Threats of violence in small town Oklahoma.

What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.

We the people tell government what to do not the other way around. We are governments boss, they are our employees, got it.
A lesson that is sorely in need of being retaught. But its coming...
Oooh! Another revolution guy!

Come on everybody! Let's all point and laugh!
Why are you calling for others, to support your feelings? Do you require peer consent to form an opinion?
Orange man bad

This isn't about Trump unless you are admitting Trump told them to act this way...

Are you saying Trump told them to behave like this...

This stance is anti-healthcare workers, these actions cause them to put at risk of loosing there lives... This me over America ploicy...

Please don't pretend to be Patriots because when the chips are down you said fuck America, I am in it for myself..
In a way it is about Trump.

The right’s unwarranted hostility toward the health and safety guidelines has nothing to do with ‘liberty’ or ‘freedom’ and everything to do with conservatives’ fear that Trump will voted out of office and Republicans losing control of the Senate as the voters go to the polls this November during a recession and high unemployment.
Yep....the protests didn't raise the issue of "rights" and "freedom to move around without masks" until it became apparent that trump was in trouble.
Orange man bad

This isn't about Trump unless you are admitting Trump told them to act this way...

Are you saying Trump told them to behave like this...

This stance is anti-healthcare workers, these actions cause them to put at risk of loosing there lives... This me over America ploicy...

Please don't pretend to be Patriots because when the chips are down you said fuck America, I am in it for myself..
In a way it is about Trump.

The right’s unwarranted hostility toward the health and safety guidelines has nothing to do with ‘liberty’ or ‘freedom’ and everything to do with conservatives’ fear that Trump will voted out of office and Republicans losing control of the Senate as the voters go to the polls this November during a recession and high unemployment.
Yep....the protests didn't raise the issue of "rights" and "freedom to move around without masks" until it became apparent that trump was in trouble.
Yeah.. He's been real "worried"... Lol!!!
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.

We the people tell government what to do not the other way around. We are governments boss, they are our employees, got it.
A lesson that is sorely in need of being retaught. But its coming...
Oooh! Another revolution guy!

Come on everybody! Let's all point and laugh!
Why are you calling for others, to support your feelings? Do you require peer consent to form an opinion?
Lol, sounds like you're trying to project your insecurities on to me.

Well, don't worry. I can take it if it helps you feel better.
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.

We the people tell government what to do not the other way around. We are governments boss, they are our employees, got it.
A lesson that is sorely in need of being retaught. But its coming...
Oooh! Another revolution guy!

Come on everybody! Let's all point and laugh!
Why are you calling for others, to support your feelings? Do you require peer consent to form an opinion?
Lol, sounds like you're trying to project your insecurities on to me.

Well, don't worry. I can take it if it helps you feel better.
I don't feel. I think. Now that you've pegged yourself... Why is your mealy mouthed, bitch ass looking for back up? Hmmm..?
Orange man bad

This isn't about Trump unless you are admitting Trump told them to act this way...

Are you saying Trump told them to behave like this...

This stance is anti-healthcare workers, these actions cause them to put at risk of loosing there lives... This me over America ploicy...

Please don't pretend to be Patriots because when the chips are down you said fuck America, I am in it for myself..
In a way it is about Trump.

The right’s unwarranted hostility toward the health and safety guidelines has nothing to do with ‘liberty’ or ‘freedom’ and everything to do with conservatives’ fear that Trump will voted out of office and Republicans losing control of the Senate as the voters go to the polls this November during a recession and high unemployment.
Yep....the protests didn't raise the issue of "rights" and "freedom to move around without masks" until it became apparent that trump was in trouble.
Yeah.. He's been real "worried"... Lol!!!

He is tho.
Orange man bad

This isn't about Trump unless you are admitting Trump told them to act this way...

Are you saying Trump told them to behave like this...

This stance is anti-healthcare workers, these actions cause them to put at risk of loosing there lives... This me over America ploicy...

Please don't pretend to be Patriots because when the chips are down you said fuck America, I am in it for myself..
In a way it is about Trump.

The right’s unwarranted hostility toward the health and safety guidelines has nothing to do with ‘liberty’ or ‘freedom’ and everything to do with conservatives’ fear that Trump will voted out of office and Republicans losing control of the Senate as the voters go to the polls this November during a recession and high unemployment.
Yep....the protests didn't raise the issue of "rights" and "freedom to move around without masks" until it became apparent that trump was in trouble.
Yeah.. He's been real "worried"... Lol!!!

He is tho.
Yeah... It shows...
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.
Where in the Constitution does it say you can be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint: It doesn't

Where in the Constitution are pandemics addressed?
You question is plain fucking stupid.
Just as stupid as Crep's. But it isn't stupid.
The Constitution and Bill of Rights were set up to protect the people from the government.
Not exactly.

The Constitution and its case law affords lawmakers and the people guidance as how to govern justly.

As long as government and the people act in accordance with Constitutional case law, the rights and protected liberties of the people have not been violated.

And the health and safety guidelines followed by state and local governments are perfectly necessary, proper, and Constitutional, in accordance with Constitutional case law.
It's interesting....I speculated a few years back...when the whole "christian" wedding cake bakers' thing was in the courts that soon, they would push back against health and safety laws too.
My position stands.
That's too bad, because it is very dumb. They learned it passed from person to person is something a 4 year old could guess. That didn't inform them on what caused the disease, how to prevent or treat it, how to handle sick patients, how to handle waste, how long to quarantine, etc.

They also thought cancer passed from person to person. So, in reality, they didnt "know" anything at all.
But what does that have to do with the Founding Fathers not writing out measures for a pandemic? I'm still trying to figure that out.
When Washington D.C. was built, it was on a swamp and every summer, like many southern cities, they would order people out of the cities or quarantine them due to yellow fever (mosquitoes)
Orange man bad
Does Trump know where Okiehoma is on a map? Humans are the main reason I moved out of Okiehoma after 24 years, Okie-humans...
It's one of the 57 or 58 states
With the hundreds of governors?
better ask Obama which of those 57 or 58 states he was talking about
Then ask Lard donnie which of the 100s of governors he's talking about?
Orange man bad

This isn't about Trump unless you are admitting Trump told them to act this way...

Are you saying Trump told them to behave like this...

This stance is anti-healthcare workers, these actions cause them to put at risk of loosing there lives... This me over America ploicy...

Please don't pretend to be Patriots because when the chips are down you said fuck America, I am in it for myself..
In a way it is about Trump.

The right’s unwarranted hostility toward the health and safety guidelines has nothing to do with ‘liberty’ or ‘freedom’ and everything to do with conservatives’ fear that Trump will voted out of office and Republicans losing control of the Senate as the voters go to the polls this November during a recession and high unemployment.
Yep....the protests didn't raise the issue of "rights" and "freedom to move around without masks" until it became apparent that trump was in trouble.
Yeah.. He's been real "worried"... Lol!!!

He is tho.
Yeah... It shows...

You'll never see it from that position of your lips wrapped around dat orange cock, tho. You'll have to stand up.
Orange man bad

This isn't about Trump unless you are admitting Trump told them to act this way...

Are you saying Trump told them to behave like this...

This stance is anti-healthcare workers, these actions cause them to put at risk of loosing there lives... This me over America ploicy...

Please don't pretend to be Patriots because when the chips are down you said fuck America, I am in it for myself..
In a way it is about Trump.

The right’s unwarranted hostility toward the health and safety guidelines has nothing to do with ‘liberty’ or ‘freedom’ and everything to do with conservatives’ fear that Trump will voted out of office and Republicans losing control of the Senate as the voters go to the polls this November during a recession and high unemployment.
Yep....the protests didn't raise the issue of "rights" and "freedom to move around without masks" until it became apparent that trump was in trouble.
Yeah.. He's been real "worried"... Lol!!!

He is tho.
Yeah... It shows...

You'll never see it from that position of your lips wrapped around dat orange cock, tho. You'll have to stand up.
An intellectual to the end I see... Lol!!!
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.

If you're dead, you don't have ANY rights at all. There is no right to dress as you please when you go out. None. In fact, there are numerous laws saying that you have to cover certain parts of your anatomy when you go out. Why aren't these fools demonstrating against being forced to wear pants?

Do these people object to laws requiring anyone on a construction site to wear hard hats and protective shoes? I guess so.

Nobody bleats louder or more idiotically about their "rights" than Republicans. Poor little snowflakes.

Shut up Canada you know jack shit about Americans. I live on the liberal infested west coast, guess how many liberals and Dems are not wearing masks in least half of them.

Go fuck yourself, you're not the boss of me. I find that those who point out that I'm not an American are always the high post count posters who joined when Trump was running.

There are lots of people here who don't wear masks. You can choose to be an idiot, and not wear a mask, but don't come here and complain that your state isn't open, because cases are spiking. Where I live, we have almost three times the number of closed cases as active, and we're getting ready to re-open. That's because we closed early, we closed hard, and people STAYED THE FUCK AT HOME.

You could have chosen to do the same but your President is an idiot, so there you are, and here we are, with 1/2 the cases, and 1/3 of the deaths. Testing early and testing often reduces deaths. Insteading of promoting unproven cures, Canadians tested early and tested often, and reduced deaths.

The rest of the world is watching the USA in horror, as Trump reels from one bad decision to another, and a country where the case count and the death count is still rising, is ordering meat packing plants not to shutu down.

Trump could not have killed more people if he was making a conscience effort to kill as many people as possible. Americans haven't stopped getting sick in increasing numbers. They're dying in increasing numbers. Why is any part of your country re-opening?

Now that is some hilarious stuff!!!! Remember, the top seven states infected are blue. You'll do what you're told. When the govt comes to beat you down, you'll gladly agree.
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.

If you're dead, you don't have ANY rights at all. There is no right to dress as you please when you go out. None. In fact, there are numerous laws saying that you have to cover certain parts of your anatomy when you go out. Why aren't these fools demonstrating against being forced to wear pants?

Do these people object to laws requiring anyone on a construction site to wear hard hats and protective shoes? I guess so.

Nobody bleats louder or more idiotically about their "rights" than Republicans. Poor little snowflakes.

So all those homos who wear nothing but a thong in gay pride parades must cover up is that your point? We can pass a law? This is where you run away and hide lib.

There are no gay pride parades this year. They've all been cancelled because of covid19. The gays aren't complaining their rights are being violated. If they tried to hold a parade, they'd be arrested.
Over a requirement to where a mask.

These almost certainly conservitard hicks are threading to harm the people in the stores because their almost certainly conservitard city government declared they must wear masks in public.

Cries of "unconstitutional" were heard. It's not, BTW. Unless you think the "no shoes, no shirt, no service" policy is as well.

From the mayor of Stillwater OK:
"In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse. In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm. This has occurred in three short hours and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain the spread of COVID-19."

My opinion?

Dumb-ass, selfish, redneck tRumplings with no common sense, no education, and the self preservation instincts of depressed lemmings.

Worthless leftist traitor hack thread.
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.

If you're dead, you don't have ANY rights at all. There is no right to dress as you please when you go out. None. In fact, there are numerous laws saying that you have to cover certain parts of your anatomy when you go out. Why aren't these fools demonstrating against being forced to wear pants?

Do these people object to laws requiring anyone on a construction site to wear hard hats and protective shoes? I guess so.

Nobody bleats louder or more idiotically about their "rights" than Republicans. Poor little snowflakes.

Shut up Canada you know jack shit about Americans. I live on the liberal infested west coast, guess how many liberals and Dems are not wearing masks in least half of them.

Go fuck yourself, you're not the boss of me. I find that those who point out that I'm not an American are always the high post count posters who joined when Trump was running.

There are lots of people here who don't wear masks. You can choose to be an idiot, and not wear a mask, but don't come here and complain that your state isn't open, because cases are spiking. Where I live, we have almost three times the number of closed cases as active, and we're getting ready to re-open. That's because we closed early, we closed hard, and people STAYED THE FUCK AT HOME.

You could have chosen to do the same but your President is an idiot, so there you are, and here we are, with 1/2 the cases, and 1/3 of the deaths. Testing early and testing often reduces deaths. Insteading of promoting unproven cures, Canadians tested early and tested often, and reduced deaths.

The rest of the world is watching the USA in horror, as Trump reels from one bad decision to another, and a country where the case count and the death count is still rising, is ordering meat packing plants not to shutu down.

Trump could not have killed more people if he was making a conscience effort to kill as many people as possible. Americans haven't stopped getting sick in increasing numbers. They're dying in increasing numbers. Why is any part of your country re-opening?

Now that is some hilarious stuff!!!! Remember, the top seven states infected are blue. You'll do what you're told. When the govt comes to beat you down, you'll gladly agree.
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.

If you're dead, you don't have ANY rights at all. There is no right to dress as you please when you go out. None. In fact, there are numerous laws saying that you have to cover certain parts of your anatomy when you go out. Why aren't these fools demonstrating against being forced to wear pants?

Do these people object to laws requiring anyone on a construction site to wear hard hats and protective shoes? I guess so.

Nobody bleats louder or more idiotically about their "rights" than Republicans. Poor little snowflakes.

So all those homos who wear nothing but a thong in gay pride parades must cover up is that your point? We can pass a law? This is where you run away and hide lib.

There are no gay pride parades this year. They've all been cancelled because of covid19. The gays aren't complaining their rights are being violated. If they tried to hold a parade, they'd be arrested.
No sexual perverts prancing down the street? Bummer.
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.

We the people tell government what to do not the other way around. We are governments boss, they are our employees, got it.
So you do have a sense of humor.
You have no sense or humor.

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