Thousands March Through Snow Protesting Global Warming

No. Cold fronts don't cause blizzards. Blizzards are defined by wind speed, not temperature. Wind speed is driven by pressure differences. Which is driven by ... water vapor.

"No. Cold fronts don't cause blizzards."


An you claim I don't know anything about the weather?

Blizzard - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In the United States, storm systems powerful enough to cause blizzards usually form when the jet stream dips far to the south, allowing cold, dry polar air from the north to clash with warm, humid air moving up from the south.[2][5] They are most common in the Great Plains, the Great Lakes states, and the northeastern states along the coast, and less common in the Pacific Northwest.

When cold, moist air from the Pacific Ocean moves eastward to the Rocky Mountains and the Great Plains, and warmer, moist air moves north from the Gulf of Mexico, all that is needed is a movement of cold polar air moving south to form potential blizzard conditions that may extend from the Texas Panhandle to the Great Lakes.

Another storm system occurs when a cold core low over the Hudson Bay area in Canada is displaced southward over southeastern Canada, the Great Lakes, and New England. When the rapidly moving cold front collides with warmer air coming north from the Gulf of Mexico, strong surface winds, significant cold air advection, and extensive wintry precipitation occur.
As expected, Westwall quotes one unknown guy in England who says snow in England might go away at some indeterminate future time, and pretends it means all scientists said snow will immediately vanish over the entire earth. He lies shamelessly, that is.

He lies about the models. He lies about a lack of warming. He lies about data being faked. You name it, he lies about it. It's for the cult, so he considers it justified.

And it's escalating. He's now lying to justify his censorship. There is no requirement for topical content in a Zone 3 forum like the Environment forum. Westwall absolutely knows that, being I've directly informed him of it more than once. He's lying about board rules so he has an excuse to fly his Stalinist freak flag and censor opinions he doesn't like.

Some "unknown" guy? Really? I can understand someone from your cult trying desperately as hell to distance yourself from a person who made so public a failed prediction, but unknown? Far, far from it... Below is his CV which you cultists prostate yourselves to no doubt. Now, as to the rest of your drivel, for that's what is, I can do naught but laugh at you. And with great gusto!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Dr. David Viner Wrong Dr. David Viner?
Member, Climatic Research Unit
Phone: +44 **** ****** HQ Phone

University of East Anglia
Norwich Research Park
Norwich , Norfolk NR4 7TJ
United Kingdom

Company Description: The University of East Anglia (UEA) is an internationally renowned, research-led University, known for its pioneering and collaborative approach to research which...

Employment History
Board Memberships and Affiliations

David Viner University of East Anglia
I know what will be said by the fearists, this type of weather is not abnormal and to that they are exactly right.

Thousands March Through Snow Protesting Global Warming The Daily Caller

The “Gore effect” has struck again, this time forcing thousands of Canadian eco-activists to march through the snow over the weekend, rallying against global warming on a cold Quebec City day.

The Globe and Mail reports the “Act On Climate Change” march included “representatives from First Nations, environmental activists and political groups” who are trying to convince politicians to ban oil sands extraction and prevent pipelines from being built to bring that oil to market.
You deny the planet has warmed?


You denying that the US has not for at least the last 15 years?

What I deny is the need for such fear from the GW fear mongers.
Because you don't seem to have the slightest grasp on basic meteorology.

One thing I know: warmth doesn't cause blizzards. Cold does.

Showing that Crick was right about you. You cannot have a blizzard without a collision of two air masses, one warm and moist, the other cold and dry. Next.
OH, so now you're admitting that cold air is required. That's progress.

So how does warming both air masses increase the severity of blizzards?
So you guys ignore the data and we are the deniers?

None of this explains how protesting solves the so called problem.

The planet will be quite fine warming a few degrees if it ever does.

What temperature is the planet supposed to be?
lmao.......this happens almost every year to these bozo's. I laugh so hard, I almost chew my arm off!!!:biggrin::boobies::boobies:
Because you don't seem to have the slightest grasp on basic meteorology.

One thing I know: warmth doesn't cause blizzards. Cold does.

Showing that Crick was right about you. You cannot have a blizzard without a collision of two air masses, one warm and moist, the other cold and dry. Next.

Nobody cares jerky..............

The bottom line is, when a blizzard hits, that last thing people are thinking about ( and I mean the last ) is global warming. Only the handful of internet OCD's engaging in their hobby see blizzards and think about climate change.:fu::funnyface::funnyface:
I know what will be said by the fearists, this type of weather is not abnormal and to that they are exactly right.

Thousands March Through Snow Protesting Global Warming The Daily Caller

The “Gore effect” has struck again, this time forcing thousands of Canadian eco-activists to march through the snow over the weekend, rallying against global warming on a cold Quebec City day.

The Globe and Mail reports the “Act On Climate Change” march included “representatives from First Nations, environmental activists and political groups” who are trying to convince politicians to ban oil sands extraction and prevent pipelines from being built to bring that oil to market.
You deny the planet has warmed?


What I deny is the need for such fear from the GW fear mongers.

No worries my friend.........the fear monger crap has been totally marginalized in 2015!!! Every poll shows it........nobody gives a rats ass about global warming!!
I know what will be said by the fearists, this type of weather is not abnormal and to that they are exactly right.

Thousands March Through Snow Protesting Global Warming The Daily Caller

The “Gore effect” has struck again, this time forcing thousands of Canadian eco-activists to march through the snow over the weekend, rallying against global warming on a cold Quebec City day.

The Globe and Mail reports the “Act On Climate Change” march included “representatives from First Nations, environmental activists and political groups” who are trying to convince politicians to ban oil sands extraction and prevent pipelines from being built to bring that oil to market.
You deny the planet has warmed?


You denying that the US has not for at least the last 15 years?

What I deny is the need for such fear from the GW fear mongers.

Yep I do.

Power said that 1998, the start of the 'pause', was a particularly hot year due to the natural El Niño climate pattern that has a warming influence on worldwide temperatures.

Power said that if you choose a 15-year period starting in 1996 instead of 1998 then the rate of warming almost triples to 0.14°C per decade.

"Globally average surface temperature is just one measure of changes in the Earth'sclimate system," he says.

During the 15-year 'hiatus' period, studies of other aspects of the climate system have continued to show warming as expected.

The world's oceans have continued to gain heat, a recent study has found. And, in late March, a study in the prestigious journalScience found Antarctica's ice sheets were melting at an accelerating rate.

Many scientists have pointed to the recent extended periods of ocean cycles that are in phases that tend to have a cooling effect on temperatures at the surface of the planet.

The sun has also been in a state of unusually low activity, which can also have a cooling influence.

Global warming hiatus explained and it s not good news
Yeah cause the deniers made the movie aboriginal warming causing an ice age.

It hasn't warmed since 98

That's completely delusional. And that's why your cult is considered to be such a joke.

Hmmm...........talking about delusional honey, if skeptics are such a cult, why do a vast majority of Americans rank global warming DEAD LAST on their list of concerns ( 21st out of 21)

Climate Change Ranks Dead Last in United Nations Own Survey CNS News

Who's delusional sweetie????:2up::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies:

And who's not winning???:coffee:
I know what will be said by the fearists, this type of weather is not abnormal and to that they are exactly right.

Thousands March Through Snow Protesting Global Warming The Daily Caller

The “Gore effect” has struck again, this time forcing thousands of Canadian eco-activists to march through the snow over the weekend, rallying against global warming on a cold Quebec City day.

The Globe and Mail reports the “Act On Climate Change” march included “representatives from First Nations, environmental activists and political groups” who are trying to convince politicians to ban oil sands extraction and prevent pipelines from being built to bring that oil to market.
You deny the planet has warmed?


What I deny is the need for such fear from the GW fear mongers.

No worries my friend.........the fear monger crap has been totally marginalized in 2015!!! Every poll shows it........nobody gives a rats ass about global warming!!
those damn scientists at NASA!!!

Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Evidence
I know what will be said by the fearists, this type of weather is not abnormal and to that they are exactly right.

Thousands March Through Snow Protesting Global Warming The Daily Caller

The “Gore effect” has struck again, this time forcing thousands of Canadian eco-activists to march through the snow over the weekend, rallying against global warming on a cold Quebec City day.

The Globe and Mail reports the “Act On Climate Change” march included “representatives from First Nations, environmental activists and political groups” who are trying to convince politicians to ban oil sands extraction and prevent pipelines from being built to bring that oil to market.
You deny the planet has warmed?


You denying that the US has not for at least the last 15 years?

What I deny is the need for such fear from the GW fear mongers.

Yep I do.

Power said that 1998, the start of the 'pause', was a particularly hot year due to the natural El Niño climate pattern that has a warming influence on worldwide temperatures.

Power said that if you choose a 15-year period starting in 1996 instead of 1998 then the rate of warming almost triples to 0.14°C per decade.

"Globally average surface temperature is just one measure of changes in the Earth'sclimate system," he says.

During the 15-year 'hiatus' period, studies of other aspects of the climate system have continued to show warming as expected.

The world's oceans have continued to gain heat, a recent study has found. And, in late March, a study in the prestigious journalScience found Antarctica's ice sheets were melting at an accelerating rate.

Many scientists have pointed to the recent extended periods of ocean cycles that are in phases that tend to have a cooling effect on temperatures at the surface of the planet.

The sun has also been in a state of unusually low activity, which can also have a cooling influence.

Global warming hiatus explained and it s not good news

Fear fear fear. Have you ever noticed that when someone in power is trying to steal your money they always try and make you afraid so you will willingly hand it over? It's a well known propaganda tool and what I find hilarious is these so called deep thinkers can't figure that out.
I know what will be said by the fearists, this type of weather is not abnormal and to that they are exactly right.

Thousands March Through Snow Protesting Global Warming The Daily Caller

The “Gore effect” has struck again, this time forcing thousands of Canadian eco-activists to march through the snow over the weekend, rallying against global warming on a cold Quebec City day.

The Globe and Mail reports the “Act On Climate Change” march included “representatives from First Nations, environmental activists and political groups” who are trying to convince politicians to ban oil sands extraction and prevent pipelines from being built to bring that oil to market.
You deny the planet has warmed?


What I deny is the need for such fear from the GW fear mongers.

No worries my friend.........the fear monger crap has been totally marginalized in 2015!!! Every poll shows it........nobody gives a rats ass about global warming!!
those damn scientists at NASA!!!

Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Evidence

When you post shit up it's still...well you know...shit.
I know what will be said by the fearists, this type of weather is not abnormal and to that they are exactly right.

Thousands March Through Snow Protesting Global Warming The Daily Caller

The “Gore effect” has struck again, this time forcing thousands of Canadian eco-activists to march through the snow over the weekend, rallying against global warming on a cold Quebec City day.

The Globe and Mail reports the “Act On Climate Change” march included “representatives from First Nations, environmental activists and political groups” who are trying to convince politicians to ban oil sands extraction and prevent pipelines from being built to bring that oil to market.
You deny the planet has warmed?


What I deny is the need for such fear from the GW fear mongers.

No worries my friend.........the fear monger crap has been totally marginalized in 2015!!! Every poll shows it........nobody gives a rats ass about global warming!!
those damn scientists at NASA!!!

Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Evidence

When you post shit up it's still...well you know...shit.
Science is NOT a threat.
please reconsider entering a opsyche ward
I know what will be said by the fearists, this type of weather is not abnormal and to that they are exactly right.

Thousands March Through Snow Protesting Global Warming The Daily Caller

The “Gore effect” has struck again, this time forcing thousands of Canadian eco-activists to march through the snow over the weekend, rallying against global warming on a cold Quebec City day.

The Globe and Mail reports the “Act On Climate Change” march included “representatives from First Nations, environmental activists and political groups” who are trying to convince politicians to ban oil sands extraction and prevent pipelines from being built to bring that oil to market.
You deny the planet has warmed?


You denying that the US has not for at least the last 15 years?

What I deny is the need for such fear from the GW fear mongers.

Yep I do.

Power said that 1998, the start of the 'pause', was a particularly hot year due to the natural El Niño climate pattern that has a warming influence on worldwide temperatures.

Power said that if you choose a 15-year period starting in 1996 instead of 1998 then the rate of warming almost triples to 0.14°C per decade.

"Globally average surface temperature is just one measure of changes in the Earth'sclimate system," he says.

During the 15-year 'hiatus' period, studies of other aspects of the climate system have continued to show warming as expected.

The world's oceans have continued to gain heat, a recent study has found. And, in late March, a study in the prestigious journalScience found Antarctica's ice sheets were melting at an accelerating rate.

Many scientists have pointed to the recent extended periods of ocean cycles that are in phases that tend to have a cooling effect on temperatures at the surface of the planet.

The sun has also been in a state of unusually low activity, which can also have a cooling influence.

Global warming hiatus explained and it s not good news

Fear fear fear. Have you ever noticed that when someone in power is trying to steal your money they always try and make you afraid so you will willingly hand it over? It's a well known propaganda tool and what I find hilarious is these so called deep thinkers can't figure that out.

If anything the recent observations should quell the runaway global warming fears. Better to study how we can adapt rather than how we can change human behavior. Besides, a warmer earth has been a boon for mankind.
I know what will be said by the fearists, this type of weather is not abnormal and to that they are exactly right.

Thousands March Through Snow Protesting Global Warming The Daily Caller

The “Gore effect” has struck again, this time forcing thousands of Canadian eco-activists to march through the snow over the weekend, rallying against global warming on a cold Quebec City day.

The Globe and Mail reports the “Act On Climate Change” march included “representatives from First Nations, environmental activists and political groups” who are trying to convince politicians to ban oil sands extraction and prevent pipelines from being built to bring that oil to market.
You deny the planet has warmed?


You denying that the US has not for at least the last 15 years?

What I deny is the need for such fear from the GW fear mongers.

Yep I do.

Power said that 1998, the start of the 'pause', was a particularly hot year due to the natural El Niño climate pattern that has a warming influence on worldwide temperatures.

Power said that if you choose a 15-year period starting in 1996 instead of 1998 then the rate of warming almost triples to 0.14°C per decade.

"Globally average surface temperature is just one measure of changes in the Earth'sclimate system," he says.

During the 15-year 'hiatus' period, studies of other aspects of the climate system have continued to show warming as expected.

The world's oceans have continued to gain heat, a recent study has found. And, in late March, a study in the prestigious journalScience found Antarctica's ice sheets were melting at an accelerating rate.

Many scientists have pointed to the recent extended periods of ocean cycles that are in phases that tend to have a cooling effect on temperatures at the surface of the planet.

The sun has also been in a state of unusually low activity, which can also have a cooling influence.

Global warming hiatus explained and it s not good news

Go to this site and you can see what NOAA actually does say.

I used annual as the time scale and average temperature for the US1998 to 2015,

Here is the data, it looks like the real spike occured in 2012. But look for yourself, maybe NOAA is wrong.

Climate at a Glance National Climatic Data Center NCDC

-.48 deg F per decade.

1998-2014 BASE PERIOD

199801 - 199812 54.23°F 15 0.86°F
199901 - 199912 53.88°F 14 0.51°F
200001 - 200012 53.27°F 10 -0.10°F
200101 - 200112 53.70°F 13 0.33°F
200201 - 200212 53.21°F 8 -0.16°F
200301 - 200312 53.26°F 9 -0.11°F
200401 - 200412 53.10°F 6 -0.27°F
200501 - 200512 53.64°F 11 0.27°F
200601 - 200612 54.25°F 16 0.88°F
200701 - 200712 53.65°F 12 0.28°F
200801 - 200812 52.29°F 1 -1.08°F
200901 - 200912 52.39°F 2 -0.98°F
201001 - 201012 52.98°F 5 -0.39°F
201101 - 201112 53.18°F 7 -0.19°F
201201 - 201212 55.28°F 17 1.91°F
201301 - 201312 52.43°F 3 -0.94°F
201401 - 201412 52.52°F 4 -0.85°F

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