. I find him to be a disgusting vile man.

So when the scandal broke i wasn't surprised. It's not like we were ignorant of what kind of man he was before he was elected.

What did surprise me was how fast he apologized.

There's a photo of him groping a sleeping woman. You think denying was an option for him?

What makes you think his apology is anything but damage control?

Franken has been among the leaders of ripping Republicans for similar things, including just month, he pounded a judicial nominee for an old tweet, including rejecting the man's apology that it was a poor attempt at humor.

Jesus doesn't love Franken and neither do Jesus' followers. The Bible teaches God hates evil doers, which anyone should realize even if they don't know the verses that teach that. It's sad of you to play the "love your enemies" card without any regard for what Jesus was talking about.
Meh, beside the religious angle let' look at what he did. A big nothing.

Franken fell on the sword too hard and shouldn' apologized and kept it moving. Looking for a fair investigation from Republicans is like jumping in the lion cage and hoping the tiger is friendly.

Really? Groping a sleeping woman when you know she isn't into you is a big nothing?

And what is there to investigate? She told her side. Showed the picture of him groping her. He admits it and has apologized. It's open and shut

Good point. If he does the right thing, which is resigning immediately, i can forgive. That being said, the OP is forgetting about the victim and her feelings. It's actually more about her than it is about Franken. He chose to behave the way he did. If he man's up and resigns, i can forgive him. But more importantly, he needs to ask his victim for forgiveness.
He should resign if for no other reason than to once again show Americans the difference between liberals and conservatives.

Hillary disagrees

Hillary Clinton defended Al Franken after the Senator was accused of sexual assault—but attacked Moore and Trump

Hillary said that because Franken admitted to it, and said he was sorry, all is well with the world and he should stay

Apparently all one has to do is admit to it and say you are sorry, then it's OK. Who knew?

Presumably, she must have then disagreed with the Senate not agreeing with the House to impeach her husband for having a sexual encounter with a young woman intern who Bill Clinton was a superior to, not to mention all the other women who have accused Bill of sexual assaults.

These people are insane.
He should resign if for no other reason than to once again show Americans the difference between liberals and conservatives.

Hillary disagrees

Hillary Clinton defended Al Franken after the Senator was accused of sexual assault—but attacked Moore and Trump

Hillary said that because Franken admitted to it, and said he was sorry, all is well with the world and he should stay

Apparently all one has to do is admit to it and say you are sorry, then it's OK. Who knew?

Presumably, she must have then disagreed with the Senate not agreeing with the House to impeach her husband for having a sexual encounter with a young woman intern who Bill Clinton was a superior to, not to mention all the other women who have accused Bill of sexual assaults.

These people are insane.

She's pure evil. So go figure? There's a special place in hell reserved for her for what she did to her pervert husband's numerous victims. She destroyed lives to protect that piece of shit. She can go to hell.
Thank you, a loss for words, for admitting the difference as being serious between rape and touching. You are growing up.
Grabbing a woman's boobs is still serious, just not as serious.

It is not a small matter. Don't make light of it. He still needs to go. I am willing to agree that it is not a capital felony, but it is still a felony
You are over reacting. A man in his thirties assaulting girls is far worse than the Franken prank gone wrong.

They are not equivalent.

They are a difference of kind, not degree.
It is not a prank. It is a nasty violation.
IF Moore did it ( I believe he did) he needs to be excluded from the senate. HOWEVER he needs to be convicted first.

CONFESSED to groping her while she slept. He is convicted. Moore maintains his innocence (yea, right) and we have to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Franken admits to assaulting her. He needs to go. they are not equivalent, but they are both serious.
Meh, beside the religious angle let' look at what he did. A big nothing.

Franken fell on the sword too hard and shouldn' apologized and kept it moving. Looking for a fair investigation from Republicans is like jumping in the lion cage and hoping the tiger is friendly.

Really? Groping a sleeping woman when you know she isn't into you is a big nothing?

And what is there to investigate? She told her side. Showed the picture of him groping her. He admits it and has apologized. It's open and shut
And the 16 women Trump sexually assaulted?

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