Thousands March Through Snow Protesting Global Warming

I know what will be said by the fearists, this type of weather is not abnormal and to that they are exactly right.

Thousands March Through Snow Protesting Global Warming The Daily Caller

The “Gore effect” has struck again, this time forcing thousands of Canadian eco-activists to march through the snow over the weekend, rallying against global warming on a cold Quebec City day.

The Globe and Mail reports the “Act On Climate Change” march included “representatives from First Nations, environmental activists and political groups” who are trying to convince politicians to ban oil sands extraction and prevent pipelines from being built to bring that oil to market.
You deny the planet has warmed?


It hasn't warmed for the last 18 years. But, it started warming 14,000 years ago and has been both warmer AND colder than the present era many times in that 14,000 year time frame.
But we aren't the ones claiming that global warming will end snow in winter...

Neither are we.

But then, you'll proudly justify any lie in the name of your cult, so you'll keep saying that.

.and then come back a couple of years later claiming that it will make more snow. That's you clowns...not us.

You understand that being so dishonest isn't helping your cult gain any converts, right? Sure, your fellow cultists praise you for it, but the rest of the planet is disgusted by your actions.
I know what will be said by the fearists, this type of weather is not abnormal and to that they are exactly right.

Thousands March Through Snow Protesting Global Warming The Daily Caller

The “Gore effect” has struck again, this time forcing thousands of Canadian eco-activists to march through the snow over the weekend, rallying against global warming on a cold Quebec City day.

The Globe and Mail reports the “Act On Climate Change” march included “representatives from First Nations, environmental activists and political groups” who are trying to convince politicians to ban oil sands extraction and prevent pipelines from being built to bring that oil to market.
You deny the planet has warmed?


It hasn't warmed for the last 18 years. But, it started warming 14,000 years ago and has been both warmer AND colder than the present era many times in that 14,000 year time frame.
Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Evidence
I know what will be said by the fearists, this type of weather is not abnormal and to that they are exactly right.

Thousands March Through Snow Protesting Global Warming The Daily Caller

The “Gore effect” has struck again, this time forcing thousands of Canadian eco-activists to march through the snow over the weekend, rallying against global warming on a cold Quebec City day.

The Globe and Mail reports the “Act On Climate Change” march included “representatives from First Nations, environmental activists and political groups” who are trying to convince politicians to ban oil sands extraction and prevent pipelines from being built to bring that oil to market.
You deny the planet has warmed?


It hasn't warmed for the last 18 years. But, it started warming 14,000 years ago and has been both warmer AND colder than the present era many times in that 14,000 year time frame.
Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Evidence

Cute graph. Notice how it only shows the CO2 levels and no temperature data? Then in the littany of BS they present they ignore the fact that everything they are posting has either happened before (with no bad effects) or has been debunked (acidification).

A poor effort and you were so lazy you even broke a Board rule and didn't have your own content. Next time I will merely delete the offending post.
But we aren't the ones claiming that global warming will end snow in winter...

Neither are we.

But then, you'll proudly justify any lie in the name of your cult, so you'll keep saying that.

.and then come back a couple of years later claiming that it will make more snow. That's you clowns...not us.

You understand that being so dishonest isn't helping your cult gain any converts, right? Sure, your fellow cultists praise you for it, but the rest of the planet is disgusted by your actions.

Ummm, yes, yes you are....

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent

Global warming means more snowstorms: scientists

Global warming means more snowstorms scientists

My oh my, what a couple of years of totally failed predictions will do to a cult!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
But we aren't the ones claiming that global warming will end snow in winter...

Neither are we.

But then, you'll proudly justify any lie in the name of your cult, so you'll keep saying that.

.and then come back a couple of years later claiming that it will make more snow. That's you clowns...not us.

You understand that being so dishonest isn't helping your cult gain any converts, right? Sure, your fellow cultists praise you for it, but the rest of the planet is disgusted by your actions.

Ummm, yes, yes you are....

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent

Global warming means more snowstorms: scientists

Global warming means more snowstorms scientists

My oh my, what a couple of years of totally failed predictions will do to a cult!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Wow, you had to dig all the way back to 2000 in The Independent of all places to find something to support your thesis? Oh my.
The projections of mainstream science are orders of magnitude closer to observations than are anything that any denier has produced.
But we aren't the ones claiming that global warming will end snow in winter...

Neither are we.

But then, you'll proudly justify any lie in the name of your cult, so you'll keep saying that.

.and then come back a couple of years later claiming that it will make more snow. That's you clowns...not us.

You understand that being so dishonest isn't helping your cult gain any converts, right? Sure, your fellow cultists praise you for it, but the rest of the planet is disgusted by your actions.

Ummm, yes, yes you are....

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent

Global warming means more snowstorms: scientists

Global warming means more snowstorms scientists

My oh my, what a couple of years of totally failed predictions will do to a cult!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Wow, you had to dig all the way back to 2000 in The Independent of all places to find something to support your thesis? Oh my.

Ummm, that's the nature of failed predictions olfraud. You make a prediction....then, a couple of years later, when it has fallen flat on its face, you change the name from "global warming" to "climate change" and then change the meme from no snow to more snow and voila, stupid fools like you jump on the bandwagon.

It would be genius if it weren't so stupid!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
The projections of mainstream science are orders of magnitude closer to observations than are anything that any denier has produced.

Really? 300 percent off is accurate to you?:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::cuckoo:
But we aren't the ones claiming that global warming will end snow in winter...

Neither are we.

But then, you'll proudly justify any lie in the name of your cult, so you'll keep saying that.

.and then come back a couple of years later claiming that it will make more snow. That's you clowns...not us.

You understand that being so dishonest isn't helping your cult gain any converts, right? Sure, your fellow cultists praise you for it, but the rest of the planet is disgusted by your actions.

Ummm, yes, yes you are....

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent

Global warming means more snowstorms: scientists

Global warming means more snowstorms scientists

My oh my, what a couple of years of totally failed predictions will do to a cult!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Wow, you had to dig all the way back to 2000 in The Independent of all places to find something to support your thesis? Oh my.

Ummm, that's the nature of failed predictions olfraud. You make a prediction....then, a couple of years later, when it has fallen flat on its face, you change the name from "global warming" to "climate change" and then change the meme from no snow to more snow and voila, stupid fools like you jump on the bandwagon.

It would be genius if it weren't so stupid!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Erm, who are you responding to? My avatar is not "olfraud", whatever that is. I made no such prediction, much less made any of your claimed changes. But I am humbled that you would think that I have that kind of power.
As expected, Westwall quotes one unknown guy in England who says snow in England might go away at some indeterminate future time, and pretends it means all scientists said snow will immediately vanish over the entire earth. He lies shamelessly, that is.

He lies about the models. He lies about a lack of warming. He lies about data being faked. You name it, he lies about it. It's for the cult, so he considers it justified.

And it's escalating. He's now lying to justify his censorship. There is no requirement for topical content in a Zone 3 forum like the Environment forum. Westwall absolutely knows that, being I've directly informed him of it more than once. He's lying about board rules so he has an excuse to fly his Stalinist freak flag and censor opinions he doesn't like.
Must have been marching, demanding more warmth..........

But back in reality.....where did all that cold come from?

At Start of 2015 Melt Season Arctic Sea Ice is in a Terrible State robertscribbler

Let me guess: global warming caused the cold.
No retard. Its complicated for you low IQ people isnt it?

Figuring out the latest excuse for the failure of the global warming hocus-pocus sure is complicated. Since you turds can't even keep track of what you've been saying, why do you imagine anyone else would?
I've been saying the same thing for years without change. Youre an idiot since you cant figure it out.

Sure you have.
In addition to not understand that warming doesn't mean cooling, the deniers here also have trouble understanding that "snow" is not a temperature. Snow is precipitation, and therefore warming does not preclude snow.

It's the AGW cult that believes warming means cooling. They keep saying that every time we have a blizzard.
Now THAT is a deeply profound insight. Without removing heat, nothing gets cold.

But what could cause Arctic air masses - whose heat was removed as they hung out in the vicinity of the North Pole - to rapidly move south as far as the American Gulf Coast? What could draw warm equatorial air up into the American northwest, Alaska and western Canada? What could cause Rossby Waves to form in the Polar Vortex?

ROFL! So now you're admitting that you believe warming makes it snow and makes it colder.

Hey! can you people show us just one climate model that was even close to be being right? just one.

Oh dear. We've got a live one! He's actually fallen for the big denier lie that the models were wrong. He really is that gullible, and he's here proudly bragging about how gullible he was to the rest of his herd.

Anyone living outside of the People's Democratic Republic of Denierstan understand the models have been spot on.


You got some splainin' do do, Mr. Right. How is it you're so completely out of touch with reality?

And don't yell at me. I'm just the messenger, pointing out you've been bamboozled by your cult.

Your IPCC data is about as credible as algore. Here is a more credible graph:

Christy's fudged graph? And you expect not to be laughed at?

And no, cold doesn't cause blizzards. You are completely clueless about weather. No wonder you're the only one to keep saying warming causes cooling.

Here's a hint. Dry air won't make a blizzard, no matter how cold it is. Now take a guess at what drives a storm.
Christy's fudged graph? And you expect not to be laughed at?

And no, cold doesn't cause blizzards. You are completely clueless about weather. No wonder you're the only one to keep saying warming causes cooling.

Here's a hint. Dry air won't make a blizzard, no matter how cold it is. Now take a guess at what drives a storm.

Dry is something different from warm, knucklehead.

Here's a clue for you: Look on a weather map when the weather guy says a blizzard is coming. You'll see something called a "cold front." That's what causes the blizzard. But the cult members who claim to understand weather claim cold doesn't cause blizzards! Also look at a weather map of somewhere near the equator. You won't see anything called a "cold front."
No. Cold fronts don't cause blizzards. Blizzards are defined by wind speed, not temperature. Wind speed is driven by pressure differences. Which is driven by ... water vapor.
Are you kidding? I hate global warming. haven't seen snow for over a month, at that is was like 1/4 inch here in Denver. This place used to get tons of snow November to May. Who is Protesting? The rest of us are left begging! Now there is global climate change going on here, and we are all hurting one way or the other.

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