Thousands of Venezuelan migrants gather under Texas bridge as border numbers skyrocket


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
You are an absolute imbecile if you continue to vote for Dems. I mean really, this has gotten out of hand, is there anybody out there that still thinks this is just a normal year of the influx of migrants?

Thousands of predominantly Venezuelan adult illegal immigrants moved into Texas and gathered under a nearby bridge on Wednesday, reminiscent of the Haitian migrant crisis two years ago -- just as numbers are again skyrocketing at the border.

Texas troopers told Fox News that their initial count of the number of migrants moving across the water into Eagle Pass on Wednesday was about 4,0000. The migrants gathered under the bridge and were waiting to be processed by Border Patrol, in the hope of being released into the U.S.

The Big Apple': New York's Nickname, via New Orleans and the 'Red  Delicious' - WSJ
You are an absolute imbecile if you continue to vote for Dems. I mean really, this has gotten out of hand, is there anybody out there that still thinks this is just a normal year of the influx of migrants?

If we had a President who gave a damn for this country, wouldn't he call the Mexican President on the carpet and demand he stop aiding and facilitating the immigrant expressway to our border?
You are an absolute imbecile if you continue to vote for Dems. I mean really, this has gotten out of hand, is there anybody out there that still thinks this is just a normal year of the influx of migrants?

The first thing Trump needs to do is shove a hot poker up Mexico's ass for facilitating this bullshit. Every single illegal that came across the border under Biden gets deported back into Mexico. Then we start with the Special Forces on the cartels.
The first thing Trump needs to do is shove a hot poker up Mexico's ass for facilitating this bullshit. Every single illegal that came across the border under Biden gets deported back into Mexico. Then we start with the Special Forces on the cartels.
The ICE raids did take place already under Trump’s first term. They’ll be just as ineffective next time too if he’s elected again.

As for the invasion of Mexico..don’t be silly.
You are an absolute imbecile if you continue to vote for Dems. I mean really, this has gotten out of hand, is there anybody out there that still thinks this is just a normal year of the influx of migrants?

Many thanks to the GOP for destroying the economies of these countries and stopping all immigration for 4 years. Job!
One would think MAGA would want the Venezuelans
Hispanics are Christians.... with dems embracing transgenderism and abortion on demand and grooming of children this could be the biggest backfire in human history....
Democrats OWN the border chaos and the immigrant and Fentanyl crisis in this country. Ridiculous finger-pointing like this is not going to work.
they are doing more than Trump did against fentanyl and the world has gone to hell thanks to the GOP pandemic reaction and their corrupt depression of 2008.... Thank goodness for the crazy GOP and the 2024 Democratic landslide we desperately need. Tax the rich again for God's sake
they are doing more than Trump did against fentanyl and the world has gone to hell thanks to the GOP pandemic reaction and their corrupt depression of 2008.... Thank goodness for the crazy GOP and the 2024 Democratic landslide we desperately need. Tax the rich again for God's sake
The GOP is a flawed party to be sure. But more Americans every day are waking up to the DEM Party that has dedicated itself to destroying America from the inside out.
The GOP is a flawed party to be sure. But more Americans every day are waking up to the DEM Party that has dedicated itself to destroying America from the inside out.
We have had GOP dominance for 40 years and this is what you get, the worst inequality upward mobility homelessness poverty anywhere ever and you're complaining about Democrats. Absolute brainwashed idiocy
The ICE raids did take place already under Trump’s first term. They’ll be just as ineffective next time too if he’s elected again.

As for the invasion of Mexico..don’t be silly.
You accept our children being poisoned., I don't
We have had GOP dominance for 40 years and this is what you get, the worst inequality upward mobility homelessness poverty anywhere ever and you're complaining about Democrats. Absolute brainwashed idiocy
You feel dominated? You should probably see someone for that

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