Thousands of Trump supporters head to portland

Somehow the left thinks THESE are the bad guys because their presence "provokes" the skateboarding children
Yeah right, so the mayor and city counsel don't have police protection?
I don't know the specifics, but it appears Portland's police department hasn't had the resources it once had:
Portland to condemn white supremacists, ‘alt-right hate groups’

"The PPB has been suffering critical staffing shortages for the past few years—something the president of the Portland Police Association blames on the city and its elected government.

"'The reason the Police Bureau is experiencing catastrophic staffing shortages, drastically declining recruiting success, and the inability to retain officers is due to one core issue: the intense anti-police sentiment in our city that City Council seems to share,' Daryl Turner said in an April 2019 statement.

"This is not the only time Turner has sparred with the city government.

"After a riot in June 2019, in which this reporter was one of several injured, Turner released a statement saying: 'It's time for our Mayor to do two things: tell both ANTIFA and Proud Boys that our City will not accept violence in our City, and remove the handcuffs from our officers and let them stop the violence through strong and swift enforcement action. Enough is enough.'"
on't need to refute the leftwing rag. I sure they ignored data to support their predetermined conclusions. You only need to read their "About" paragraph to see which of the spectrum they fall on.
Both sides have facts to support their arguments; your unwillingness to acknowledge the role decades of white supremacy has played in current events in Portland shows how little respect you have for the truth.
Time for their hero in D.C. to be removed from office — constitutionally. I never thought I would vote for asshole DNC politicians like Harris and Biden, but I really don’t see much alternative anymore.
Harris and Biden are representatives of the Democrats who put Trump in office, but if I lived in a swing state I would also vote for the DNC assholes. Hopefully Trump will lose by a margin large enough to split Republicans into two or more parties and four years of Biden will have the same effect on Democrats in 2024:eek:
We can all see that the police have stood down. Your denial of this clear fact is absurd and the only thing you have demonstrated with it, is that you are a filthy liar and a troll.
Your hatred is blinding you.

Black People Nearly Twice as Likely as Whites to Be Arrested at Portland Protests

"State and local police in Portland have arrested over 550 protesters since mass protests began in Portland on May 29, sparked by outrage over the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

"Black people make up 11% of those arrested — almost double the rate of Portland’s Black population."
Yeah right, so the mayor and city counsel don't have police protection?
I don't know the specifics, but it appears Portland's police department hasn't had the resources it once had:
Portland to condemn white supremacists, ‘alt-right hate groups’

"The PPB has been suffering critical staffing shortages for the past few years—something the president of the Portland Police Association blames on the city and its elected government.

"'The reason the Police Bureau is experiencing catastrophic staffing shortages, drastically declining recruiting success, and the inability to retain officers is due to one core issue: the intense anti-police sentiment in our city that City Council seems to share,' Daryl Turner said in an April 2019 statement.

"This is not the only time Turner has sparred with the city government.

"After a riot in June 2019, in which this reporter was one of several injured, Turner released a statement saying: 'It's time for our Mayor to do two things: tell both ANTIFA and Proud Boys that our City will not accept violence in our City, and remove the handcuffs from our officers and let them stop the violence through strong and swift enforcement action. Enough is enough.'"

Great deflection, none of what you posted has a damn thing to do with the post you quoted. Do the mayor and city counsel have police protection or not?

In America the political divide has been for some time, as I have said, between civilization and the barbarians.
When traditional moral restraints become conflated with superstition, anarchy and treachery become inevitable. If your side is sufficiently delusional to confuse Trump with a leader of civilization, you're advocating for another demographic, cultural, and economic deterioration like the one in Western Europe following the decline of Rome's empire.
No, sounds like utter bullshit. YOu got something to say, say it. I'm not going to read shit you link to
This was a fine article. Correll refuses to read this article on the history of white racist laws and policies in Portland. He concludes, without reading it, it sounds like “utter bullshit.” Read it yourself and see if you don’t learn something:

The Racist History of Portland, the Whitest City in America

Correll is a typical paranoid psychotic afraid of the truth, who would love to see a Trump-led coup against elected government in Portland — like many other Trump fanatics and QAnon types.

The support that Portland voters have overwhelmingly given to the Democratic Party in overwhelmingly white Portland does not at all mean a tiny core of black and white BLM or Antifa / “Portland Mom” activists are being given free reign to abuse and terrorize the great white majority.

Nor does it mean that the city or state are dealing adequately with problems with racist policing, “systemic racism,” or highly armed white rural militia, all of which underlay some of the trouble and political theater in the state. The cops have a history there, as do the racist militia groups, as does the “fight back.”

Everybody mouthing off about the Portland protests and counter protests should know about the racist history of Portland and Oregon, know something about its real politics, demographics, industry and corporations, the composition and mindset of its cops and the history of neglect and development in different neighborhoods and regions. I liked the above article ... but of course it doesn’t show the way forward.

My opinion is that the situation is getting far too polarized. The last thing needed is more fuel thrown into the fire artificially by opportunist politicians like Trump. Meanwhile the Democrats nationally are now, rather belatedly, addressing themselves to problems of street violence.

The police and their union in Portland seem dangerously frustrated, dangerously unhappy, essentially on a slow “resistance” strike of their own. The mayor of Portland (who is also the police commissioner) never really wanted the job after serving his first term — he has clearly not been providing very effective leadership, apparently hoping the demonstrations will eventually wind down, as in the past.

If it weren’t an election year, I expect the demonstrations and counter demonstrations would have already died down. Instead, we have rather chaotic and dangerous political street theatre ... threatening to spiral into deadly local confrontations.
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on't need to refute the leftwing rag. I sure they ignored data to support their predetermined conclusions. You only need to read their "About" paragraph to see which of the spectrum they fall on.
Both sides have facts to support their arguments; your unwillingness to acknowledge the role decades of white supremacy has played in current events in Portland shows how little respect you have for the truth.

You obviously didn't read the article you posted, they credit themselves for the data. Also white supremacist are so on the fringe that it takes a monumental effort to put a couple of hundred together in one place. But hey, I guess you commies need a bogyman to blame your riots on.

Portland is the whitest city in America?
What BS! 30% of the population ain't white (remember, Hispanics are often classified as "white").
Portland is 81% White according to the 2010 census:
Even if that doesn't qualify as the whitest city in the US, it doesn't change the local history of white supremacy.

Portland metropolitan area - Wikipedia

"As of the 2010 census, there were 2,226,009 people, 867,794 households, and 551,008 families residing within the MSA. The racial makeup of the MSA were as followed:[5][6]

  • Some other race: 4.9%"

Well then I guess since 2010, Portland has become more diverse.
Portland is the whitest city in America?
What BS! 30% of the population ain't white (remember, Hispanics are often classified as "white").
Portland is 81% White according to the 2010 census:
Even if that doesn't qualify as the whitest city in the US, it doesn't change the local history of white supremacy.

Portland metropolitan area - Wikipedia

"As of the 2010 census, there were 2,226,009 people, 867,794 households, and 551,008 families residing within the MSA. The racial makeup of the MSA were as followed:[5][6]

  • Some other race: 4.9%"

Well then I guess since 2010, Portland has become more diverse.

Or could it be that blacks feel more emboldened to commit crimes? When DAs say in advance they aren't going to prosecute offenders, what's stopping them?

Portland is the whitest city in America?
What BS! 30% of the population ain't white (remember, Hispanics are often classified as "white").
Portland is 81% White according to the 2010 census:
Even if that doesn't qualify as the whitest city in the US, it doesn't change the local history of white supremacy.

Portland metropolitan area - Wikipedia

"As of the 2010 census, there were 2,226,009 people, 867,794 households, and 551,008 families residing within the MSA. The racial makeup of the MSA were as followed:[5][6]

  • Some other race: 4.9%"

Well then I guess since 2010, Portland has become more diverse.

Or could it be that blacks feel more emboldened to commit crimes? When DAs say in advance they aren't going to prosecute offenders, what's stopping them?


WTF are you talking about?
Portland is the whitest city in America?
What BS! 30% of the population ain't white (remember, Hispanics are often classified as "white").
Portland is 81% White according to the 2010 census:
Even if that doesn't qualify as the whitest city in the US, it doesn't change the local history of white supremacy.

Portland metropolitan area - Wikipedia

"As of the 2010 census, there were 2,226,009 people, 867,794 households, and 551,008 families residing within the MSA. The racial makeup of the MSA were as followed:[5][6]

  • Some other race: 4.9%"

Well then I guess since 2010, Portland has become more diverse.

Or could it be that blacks feel more emboldened to commit crimes? When DAs say in advance they aren't going to prosecute offenders, what's stopping them?


WTF are you talking about?

Guess you're not as informed as you pretend.

Portland is the whitest city in America?
What BS! 30% of the population ain't white (remember, Hispanics are often classified as "white").
Portland is 81% White according to the 2010 census:
Even if that doesn't qualify as the whitest city in the US, it doesn't change the local history of white supremacy.

Portland metropolitan area - Wikipedia

"As of the 2010 census, there were 2,226,009 people, 867,794 households, and 551,008 families residing within the MSA. The racial makeup of the MSA were as followed:[5][6]

  • Some other race: 4.9%"

Well then I guess since 2010, Portland has become more diverse.

Or could it be that blacks feel more emboldened to commit crimes? When DAs say in advance they aren't going to prosecute offenders, what's stopping them?


WTF are you talking about?

Guess you're not as informed as you pretend.


Good, Donald's Secret Police picked a lot of innocent people up. Naturally, they won't be prosecuted.
Portland is the whitest city in America?
What BS! 30% of the population ain't white (remember, Hispanics are often classified as "white").
Portland is 81% White according to the 2010 census:
Even if that doesn't qualify as the whitest city in the US, it doesn't change the local history of white supremacy.

Portland metropolitan area - Wikipedia

"As of the 2010 census, there were 2,226,009 people, 867,794 households, and 551,008 families residing within the MSA. The racial makeup of the MSA were as followed:[5][6]

  • Some other race: 4.9%"

Well then I guess since 2010, Portland has become more diverse.

Or could it be that blacks feel more emboldened to commit crimes? When DAs say in advance they aren't going to prosecute offenders, what's stopping them?


WTF are you talking about?

Guess you're not as informed as you pretend.


Good, Donald's Secret Police picked a lot of innocent people up. Naturally, they won't be prosecuted.

Wow, another commie who swallowed all the piss fed to him by the MSM. OOOOHH, "secret police" all of whom had patches on their uniforms showing the federal law enforcement agency they work for, sssooooo secret. ROFLMFAO Perhaps you'd feel more comfortable in China or Russia, where they have real secret police.

The silent majority has had enough

These are real thugs, I hope as many of them as possible end up in the slammer like that piece of shit, kyle rittenhouse, they will all be bitches of some nice well equipped boyfriend in jail...
The silent majority has had enough

It's just so... odd. Of course, these Trumpers are pulling a dick move and trying to provoke. As is their right. Nobody has any right to stop them. But... this is the response to people protesting and even rioting against State sponsored violence and criminalization of black people? They rally... for Trump? "In your face, Trump 2020!" It is pretty revealing. It is fascinating and a little scary.
Reading these comments I’ve realized that some of the Trump supporters here, like Correll for example, are not just naive or wrong. They are really and truly paranoid psychotics no longer in touch with reality.

They quite clearly will follow their delusions — at least encourage others to follow those delusions — all the way to a declaration of martial law and the establishment of a police state by Trump.

They want a Bonapartist coup and are consciously cheering for a mini civil war. They despise even the simplest fundamentals of our electoral and Republican system of government.

They would love putting all us “communists” and “anarchists” and Democrats up against the wall, especially if we dare protest their plans to overthrow democratically elected governments.

First comes (Democratic) Portland. Then ... Chicago & NYC?
Where will it stop if they actually got their way?

Clearly one solution, besides keeping calm and “keeping our powder dry,” is voting. Time for their hero in D.C. to be removed from office — constitutionally. I never thought I would vote for asshole DNC politicians like Harris and Biden, but I really don’t see much alternative anymore.
Fuck off

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