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Thread to Talk Shit about Global Warming

Were you thinking they all formed in the last 150 years?

But would seem you can't tell the difference.

There is a difference between "discovered" and "formed", YET, would seem you can't discern that difference.
IT starts with a matter of correctly reading and understanding what was said, presented; which you clearly were incapable of doing.
OR, you chose to deliberately distorted and mis-represented. Either way, you made clear you are not here for an honest and ethical discussion; just the advancement of your bigoted agenda.

FWIW, about 150 years ago we humans knew more about the Moon and close planets than we did about the bottom of the oceans. Only within less than a century with sonar and other technologies have we begun to get a gauge on what is beneath.

Context within a larger scale time-span provides a real science and real history perspective;

Larger, Greater factors than Carbon-Dioxide/CO2 levels have been in play and the major drivers!

BTW, if you are trying to make a loose and inaccurate tie-in to the "Industrial Revolution", then go back closer to about 250+ years ago.
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Yeah, those volcanoes did not exist before the industrial revolution.
Like "Crick", seems you can't distinguish between "exist" or "discover", especially in the context of what was presented from a frequent and common left-leaning source like Newsweek.

How do you choose to plead?
Dumb and Stupid ?
OR Intentional Dis-inform, Lie, and Mis-lead?

Either way, you join "Crick" in having no legitimate credibility on this subject/topic so keep pissing into the wind.

BTW, and meanwhile, please explain how/why with higher CO2 levels in past millions of years, global temperatures didn't increase correspondingly to your ACC/AGW scam? Or stayed higher when CO2 levels dropped significantly. ????

Like "Crick", if you truly believed in human caused "climate change" and/or "global warming" why haven't you changed your lifestyle to be zero CO2 emissions ???

Like "Crick", seems you can't distinguish between "exist" or "discover", especially in the context of what was presented from a frequent and common left-leaning source like Newsweek.

How do you choose to plead?
Dumb and Stupid ?
OR Intentional Dis-inform, Lie, and Mis-lead?

Either way, you join "Crick" in having no legitimate credibility on this subject/topic so keep pissing into the wind.

BTW, and meanwhile, please explain how/why with higher CO2 levels in past millions of years, global temperatures didn't increase correspondingly to your ACC/AGW scam? Or stayed higher when CO2 levels dropped significantly. ????

Like "Crick", if you truly believed in human caused "climate change" and/or "global warming" why haven't you changed your lifestyle to be zero CO2 emissions ???

I suppose I need to put some kind of sarcasm up so you will recognize when you are being made fun of. Bringing up volcanoes at the bottom ocean in relation to ocean heating when scientists have been saying for years that the surface has been getting warmer and working it's way down demonstrates your vast comprehension of reality.

See post #425.

But would seem you can't tell the difference.

There is a difference between "discovered" and "formed", YET, would seem you can't discern that difference.
IT starts with a matter of correctly reading and understanding what was said, presented; which you clearly were incapable of doing.
OR, you chose to deliberately distorted and mis-represented. Either way, you made clear you are not here for an honest and ethical discussion; just the advancement of your bigoted agenda.

FWIW, about 150 years ago we humans knew more about the Moon and close planets than we did about the bottom of the oceans. Only within less than a century with sonar and other technologies have we begun to get a gauge on what is beneath.

Context within a larger scale time-span provides a real science and real history perspective;

Larger, Greater factors than Carbon-Dioxide/CO2 levels have been in play and the major drivers!

BTW, if you are trying to make a loose and inaccurate tie-in to the "Industrial Revolution", then go back closer to about 250+ years ago.
Your 600 Million year chart is USELESS/Laughably Stupid in deciding IF there was AGW from the I-Rev forward (ie, 150 years), as it is Unprecedented and would be too tiny.

A Better scale for would be more like 10,000 years. On your Idiotic scale chart it would not even show up even if given a 1 pixel width. Your chart makes 20 Million Year moves look steep.

ie, well known Marcott. 10,000 years would be fairer/more relevant and elucidating.


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FWIW, about 150 years ago we humans knew more about the Moon and close planets than we did about the bottom of the oceans. Only within less than a century with sonar and other technologies have we begun to get a gauge on what is beneath.

Context within a larger scale time-span provides a real science and real history perspective;

Larger, Greater factors than Carbon-Dioxide/CO2 levels have been in play and the major drivers!

BTW, if you are trying to make a loose and inaccurate tie-in to the "Industrial Revolution", then go back closer to about 250+ years ago.

How do we know the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is caused by humans?

Fossil fuels are the only source of carbon dioxide large enough to raise atmospheric carbon dioxide amounts so high so quickly.

""...The increase between the year 1800 and today is 70% Larger than the increase that occurred when Earth climbed out of the last ice age between 17,500 and 11,500 years ago, and it occurred 100-200 times Faster.

In addition, fossil fuels are the only source of carbon consistent with the isotopic fingerprint of the carbon present in today’s atmosphere.
That analysis indicates it must be coming from terrestrial plant matter, and it must be very, very old.[/B] These and other lines of evidence leave no doubt that fossil fuels are the primary source of the carbon dioxide building up in Earth’s atmosphere."...""

How do we know the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is caused by humans? | NOAA Climate.gov

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Then I have to ask why you bring them up in a discussion about global warming that began 150 years ago.
But would seem you can't tell the difference.
That would be what I would say to you in this context.
There is a difference between "discovered" and "formed", YET, would seem you can't discern that difference.
That is why both I and psikeyhacker said what we said. Is English a second language for you?
IT starts with a matter of correctly reading and understanding what was said, presented; which you clearly were incapable of doing.
You said "19,000 volcanoes discovered so far on the planet's ocean floors. Think this could be a major factor in ocean warming?" Are you upset that we did not specifically address ocean warming? Ocean warming has mimicked global warming (which includes air, surface and ocean) since the Industrial Revolution.

OR, you chose to deliberately distorted and mis-represented. Either way, you made clear you are not here for an honest and ethical discussion; just the advancement of your bigoted agenda.
"Methinks the lady doth protest too much" - and makes not a single move to advance HIS agenda.
FWIW, about 150 years ago we humans knew more about the Moon and close planets than we did about the bottom of the oceans. Only within less than a century with sonar and other technologies have we begun to get a gauge on what is beneath.
I think we are all aware of that. What is your point? Those volcanoes are not the source of increasing CO2 in our atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution nor the warming the ocean and the rest of the planet has undergone as a result.
Context within a larger scale time-span provides a real science and real history perspective;

Larger, Greater factors than Carbon-Dioxide/CO2 levels have been in play and the major drivers!
No one has denied that. But it is a mistake to think that this refutes the greenhouse effect or CO2's participation in it. The greenhouse effect working on human GHG emissions is the primary cause of the warming observed over the last 150 years.
BTW, if you are trying to make a loose and inaccurate tie-in to the "Industrial Revolution", then go back closer to about 250+ years ago.
Watt made the Newcomen steam engine usable 250 years ago, but it took some time to get into widespread usage. CO2 emissions built gradually at first as the technology was introduced.

Mountains of empirical data gathered by professional, published climate scientists tells us that the world is getting warmer rapidly when it had been cooling off for the last 5,000 years.

All of those 5,000 years.....in a row?

It tells us that the cause of that warming is the greenhouse effect acting on the CO2 and other greenhouse gases that humans have put into the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution.

That is awesome!!!!

Now, if the green idiots didn't always come up with the worst fucking solutions executed in the worst possible way, maybe we could agree on something?

The warming is going to fuck with us six ways from Sunday

Well, all you have to do now is convince about 7 billion in the third-world
to stop trying to improve the lives of their children by using fossil
Global warming has already shown a dramatic affect on our species . The usual crowd of idiots has been consolidated and evolved into a group who actually thinks everyone else gives a shit what they conjure up.
19,000 volcanoes discovered so far on the planet's ocean floors. Think this could be a major factor in ocean warming?

More precisely they melt sea ice when they erupt, which the warmers then blame on Co2.

Those are not new. They've been here long before humans...

The 2005 and 2007 Arctic Sea Ice melt hysteria was a vintage Co2 fraud moment.


Nevermind it all melted over just Gakkel Ridge where volcanoes were erupting, and no other part of Arctic Sea ice melted at all... which is why the Co2 fraud and the media never showed us a photo of WHERE it was melting...

and Antarctic sea ice extent hit another record high = SHHHHH!!!!!
If oceans are warming warming WARMING as they claim

WHY is there NO BREAKOUT in hurricane activity??


Oceans not warming at all...
Ditto for atmosphere = NOT WARMING despite rising Co2


highly correlated unfudged satellite and balloon data

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