Thousands storm WWII at Mall; Whooooooooo hoooooooooooo!

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Uh yeah, they did. Look closely. That is the flag the rebels used as early as 1777. More commonly known as "The Ring of Stars" or the "Betsy Ross Flag." One of the earliest variants of the American flag ever used. Research your history.


You're such a fucking retard, it's actually funny. No, that was never a flag of the United States. Here is the very first flag of the United States of America: A website dedicated to the Flag of the United States of America - The First United States Flag


The flag you're talking about may not have even existed. Like your knowledge of American history -- it's folklore.

Why don't you show us the one with all the 57 states on it! Lol, you jack ass.
That doesn't make the flag used in that earlier photo an American flag.
Aww, poor, con ... this all started when the GOP said they would shut the government down rather than let ObamaCare be funded. Now some things are shut down and you whiners can't stop bitching and moaning about it. :eusa_whistle:

Lol, you looking in the mirror when you wrote that. Just about all your post are you whinning about republicans. When in fact it's obama that won't negociate. Taking his ball home crying. If he was a leader the shut down wouldn't of happened. You elected a loser so get over it.
Negotiate what? Repealing a law by defunding it because Republicans failed to repeal it through the legislative process? And how does one negotiate with tyrannists like the GOP who are attempting to subvert the legislative process and who are willing to wreck the economy unless Democrats give in to their demands to defund a law that was passed through the legislative process; and who are committed to blocking everything Obama does?
Man, you just HATE it that Obama isn't king, don't you?
"...You can blame Democrats all you want, but poll after poll after poll indicate most Americans assign more of the blame to Republicans -- and rightfully so..."

I blamed BOTH parties, and served-up my reasons why.

As to polls, I don't put much stock in those.

The only poll that counts is the one that each of us participates in, in the voting booth.

"...Laws are repealed through the legislative process, not by one party, in charge of one body, unilaterally deciding they don't like a particular law..."

Except that one party had control of both Houses of Congress at the time of the bill's passage (2010), as well as the White House, and crammed that 800-900 -page ill-conceived abortion of a bill through the process at the speed of light without the support of both sides of the aisle and without the full support of the American People, for something destined to impact them so dramatically, and, in so many cases, so adversely...

Thereby raising Extraordinary Circumstances which needed to be addressed by Extraordinary Means...

"...Most Americans understand that even if you don't."

Extraordinary Means, to address Extraordinary Circumstances...

Most Americans understand that the Power of the Purse was vested in The Commons (The House) for just this purpose; to put a stranglehold upon Government when Government was overreaching itself or undertaking ventures or projects that The Commons deemed undesirable or harmful, and that cannot otherwise be stopped prior to implementation...

The exercising of the Power of the Purse does, indeed, constitute Extraordinary Means...

It's not something that Congress does every day, but it's there... latent and dormant... against just such emergencies... and now it's been dusted-off and invoked.

Most Americans understand that even if you don't.

Personally, I'm pissed at the Republicans for waiting for so long after the beginning of the new Congress in January, in order to press the point...

However, this may be the first time that they could bring sufficient power to bear, with which to attempt such a reversal...

I blame the Democrats for creating the CONDITIONS for this showdown, just as much as I blame Republicans for TRIGGERING this showdown...

There is plenty of blame to pass around, for all to share...

Most Americans understand that, too, I expect.
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Actually, if I'm reading this correctly...

Flag of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...the Grand Union Flag...


...was the first to be used by the Continental Navy, then the Continental Army, very shortly after the Declaration of Independence in 1776, a year prior to the adoption by the Second Continental Congress of the 1777 Flag...

...and, of course, General Washington commissioned another flag, sewn by local women-folk, with the 13 stars arranged in a circle...


Both of which were about as 'official' as one could get, in conjuring-up First Flags, in the absence of any such pronouncement on the part of the Congress...

So, we have First Flags upon which the Army and Navy standardized during the earliest phase of the existence of the United States, as de facto Official Flags...

And we have a First Flag adopted by the Second Congress a year later, as the de jure First Flag, and which drew heavily upon the earlier design parameters...

Both perspectives have some merit...
Outside of a couple of paintings from the following century, there is no evidence of the circle formation of stars being used on any flag. Most historians accept it as folklore based on the painters' taking artistic license in depicting the stars in a circle.

There is no actual documentation of it.

And even if it did exist as depicted in art, it was never a flag of the USA. Ever since the first official flag, we've never had a flag with stars in a circle. The Betsy Ross flag would have just been one of many that were created before the U.S. picked the official flag.
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The GOP tried to fund it, but the childish Democrats rejected it, saying "Either play by my rules, or I'll take my ball and go home!!"

The GOP is not in a position to arbitrarily fund what they want. ALL National Park services were shut down.

That is what the GOP wanted. That is what the GOP got.
Yet another prog dumbass who thinks the NPS is run by the GOP. :lol:

Spot the disconnect ...

"The GOP tried to fund it"

"Yet another prog dumbass who thinks the NPS is run by the GOP"

Oh, and by the way, since you struggle so much with the English language, allow me to point out -- I never even intimated the Nation Park Service is run by the GOP.
Lol, you looking in the mirror when you wrote that. Just about all your post are you whinning about republicans. When in fact it's obama that won't negociate. Taking his ball home crying. If he was a leader the shut down wouldn't of happened. You elected a loser so get over it.
Negotiate what? Repealing a law by defunding it because Republicans failed to repeal it through the legislative process? And how does one negotiate with tyrannists like the GOP who are attempting to subvert the legislative process and who are willing to wreck the economy unless Democrats give in to their demands to defund a law that was passed through the legislative process; and who are committed to blocking everything Obama does?
Man, you just HATE it that Obama isn't king, don't you?
Nope, don't hate that at all. In fact, I'm glad he's not. What I hate are dumb-fucking Republicans trying to wreck our country because they don't like Obama. They are willing to completely destroy our economy, if that's what it takes them, to prevent ObamaCare from happening.
The Daily Caller said "hundreds of people" not thousands. The pictures posted show a very small group and what struck me immediately is that the crowd is uniformly white and mostly male and not well dressed.

IOW, a small group of low income white males - the die hard Republican voters and TP supporters. Furthermore, none of them looked old enough to have served in WWII. Anyone who served in WWII would be close to 90 years old.

My brother lied about his age to join the army in 1944 at the age of 16 and he would be 88 today if he were still living.

All this does is underline how little support the TP has for their agenda.

"...You can blame Democrats all you want, but poll after poll after poll indicate most Americans assign more of the blame to Republicans -- and rightfully so..."

I blamed BOTH parties, and served-up my reasons why.

As to polls, I don't put much stock in those.

The only poll that counts is the one that each of us participates in, in the voting booth.

"...Laws are repealed through the legislative process, not by one party, in charge of one body, unilaterally deciding they don't like a particular law..."

Except that one party had control of both Houses of Congress at the time of the bill's passage (2010), as well as the White House, and crammed that 800-900 -page ill-conceived abortion of a bill through the process at the speed of light without the support of both sides of the aisle and without the full support of the American People, for something destined to impact them so dramatically, and, in so many cases, so adversely...

Thereby raising Extraordinary Circumstances which needed to be addressed by Extraordinary Means...

"...Most Americans understand that even if you don't."

Extraordinary Means, to address Extraordinary Circumstances...

Most Americans understand that the Power of the Purse was vested in The Commons (The House) for just this purpose; to put a stranglehold upon Government when Government was overreaching itself or undertaking ventures or projects that The Commons deemed undesirable or harmful, and that cannot otherwise be stopped prior to implementation...

The exercising of the Power of the Purse does, indeed, constitute Extraordinary Means...

It's not something that Congress does every day, but it's there... latent and dormant... against just such emergencies... and now it's been dusted-off and invoked.

Most Americans understand that even if you don't.

Personally, I'm pissed at the Republicans for waiting for so long after the beginning of the new Congress in January, in order to press the point...

However, this may be the first time that they could bring sufficient power to bear, with which to attempt such a reversal...

I blame the Democrats for creating the CONDITIONS for this showdown, just as much as I blame Republicans for TRIGGERING this showdown...

There is plenty of blame to pass around, for all to share...

Most Americans understand that, too, I expect.

Too bad you struggle with our legislative process but that is how it works and that is how it has worked since our great Nation's inception. The fact remains that ObamaCare became law through our legislative process. Republicans, who once championed the individual mandate, now are against it simply because it was passed by Obama and they are dedicated to block anything and everything he does.

They failed to block ObamaCare as it worked its way through the legislative process for more than a year...

They failed to repeal ObamaCare in their more than 40 attempts through the legislative process...

So now they are attempting to threaten the nation's economy unless Obama and fellow Democrats bow down to their demands, all in yet another effort to prevent ObamaCare from being implemented.
"...Outside of a couple of paintings from the following century, there is no evidence of the circle formation of stars being used on any flag. Most historians accept it as folklore based on the painters' taking artistic license is depicting the stars in a circle.

There is no actual documentation of it.

And even if it did exist as depicted in art, it was never a flag of the USA. Ever since the first official flag, we've never had a flag with stars in a circle. The Betsy Ross flag would have just been one of many that were created before the U.S. picked the official flag.

The obligatory write-up on the Betsy Ross flag...

Betsy Ross flag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 'Betsy Ross' flag (13 stars in a circle) seems real enough and seems to date back to 1776, although there is some legitimate reason to question whether it was Betsy Ross who actually created the flag...

When the Commander of the Army and the Commander of the Navy design and propagate their own National Flags in the wake of the silence of the Congress on the matter, and when men have bled and died under those colors, such designs and sacrifices serve to render those designs 'official' until such time as higher authority overrides them...

And, by the way, according to the Wiki article, at least, the 1777 design specifications authorized by Congress do NOT seem to have specified the layout of the star-field, and, there appear to have been at least three 'conforming' designs, including the circle design.

Given that there exists a contemporary 1779 (mid-Revolutionary War) painting of Washington which features a 13-stars-in-a-circle design for the Flag, well...

Maybe the 13-stars-in-a-circle design has just a wee bit more legitimacy and claim as both the first de factor AND de jure design, than it is getting credit for here...
I didn't see a single person in these pictures who could have served in WWII. None of them are old enough. I see a small group of 40 to 60 year old white males using faux outrage to promote a losing agenda.

All three of my brothers volunteered to serve in WWII. My oldest brother was wounded on D-Day and carried shrapnel in his body from those wounds until the day he died.

I am disgusted that Palin, Cruz, et al are pretending to care about these people in order to further their agenda which hits the poor and the elderly on fixed incomes the hardest.

WWII vets are too old to storm.. Maybe they just strolled. Storming sounds like a bit much for them.

Of course the MSM and their moonbat followers are going to try to spin this into some kind of fringe movement.

In reality, veterans who served our country are serving the cause of liberty once more by tearing down the So Aptly Named Barrycades.

It was nothing but a bunch of Conservative [non-WWII] vets who were joined by a few rightwing politicians. All of whom are too stupid to comprehend that it's the GOP who's primarily responsible for the government shutdown.

"...Outside of a couple of paintings from the following century, there is no evidence of the circle formation of stars being used on any flag. Most historians accept it as folklore based on the painters' taking artistic license is depicting the stars in a circle.

There is no actual documentation of it.

And even if it did exist as depicted in art, it was never a flag of the USA. Ever since the first official flag, we've never had a flag with stars in a circle. The Betsy Ross flag would have just been one of many that were created before the U.S. picked the official flag.

The obligatory write-up on the Betsy Ross flag...

Betsy Ross flag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 'Betsy Ross' flag (13 stars in a circle) seems real enough and seems to date back to 1776, although there is some legitimate reason to question whether it was Betsy Ross who actually created the flag...

When the Commander of the Army and the Commander of the Navy design and propagate their own National Flags in the wake of the silence of the Congress on the matter, and when men have bled and died under those colors, such designs and sacrifices serve to render those designs 'official' until such time as higher authority overrides them...

And, by the way, according to the Wiki article, at least, the 1777 design specifications authorized by Congress do NOT seem to have specified the layout of the star-field, and, there appear to have been at least three 'conforming' designs, including the circle design.

Given that there exists a contemporary 1779 (mid-Revolutionary War) painting of Washington which features a 13-stars-in-a-circle design for the Flag, well...

Maybe the 13-stars-in-a-circle design has just a wee bit more legitimacy and claim as both the first de factor AND de jure design, than it is getting credit for here...
Do me a favor and don't waste my time with Wikipedia; a site where any putz can contribute.

At least try a somewhat more authoritative site.

This account of the creation of our first flag was first brought to light in 1870 by one of her grandsons, William J. Canby, at a meeting of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. This took place 94 years after the event supposedly took place! Mr. Canby was a boy of eleven years when Mrs. Ross died in his home.

In the many years since the story was told, numerous historians have conducted vigorous searches into extant government records, personal diaries,and writings of Washington and his contemporaries and none of them have been able to verify the claims of Canby. One verifiable fact is this; the minutes of the State Navy Board of Pennsylvania for May 29, 1777, say in part "An order on William Webb to Elizabeth Ross for fourteen pounds twelve shillings, and two pence, for making ship's colours,&c, put into Richards store."


But I think that the question that begs to be asked is; Why have so many generations of Americans come to accept this legend as fact? After Canby's death, a book written by his brother George Canby and nephew Lloyd Balderson was published in 1909. The book, The Evolution of the American Flag, presented in more detail the claims for Betsy Ross made by William Canby in 1870. Among other things, the authors describe the formation of the Betsy Ross Memorial Association, and reproduced a painting by Charles H. Weisgerber depicting the alleged meeting of the committee of Congress with Betsy Ross. The picture, entitled Birth of Our Nations Flag, is actually a composite portrait made up of from pictures of her granddaughters and other decendants. The artist took liberties with history by painting the stars in the flag in a circle.

The Legend of Betsy Ross
The GOP is not in a position to arbitrarily fund what they want. ALL National Park services were shut down.

That is what the GOP wanted. That is what the GOP got.
Yet another prog dumbass who thinks the NPS is run by the GOP. :lol:

Spot the disconnect ...

"The GOP tried to fund it"

"Yet another prog dumbass who thinks the NPS is run by the GOP"

Oh, and by the way, since you struggle so much with the English language, allow me to point out -- I never even intimated the Nation Park Service is run by the GOP.

I love it when we play The Progressive Didn't Say What He Said. :lol:

"ALL National Park services were shut down.

That is what the GOP wanted. That is what the GOP got."​

NPS works for Interior, which works for the Executive.

Obama wanted the parks closed, and all access shut off -- an unprecedented move.
Veterans are now removing the barricades and are bringing them to the White House. Oh I so wish I could see this.

On Sunday, protesting the barricades placed at memorials around Washington D.C. by the vindictive Obama administration, veterans removed the barricades and proceeded to take them to the White House. Multiple people tweeted photos of the barricades being removed and taken for presidential inspection:

Our Vets taking the barricades to the White House #1MVetMarch #T4VETS #T2SDA #MakeDCListen #WETHEPEOPLE
— Sharon Edwards (@SharonEdwards) October 13, 2013

@twitchyteam RT @ZephyrK9 Taking barrycades to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave #1MVetMarch
— Tish (@KamaainaInOC) October 13, 2013

@gretawire @BoSnerdley [MENTION=36773]Boss[/MENTION]HoggUSMC @SWOHCC Vets hand deliver barricades to the White House! !! @Triarius1

— Kohala Dreams (@AKtransplant) October 13, 2013

UStream of the barricades being removed has also been posted:

Wow: vets remove barricades from memorials, carrying them to White House - watch live mlr13 on USTREAM: .
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) October 13, 2013

Veterans Remove Barricades from Memorials and Bring Them to WH

I hope they have decent insurance so if they hurt themselves, it's taken care of. The government won't pay for injuries incurred while trespassing and/or carrying property not their own.
Negotiate what? Repealing a law by defunding it because Republicans failed to repeal it through the legislative process? And how does one negotiate with tyrannists like the GOP who are attempting to subvert the legislative process and who are willing to wreck the economy unless Democrats give in to their demands to defund a law that was passed through the legislative process; and who are committed to blocking everything Obama does?
Man, you just HATE it that Obama isn't king, don't you?
Nope, don't hate that at all. In fact, I'm glad he's not.
Then quit bitching that people disagree with Dear Reader.
What I hate are dumb-fucking Republicans trying to wreck our country because they don't like Obama. They are willing to completely destroy our economy, if that's what it takes them, to prevent ObamaCare from happening.
Hey, genius: Obamacare will wreck the economy. It's designed to.
I didn't see a single person in these pictures who could have served in WWII. None of them are old enough. I see a small group of 40 to 60 year old white males using faux outrage to promote a losing agenda.

All three of my brothers volunteered to serve in WWII. My oldest brother was wounded on D-Day and carried shrapnel in his body from those wounds until the day he died.

I am disgusted that Palin, Cruz, et al are pretending to care about these people in order to further their agenda which hits the poor and the elderly on fixed incomes the hardest.

Pretty damned stupid. No one said this was a WW2 veteran march. It has been set up by the organizers on FB as a million Veteran march on the monuments. Not only the ones in DC but hundreds of places all over the USA. There were small groups of Veterans some as young as their early 20's who met at monuments all over the states. If i wasn't home taking care of Mrs O I would have made the drive down to DC myself.

However that doesn't mean I don't have the utmost respect for your brothers, in fact I salute them.I wonder what they would have thought of open air monuments being closed.....

Pos Repped by a fellow VET
"...Too bad you struggle with our legislative process but that is how it works and that is how it has worked since our great Nation's inception..."
I don't struggle with our legislative process at all. I'm quite comfortable with it, and quite comfortable with your observation that this is the way things are meant to work.

"...The fact remains that ObamaCare became law through our legislative process. Republicans, who once championed the individual mandate, now are against it simply because it was passed by Obama and they are dedicated to block anything and everything he does..."

ObamaCare did, indeed, become law through our legislative process. Nolo contendre.

Republicans are not against ObamaCare because it was passed by Obama.

Republicans are against ObamaCare because it is an abortion and a gross mistake that needs to be reversed before it can do more harm than it already has.

"...They failed to block ObamaCare as it worked its way through the legislative process for more than a year..."

Yes. I, too, am pissed at the Republicans for having waited so long, but this appears to be their best shot at reversing The Mistake.

"...They failed to repeal ObamaCare in their more than 40 attempts through the legislative process..."

They had a majority in the House but would never have gotten it past the Senate or the White House, so, all such attempts were predestined to fail anyway.

This is their one-and-only genuine shot at killing ObamaCare.

"...So now they are attempting to threaten the nation's economy unless Obama and fellow Democrats bow down to their demands, all in yet another effort to prevent ObamaCare from being implemented."

Now they are exercising their Constitutionally-vested Power of the Purse - an extraordinary measure - to reverse a nightmare of an imposition upon the American People...

An imposition and mistake that cannot be reversed through other means...

It is their last legitimate card to play - one that rarely sees the light of day - and they DO appear to be bound and determined to play that card.
"...You can blame Democrats all you want, but poll after poll after poll indicate most Americans assign more of the blame to Republicans -- and rightfully so..."

I blamed BOTH parties, and served-up my reasons why.

As to polls, I don't put much stock in those.

The only poll that counts is the one that each of us participates in, in the voting booth.

Except that one party had control of both Houses of Congress at the time of the bill's passage (2010), as well as the White House, and crammed that 800-900 -page ill-conceived abortion of a bill through the process at the speed of light without the support of both sides of the aisle and without the full support of the American People, for something destined to impact them so dramatically, and, in so many cases, so adversely...

Thereby raising Extraordinary Circumstances which needed to be addressed by Extraordinary Means...

"...Most Americans understand that even if you don't."

Extraordinary Means, to address Extraordinary Circumstances...

Most Americans understand that the Power of the Purse was vested in The Commons (The House) for just this purpose; to put a stranglehold upon Government when Government was overreaching itself or undertaking ventures or projects that The Commons deemed undesirable or harmful, and that cannot otherwise be stopped prior to implementation...

The exercising of the Power of the Purse does, indeed, constitute Extraordinary Means...

It's not something that Congress does every day, but it's there... latent and dormant... against just such emergencies... and now it's been dusted-off and invoked.

Most Americans understand that even if you don't.

Personally, I'm pissed at the Republicans for waiting for so long after the beginning of the new Congress in January, in order to press the point...

However, this may be the first time that they could bring sufficient power to bear, with which to attempt such a reversal...

I blame the Democrats for creating the CONDITIONS for this showdown, just as much as I blame Republicans for TRIGGERING this showdown...

There is plenty of blame to pass around, for all to share...

Most Americans understand that, too, I expect.

Too bad you struggle with our legislative process but that is how it works and that is how it has worked since our great Nation's inception. The fact remains that ObamaCare became law through our legislative process. Republicans, who once championed the individual mandate, now are against it simply because it was passed by Obama and they are dedicated to block anything and everything he does.

They failed to block ObamaCare as it worked its way through the legislative process for more than a year...

They failed to repeal ObamaCare in their more than 40 attempts through the legislative process...

So now they are attempting to threaten the nation's economy unless Obama and fellow Democrats bow down to their demands, all in yet another effort to prevent ObamaCare from being implemented.
Border security is the law of the land. Obama ignores it.

Immigration law is the law of the land. Obama ignores it.

Obama's and his toadies' and bootlickers' outrage is quite selective, isn't it?
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