Threats of violence in small town Oklahoma.

Actually I cheer people standing up for their liberty and rights
Yes, from a safe distance, in your safe space. Just like your heroes onFOX. Good for you. With "patriots" like you, we would still be a British colony.

Don't expect any more responses until you quote my posts in their entirety and proper context.

What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.
Where in the Constitution does it say you can be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint: It doesn't

Where in the Constitution are pandemics addressed?
You question is plain fucking stupid.
Just as stupid as Crep's. But it isn't stupid.
The Constitution and Bill of Rights were set up to protect the people from the government.
Not exactly.

The Constitution and its case law affords lawmakers and the people guidance as how to govern justly.

As long as government and the people act in accordance with Constitutional case law, the rights and protected liberties of the people have not been violated.

And the health and safety guidelines followed by state and local governments are perfectly necessary, proper, and Constitutional, in accordance with Constitutional case law.
Actually I cheer people standing up for their liberty and rights
Yes, from a safe distance, in your safe space. Just like your heroes onFOX. Good for you. With "patriots" like you, we would still be a British colony.

Don't expect any more responses until you quote my posts in their entirety and proper context.


Oh no! Looks like i will have to find another ignorant crybaby cultist to call everyone "commies". I should probably start in a trailer park in Oklahoma. Oh dangit, i just found you again. The search continues....
Where in the Constitution are pandemics addressed?
Nowhere, of course, because the founding fathers did not know viruses and bacteria caused disease, much less even existed. So maybe we shouldn't defer to them on matters regarding space travel, or quantum mechanics, or pandemics.

Spot on, Indiana. It's amazing that you have to explain this to Meister
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.
Where in the Constitution does it say you can be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint: It doesn't

The left don't get it, the Constitution limits governments authority not our rights.

I get a big laugh out of Keyboard Kowboys who think they understand the Konstitution and pontifiKate so Kasually about it here.
What's the 1st Amendment, clown? Free speech for the individual.
You know the 2nd by heart, I'm sure.
How about the 3rd? Protects the rights of the individual from being forced to house soldiers (during wartime).
4th? Protects citizens to be secure in their homes and from unreasonable search and seizures.
5th? As in the right to not be a witness against yourself without due process.
All about individual rights.
I could go on but someone else is going to have to explain the rest to you.
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.
Where in the Constitution does it say you can be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint: It doesn't

The left don't get it, the Constitution limits governments authority not our rights.

I get a big laugh out of Keyboard Kowboys who think they understand the Konstitution and pontifiKate so Kasually about it here.
What's the 1st Amendment, clown? Free speech for the individual.
You know the 2nd by heart, I'm sure.
How about the 3rd? Protects the rights of the individual from being forced to house soldiers (during wartime).
4th? Protects citizens to be secure in their homes and from unreasonable search and seizures.
5th? As in the right to not be a witness against yourself without due process.
All about individual rights.
I could go on but someone else is going to have to explain the rest to you.

I will do your thinking for you lib because you suck at it. Just relax while we run the country and MAGA.
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.

Commie judges, upholding totalitarian bullshit, who'd a thunk?

American judges, with the best interests of Americans in mind, upholding the Constitution like they're supposed to.

Unlike the recent tRump appointees.
People figured out the Bubonic Plague back in the 1300's
No they didn't. The first microorganisms were not even discovered until 1665, and viruses not until 1890. And wasn't until after that when the germ theory of disease took over from miasma theory. Just shut the hell up, you have no idea what you are talking about.
You may not like the message, but what I printed was not lying. Don't be so self righteous, dude.
You're just proving what everybody is thinking.
He throws out liar....liar like it’s candy. Children do this when they receive facts they don’t want.
Over a requirement to where a mask.

These almost certainly conservitard hicks are threading to harm the people in the stores because their almost certainly conservitard city government declared they must wear masks in public.

Cries of "unconstitutional" were heard. It's not, BTW. Unless you think the "no shoes, no shirt, no service" policy is as well.

From the mayor of Stillwater OK:
"In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse. In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm. This has occurred in three short hours and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain the spread of COVID-19."

My opinion?

Dumb-ass, selfish, redneck tRumplings with no common sense, no education, and the self preservation instincts of depressed lemmings.

People like those in Stillwater Oklahoma and thousands of small and medium sized towns just like it from across the United States serve in the military and defend our country. What have you ever done for this nation you punk assed bitch? Nothing...because your a pussy.
Over a requirement to where a mask.

These almost certainly conservitard hicks are threading to harm the people in the stores because their almost certainly conservitard city government declared they must wear masks in public.

Cries of "unconstitutional" were heard. It's not, BTW. Unless you think the "no shoes, no shirt, no service" policy is as well.

From the mayor of Stillwater OK:
"In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse. In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm. This has occurred in three short hours and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain the spread of COVID-19."

My opinion?

Dumb-ass, selfish, redneck tRumplings with no common sense, no education, and the self preservation instincts of depressed lemmings.

We value freedom over a minuscule health issue and we know you consider that redneck and all sorts of awful things

Exactly, this is a minuscule health issue. I remember the last big pandemic, when aids became popular back in the 1980's.

Public health experts quickly determined that men taking it in the caboose was the #1 and only significant cause of the disease. They made the recommendation that the LGBTQ Community quit with the sodomy until the pandemic could be controlled. Libs had a literal conniption, how could they give up Sodomy?

That was a HUGE health issue, in the 1980's, aids killed 100% of its victims compared to less than 0.5% of COVID victims. And the request was simple, unlike eating or keeping a roof over one's head, Sodomy is a strictly optional activity. Yet , libs still couldn't do it cheerfully.
People would have to be 40 right now to remember the only true epidemic ever-Aids. Most here are teenagers and 20-35 years old. AIDS was a death sentence to anyone who contracted it for a decade. Homo sex or anals with your babe could give it to you, IV needle sharing, and then for about 6 terrifying months the contamination of hospital blood supply. Back then the Media and liberals were not banging the drum for the demise of the USA and it’s people
Over a requirement to where a mask.

These almost certainly conservitard hicks are threading to harm the people in the stores because their almost certainly conservitard city government declared they must wear masks in public.

Cries of "unconstitutional" were heard. It's not, BTW. Unless you think the "no shoes, no shirt, no service" policy is as well.

From the mayor of Stillwater OK:
"In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse. In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm. This has occurred in three short hours and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain the spread of COVID-19."

My opinion?

Dumb-ass, selfish, redneck tRumplings with no common sense, no education, and the self preservation instincts of depressed lemmings.

Maybe the stalinists running Stillwater should reconsider their policy?
Over a requirement to where a mask.

These almost certainly conservitard hicks are threading to harm the people in the stores because their almost certainly conservitard city government declared they must wear masks in public.

Cries of "unconstitutional" were heard. It's not, BTW. Unless you think the "no shoes, no shirt, no service" policy is as well.

From the mayor of Stillwater OK:
"In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse. In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm. This has occurred in three short hours and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain the spread of COVID-19."

My opinion?

Dumb-ass, selfish, redneck tRumplings with no common sense, no education, and the self preservation instincts of depressed lemmings.

We value freedom over a minuscule health issue and we know you consider that redneck and all sorts of awful things

Exactly, this is a minuscule health issue. I remember the last big pandemic, when aids became popular back in the 1980's.

Public health experts quickly determined that men taking it in the caboose was the #1 and only significant cause of the disease. They made the recommendation that the LGBTQ Community quit with the sodomy until the pandemic could be controlled. Libs had a literal conniption, how could they give up Sodomy?

That was a HUGE health issue, in the 1980's, aids killed 100% of its victims compared to less than 0.5% of COVID victims. And the request was simple, unlike eating or keeping a roof over one's head, Sodomy is a strictly optional activity. Yet , libs still couldn't do it cheerfully.
People would have to be 40 right now to remember the only true epidemic ever-Aids. Most here are teenagers and 20-35 years old. AIDS was a death sentence to anyone who contracted it for a decade. Homo sex or analysts with your have could give it to you, IV needle sharing, and then for about 6 terrifying months the contamination of hospital blood supply. Back then the Media and liberals were not banging the drum for the demise of the USA and it’s people
Because it was blood borne, not airborn, ya moron.

I refuse to believe you are this fucking stupid. You are a sock troll saying stuff you don't even believe.
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.

If you're dead, you don't have ANY rights at all. There is no right to dress as you please when you go out. None. In fact, there are numerous laws saying that you have to cover certain parts of your anatomy when you go out. Why aren't these fools demonstrating against being forced to wear pants?

Do these people object to laws requiring anyone on a construction site to wear hard hats and protective shoes? I guess so.

Nobody bleats louder or more idiotically about their "rights" than Republicans. Poor little snowflakes.

Shut up Canada you know jack shit about Americans. I live on the liberal infested west coast, guess how many liberals and Dems are not wearing masks in least half of them.

Go fuck yourself, you're not the boss of me. I find that those who point out that I'm not an American are always the high post count posters who joined when Trump was running.

There are lots of people here who don't wear masks. You can choose to be an idiot, and not wear a mask, but don't come here and complain that your state isn't open, because cases are spiking. Where I live, we have almost three times the number of closed cases as active, and we're getting ready to re-open. That's because we closed early, we closed hard, and people STAYED THE FUCK AT HOME.

You could have chosen to do the same but your President is an idiot, so there you are, and here we are, with 1/2 the cases, and 1/3 of the deaths. Testing early and testing often reduces deaths. Insteading of promoting unproven cures, Canadians tested early and tested often, and reduced deaths.

The rest of the world is watching the USA in horror, as Trump reels from one bad decision to another, and a country where the case count and the death count is still rising, is ordering meat packing plants not to shutu down.

Trump could not have killed more people if he was making a conscience effort to kill as many people as possible. Americans haven't stopped getting sick in increasing numbers. They're dying in increasing numbers. Why is any part of your country re-opening?

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