Thousands Fleeing Obama's New Cuba


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Absolutely nothing good has happened in Cuba since Obumbler's normalization of relations and lifting of embargoes. Tourists going there are complaining of awful accommodations at reported five star resorts. I see daily reports of more Cubans being rounded up by police and jailed for simply complaining about the situation. And now we read of thousands who fled to the Central American coast and are making their way north to the Texas border. And their relatives and friends and providing ways for them to join the exile community in Florida.

What impact will this have?

Read more @ Thousands of Cuban Refugees Crossing the Border
Is that our President's fault? More likely it's Castro's.

But I thought Dear Leader Barrack opened up Cuba so the people would no longer suffer so much under a dictatorship. If that's the case, shouldn't they be wanting to stay to take advantage of a better life?
I've been wondering what's going on, too. Once they've made it to Florida, someone should ask them.
Miami says: Conditions will worsen in Cuba, not improve

Is that our President's fault? More likely it's Castro's.

But I thought Dear Leader Barrack opened up Cuba so the people would no longer suffer so much under a dictatorship. If that's the case, shouldn't they be wanting to stay to take advantage of a better life?
I've been wondering what's going on, too. Once they've made it to Florida, someone should ask them.
Absolutely nothing good has happened in Cuba since Obumbler's normalization of relations and lifting of embargoes. Tourists going there are complaining of awful accommodations at reported five star resorts. I see daily reports of more Cubans being rounded up by police and jailed for simply complaining about the situation. And now we read of thousands who fled to the Central American coast and are making their way north to the Texas border. And their relatives and friends and providing ways for them to join the exile community in Florida.

What impact will this have?

Read more @ Thousands of Cuban Refugees Crossing the Border

Why are they fleeing now?

Because they are worried that if relations are normalized- then they will be treated like any other illegal immigrant to the United States- rather than getting a free pass if they touch one toe on U.S. soil.

Right now the Cubans join the millions from Central America and Mexico, trying to flee to the United States for a better life.

That is equality for you.
Absolutely nothing good has happened in Cuba since Obumbler's normalization of relations and lifting of embargoes. Tourists going there are complaining of awful accommodations at reported five star resorts. I see daily reports of more Cubans being rounded up by police and jailed for simply complaining about the situation. And now we read of thousands who fled to the Central American coast and are making their way north to the Texas border. And their relatives and friends and providing ways for them to join the exile community in Florida.

What impact will this have?

Read more @ Thousands of Cuban Refugees Crossing the Border
the mind of a military idiot lifer
that was his plan all along. he's opened the doors to our country to every third world hell hole around the world. even ones who are our enemy's

Hope and Change just not for YOU THE AMERCIAN citizen. duped you all the way into voting for it and Paying for too. what a guy who loves their country
Obama's open borders policy isn't about making other countries better or allowing individuals an opportunity to better their own lives, it's to lower the standard of living of Americans down to the same level of squalor of third world shitholes.
Is that our President's fault? More likely it's Castro's.

But I thought Dear Leader Barrack opened up Cuba so the people would no longer suffer so much under a dictatorship. If that's the case, shouldn't they be wanting to stay to take advantage of a better life?

I guess you expected Cuba to transform into a full fledged capitalistic democracy overnight.
The most you can make in Cuba is $15 a day. You make $15.01, you go to a Cuban prison. It's leftist utopia, which means it's an overflowing sewer.

Yup and if they want tourist to come and spend money they will have to upgrade everything on the island. That will take time.
Is that our President's fault? More likely it's Castro's.

But I thought Dear Leader Barrack opened up Cuba so the people would no longer suffer so much under a dictatorship. If that's the case, shouldn't they be wanting to stay to take advantage of a better life?

What the fuck does that have to do with Cubans, the Central American coast and Texas?

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