Thousands storm WWII at Mall; Whooooooooo hoooooooooooo!

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They have to have people there if it's open. What if someone like a teapartier wants to damage it?

How did that woman spray green paint on the Lincoln memorial a few weeks ago? there are always thousands of people on the National mall. How is anyone going to get away with damaging one of the monuments?

The WWII Memorial falls under the National Park Service, which were closed uniformly across the country.

If you don't like it, tough shit. That's what you get for having the GOP fail to pass a budget or a continuing resolution to keep them open.

The GOP tried to fund it, but the childish Democrats rejected it, saying "Either play by my rules, or I'll take my ball and go home!!"
" is all Republican/Teaparty who shutdown the government because they wanted to get rid of a law!..."
The Founding Fathers vested Power of the Purse in The Commons (The House) expressly against such contingencies - to force its Will when, in its opinion, it was necessary.

"...You all attempting to assign blame to Democrats/Obama for the memorials..."

Go back and look at that again.

I am not assigning blame, other than that which I believed is shared by both parties in this mess.

I merely show you how events will be interpreted, based upon the imagery.

I merely show you the weakness in the Democratic armor that the Republicans are now beginning to skilfully exploit.

I merely show you the future.

I did not say that it was fair.

Merely legal.

And effective.
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This was never about Palin hell as far as I know no one even interviewed her it was and is about the disrespectful treatment of the veterans trying to use the fact that Palin happened to be there to distract from this are the actions of a true pig.

Conservatives politicized the event ... what a shame ...

[ame=]Crowd Pushes Through Barriers to WWII Memorial w/ Sarah Palin - October 13, 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

Nah, that's civil disobedience. But you were ones willing to politicize tragedies like the Boston Bombing, Aurora, Newtown, Tuscon... shut the fuck up.

Yesterday's event was politicized by rightwingnuts. Deal with it.

[ame=]Crowd Pushes Through Barriers to WWII Memorial w/ Sarah Palin - October 13, 2013 - YouTube[/ame]
That's awfully magnanimous of Sarah "The Quitter" Palin given she thinks that Paul Revere rode to warn the British! :eek:

You want to invoke Paul Revere one more time? This is the upteenth time on this forum I've had to prove a liberal wrong:

Sarah Palin Was Right About Paul Revere - Peter Roff (

Palin recently said that Revere, as part of his famous ride, warned the British that they would have a fight on their hands if they tried to seize the caches of arms and ammunition that the colonists had hidden at places like Lexington and Concord.

“Hah Hah,” the media said. “Everybody knows that Revere rode through ‘every Middlesex village and town’ to warn the colonists that the British were coming,” the media said. “What an idiot,” the media said. Uh huh.

Palin has read American history. The media must have only read Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s famous poem—which is no more the definitive account of Revere’s famous ride than Oliver Stone’s JFK is the true story of the Kennedy assassination. [See photos from Palin's bus tour.]

On his Legal Insurrection blog, Cornell Law School’s William Jacobson quotes none other than the Longfellow Historical Society as saying:

The basic premise of Longfellow's poem is historically accurate, but Paul Revere's role is exaggerated. The most glaring inconsistencies between the poem and the historical record are that Revere was not the only rider that night, nor did he make it all the way to Concord, but was captured and then let go (without his horse) in Lexington, where he had stopped to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock of the impending attack … Longfellow's intention was not to write a history; it was to create a national hero and he was successful at doing so.​

So Longfellow wasn’t completely true. But does that make Palin right (and, more importantly, put eggs on the face of her critics)? It sure looks that way.

Revere’s own record of that fateful night includes statements that buttress Palin’s argument that he, Revere, did warn the British that they were, by marching on Lexington and Concord, asking for trouble.

Palin 1, National Media 0—but that’s not really the point. The intent behind the intensity of the coverage the story has received is to continue the narrative that Palin, according to the drive by media, is a moron not worthy of the attention or political support she draws from people all across the country. It’s a good thing she didn’t talk about the “57 states” that make up America or sign the wrong date on a guestbook. Then they would really have gone ape.
Holy fuck! I didn't think there was anyone remaining who was stupid enough to defend her idiocy! :eek: :eek: :eek:

No, Palin was not right. She actually said, "part of his ride was to warn the British that we we're already there, that hey, you’re not going to succeed."

No part of Revere's ride was to warn the British. That's just plain fucking stupid. Paul Revere was captured at one point by the British -- but he never rode to warn the British. Learn your fucking history, Conservatives.

Still denying history, aren't you?

Paul Revere said:
(An officer) asked me if I was an express? I answered in the afirmative. He demanded what time I left Boston? I told him; and aded, that their troops had catched aground in passing the River, and that There would be five hundred Americans there in a short time, for I had alarmed the Country all the way up.

Now, if it were the rest of her account, I would agree, but in this instance, you're wrong. You dumbass.
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Conservatives politicized the event ... what a shame ...

Wrong, turd. Obama politicized it.

Aww, poor, con ... this all started when the GOP said they would shut the government down rather than let ObamaCare be funded. Now some things are shut down and you whiners can't stop bitching and moaning about it. :eusa_whistle:

Lol, you looking in the mirror when you wrote that. Just about all your post are you whinning about republicans. When in fact it's obama that won't negociate. Taking his ball home crying. If he was a leader the shut down wouldn't of happened. You elected a loser so get over it.
That's awfully magnanimous of Sarah "The Quitter" Palin given she thinks that Paul Revere rode to warn the British! :eek:

You want to invoke Paul Revere one more time? This is the upteenth time on this forum I've had to prove a liberal wrong:

Sarah Palin Was Right About Paul Revere - Peter Roff (

Palin recently said that Revere, as part of his famous ride, warned the British that they would have a fight on their hands if they tried to seize the caches of arms and ammunition that the colonists had hidden at places like Lexington and Concord.

“Hah Hah,” the media said. “Everybody knows that Revere rode through ‘every Middlesex village and town’ to warn the colonists that the British were coming,” the media said. “What an idiot,” the media said. Uh huh.

Palin has read American history. The media must have only read Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s famous poem—which is no more the definitive account of Revere’s famous ride than Oliver Stone’s JFK is the true story of the Kennedy assassination. [See photos from Palin's bus tour.]

On his Legal Insurrection blog, Cornell Law School’s William Jacobson quotes none other than the Longfellow Historical Society as saying:

The basic premise of Longfellow's poem is historically accurate, but Paul Revere's role is exaggerated. The most glaring inconsistencies between the poem and the historical record are that Revere was not the only rider that night, nor did he make it all the way to Concord, but was captured and then let go (without his horse) in Lexington, where he had stopped to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock of the impending attack … Longfellow's intention was not to write a history; it was to create a national hero and he was successful at doing so.​

So Longfellow wasn’t completely true. But does that make Palin right (and, more importantly, put eggs on the face of her critics)? It sure looks that way.

Revere’s own record of that fateful night includes statements that buttress Palin’s argument that he, Revere, did warn the British that they were, by marching on Lexington and Concord, asking for trouble.

Palin 1, National Media 0—but that’s not really the point. The intent behind the intensity of the coverage the story has received is to continue the narrative that Palin, according to the drive by media, is a moron not worthy of the attention or political support she draws from people all across the country. It’s a good thing she didn’t talk about the “57 states” that make up America or sign the wrong date on a guestbook. Then they would really have gone ape.

Sarah Palin Was Right About Paul Revere

yes she was

Great. Yet another idiot who thinks Paul Revere rode to warn the British. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Nah, that's civil disobedience. But you were ones willing to politicize tragedies like the Boston Bombing, Aurora, Newtown, Tuscon... shut the fuck up.

Yesterday's event was politicized by rightwingnuts. Deal with it.

[ame=]Crowd Pushes Through Barriers to WWII Memorial w/ Sarah Palin - October 13, 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

So is that all that's left of your argument? "Deal with it"? No I will not "deal with it." It is YOU who needs to "deal with it." More succinctly, you need to deal with facts.

Revere, Dawes, and Prescott were detained by a British Army patrol in Lincoln at a roadblock on the way to Concord. Prescott jumped his horse over a wall and escaped into the woods; he eventually reached Concord. Dawes also escaped, though he fell off his horse not long after and did not complete the ride.

Revere was captured and questioned by the British soldiers at gunpoint. He told them of the army's movement from Boston, and that British army troops would be in some danger if they approached Lexington, because of the large number of hostile militia gathered there. He and other captives taken by the patrol were still escorted east toward Lexington, until about a half mile from Lexington they heard a gunshot. The British major demanded Revere explain the gunfire, and Revere replied it was a signal to "alarm the country". As the group drew closer to Lexington, the town bell began to clang rapidly, upon which one of the captives proclaimed to the British soldiers "The bell's a'ringing! The town's alarmed, and you're all dead men!" The British soldiers gathered and decided not to press further towards Lexington but instead to free the prisoners and head back to warn their commanders. The British confiscated Revere's horse and rode off to warn the approaching army column. Revere walked to Rev. Jonas Clarke's house, where Hancock and Adams were staying. As the battle on Lexington Green unfolded, Revere assisted Hancock and his family in their escape from Lexington, helping to carry a trunk of Hancock's papers.
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"...Yesterday's event was politicized by rightwingnuts..."


"Yesterday's event was politicized by Tea Party folk and the more Conservative elements of the Republican Party."

There... all fixed.

Confidence is high that there were very few 'nuts' amongst them; merely fellow Americans whose political outlook is very different from your own.

Denigrating them merely adds to their power and their support base, under circumstances wherein your own side of the aisle is also culpable and also in deep trouble.
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cool picture

Yeah, too bad they didn't use the American flag though, eh?

Uh yeah, they did. Look closely. That is the flag the rebels used as early as 1777. More commonly known as "The Ring of Stars" or the "Betsy Ross Flag." One of the earliest variants of the American flag ever used. Research your history.


You're such a fucking retard, it's actually funny. No, that was never a flag of the United States. Here is the very first flag of the United States of America: A website dedicated to the Flag of the United States of America - The First United States Flag


The flag you're talking about may not have even existed. Like your knowledge of American history -- it's folklore.
You're not? Then who wrote this:
These rightwing imbeciles think they can undo the damage caused to the GOP by their idiocy to destroy the U.S. economy in order to get rid of ObamaCare by screaming about the WWII War Memorial. They idiotically think that will "rally the troops" against Obama and divert attention away from the GOP.​

Holy shit! :eusa_doh: What a pity you don't understand English.

That would be me describing what others think based on their actions. That is not "dictating" what others think. :cuckoo:

Words have meaning. You should learn them before you use them.
Either way -- you're still wrong.

:D :D :D

You don't understand what the word, "dictate," even means -- but you know I'm wrong.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
" is all Republican/Teaparty who shutdown the government because they wanted to get rid of a law!..."
The Founding Fathers vested Power of the Purse in The Commons (The House) expressly against such contingencies - to force its Will when, in its opinion, it was necessary.

"...You all attempting to assign blame to Democrats/Obama for the memorials..."

Go back and look at that again.

I am not assigning blame, other than that which I believed is shared by both parties in this mess.

I merely show you how events will be interpreted, based upon the imagery.

I merely show you the weakness in the Democratic armor that the Republicans are now beginning to skilfully exploit.

I merely show you the future.

I did not say that it was fair.

Merely legal.

And effective.

This is the future.

Congressional job approval is at 5%. What more do you need to convince you that America is not upset with both parties here. They know that John Boehner needs to open government.

Still you believe Sarah Palin, dumbass extraordinaire, knows better.

This is why you get no respect, Rodney
The US House of Representatives is doing what the Constitution charges it to do.

Exercise the Power of the Purse.

The 2010 (Democrat-controlled) House rammed ObamaCare down the throat of the nation.

The People 'shellacked' the President in 2010 by returning the House to the Republicans.

The biggest reason why Obama won re-election in 2012 is because Romney was a bad fit.

The People confirmed GOP control of The House (and The Purse) in 2012.

The Democrats gained one seat in the Senate in 2012 - not exactly a mandate.

Now that ObamaCare is about to launch...

The GOP-controlled House is exercising its Power of the Purse to kill ObamaCare.

They apparently chose a time when an exercising of the Power of the Purse was most likely to bite deep and hard, and to be felt and feared by their Adversaries.

Obama and the Democrats created the conditions (passing ObamaCare) that formed the basis for this Intervention by the controllers of The Purse.

Just as the Republicans are responsible for The Shutdown and the looming Default due to their exercising of the Power of the Purse at this time...

So too, the Democrats are responsible for The Shutdown and the looming Default due to their ramming ObamaCare down the throat of the nation in 2010, in such a manner, and in such a configuration, so as to freak-out The Opposition and to compel them to such action, in order to reverse this looming and catastrophic mistake...

In closing National Monuments such as the WWII Memorial, the Obama Administration is serving-up weaknesses in its armor...

In staging protests along the lines of 'the storming' at-issue here, the GOP and its offshoot Tea Party are doing a marvelous job of exploiting those weaknesses...

We may be seeing the opening round of the 2014 mid-term elections in all of this, and, with respect to emotional appeal getting widespread coverage, so far, the GOP is winning...

Somehow, I don't think that the American People are buying into the arguments of EITHER party, that it's all the Other Guy's fault...

Many Americans have reached the conclusion that BOTH parties are full of shit, clean up to their ears...

Regardless of how this pans-out, the Democrats, in-control during the 2013 Crisis, will be blamed in the final analysis...

That will cost them in 2014 - the GOP is likely to retain The House AND pick up a marginal control of The Senate, after this fiasco...

And, regardless of how this turns-out, the GOP is likely to pick up the White House, as well; having finally given Black Folk a turn at the wheel, and after 8 years of lackluster Democratic performance, and 8 years of Democratic whining about how the big, bad, nasty Republicans stopped them from doing what they wanted to do...

If ObamaCare is any indication of what 'they wanted to do'...

Perhaps it's just as well that our system of checks-and-balances was still at least partially operative during those 8 years...

Skeptical about such prospects?

Me too, but...

Keep in mind...

Voters remember such imagery as we're seeing here... a Democrat Administration closing WWII Memorials against final WWII Vet Honor Flights, and such...

Voters remember the imagery, although not the subtleties and complexities and cause-and-effect details behind them...

Voters remember...

Some of the 'Take the Country Back' chatter from early 2012 is re-surfacing already in the context of the 2014 mid-terms...

And, this next time around, they may just pull it off...

GOP Goals for 2014...

1. keep the House

2. regain the Senate

3. wait for 2016

A few more images of the big, bad Democrat-controlled Administration shutting-out veterans, and the Pubs will have an easy skate into control of the Senate in 2014...

Dems are fond of saying that the Pubs are cutting their own throats by fabricating this Shutdown and Default Crisis...

All the while, not realizing that they (the Dems) are at great risk, themselves, especially as this and similar events and incidents and imagery begin to materialize...

The Dems think that time is on their side...

Frankly, I'm not so sure...

You can blame Democrats all you want, but poll after poll after poll indicate most Americans assign more of the blame to Republicans -- and rightfully so.

Laws are repealed through the legislative process, not by one party, in charge of one body, unilaterally deciding they don't like a particular law. Most Americans understand that even if you don't.
Yeah, too bad they didn't use the American flag though, eh?

Uh yeah, they did. Look closely. That is the flag the rebels used as early as 1777. More commonly known as "The Ring of Stars" or the "Betsy Ross Flag." One of the earliest variants of the American flag ever used. Research your history.


You're such a fucking retard, it's actually funny. No, that was never a flag of the United States. Here is the very first flag of the United States of America: A website dedicated to the Flag of the United States of America - The First United States Flag


The flag you're talking about may not have even existed. Like your knowledge of American history -- it's folklore.

Why don't you show us the one with all the 57 states on it! Lol, you jack ass.
How did that woman spray green paint on the Lincoln memorial a few weeks ago? there are always thousands of people on the National mall. How is anyone going to get away with damaging one of the monuments?

The WWII Memorial falls under the National Park Service, which were closed uniformly across the country.

If you don't like it, tough shit. That's what you get for having the GOP fail to pass a budget or a continuing resolution to keep them open.

The GOP tried to fund it, but the childish Democrats rejected it, saying "Either play by my rules, or I'll take my ball and go home!!"

The GOP is not in a position to arbitrarily fund what they want. ALL National Park services were shut down.

That is what the GOP wanted. That is what the GOP got.
Actually, if I'm reading this correctly...

Flag of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...the Grand Union Flag...


...was the first to be used by the Continental Navy, then the Continental Army, very shortly after the Declaration of Independence in 1776, a year prior to the adoption by the Second Continental Congress of the 1777 Flag...

...and, of course, General Washington commissioned another flag, sewn by local women-folk, with the 13 stars arranged in a circle...


Both of which were about as 'official' as one could get, in conjuring-up First Flags, in the absence of any such pronouncement on the part of the Congress...

So, we have First Flags upon which the Army and Navy standardized during the earliest phase of the existence of the United States, as de facto Official Flags...

And we have a First Flag adopted by the Second Congress a year later, as the de jure First Flag, and which drew heavily upon the earlier design parameters...

Both perspectives have some merit...
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You want to invoke Paul Revere one more time? This is the upteenth time on this forum I've had to prove a liberal wrong:

Sarah Palin Was Right About Paul Revere - Peter Roff (
Holy fuck! I didn't think there was anyone remaining who was stupid enough to defend her idiocy! :eek: :eek: :eek:

No, Palin was not right. She actually said, "part of his ride was to warn the British that we we're already there, that hey, you’re not going to succeed."

No part of Revere's ride was to warn the British. That's just plain fucking stupid. Paul Revere was captured at one point by the British -- but he never rode to warn the British. Learn your fucking history, Conservatives.

Still denying history, aren't you?

Paul Revere said:
(An officer) asked me if I was an express? I answered in the afirmative. He demanded what time I left Boston? I told him; and aded, that their troops had catched aground in passing the River, and that There would be five hundred Americans there in a short time, for I had alarmed the Country all the way up.

Now, if it were the rest of her account, I would agree, but in this instance, you're wrong. You dumbass.

You are a moron, there is simply no other way to describe you.

You are highlighting the event as it turned out, but that was not why Revere rode a horse that night. Paul Revere rode to warn the Colonists, not the British. You're so determined to protect your precious little quitter, you're dumbing yourself down when it comes to American history.

"Part of his ride was to warn the British that we we're already there, that hey, you’re not going to succeed." ~ Sarah Palin

No part of Paul Revere's ride was to warn the British. That was an event that took place only because he was captured by the British -- but that was not why he rode a horse.

Learn American history, you ignorant Conservative buffoon.

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Holy shit! :eusa_doh: What a pity you don't understand English.

That would be me describing what others think based on their actions. That is not "dictating" what others think. :cuckoo:

Words have meaning. You should learn them before you use them.
Either way -- you're still wrong.

:D :D :D

You don't understand what the word, "dictate," even means -- but you know I'm wrong.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I know you're wrong. Your "description" is crap. You're projecting your emotionalism on others.

But, hey, it's what progs do. They don't have facts or logic, and they assume no one else does, either.
Wrong, turd. Obama politicized it.

Aww, poor, con ... this all started when the GOP said they would shut the government down rather than let ObamaCare be funded. Now some things are shut down and you whiners can't stop bitching and moaning about it. :eusa_whistle:

Lol, you looking in the mirror when you wrote that. Just about all your post are you whinning about republicans. When in fact it's obama that won't negociate. Taking his ball home crying. If he was a leader the shut down wouldn't of happened. You elected a loser so get over it.
Negotiate what? Repealing a law by defunding it because Republicans failed to repeal it through the legislative process? And how does one negotiate with tyrannists like the GOP who are attempting to subvert the legislative process and who are willing to wreck the economy unless Democrats give in to their demands to defund a law that was passed through the legislative process; and who are committed to blocking everything Obama does?
Nah, that's civil disobedience. But you were ones willing to politicize tragedies like the Boston Bombing, Aurora, Newtown, Tuscon... shut the fuck up.

Yesterday's event was politicized by rightwingnuts. Deal with it.

[ame=]Crowd Pushes Through Barriers to WWII Memorial w/ Sarah Palin - October 13, 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

So is that all that's left of your argument? "Deal with it"? No I will not "deal with it." It is YOU who needs to "deal with it." More succinctly, you need to deal with facts.

Revere, Dawes, and Prescott were detained by a British Army patrol in Lincoln at a roadblock on the way to Concord. Prescott jumped his horse over a wall and escaped into the woods; he eventually reached Concord. Dawes also escaped, though he fell off his horse not long after and did not complete the ride.

Revere was captured and questioned by the British soldiers at gunpoint. He told them of the army's movement from Boston, and that British army troops would be in some danger if they approached Lexington, because of the large number of hostile militia gathered there. He and other captives taken by the patrol were still escorted east toward Lexington, until about a half mile from Lexington they heard a gunshot. The British major demanded Revere explain the gunfire, and Revere replied it was a signal to "alarm the country". As the group drew closer to Lexington, the town bell began to clang rapidly, upon which one of the captives proclaimed to the British soldiers "The bell's a'ringing! The town's alarmed, and you're all dead men!" The British soldiers gathered and decided not to press further towards Lexington but instead to free the prisoners and head back to warn their commanders. The British confiscated Revere's horse and rode off to warn the approaching army column. Revere walked to Rev. Jonas Clarke's house, where Hancock and Adams were staying. As the battle on Lexington Green unfolded, Revere assisted Hancock and his family in their escape from Lexington, helping to carry a trunk of Hancock's papers.

Paul Revere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So don't deal with it -- remain a moron. That will not change the fact that yesterday's event was politicized by the loony right.
The WWII Memorial falls under the National Park Service, which were closed uniformly across the country.

If you don't like it, tough shit. That's what you get for having the GOP fail to pass a budget or a continuing resolution to keep them open.

The GOP tried to fund it, but the childish Democrats rejected it, saying "Either play by my rules, or I'll take my ball and go home!!"

The GOP is not in a position to arbitrarily fund what they want. ALL National Park services were shut down.

That is what the GOP wanted. That is what the GOP got.
Yet another prog dumbass who thinks the NPS is run by the GOP. :lol:
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