Thousands March Through Snow Protesting Global Warming

Because you don't seem to have the slightest grasp on basic meteorology.

oh for crying out loud. we have been living through the climate enough to know what's going on with it. We don't need a bunch of "paid" Scientist to blow smoke up our asses.

Well evidently some of you do. good grief
You don't feel ashamed spreading lies and fear mongering on people
Because you don't seem to have the slightest grasp on basic meteorology.

oh for crying out loud. we have been living through the climate enough to know what's going on with it. We don't need a bunch of "paid" Scientist to blow smoke up our asses.

Well evidently some of you do. good grief
You don't feel ashamed spreading lies and fear mongering on people
it is a proven fact that progressive liberals have no shame. there is no accusation you can throw at them that goes too far. they have done it and worse.nothing is out of bounds for these people.
Because you don't seem to have the slightest grasp on basic meteorology.

oh for crying out loud. we have been living through the climate enough to know what's going on with it. We don't need a bunch of "paid" Scientist to blow smoke up our asses.

Well evidently some of you do. good grief
You don't feel ashamed spreading lies and fear mongering on people
it is a proven fact that progressive liberals have no shame. there is no accusation you can throw at them that goes too far. they have done it and worse.nothing is out of bounds for these people.

I know that. that is why we can NOT have them running our governments. Especially this Federal Government
Dang. The deniers just keep getting dumber. And whinier.

Deniers, do you have a special school that teaches you how to whine, one you get to by riding a very short bus? Or do deniers naturally devolve into whiners due to the nonstop humiliation they experience?

There's a reason the whole planet laughs at denier cultists. It's not because of a VastSocialistConspiracy. It's because deniers are such 'effin morons.

Whining about alleged whining, always cute.
I know what will be said by the fearists, this type of weather is not abnormal and to that they are exactly right.

Thousands March Through Snow Protesting Global Warming The Daily Caller

The “Gore effect” has struck again, this time forcing thousands of Canadian eco-activists to march through the snow over the weekend, rallying against global warming on a cold Quebec City day.

The Globe and Mail reports the “Act On Climate Change” march included “representatives from First Nations, environmental activists and political groups” who are trying to convince politicians to ban oil sands extraction and prevent pipelines from being built to bring that oil to market.

Another USMB far-rightard show just how stupid she is.

Guess what, dipshit, it takes heat to make snow. Wrap your pin head around that.

Moron, it takes heat to put water vapor into the air, it takes cold to make it snow. What in the hell did they teach you at Carl Marx elementary school?
Westwall, cold weather is not caused by global warming, no matter how often and loudly the denier cult inexplicably says it is.

Warming means warming. It's not complicated. Even deniers should be able to figure that out.

Then why do your fellow cult members keep saying global warming causes more snow and cold temperatures?

It is rather simple why they think like they do. They see their refirgerator making ice and conclude that you must put energy INTO the system to cool it down. When in fact the refrig is removing heat. Without removing heat nothing get cold.
Now THAT is a deeply profound insight. Without removing heat, nothing gets cold.

But what could cause Arctic air masses - whose heat was removed as they hung out in the vicinity of the North Pole - to rapidly move south as far as the American Gulf Coast? What could draw warm equatorial air up into the American northwest, Alaska and western Canada? What could cause Rossby Waves to form in the Polar Vortex?
Westwall, cold weather is not caused by global warming, no matter how often and loudly the denier cult inexplicably says it is.

Warming means warming. It's not complicated. Even deniers should be able to figure that out.

Then why do your fellow cult members keep saying global warming causes more snow and cold temperatures?

It is rather simple why they think like they do. They see their refirgerator making ice and conclude that you must put energy INTO the system to cool it down. When in fact the refrig is removing heat. Without removing heat nothing get cold.
how can anyone take these people seriously? first they said things are cooling down. they said we're all going to freeze. then they said, hey we were wrong. let's call it global warming instead. oops! we were wrong again. let's just call it climate change. there. that oughta do it.
Westwall, cold weather is not caused by global warming, no matter how often and loudly the denier cult inexplicably says it is.

Warming means warming. It's not complicated. Even deniers should be able to figure that out.

Then why do your fellow cult members keep saying global warming causes more snow and cold temperatures?

It is rather simple why they think like they do. They see their refirgerator making ice and conclude that you must put energy INTO the system to cool it down. When in fact the refrig is removing heat. Without removing heat nothing get cold.
how can anyone take these people seriously? first they said things ade cooling down. they said we're all going to freeze. then they said, hey we were wrong. let's call it global warming instead. oops! we were wrong again. let's just call it climate change. there. that oughta do it.

You are not keeping up with the times, it is now climate disruption.
Hey! can you people show us just one climate model that was even close to be being right? just one.

Oh dear. We've got a live one! He's actually fallen for the big denier lie that the models were wrong. He really is that gullible, and he's here proudly bragging about how gullible he was to the rest of his herd.

Anyone living outside of the People's Democratic Republic of Denierstan understand the models have been spot on.


You got some splainin' do do, Mr. Right. How is it you're so completely out of touch with reality?

And don't yell at me. I'm just the messenger, pointing out you've been bamboozled by your cult.
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how can anyone take these people seriously? first they said things are cooling down. they said we're all going to freeze. then they said, hey we were wrong. let's call it global warming instead. oops! we were wrong again. let's just call it climate change. there. that oughta do it.

How can anyone take YOU seriously when you simply make things up whenever you have no real arguments to present?
Westwall, cold weather is not caused by global warming, no matter how often and loudly the denier cult inexplicably says it is.

Warming means warming. It's not complicated. Even deniers should be able to figure that out.

Then why do your fellow cult members keep saying global warming causes more snow and cold temperatures?

It is rather simple why they think like they do. They see their refirgerator making ice and conclude that you must put energy INTO the system to cool it down. When in fact the refrig is removing heat. Without removing heat nothing get cold.
how can anyone take these people seriously? first they said things ade cooling down. they said we're all going to freeze. then they said, hey we were wrong. let's call it global warming instead. oops! we were wrong again. let's just call it climate change. there. that oughta do it.

You are not keeping up with the times, it is now climate disruption.

Like your new friends, you still seem to be completely lacking arguments with any significance or relevance to the actual questions under discussion.
Now THAT is a deeply profound insight. Without removing heat, nothing gets cold.

But what could cause Arctic air masses - whose heat was removed as they hung out in the vicinity of the North Pole - to rapidly move south as far as the American Gulf Coast? What could draw warm equatorial air up into the American northwest, Alaska and western Canada? What could cause Rossby Waves to form in the Polar Vortex?

Is your question, why does the air blow? the answer is temperature gradients.
Westwall, cold weather is not caused by global warming, no matter how often and loudly the denier cult inexplicably says it is.

Warming means warming. It's not complicated. Even deniers should be able to figure that out.

Then why do your fellow cult members keep saying global warming causes more snow and cold temperatures?

It is rather simple why they think like they do. They see their refirgerator making ice and conclude that you must put energy INTO the system to cool it down. When in fact the refrig is removing heat. Without removing heat nothing get cold.
how can anyone take these people seriously? first they said things ade cooling down. they said we're all going to freeze. then they said, hey we were wrong. let's call it global warming instead. oops! we were wrong again. let's just call it climate change. there. that oughta do it.

You are not keeping up with the times, it is now climate disruption.

Like your new friends, you still seem to be completely lacking arguments with any significance or relevance to the actual questions under discussion.
like most people on this site, I really don't care what you think. by the way, where'd you get that Chart?
Of course you don't care about data. That's why you're called a denier. You know what you know, and those dirty liberals aren't going to fool you with any stupid "facts" and "data". You're too smart for that, which is why you know it's all faked.
Westwall, cold weather is not caused by global warming, no matter how often and loudly the denier cult inexplicably says it is.

Warming means warming. It's not complicated. Even deniers should be able to figure that out.

Yeah cause the deniers made the movie about global warming causing an ice age.

It hasn't warmed since 98
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Science can't accurately predict the weather for two weeks and we someone have predictions decades out.
I know what will be said by the fearists, this type of weather is not abnormal and to that they are exactly right.

Thousands March Through Snow Protesting Global Warming The Daily Caller

The “Gore effect” has struck again, this time forcing thousands of Canadian eco-activists to march through the snow over the weekend, rallying against global warming on a cold Quebec City day.

The Globe and Mail reports the “Act On Climate Change” march included “representatives from First Nations, environmental activists and political groups” who are trying to convince politicians to ban oil sands extraction and prevent pipelines from being built to bring that oil to market.
You deny the planet has warmed?

Westwall, cold weather is not caused by global warming, no matter how often and loudly the denier cult inexplicably says it is.

Warming means warming. It's not complicated. Even deniers should be able to figure that out.

But we aren't the ones claiming that global warming will end snow in winter....and then come back a couple of years later claiming that it will make more snow. That's you clowns...not us.

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