Thousands of Trump supporters head to portland

When you support the use of brown shirt tactics, you choose death and bloodshed.

That you are in denial about it, is intellectually dishonest and morally weak.

My "want" would have been for the mayors of our cities to order the cops to treat antifa and blm like the national security threat they are, and clear the streets with speed and efficiency.

What brown shirt tactics are you accusing me of supporting?

The mobs. Antifa. BLM. all of it

The dems choose this. Death and bloodshed was obviously going to be part of the price.

I don't support mobs of Antifa. I support peaceful protests, not the violence.

If you support blm, and antifa you support their narrative and their violence.

Your weak rationalizations, are just coping mechanisms for you to avoid the obvious connections between your actions and the death and bloodshed and terror that they have and are causing.

And will continue to cause, in ever increasing amounts.

We disagree. I condemn violence in all forms.

You support the narrative, that justifies the violence.

You support the dem party that orders the cops to stand down and refuses to prosecute the criminals, and indeed more and more prosecutes those that defend themselves.

You blame shift at every instance from the lefty or the criminal, if there is a difference, to the rightie or the victim, depending.

YOu might explicitly condemn the violence, but your actions belie your words.

That's your opinion. We disagree. I condemn violence.

It is not a matter of subjective opinion. The actions of the dems I referenced is documented, over and over.

The narrative I speak of, you know what I mean, and you know that you support it, constantly.

If America is as evul and wacist as you lefties like to pretend, then violence is called for to resist.

Hell, considering the number of murder one charges brought against cops. This is stating that cops plan ahead to randomly murder black males for no reason.

If cops are that fucking evul and wacist, then fighting back is the rational response.

IF Trump is actually a puppet of Putin and a nazis sympathizer, then...

if ever republican presidential victory since nixon was because of the evul and wacsit soutehern strategy,

blah, blah, blah,

your denial is a coping mechanism. Not a real answer.

You have a very simplistic opinion. And yes, it's completely subjective.

I condemn violence. It's as simple as that. The fact that you don't understand that is your problem.

Your inability to face up to the moral implications of your choices will not matter when the blow back occurs.

"condemning" violence is pointless, if you support everything that causes it.

Do you want more and more violence, a growing and increasingly normal part of our society, or not?

That's your opinion. I disagree with it.

Yeah, that is some good stonewalling you have there. Better than facing the truth.

Most libs, can't handle the truth. If forced to it, they break, like rightwinger and mac1958.

Not my fault you have simplistic opinions and can't understand nuance.

I understand perfectly.

Your actions are completely what I have seen from lefties many times before.

I understand that you cannot go any further.

You clearly don't. Sorry.

Saying "subjective opinion" when I am citing the documented actions of current mayors and prosecutors, is your brain locking up, to protect itself from thinking unpleasant thoughts.

Facts can be used in the forming of a subjective opinion. Clearly you don't understand this with your simplistic way of thinking.
Making more friends I see..LOL


It's a message board.
Yes but you only type and don’t seem to read.
I don't understand why one would wave a multitude of red flags in front of a herd of rabid bulls. That's what they are doing. Let the place burn down.
When you support the use of brown shirt tactics, you choose death and bloodshed.

That you are in denial about it, is intellectually dishonest and morally weak.

My "want" would have been for the mayors of our cities to order the cops to treat antifa and blm like the national security threat they are, and clear the streets with speed and efficiency.

What brown shirt tactics are you accusing me of supporting?

The mobs. Antifa. BLM. all of it

The dems choose this. Death and bloodshed was obviously going to be part of the price.

I don't support mobs of Antifa. I support peaceful protests, not the violence.

If you support blm, and antifa you support their narrative and their violence.

Your weak rationalizations, are just coping mechanisms for you to avoid the obvious connections between your actions and the death and bloodshed and terror that they have and are causing.

And will continue to cause, in ever increasing amounts.

We disagree. I condemn violence in all forms.

You support the narrative, that justifies the violence.

You support the dem party that orders the cops to stand down and refuses to prosecute the criminals, and indeed more and more prosecutes those that defend themselves.

You blame shift at every instance from the lefty or the criminal, if there is a difference, to the rightie or the victim, depending.

YOu might explicitly condemn the violence, but your actions belie your words.

That's your opinion. We disagree. I condemn violence.

It is not a matter of subjective opinion. The actions of the dems I referenced is documented, over and over.

The narrative I speak of, you know what I mean, and you know that you support it, constantly.

If America is as evul and wacist as you lefties like to pretend, then violence is called for to resist.

Hell, considering the number of murder one charges brought against cops. This is stating that cops plan ahead to randomly murder black males for no reason.

If cops are that fucking evul and wacist, then fighting back is the rational response.

IF Trump is actually a puppet of Putin and a nazis sympathizer, then...

if ever republican presidential victory since nixon was because of the evul and wacsit soutehern strategy,

blah, blah, blah,

your denial is a coping mechanism. Not a real answer.

You have a very simplistic opinion. And yes, it's completely subjective.

I condemn violence. It's as simple as that. The fact that you don't understand that is your problem.

Your inability to face up to the moral implications of your choices will not matter when the blow back occurs.

"condemning" violence is pointless, if you support everything that causes it.

Do you want more and more violence, a growing and increasingly normal part of our society, or not?

That's your opinion. I disagree with it.

Yeah, that is some good stonewalling you have there. Better than facing the truth.

Most libs, can't handle the truth. If forced to it, they break, like rightwinger and mac1958.

Not my fault you have simplistic opinions and can't understand nuance.

I understand perfectly.

Your actions are completely what I have seen from lefties many times before.

I understand that you cannot go any further.

You clearly don't. Sorry.

Saying "subjective opinion" when I am citing the documented actions of current mayors and prosecutors, is your brain locking up, to protect itself from thinking unpleasant thoughts.

Facts can be used in the forming of a subjective opinion. Clearly you don't understand this with your simplistic way of thinking.
Making more friends I see..LOL


It's a message board.
Yes but you only type and don’t seem to read.

Think what you want. Let me know when you have something substantive to say.
Wow, a great commie source you got there. LMAO
Can you refute any of its claims?

Domestic terrorism: Far-right extremists hatch most plots

"Two months before that, police discovered that Eric Charles Smith, who ran a white supremacist church out of his home in the borough of Baldwin, had built a stockpile of some 20 homemade bombs.

"In 2011, Eli Franklin Myers, an anti-government survivalist, shot two police officers, killing one, before being shot dead by state troopers in the small town of Webster.

"And in 2009, white supremacist Richard Poplawski opened fire on Pittsburgh police officers who had responded to a domestic dispute at his mother’s home, killing three and leaving two injured before surrendering. Poplawski, who was active on far-right websites, said he feared the police represented a plot by Obama to take away Americans’ guns.

"This contrast, between Trump’s rhetoric and the reality of domestic terrorism, extends far beyond Pennsylvania.

"A database of nine years of domestic terrorism incidents compiled by The Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute and Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting has produced a very different picture of the threat than that advanced by the current White House."
The democrat mayor has ordered the police to stand down, to let the rioters rule the streets.
That isn't what the mayor and police say:

"Both police and the mayor have denied that there is any order for officers to 'stand down' at protests.

"Instead, the PPB (Portland Police Bureau) clarifies that they won't 'provide private security for individuals or groups.'

It appears that they will intervene only if they witness imminent, serious bodily injury.

"This has all but provided a blueprint for extremists to know how to avoid being arrested in the presence of police. In the past year, they have been observed using easily concealable weapons that can be quickly deployed, like pepper spray and collapsible batons, rather than bats, shields and large sticks.

"But even small batons can be potentially deadly.

"In June 2019, Gage Halupowski was one of the rioters who rushed in to beat Adam Kelly as he attempted to help a man who was being kicked and punched in a riot.

"According to the probable cause affidavit, police observed Halupowski delivering a "full overhead swing that struck the top of Kelly's head from behind.'

"Kelly suffered a concussion and required 25 staples to close the wounds to his head. Halupowski, a masked 24-year-old antifa militant, was the only person arrested and convicted for that attack outside Portland's Pioneer Courthouse."

Yeah right, so the mayor and city counsel don't have police protection?

Wow, a great commie source you got there. LMAO
Can you refute any of its claims?

Domestic terrorism: Far-right extremists hatch most plots

"Two months before that, police discovered that Eric Charles Smith, who ran a white supremacist church out of his home in the borough of Baldwin, had built a stockpile of some 20 homemade bombs.

"In 2011, Eli Franklin Myers, an anti-government survivalist, shot two police officers, killing one, before being shot dead by state troopers in the small town of Webster.

"And in 2009, white supremacist Richard Poplawski opened fire on Pittsburgh police officers who had responded to a domestic dispute at his mother’s home, killing three and leaving two injured before surrendering. Poplawski, who was active on far-right websites, said he feared the police represented a plot by Obama to take away Americans’ guns.

"This contrast, between Trump’s rhetoric and the reality of domestic terrorism, extends far beyond Pennsylvania.

"A database of nine years of domestic terrorism incidents compiled by The Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute and Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting has produced a very different picture of the threat than that advanced by the current White House."

Don't need to refute the leftwing rag. I sure they ignored data to support their predetermined conclusions. You only need to read their "About" paragraph to see which of the spectrum they fall on. How about we discuss the more half dozen officers shot in the last couple of days. You can cherry pick historical events to support most anything.

Reading these comments I’ve realized that some of the Trump supporters here, like Correll for example, are not just naive or wrong. They are really and truly paranoid psychotics no longer in touch with reality.

They quite clearly will follow their delusions — at least encourage others to follow those delusions — all the way to a declaration of martial law and the establishment of a police state by Trump.

They want a Bonapartist coup and are consciously cheering for a mini civil war. They despise even the simplest fundamentals of our electoral and Republican system of government.

They would love putting all us “communists” and “anarchists” and Democrats up against the wall, especially if we dare protest their plans to overthrow democratically elected governments.

First comes (Democratic) Portland. Then ... Chicago & NYC?
Where will it stop if they actually got their way?

Clearly one solution, besides keeping calm and “keeping our powder dry,” is voting. Time for their hero in D.C. to be removed from office — constitutionally. I never thought I would vote for asshole DNC politicians like Harris and Biden, but I really don’t see much alternative anymore.
Last edited:
When you support the use of brown shirt tactics, you choose death and bloodshed.

That you are in denial about it, is intellectually dishonest and morally weak.

My "want" would have been for the mayors of our cities to order the cops to treat antifa and blm like the national security threat they are, and clear the streets with speed and efficiency.

What brown shirt tactics are you accusing me of supporting?

The mobs. Antifa. BLM. all of it

The dems choose this. Death and bloodshed was obviously going to be part of the price.

I don't support mobs of Antifa. I support peaceful protests, not the violence.

If you support blm, and antifa you support their narrative and their violence.

Your weak rationalizations, are just coping mechanisms for you to avoid the obvious connections between your actions and the death and bloodshed and terror that they have and are causing.

And will continue to cause, in ever increasing amounts.

We disagree. I condemn violence in all forms.

You support the narrative, that justifies the violence.

You support the dem party that orders the cops to stand down and refuses to prosecute the criminals, and indeed more and more prosecutes those that defend themselves.

You blame shift at every instance from the lefty or the criminal, if there is a difference, to the rightie or the victim, depending.

YOu might explicitly condemn the violence, but your actions belie your words.

That's your opinion. We disagree. I condemn violence.

It is not a matter of subjective opinion. The actions of the dems I referenced is documented, over and over.

The narrative I speak of, you know what I mean, and you know that you support it, constantly.

If America is as evul and wacist as you lefties like to pretend, then violence is called for to resist.

Hell, considering the number of murder one charges brought against cops. This is stating that cops plan ahead to randomly murder black males for no reason.

If cops are that fucking evul and wacist, then fighting back is the rational response.

IF Trump is actually a puppet of Putin and a nazis sympathizer, then...

if ever republican presidential victory since nixon was because of the evul and wacsit soutehern strategy,

blah, blah, blah,

your denial is a coping mechanism. Not a real answer.

You have a very simplistic opinion. And yes, it's completely subjective.

I condemn violence. It's as simple as that. The fact that you don't understand that is your problem.

Your inability to face up to the moral implications of your choices will not matter when the blow back occurs.

"condemning" violence is pointless, if you support everything that causes it.

Do you want more and more violence, a growing and increasingly normal part of our society, or not?

That's your opinion. I disagree with it.

Yeah, that is some good stonewalling you have there. Better than facing the truth.

Most libs, can't handle the truth. If forced to it, they break, like rightwinger and mac1958.

Not my fault you have simplistic opinions and can't understand nuance.

I understand perfectly.

Your actions are completely what I have seen from lefties many times before.

I understand that you cannot go any further.

You clearly don't. Sorry.

Saying "subjective opinion" when I am citing the documented actions of current mayors and prosecutors, is your brain locking up, to protect itself from thinking unpleasant thoughts.

Facts can be used in the forming of a subjective opinion. Clearly you don't understand this with your simplistic way of thinking.
Making more friends I see..LOL


It's a message board.
Yes but you only type and don’t seem to read.

Think what you want. Let me know when you have something substantive to say.
I have But you just argue stupid leftist points that you hear on CNN and MSDNC
I have But you just argue stupid leftist points that you hear on CNN and MSDNC

Whatever you say. Still don't know what your argument is.
My argument is that the Democrats have overplayed their hand and now are losing people in their leftist run states. The silent majority won’t be silent much longer
I have But you just argue stupid leftist points that you hear on CNN and MSDNC

Whatever you say. Still don't know what your argument is.
My argument is that the Democrats have overplayed their hand and now are losing people in their leftist run states. The silent majority won’t be silent much longer

What does that have to do with Trump supporters coming to Portland? I think you're in the wrong thread.
I have But you just argue stupid leftist points that you hear on CNN and MSDNC

Whatever you say. Still don't know what your argument is.
My argument is that the Democrats have overplayed their hand and now are losing people in their leftist run states. The silent majority won’t be silent much longer

What does that have to do with Trump supporters coming to Portland? I think you're in the wrong thread.
They are coming to save those who disagree with the rioters but still live in Portland and Seattle and want to have protection but cannot get it from local police. Duh. Imagine if I do not agree with BLM. I peacefully live and work in Portland and don’t bother anyone and for 60 consecutive days I have had to listen to riots and observe awful deeds outside my home. The police won’t help me. Does that sound like quiet enjoyment? I pay my taxes and yet I am afraid to leave my home due to crazy rioters. Luckily there are people who have come to help me. Why is that a bad thing? Do tell.
I have But you just argue stupid leftist points that you hear on CNN and MSDNC

Whatever you say. Still don't know what your argument is.
My argument is that the Democrats have overplayed their hand and now are losing people in their leftist run states. The silent majority won’t be silent much longer

What does that have to do with Trump supporters coming to Portland? I think you're in the wrong thread.
They are coming to save those who disagree with the rioters but still live in Portland and Seattle and want to have protection but cannot get it from local police. Duh. Imagine if I do not agree with BLM. I peacefully live and work in Portland and don’t bother anyone and for 60 consecutive days I have had to listen to riots and observe awful deeds outside my home. The police won’t help me. Does that sound like quiet enjoyment? I pay my taxes and yet I am afraid to leave my home due to crazy rioters. Luckily there are people who have come to help me. Why is that a bad thing? Do tell.

You think they're coming to Portland to save people? How exactly are they going to save people?

People can choose to live in Portland or they can move. Seems pretty simple to me.
I have But you just argue stupid leftist points that you hear on CNN and MSDNC

Whatever you say. Still don't know what your argument is.
My argument is that the Democrats have overplayed their hand and now are losing people in their leftist run states. The silent majority won’t be silent much longer

What does that have to do with Trump supporters coming to Portland? I think you're in the wrong thread.
They are coming to save those who disagree with the rioters but still live in Portland and Seattle and want to have protection but cannot get it from local police. Duh. Imagine if I do not agree with BLM. I peacefully live and work in Portland and don’t bother anyone and for 60 consecutive days I have had to listen to riots and observe awful deeds outside my home. The police won’t help me. Does that sound like quiet enjoyment? I pay my taxes and yet I am afraid to leave my home due to crazy rioters. Luckily there are people who have come to help me. Why is that a bad thing? Do tell.

You think they're coming to Portland to save people? How exactly are they going to save people?

People can choose to live in Portland or they can move. Seems pretty simple to me.
It’s not so easy to find a job now and to move. So now because the police won’t do their job I have to move? How about rioters come to your dwelling and make life miserable and when you call the police they say “move”. You’re one deranged person.
I have But you just argue stupid leftist points that you hear on CNN and MSDNC

Whatever you say. Still don't know what your argument is.
My argument is that the Democrats have overplayed their hand and now are losing people in their leftist run states. The silent majority won’t be silent much longer

What does that have to do with Trump supporters coming to Portland? I think you're in the wrong thread.
They are coming to save those who disagree with the rioters but still live in Portland and Seattle and want to have protection but cannot get it from local police. Duh. Imagine if I do not agree with BLM. I peacefully live and work in Portland and don’t bother anyone and for 60 consecutive days I have had to listen to riots and observe awful deeds outside my home. The police won’t help me. Does that sound like quiet enjoyment? I pay my taxes and yet I am afraid to leave my home due to crazy rioters. Luckily there are people who have come to help me. Why is that a bad thing? Do tell.

You think they're coming to Portland to save people? How exactly are they going to save people?

People can choose to live in Portland or they can move. Seems pretty simple to me.
It’s not so easy to find a job now and to move. So now because the police won’t do their job I have to move? How about rioters come to your dwelling and make life miserable and when you call the police they say “move”. You’re one deranged person.

So you think the Trump supporter caravan is helping people from Portland move away? Are they helping them relocate like a moving company? Are they helping them find new jobs?

I haven't read about any of that. I think you're completely making that up.
I have But you just argue stupid leftist points that you hear on CNN and MSDNC

Whatever you say. Still don't know what your argument is.
My argument is that the Democrats have overplayed their hand and now are losing people in their leftist run states. The silent majority won’t be silent much longer

What does that have to do with Trump supporters coming to Portland? I think you're in the wrong thread.
They are coming to save those who disagree with the rioters but still live in Portland and Seattle and want to have protection but cannot get it from local police. Duh. Imagine if I do not agree with BLM. I peacefully live and work in Portland and don’t bother anyone and for 60 consecutive days I have had to listen to riots and observe awful deeds outside my home. The police won’t help me. Does that sound like quiet enjoyment? I pay my taxes and yet I am afraid to leave my home due to crazy rioters. Luckily there are people who have come to help me. Why is that a bad thing? Do tell.

You think they're coming to Portland to save people? How exactly are they going to save people?

People can choose to live in Portland or they can move. Seems pretty simple to me.
It’s not so easy to find a job now and to move. So now because the police won’t do their job I have to move? How about rioters come to your dwelling and make life miserable and when you call the police they say “move”. You’re one deranged person.

So you think the Trump supporter caravan is helping people from Portland move away? Are they helping them relocate like a moving company? Are they helping them find new jobs?

I haven't read about any of that. I think you're completely making that up.
No. Dumbass. They are coming to help them feel safe so that they don’t have to move. Next time you call the cops, I hope you really need them and they don’t show up. Then you ll know how helpless many in Portland feel. You insensitive asshole.
Portland is a big and rich city. A pretty good place to live by most accounts. Dynamic industries, creative people. They joke they are just a little bit “weird.” And they’ve had a little trouble downtown lately, sure. But it’s a great, BIG city where the vast majority are not at all directly effected by the political theatrics.

Trump’s dumb rabble-rousing interventions and outsiders coming in just make everything worse. Republicans won all of 6% of the vote in the last elections! Don’t think they really need the help of any AzogtheDefiler types... Maybe more Republicans can move there and run for office?
Last edited:
I have But you just argue stupid leftist points that you hear on CNN and MSDNC

Whatever you say. Still don't know what your argument is.
My argument is that the Democrats have overplayed their hand and now are losing people in their leftist run states. The silent majority won’t be silent much longer

What does that have to do with Trump supporters coming to Portland? I think you're in the wrong thread.
They are coming to save those who disagree with the rioters but still live in Portland and Seattle and want to have protection but cannot get it from local police. Duh. Imagine if I do not agree with BLM. I peacefully live and work in Portland and don’t bother anyone and for 60 consecutive days I have had to listen to riots and observe awful deeds outside my home. The police won’t help me. Does that sound like quiet enjoyment? I pay my taxes and yet I am afraid to leave my home due to crazy rioters. Luckily there are people who have come to help me. Why is that a bad thing? Do tell.

You think they're coming to Portland to save people? How exactly are they going to save people?

People can choose to live in Portland or they can move. Seems pretty simple to me.
It’s not so easy to find a job now and to move. So now because the police won’t do their job I have to move? How about rioters come to your dwelling and make life miserable and when you call the police they say “move”. You’re one deranged person.

So you think the Trump supporter caravan is helping people from Portland move away? Are they helping them relocate like a moving company? Are they helping them find new jobs?

I haven't read about any of that. I think you're completely making that up.
No. Dumbass. They are coming to help them feel safe so that they don’t have to move. Next time you call the cops, I hope you really need them and they don’t show up. Then you ll know how helpless many in Portland feel. You insensitive asshole.

So you think they're coming to save people in Portland by helping them feel safe?

Is that it? Do I understand your argument now?

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