Threats of violence in small town Oklahoma.

Over a requirement to where a mask.

These almost certainly conservitard hicks are threading to harm the people in the stores because their almost certainly conservitard city government declared they must wear masks in public.

Cries of "unconstitutional" were heard. It's not, BTW. Unless you think the "no shoes, no shirt, no service" policy is as well.

From the mayor of Stillwater OK:
"In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse. In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm. This has occurred in three short hours and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain the spread of COVID-19."

My opinion?

Dumb-ass, selfish, redneck tRumplings with no common sense, no education, and the self preservation instincts of depressed lemmings.

Maybe the stalinists running Stillwater should reconsider their policy?
Lol rural Oklahoma.

stillwater is a college town

Oklahoma Stare University

within the city limits its disgustingly lib
Like most urban areas and small college towns stillwater is a liberal blue dot in a sea of red

Individual Campaign Contributions in Stillwater, OK
In the last 4 years (2015-2018), there were 2,872 contributions totaling $171,761 to Democratic and liberal campaigns, averaging $60 per contribution.

In the last 4 years, there were 489 contributions totaling $94,173 to Republican and conservative campaigns, averaging $193 per contribution.

(source: Federal Election Commission)
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.

We the people tell government what to do not the other way around. We are governments boss, they are our employees, got it.
A lesson that is sorely in need of being retaught. But its coming...
Oooh! Another revolution guy!

Come on everybody! Let's all point and laugh!
Why are you calling for others, to support your feelings? Do you require peer consent to form an opinion?
Lol, sounds like you're trying to project your insecurities on to me.

Well, don't worry. I can take it if it helps you feel better.
I don't feel. I think. Now that you've pegged yourself... Why is your mealy mouthed, bitch ass looking for back up? Hmmm..?
Lol, nice try but you're a tRumpling. You don't think, you emote.

Try again.
Why aren't these fools demonstrating against being forced to wear pants?

That's stupid. You know this, right?

Congratulations. You figured this out. It's equally as stupid to object to wearing a mask for community health and safety, as it is to object to hard hats on a construction site. Or pants when you're out in public.

Darwin's theory of "survival of the fittest" is in play here. Countless people who have protested against social distancing requirements have ended up sick and more than one who subscribed to the theory that it's all a hoax, have died. Normally I would applaud Darwinism and eliminating those who are clearly too stupid to live, but in this case, such fools are endangering the rest of us.

What has been shown to be very clear from this virus is that the American people aren't very healthy. In Europe, covid19 killed mostly the elderly. Italy has lost an entire generation of grandparents. Similarly in Great Britain and Spain, it is primarily the elderly who are dying. That's because the younger working populations of Europe are so much healthier than the USA. I'm 70 years old and I grew up with government funded health care. I have never received a bill from a doctor or a hospital in my adult life.

European populations are healthier, thinner, and they live longer than Americans. While the elderly are dying in higher numbers in the USA, more younger people in the USA are dying than in Europe because Americans are generally less healthy. The rest of the world is really good at feeding their people good food, and providing them with recreation facilities. Our societies are "People First".

Throughout this crisis, Trump has worried more about the economy than the people. Those countries which took care of their people, are now starting to re-open. The USA is re-opening to save it's economy. Let's see which approach works. So far the "economy first" approach isn't working very well.

Wrong answer. Snap out of it. Stop shillin'. Since you're 70, perhaps this is due to faulty memory or your cognitive distortion is interfering. The Democratic Party folded on single payer during Obama's first term. Immediately. The ACA was not about health care. It was about insurance. The movement to managed health care did more damage than anything years before. You do remember that, don't you? Or do you just get your information from places like CNN where the board members sit on the boards of insurance companies and hospitals?

If you are in a specific population then it is safer at home--which the State has already said. Businesses in the area have already shifted to curbside pick up--including Walmart. Now, grocery stores, pharmacies, plant and agriculture stores, gas stations have remained opened since this began and no one has worn masks. In fact, it is impossible to find masks to buy.

That said, if people would have picked up read a book on the 1918 pandemic they would have figured out the information on masks a lot earlier.

I remind you that Italy has a phenomenal amount of multigenerational households. Hispanic and Asian immigrants in the US are more likely to live in multigenerational households. In the state of Oklahoma, and especially in that area, most of those young people play sports and work out on ranches and farms. The campus itself is a city in a city. The largest group of people that are dying are the elderly with underlying medical issues.

At issue is this: if you go in to a private business and threaten people that work there then the cops come get you. That's it. The rest of the people that are refusing to wear masks are like.............oh, you don't like me? That's fine. K, bye. They aren't into fear mongering.They will take their money elsewhere. Businesses can't afford to stay closed any longer. You are about to witness a larger population of homelessness and you and your ilk haven't managed to deal with the homeless population that exists now.
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.

We the people tell government what to do not the other way around. We are governments boss, they are our employees, got it.
A lesson that is sorely in need of being retaught. But its coming...
Oooh! Another revolution guy!

Come on everybody! Let's all point and laugh!
Why are you calling for others, to support your feelings? Do you require peer consent to form an opinion?
Lol, sounds like you're trying to project your insecurities on to me.

Well, don't worry. I can take it if it helps you feel better.
I don't feel. I think. Now that you've pegged yourself... Why is your mealy mouthed, bitch ass looking for back up? Hmmm..?
Lol, nice try but you're a tRumpling. You don't think, you emote.

Try again.
Nah... Ill stand firm. And your " revolution" against the founding principles of my nation, will be met head on. You do get an "A" for effort though. Waiting, so long to reply; hoping I wouldn't...
Better luck next time.
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.

We the people tell government what to do not the other way around. We are governments boss, they are our employees, got it.
A lesson that is sorely in need of being retaught. But its coming...
Oooh! Another revolution guy!

Come on everybody! Let's all point and laugh!
Why are you calling for others, to support your feelings? Do you require peer consent to form an opinion?
Lol, sounds like you're trying to project your insecurities on to me.

Well, don't worry. I can take it if it helps you feel better.
I don't feel. I think. Now that you've pegged yourself... Why is your mealy mouthed, bitch ass looking for back up? Hmmm..?
Lol, nice try but you're a tRumpling. You don't think, you emote.

Try again.
Nah... Ill stand firm. And your " revolution" against the founding principles of my nation, will be met head on. You do get an "A" for effort though. Waiting, so long to reply; hoping I wouldn't...
Better luck next time.
Lol, I'm not the ninny bloviating about revolution, Son. That's you.

Did you forget already?
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.

We the people tell government what to do not the other way around. We are governments boss, they are our employees, got it.
A lesson that is sorely in need of being retaught. But its coming...
Oooh! Another revolution guy!

Come on everybody! Let's all point and laugh!
Why are you calling for others, to support your feelings? Do you require peer consent to form an opinion?
Lol, sounds like you're trying to project your insecurities on to me.

Well, don't worry. I can take it if it helps you feel better.
I don't feel. I think. Now that you've pegged yourself... Why is your mealy mouthed, bitch ass looking for back up? Hmmm..?
Lol, nice try but you're a tRumpling. You don't think, you emote.

Try again.
Nah... Ill stand firm. And your " revolution" against the founding principles of my nation, will be met head on. You do get an "A" for effort though. Waiting, so long to reply; hoping I wouldn't...
Better luck next time.
Lol, I'm not the ninny bloviating about revolution, Son. That's you.

Did you forget already?
Lol, fag boy... Your revolution against our founding principles aren't "mainstream". Hilarious that you promote your traitorous ways, as if they were the "status quo". Absolutely fucking priceless....
The only so-called "revolution" trying to get off the ground; is your kinds limp wristed, faggoty attempt to usher in a Nanny State over individualism.
Orange man bad
Does Trump know where Okiehoma is on a map? Humans are the main reason I moved out of Okiehoma after 24 years, Okie-humans...
It's one of the 57 or 58 states
With the hundreds of governors?
better ask Obama which of those 57 or 58 states he was talking about
Then ask Lard donnie which of the 100s of governors he's talking about?
Oklahoma only has 1 governor Obama did say America has 57 or 58 states
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.

We the people tell government what to do not the other way around. We are governments boss, they are our employees, got it.
A lesson that is sorely in need of being retaught. But its coming...
Oooh! Another revolution guy!

Come on everybody! Let's all point and laugh!
Why are you calling for others, to support your feelings? Do you require peer consent to form an opinion?
Lol, sounds like you're trying to project your insecurities on to me.

Well, don't worry. I can take it if it helps you feel better.
I don't feel. I think. Now that you've pegged yourself... Why is your mealy mouthed, bitch ass looking for back up? Hmmm..?
Lol, nice try but you're a tRumpling. You don't think, you emote.

Try again.
Nah... Ill stand firm. And your " revolution" against the founding principles of my nation, will be met head on. You do get an "A" for effort though. Waiting, so long to reply; hoping I wouldn't...
Better luck next time.
Lol, I'm not the ninny bloviating about revolution, Son. That's you.

Did you forget already?
Lol, fag boy... Your revolution against our founding principles aren't "mainstream". Hilarious that you promote your traitorous ways, as if they were the "status quo". Absolutely fucking priceless....
The only so-called "revolution" trying to get off the ground; is your kinds limp wristed, faggoty attempt to usher in a Nanny State over individualism.
Lol, escalating the name-calling?

Kid, you're a pathetic waste if time.

Get lost.
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.

We the people tell government what to do not the other way around. We are governments boss, they are our employees, got it.
A lesson that is sorely in need of being retaught. But its coming...
Oooh! Another revolution guy!

Come on everybody! Let's all point and laugh!
Why are you calling for others, to support your feelings? Do you require peer consent to form an opinion?
Lol, sounds like you're trying to project your insecurities on to me.

Well, don't worry. I can take it if it helps you feel better.
I don't feel. I think. Now that you've pegged yourself... Why is your mealy mouthed, bitch ass looking for back up? Hmmm..?
Lol, nice try but you're a tRumpling. You don't think, you emote.

Try again.
Nah... Ill stand firm. And your " revolution" against the founding principles of my nation, will be met head on. You do get an "A" for effort though. Waiting, so long to reply; hoping I wouldn't...
Better luck next time.
Lol, I'm not the ninny bloviating about revolution, Son. That's you.

Did you forget already?
Lol, fag boy... Your revolution against our founding principles aren't "mainstream". Hilarious that you promote your traitorous ways, as if they were the "status quo". Absolutely fucking priceless....
The only so-called "revolution" trying to get off the ground; is your kinds limp wristed, faggoty attempt to usher in a Nanny State over individualism.
Lol, escalating the name-calling?

Kid, you're a pathetic waste if time.

Get lost.

When and where would have been better? Tell us specifically
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.

We the people tell government what to do not the other way around. We are governments boss, they are our employees, got it.
A lesson that is sorely in need of being retaught. But its coming...
Oooh! Another revolution guy!

Come on everybody! Let's all point and laugh!
Why are you calling for others, to support your feelings? Do you require peer consent to form an opinion?
Lol, sounds like you're trying to project your insecurities on to me.

Well, don't worry. I can take it if it helps you feel better.
I don't feel. I think. Now that you've pegged yourself... Why is your mealy mouthed, bitch ass looking for back up? Hmmm..?
Lol, nice try but you're a tRumpling. You don't think, you emote.

Try again.
Nah... Ill stand firm. And your " revolution" against the founding principles of my nation, will be met head on. You do get an "A" for effort though. Waiting, so long to reply; hoping I wouldn't...
Better luck next time.
Lol, I'm not the ninny bloviating about revolution, Son. That's you.

Did you forget already?
Lol, fag boy... Your revolution against our founding principles aren't "mainstream". Hilarious that you promote your traitorous ways, as if they were the "status quo". Absolutely fucking priceless....
The only so-called "revolution" trying to get off the ground; is your kinds limp wristed, faggoty attempt to usher in a Nanny State over individualism.
Lol, escalating the name-calling?

Kid, you're a pathetic waste if time.

Get lost.
Awe... What a cute attempt at being dismissive... So much for being confrontational after all, Pussy. Bummer about the cheerleaders not rallying to your post... Better luck next time.
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.

We the people tell government what to do not the other way around. We are governments boss, they are our employees, got it.
A lesson that is sorely in need of being retaught. But its coming...
Oooh! Another revolution guy!

Come on everybody! Let's all point and laugh!
Why are you calling for others, to support your feelings? Do you require peer consent to form an opinion?
Lol, sounds like you're trying to project your insecurities on to me.

Well, don't worry. I can take it if it helps you feel better.
I don't feel. I think. Now that you've pegged yourself... Why is your mealy mouthed, bitch ass looking for back up? Hmmm..?
Lol, nice try but you're a tRumpling. You don't think, you emote.

Try again.
Nah... Ill stand firm. And your " revolution" against the founding principles of my nation, will be met head on. You do get an "A" for effort though. Waiting, so long to reply; hoping I wouldn't...
Better luck next time.
Lol, I'm not the ninny bloviating about revolution, Son. That's you.

Did you forget already?
Lol, fag boy... Your revolution against our founding principles aren't "mainstream". Hilarious that you promote your traitorous ways, as if they were the "status quo". Absolutely fucking priceless....
The only so-called "revolution" trying to get off the ground; is your kinds limp wristed, faggoty attempt to usher in a Nanny State over individualism.
Lol, escalating the name-calling?

Kid, you're a pathetic waste if time.

Get lost.

When and where would have been better? Tell us specifically
I think you're confused.

Wait! My bad, I Know you're confused, i just forgot who I was talking to for a second.
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.

We the people tell government what to do not the other way around. We are governments boss, they are our employees, got it.
A lesson that is sorely in need of being retaught. But its coming...
Oooh! Another revolution guy!

Come on everybody! Let's all point and laugh!
Why are you calling for others, to support your feelings? Do you require peer consent to form an opinion?
Lol, sounds like you're trying to project your insecurities on to me.

Well, don't worry. I can take it if it helps you feel better.
I don't feel. I think. Now that you've pegged yourself... Why is your mealy mouthed, bitch ass looking for back up? Hmmm..?
Lol, nice try but you're a tRumpling. You don't think, you emote.

Try again.
Nah... Ill stand firm. And your " revolution" against the founding principles of my nation, will be met head on. You do get an "A" for effort though. Waiting, so long to reply; hoping I wouldn't...
Better luck next time.
Lol, I'm not the ninny bloviating about revolution, Son. That's you.

Did you forget already?
Lol, fag boy... Your revolution against our founding principles aren't "mainstream". Hilarious that you promote your traitorous ways, as if they were the "status quo". Absolutely fucking priceless....
The only so-called "revolution" trying to get off the ground; is your kinds limp wristed, faggoty attempt to usher in a Nanny State over individualism.
Lol, escalating the name-calling?

Kid, you're a pathetic waste if time.

Get lost.

When and where would have been better? Tell us specifically
I think you're confused.

Wait! My bad, I Know you're confused, i just forgot who I was talking to for a second.
When did you convince yourself that anyone cared "what you thought". Delusions... So much fun to witness from a distance...
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.

We the people tell government what to do not the other way around. We are governments boss, they are our employees, got it.
A lesson that is sorely in need of being retaught. But its coming...
Oooh! Another revolution guy!

Come on everybody! Let's all point and laugh!
Why are you calling for others, to support your feelings? Do you require peer consent to form an opinion?
Lol, sounds like you're trying to project your insecurities on to me.

Well, don't worry. I can take it if it helps you feel better.
I don't feel. I think. Now that you've pegged yourself... Why is your mealy mouthed, bitch ass looking for back up? Hmmm..?
Lol, nice try but you're a tRumpling. You don't think, you emote.

Try again.
Nah... Ill stand firm. And your " revolution" against the founding principles of my nation, will be met head on. You do get an "A" for effort though. Waiting, so long to reply; hoping I wouldn't...
Better luck next time.
Lol, I'm not the ninny bloviating about revolution, Son. That's you.

Did you forget already?
Lol, fag boy... Your revolution against our founding principles aren't "mainstream". Hilarious that you promote your traitorous ways, as if they were the "status quo". Absolutely fucking priceless....
The only so-called "revolution" trying to get off the ground; is your kinds limp wristed, faggoty attempt to usher in a Nanny State over individualism.
Lol, escalating the name-calling?

Kid, you're a pathetic waste if time.

Get lost.

When and where would have been better? Tell us specifically
I think you're confused.

Wait! My bad, I Know you're confused, i just forgot who I was talking to for a second.

hahahahahah Trump is bad
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.
Where in the Constitution does it say you can be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint: It doesn't

The left don't get it, the Constitution limits governments authority not our rights.

I get a big laugh out of Keyboard Kowboys who think they understand the Konstitution and pontifiKate so Kasually about it here.
What's the 1st Amendment, clown? Free speech for the individual.
You know the 2nd by heart, I'm sure.
How about the 3rd? Protects the rights of the individual from being forced to house soldiers (during wartime).
4th? Protects citizens to be secure in their homes and from unreasonable search and seizures.
5th? As in the right to not be a witness against yourself without due process.
All about individual rights.
I could go on but someone else is going to have to explain the rest to you.

I will do your thinking for you lib because you suck at it. Just relax while we run the country and MAGA.

There it is. You don't want others to think for themselves, you want to do it for them. If you only had a brain.
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.

We the people tell government what to do not the other way around. We are governments boss, they are our employees, got it.
A lesson that is sorely in need of being retaught. But its coming...
Oooh! Another revolution guy!

Come on everybody! Let's all point and laugh!
Why are you calling for others, to support your feelings? Do you require peer consent to form an opinion?
Lol, sounds like you're trying to project your insecurities on to me.

Well, don't worry. I can take it if it helps you feel better.
I don't feel. I think. Now that you've pegged yourself... Why is your mealy mouthed, bitch ass looking for back up? Hmmm..?
Lol, nice try but you're a tRumpling. You don't think, you emote.

Try again.
Nah... Ill stand firm. And your " revolution" against the founding principles of my nation, will be met head on. You do get an "A" for effort though. Waiting, so long to reply; hoping I wouldn't...
Better luck next time.
Lol, I'm not the ninny bloviating about revolution, Son. That's you.

Did you forget already?
Lol, fag boy... Your revolution against our founding principles aren't "mainstream". Hilarious that you promote your traitorous ways, as if they were the "status quo". Absolutely fucking priceless....
The only so-called "revolution" trying to get off the ground; is your kinds limp wristed, faggoty attempt to usher in a Nanny State over individualism.
Lol, escalating the name-calling?

Kid, you're a pathetic waste if time.

Get lost.

When and where would have been better? Tell us specifically
I think you're confused.

Wait! My bad, I Know you're confused, i just forgot who I was talking to for a second.

hahahahahah Trump is bad
Oh my goD!!

You finally said someone that made sense!

You communicated!!
Actually I cheer people standing up for their liberty and rights
Yes, from a safe distance, in your safe space. Just like your heroes onFOX. Good for you. With "patriots" like you, we would still be a British colony.

Don't expect any more responses until you quote my posts in their entirety and proper context.


Oh no! Looks like i will have to find another ignorant crybaby cultist to call everyone "commies". I should probably start in a trailer park in Oklahoma. Oh dangit, i just found you again. The search continues....

Just keep proving your ignorance, I haven't lived in OK since 1976, but I do have family there.

Where in the Constitution are pandemics addressed?
Nowhere, of course, because the founding fathers did not know viruses and bacteria caused disease, much less even existed. So maybe we shouldn't defer to them on matters regarding space travel, or quantum mechanics, or pandemics.

Spot on, Indiana. It's amazing that you have to explain this to Meister

Wow, stupidity backing up stupidity. See the 10th Amendment dumb ass.

What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.
Where in the Constitution does it say you can be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint: It doesn't

The left don't get it, the Constitution limits governments authority not our rights.

I get a big laugh out of Keyboard Kowboys who think they understand the Konstitution and pontifiKate so Kasually about it here.
What's the 1st Amendment, clown? Free speech for the individual.
You know the 2nd by heart, I'm sure.
How about the 3rd? Protects the rights of the individual from being forced to house soldiers (during wartime).
4th? Protects citizens to be secure in their homes and from unreasonable search and seizures.
5th? As in the right to not be a witness against yourself without due process.
All about individual rights.
I could go on but someone else is going to have to explain the rest to you.

More stupidity on display, the 1st Amendment covers much more than just speech.

What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.

Commie judges, upholding totalitarian bullshit, who'd a thunk?

American judges, with the best interests of Americans in mind, upholding the Constitution like they're supposed to.

Unlike the recent tRump appointees.

You wouldn't know the Constitution if someone bitch slapped you with it, neither would most judges, their rulings are perfect examples.


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