thoughts on Franken

Thank you, a loss for words, for admitting the difference as being serious between rape and touching. You are growing up.
Grabbing a woman's boobs is still serious, just not as serious.

It is not a small matter. Don't make light of it. He still needs to go. I am willing to agree that it is not a capital felony, but it is still a felony
You are over reacting. A man in his thirties assaulting girls is far worse than the Franken prank gone wrong.

They are not equivalent.

They are a difference of kind, not degree.

I need this dude to explain why trying to fuck a teenager is a common occurrence for a 30 year old. Let's not pussy foot around it. Go on and tell everyone why it's ok
I don't believe the lefts insistence since the are not equivalently bad, that therefore Franken's disgusting creepy behavior is therefore trivial. It isn't. It is not quite as bad, but it is still bad
Thank you, a loss for words, for admitting the difference as being serious between rape and touching. You are growing up.
Grabbing a woman's boobs is still serious, just not as serious.

It is not a small matter. Don't make light of it. He still needs to go. I am willing to agree that it is not a capital felony, but it is still a felony
You are over reacting. A man in his thirties assaulting girls is far worse than the Franken prank gone wrong.

They are not equivalent.

They are a difference of kind, not degree.

I need this dude to explain why trying to fuck a teenager is a common occurrence for a 30 year old. Let's not pussy foot around it. Go on and tell everyone why it's ok
I don't believe the lefts insistence since the are not equivalently bad, that therefore Franken's disgusting creepy behavior is therefore trivial. It isn't. It is not quite as bad, but it is still bad

How many liberals are saying that? One?
Jake Starkey is saying that. Disgusting creep
Actually a loss for words is lying, as usual, because I make a loss look stupid.

I said Franken's action is a difference of kind than degree, while a loss insists they are the same.

They are not. One was between adults that involved touching; the other was between an adult and young girls.

A loss for words cannot argue sensible so lies instead.
Thank you, a loss for words, for admitting the difference as being serious between rape and touching. You are growing up.
Grabbing a woman's boobs is still serious, just not as serious.

It is not a small matter. Don't make light of it. He still needs to go. I am willing to agree that it is not a capital felony, but it is still a felony
You are over reacting. A man in his thirties assaulting girls is far worse than the Franken prank gone wrong.

They are not equivalent.

They are a difference of kind, not degree.
It is not a prank. It is a nasty violation.
IF Moore did it ( I believe he did) he needs to be excluded from the senate. HOWEVER he needs to be convicted first.

CONFESSED to groping her while she slept. He is convicted. Moore maintains his innocence (yea, right) and we have to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Franken admits to assaulting her. He needs to go. they are not equivalent, but they are both serious.

No one needs to be convicted to be disqualified dumb fuck. For the perfect example see your fucking whining about Franken as evidence.

But if you want a child fucker to have power based on a technicality.
Jake Starkey is saying that. Disgusting creep
Actually a loss for words is lying, as usual, because I make a loss look stupid.

I said Franken's action is a difference of kind than degree, while a loss insists they are the same.

They are not. One was between adults that involved touching; the other was between an adult and young girls.

A loss for words cannot argue sensible so lies instead.
I have never said that you lying disgusting toad, as you can see from reviewing the thread. You can see what I said in black and white. I insist while while different in degree they are both very are the one who claim what Franken did is trivial. It is not trivial. It is bad, just not as bad. It is the difference between cyanide and arsenic. you insist it is like cyanide and vitamin C
Jake Starkey is saying that. Disgusting creep
Actually a loss for words is lying, as usual, because I make a loss look stupid.

I said Franken's action is a difference of kind than degree, while a loss insists they are the same.

They are not. One was between adults that involved touching; the other was between an adult and young girls.

A loss for words cannot argue sensible so lies instead.
I have never said that you lying disgusting toad, as you can see from reviewing the thread. You can see what I said in black and white. I insist while while different in degree they are both very are the one who claim what Franken did is trivial. It is not trivial. It is bad, just not as bad. It is the difference between cyanide and arsenic. you insist it is like cyanide and vitamin C
Go back and see where you lied yet again. What you implied clearly was the actions were equivalent. They certainly are not. They are a difference of kind not degree, and that is were you fail big time. Keep it up, and I will keep showing your lies and errors.

Once again, a loss for words is saying Moore's actions were the equivalent in kind to Frankens. They certainly were not.
what I said.... They are both bad, the are bad to different degrees... to reiterate you slime nasty lying freek is this
It is not a prank. It is a nasty violation.
IF Moore did it ( I believe he did) he needs to be excluded from the senate. HOWEVER he needs to be convicted first.

Franken CONFESSED to groping her while she slept. He is convicted. Moore maintains his innocence (yea, right) and we have to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Franken admits to assaulting her. He needs to go. they are not equivalent, but they are both serious.

You were trivializing Frankens evil by calling it a prank.
They are bad, yes, but of different KINDS. One was with a woman and involved touching. The other was with girls and involved much more.

You can lie all you want, a loss for words, and when you do, you will be made look stupid.
Look, Franken is a democrat.

democrats are not subject to laws that cover mere normals. We shouldn't judge Franken is if he were some nothing normal. He is important, from Hollywood. He can grab a sleeping womens tits if he feels like it, he is special, he is the elite. Narmals need to bow down to our rulers, our glorious democrats. Women BETTER submit when one of our ruling democrats demands them.
"democrats are not subject to laws that cover mere normals" that why he is submitting to an fact submitted himself for opposed to refusing to acknowledge there is a problem a la Moore/trump/Hastert/Duggar/etc?
They are bad, yes, but of different KINDS. One was with a woman and involved touching. The other was with girls and involved much more.

You can lie all you want, a loss for words, and when you do, you will be made look stupid.
Gotta love how those preachers of morality republicants show how FOS they truly are
Look, Franken is a democrat.

democrats are not subject to laws that cover mere normals. We shouldn't judge Franken is if he were some nothing normal. He is important, from Hollywood. He can grab a sleeping womens tits if he feels like it, he is special, he is the elite. Narmals need to bow down to our rulers, our glorious democrats. Women BETTER submit when one of our ruling democrats demands them.
And in the words of our Commander and Chief, an inspiring example to the American people, "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

You Stalinists thought it was terrible when he said that. but if a party boss does it, you lie, cheat, and slander to cover it up.

Yeah, you're fucking hypocrites. Mostly though, you're just scumbags.
what I said.... They are both bad, the are bad to different degrees... to reiterate you slime nasty lying freek is this
It is not a prank. It is a nasty violation.
IF Moore did it ( I believe he did) he needs to be excluded from the senate. HOWEVER he needs to be convicted first.

Franken CONFESSED to groping her while she slept. He is convicted. Moore maintains his innocence (yea, right) and we have to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Franken admits to assaulting her. He needs to go. they are not equivalent, but they are both serious.

You were trivializing Frankens evil by calling it a prank.

Franken didn' admit to groping anyone or assaulting anyone. Please don't even go back and forth with people like this. Trying to get them to stop lying when this hy have a stake in continuing the lies is pointless.
Meh, beside the religious angle let' look at what he did. A big nothing.

Franken fell on the sword too hard and shouldn' apologized and kept it moving. Looking for a fair investigation from Republicans is like jumping in the lion cage and hoping the tiger is friendly.

Really? Groping a sleeping woman when you know she isn't into you is a big nothing?

And what is there to investigate? She told her side. Showed the picture of him groping her. He admits it and has apologized. It's open and shut
And the 16 women Trump sexually assaulted?

If you're going to lie Comrade, why not make it 10,000?

It's not like you could have less credibility, after all.
Meh, beside the religious angle let' look at what he did. A big nothing.

Franken fell on the sword too hard and shouldn' apologized and kept it moving. Looking for a fair investigation from Republicans is like jumping in the lion cage and hoping the tiger is friendly.

Really? Groping a sleeping woman when you know she isn't into you is a big nothing?

And what is there to investigate? She told her side. Showed the picture of him groping her. He admits it and has apologized. It's open and shut
And the 16 women Trump sexually assaulted?

If you're going to lie Comrade, why not make it 10,000?

It's not like you could have less credibility, after all.
Yeah 9 vs moore 12 vs trump are all lying about the scum? Republicans once more prove they are party first country last

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