Thousands of Trump supporters head to portland

Street warfare does seem to be more of a young man's role in society, but time will tell. Events seem to be moving fairly quickly.

I hear you. I'm certainly not putting my ass on the line. This kid looks ready. All he needs as a gun.

The silent majority has had enough

Trump supporters are generally full of shit save for a few crazies we’ve seen like that 17 year old moron. Sure, the idea of doing this gives them a false sense of toughness, but the reality is that they’re just pussies. They won’t do jack shit lol

You only do it in DNC shit holes.........STAY THERE......don't come here........will not end well.

Now..........RAISE YOUR FIST........AND SCREAM BLACK LIVES MATTER or I'll beat you into a coma.

Fuck these Nazi fucks.

Oh wow you’re so tough! Everyone take note! This Trumptard wants you to know how badass he is.

Yawn.....more BS from a Troll.........Your side are aid and abet them everyday........try it here. see what happens......send body bags with them........they will need them.........I wouldn't care if Portland fell off the face of the earth at this point......maybe the volcano will deal with some of them.

Yeah dude I get it - your dick is small. Noted.

So says the Troll who supports terrorism against his own country.......been a while but we dealt with them overseas in the are just a terrorist without the Rag over your head yelling GOD IS GREAT............

Oh well........keeps going shit will hit the fan and pandora will resolve it.

Lol I love how you’re condemning terrorism and violence unless it involves it is done by you or a republican.

Blame shifting all you have........and you have been playing this stupid game forever.........Your side burns shit..........we say KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF......then you say it's our fault....

If we ever finally stock turning the other will know it........talking will be over at that point.

What is this “my side” shit when it comes to Floyd? Those are people who are upset about police brutality. That’s it. That’s all that unites them. They aren’t “democrats” as much as you like to pretend they are.

Floyd didn't die in Portland moron........The Police in Portland didn't kill him..........the auto zone didn't kill him.......the stores didn't kill him..........the people eating dinner didn't kill him.........the car didn't do it either so lets burn it.

Just an excuse to loot and burn from a group of Terrorist.........they were in New Orleans after Katrina........just like the BS died from Covid cooked books.........those gangs died from the Hurricane........oh well.
The silent majority has had enough

Yeah we need more bloodshed.

Why do you expect "bloodshed"? There have been Trump rallies all across the fruited plain without violence.

Lol. Are you aware of what’s been going on?

Why do you hesitate to point out that the left is a bunch of violent thugs that react to disagreement with mob violence?

No hesitation here. Why do you want more bloodshed?

Yes, you did hesitate. You still are. And you seem to want to blame the victims.

I don't want more violence. I want peace, and law and order. And justice.

You know my mind? You must be psychic.

I know what you are typing.

You are implying that there will be violence if the Trump supporters go to Portland, but you don't say why.

You imply that the fault is with them for going. YOu don't mention anyone else who could be blamed for it.

If someone only knew what you posted, they would be very misinformed.

Yes I am implying there will be violence. When you put two radical nut job groups together, what do you think is likely Dr Shrink?

Except there is nothing radical or nuts, about Trump supporters.

They just want to go there and show their support for the President and America.

About as radical as apple pie or loving your mother.

So, why are you so down on them?

We just had a 17 year old Trumper murder two people, but you think only Ds are violent.

I can see why you would want to change the subject, from where you were ignoring the fact that the marxist mobs that the dems have raised and allowed to control portland and seatle, will attack anyone that openly disagrees with them.

The point remains though. You are pretending the two sides are the same, when nothing could be more different.

Biden is so far a superior human being than the grifting liar trump ,it isn't funny They are definitely not the same

STfU traitor. Everyone is a superior human being to you. Biden is ancient. And your point is subjective. I can objectively say that you spit on our ancestors graves.

Don't get angry with me because I love America Israel was never my home or my grandparents either Any country that supports that pos trump is my enemy And ancient? How many ancient Jews in Israel gov't?

Israel or America, we are still Jews and the Democrats hate that as they elect devout Muslim extremists to Congress. You are my enemy. I wish the worst possible life for you, why? You’re a disgusting traitor to our people. With all due respect, FUCK YOU.

I have bad news and good news for you correll and doggy The bad news is I have had a wonderful life with a great family I'm very proud of The good news is I don't have many years to go .. 10 would be a mitzvah

Whatever. You are traitor whether you have 10 or 70. You’re an embarrassment

Guess when my country called me I should have paid a Doc to give me a bone spur deferment Then you could call me a traitor along with the POS in our WH

You fought in Vietnam? Wow!

No I was in before that I was almost out when JFK was killed in Nov of 63

How embarrassed are you to be a Jew and did you want your kids to marry Jews or you don't care?
I'm not judging.
Most of my relatives are embarrassed and want their kids to intermarry.
Of course that produces grandchildren that are religiously observant anyway in whatever religion.

I married a catholic as probably my kids will marry outside their religion too There are more important things imho in a relationship than someones religion

It depends on one's individual point of view.
Given a Biden presidency, your grandchildren will most probably become Muslims.

LOL LOL are you trying to beat freak for joke of the day??

I'm talking about people like my relatives who flow with whatever is politically correct.

I sorta lean towards those who don't have much ,that just get by but are trying hard to do good for their families and put food on the table I think one party is superior in that regard I've got enough I don't need a tax cut Oh yeah Tell Azog my CPA is Jewish too

Eventually you will come to understand the D Party is nothing but a fraud and a crooked enterprise, just like the R Party. The D Party may be worse since it makes all these fraudulent claims to be for the working class. The only class they’re for is the billionaire class.

If what you say is true why do dems want tax hikes and repubs decreases mainly for the 1%?

Come on man! The Ds have had multiple chances to do all sorts of things, but never do. They are talking out their ass to dupe you.

Have you not seen what they did to Bernie the last two elections. They purposely screwed him, because he is a true progressive. Is this not evidence enough?

He had no chance

Oh bull shit. That’s the DNC talking point. You’re too smart to fall for that.

Bernie wins in 2016 easily.

LMaO!!! Have another.
C'mon, don't be shy. Which of you Trumpster Patriots are gonna be packing heat in Portland?

In Portland, no, where I am, every fucking day. Try to stop me, be prepared to be run over, break my vehicle windows and you will be shot.

But Portland's where the evil leftists are destroying society. Don't you care?

Nope, let the fucker burn. I don't intentionally go to shit holes like that. Try bringing it here and we'll be having a different discussion.

Dang, don't any of them have jobs?

I'm sure a lot of them do.

But Americans have a right to protest, and Portland Oregon seems like a great place for Trump supporters to gather for such an event, no? Or does the 1st Amendment only apply to libs?

BTW, Biden's supporters have protested for 3 months straight , every day, in Portland. This is just a single day
What do they think they will accomplish, that will be good or good for Portland, or good for this nation? Anything?
Crack some commie heads.
C'mon, don't be shy. Which of you Trumpster Patriots are gonna be packing heat in Portland?

In Portland, no, where I am, every fucking day. Try to stop me, be prepared to be run over, break my vehicle windows and you will be shot.

But Portland's where the evil leftists are destroying society. Don't you care?
Nope, let the fucker burn. I don't intentionally go to shit holes like that. Try bringing it here and we'll be having a different discussion.

So, you think the thousands of Trump supporters headed to Portland are suckers?
Well would you prefer this article:
Your link:

"Why Portland?

"The city presents a unique mix of past and present white nationalism; policing that enables the far right; weak political leaders; and a legacy of antifascist organizing.

"Combined, these elements allow the far right to stage violent spectacles with few legal consequences against their ideological enemies — antifa, liberals, so-called PC culture, cities — while using social media to glorify the violence as a recruiting tool and proof of their racial and masculine virility."

The greatest threat from terrorism in the US comes from white supremacists, and their fearfulness will be greatly enhanced by the upcoming election.

The Escalating Terrorism Problem in the United States
C'mon, don't be shy. Which of you Trumpster Patriots are gonna be packing heat in Portland?

In Portland, no, where I am, every fucking day. Try to stop me, be prepared to be run over, break my vehicle windows and you will be shot.

But Portland's where the evil leftists are destroying society. Don't you care?
Nope, let the fucker burn. I don't intentionally go to shit holes like that. Try bringing it here and we'll be having a different discussion.

So, you think the thousands of Trump supporters headed to Portland are suckers?

Wasn't the event yesterday?

When you support the use of brown shirt tactics, you choose death and bloodshed.

That you are in denial about it, is intellectually dishonest and morally weak.

My "want" would have been for the mayors of our cities to order the cops to treat antifa and blm like the national security threat they are, and clear the streets with speed and efficiency.

What brown shirt tactics are you accusing me of supporting?

The mobs. Antifa. BLM. all of it

The dems choose this. Death and bloodshed was obviously going to be part of the price.

I don't support mobs of Antifa. I support peaceful protests, not the violence.

If you support blm, and antifa you support their narrative and their violence.

Your weak rationalizations, are just coping mechanisms for you to avoid the obvious connections between your actions and the death and bloodshed and terror that they have and are causing.

And will continue to cause, in ever increasing amounts.

We disagree. I condemn violence in all forms.

You support the narrative, that justifies the violence.

You support the dem party that orders the cops to stand down and refuses to prosecute the criminals, and indeed more and more prosecutes those that defend themselves.

You blame shift at every instance from the lefty or the criminal, if there is a difference, to the rightie or the victim, depending.

YOu might explicitly condemn the violence, but your actions belie your words.

That's your opinion. We disagree. I condemn violence.

It is not a matter of subjective opinion. The actions of the dems I referenced is documented, over and over.

The narrative I speak of, you know what I mean, and you know that you support it, constantly.

If America is as evul and wacist as you lefties like to pretend, then violence is called for to resist.

Hell, considering the number of murder one charges brought against cops. This is stating that cops plan ahead to randomly murder black males for no reason.

If cops are that fucking evul and wacist, then fighting back is the rational response.

IF Trump is actually a puppet of Putin and a nazis sympathizer, then...

if ever republican presidential victory since nixon was because of the evul and wacsit soutehern strategy,

blah, blah, blah,

your denial is a coping mechanism. Not a real answer.

You have a very simplistic opinion. And yes, it's completely subjective.

I condemn violence. It's as simple as that. The fact that you don't understand that is your problem.

Your inability to face up to the moral implications of your choices will not matter when the blow back occurs.

"condemning" violence is pointless, if you support everything that causes it.

Do you want more and more violence, a growing and increasingly normal part of our society, or not?

That's your opinion. I disagree with it.

Yeah, that is some good stonewalling you have there. Better than facing the truth.

Most libs, can't handle the truth. If forced to it, they break, like rightwinger and mac1958.

Not my fault you have simplistic opinions and can't understand nuance.

I understand perfectly.

Your actions are completely what I have seen from lefties many times before.

I understand that you cannot go any further.

You clearly don't. Sorry.

Saying "subjective opinion" when I am citing the documented actions of current mayors and prosecutors, is your brain locking up, to protect itself from thinking unpleasant thoughts.

Facts can be used in the forming of a subjective opinion. Clearly you don't understand this with your simplistic way of thinking.
Making more friends I see..LOL
The democrat mayor has ordered the police to stand down, to let the rioters rule the streets.
That isn't what the mayor and police say:

"Both police and the mayor have denied that there is any order for officers to 'stand down' at protests.

"Instead, the PPB (Portland Police Bureau) clarifies that they won't 'provide private security for individuals or groups.'

It appears that they will intervene only if they witness imminent, serious bodily injury.

"This has all but provided a blueprint for extremists to know how to avoid being arrested in the presence of police. In the past year, they have been observed using easily concealable weapons that can be quickly deployed, like pepper spray and collapsible batons, rather than bats, shields and large sticks.

"But even small batons can be potentially deadly.

"In June 2019, Gage Halupowski was one of the rioters who rushed in to beat Adam Kelly as he attempted to help a man who was being kicked and punched in a riot.

"According to the probable cause affidavit, police observed Halupowski delivering a "full overhead swing that struck the top of Kelly's head from behind.'

"Kelly suffered a concussion and required 25 staples to close the wounds to his head. Halupowski, a masked 24-year-old antifa militant, was the only person arrested and convicted for that attack outside Portland's Pioneer Courthouse."
When you support the use of brown shirt tactics, you choose death and bloodshed.

That you are in denial about it, is intellectually dishonest and morally weak.

My "want" would have been for the mayors of our cities to order the cops to treat antifa and blm like the national security threat they are, and clear the streets with speed and efficiency.

What brown shirt tactics are you accusing me of supporting?

The mobs. Antifa. BLM. all of it

The dems choose this. Death and bloodshed was obviously going to be part of the price.

I don't support mobs of Antifa. I support peaceful protests, not the violence.

If you support blm, and antifa you support their narrative and their violence.

Your weak rationalizations, are just coping mechanisms for you to avoid the obvious connections between your actions and the death and bloodshed and terror that they have and are causing.

And will continue to cause, in ever increasing amounts.

We disagree. I condemn violence in all forms.

You support the narrative, that justifies the violence.

You support the dem party that orders the cops to stand down and refuses to prosecute the criminals, and indeed more and more prosecutes those that defend themselves.

You blame shift at every instance from the lefty or the criminal, if there is a difference, to the rightie or the victim, depending.

YOu might explicitly condemn the violence, but your actions belie your words.

That's your opinion. We disagree. I condemn violence.

It is not a matter of subjective opinion. The actions of the dems I referenced is documented, over and over.

The narrative I speak of, you know what I mean, and you know that you support it, constantly.

If America is as evul and wacist as you lefties like to pretend, then violence is called for to resist.

Hell, considering the number of murder one charges brought against cops. This is stating that cops plan ahead to randomly murder black males for no reason.

If cops are that fucking evul and wacist, then fighting back is the rational response.

IF Trump is actually a puppet of Putin and a nazis sympathizer, then...

if ever republican presidential victory since nixon was because of the evul and wacsit soutehern strategy,

blah, blah, blah,

your denial is a coping mechanism. Not a real answer.

You have a very simplistic opinion. And yes, it's completely subjective.

I condemn violence. It's as simple as that. The fact that you don't understand that is your problem.

Your inability to face up to the moral implications of your choices will not matter when the blow back occurs.

"condemning" violence is pointless, if you support everything that causes it.

Do you want more and more violence, a growing and increasingly normal part of our society, or not?

That's your opinion. I disagree with it.

Yeah, that is some good stonewalling you have there. Better than facing the truth.

Most libs, can't handle the truth. If forced to it, they break, like rightwinger and mac1958.

Not my fault you have simplistic opinions and can't understand nuance.

I understand perfectly.

Your actions are completely what I have seen from lefties many times before.

I understand that you cannot go any further.

You clearly don't. Sorry.

Saying "subjective opinion" when I am citing the documented actions of current mayors and prosecutors, is your brain locking up, to protect itself from thinking unpleasant thoughts.

Facts can be used in the forming of a subjective opinion. Clearly you don't understand this with your simplistic way of thinking.
Making more friends I see..LOL


It's a message board.
The silent majority has had enough

The REASON WHY The Silent Majority remain SILENT is because when they DON'T the filthy Commie POS tend to target them for either shooting or Doxxing.

In hindsight it was an AMAZINGLY STUPID thing to do for that Pro-Trump Crowd to go into Portland, a Commie Shit Hole that in the Mayor Election the Republican ONLY got 4%

WTF?! The above going into Commie Strongholds SHOULD NOT happen AGAIN. Period. Stay Out of the Commie Strongholds, you do NOT go into Enemy Territory unless you HAVE a plan on a Counter-Attack AND an Exit Strategy that SHOULD involve NOT getting any of your Team killed.
Portland is the whitest city in America?
What BS! 30% of the population ain't white (remember, Hispanics are often classified as "white").
Portland is 81% White according to the 2010 census:
Even if that doesn't qualify as the whitest city in the US, it doesn't change the local history of white supremacy.

Portland metropolitan area - Wikipedia

"As of the 2010 census, there were 2,226,009 people, 867,794 households, and 551,008 families residing within the MSA. The racial makeup of the MSA were as followed:[5][6]

  • Some other race: 4.9%"
We keep it close to the vest
We don’t shriek at the sky nor make blithering public declarations
We know irresponsible blacks cause 99% of their own woes
We vote, consistently and quietly
Trump 65-35

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