Thousands in prison for crimes they didn't commit.

Don't take a plea. Speak the truth and expose any abuses and lies. If you don't know who is railroading you, THE consider a plea. The more evidence a man has to defend himself the better. Evil must not prevail in life or the devil will win.
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If you plea to a lesser charge you will get away with what you actually did and go to prison for something you didn't do. That's our justice system. :(

To an extent. We also have a court system that coerces people to plead guilty to avoid a stiffer sentence.

Anyway, just a weird story---I know of a case where the guy tried to plea bargain to have his charges changed to a more serious charge because he didn't want the crime he actually committed shown on his record and the prosecutor wasn't willing to lower it. I am not sure what the court actually did when it got before the judge though. I was a witness in the case. I happened to be in the room being interviewed by the prosecutor before the trial when the defendant's attorney came in with the proposal and could hear their conversation. I didn't see the actual crime. I just happened to have later found the purse that was stolen and called the popo. Dumbass left his coat behind where he dumped the purse and the coat was how they were able to prove he did it.

How much would it cost him to mount a vigorous defense, then appeals had he been convicted?

This is exactly what I was speaking to in #2.
One must educate themselves. Access existing legal legal cases and study them, access the law and how it might pertain to you. Even access former judge decisions. anyone who leaves their defense to ther lawyer alone is doing themselves a disservice. Also, reach out to media, speak the trurh. Always!!

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