Threats of violence in small town Oklahoma.

Great, you want to pay my grocery tab later today? I won't be wearing a mask either.
Good, lick some doorknobs too. For effect, put on a princess soldier costume and scream at some grocery store employees. Maybe we will all get lucky and one of them will sleep you right there in the checkout lane.

I don't yell at anyone, but I can understand why some do. Fortunately we don't have some of the dumb ass rules here in TX.

You bunch of gutless punks don't have the stones
You're confused. It is you who is the chin wagging pussy, hunkering down in your safe space and cheering people to cause problems.

So you are trolling, well attempting to troll and failing to be precise, got it. :itsok:
It's not trolling, because it is spot on. It's true of you and of every other pussy cultist on this site.

Or grab your dress up princess soldier costume and head on over to the capitol and snap a selfie in a group with 20 other cosplay soldier freaks. Get in nice and close to each other. Then post the pic here.

See you in...never.
Anti viral vaccines are a long shit in the best if times.

I'm going to assume that was supposed to be "shot". Otherwise it's no wonder you don't get flu shits.

I've never had a flu shot in my life so I'm with ya there.
Working this board with a tablet can be pure hell. And I wish to hell they'd fix it. At least some of the shit starting with the friggin message editor. It replaces words on it's own, the editing screen won't stay in place and wabpders all over hell and sometimes you can't find your way back. A lot of it has to do with excessive, I'll mannered advertising screwing things up.

Yeah I'll mannered some advertising myself. Snicker.
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.
Where in the Constitution does it say you can be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint: It doesn't

The left don't get it, the Constitution limits governments authority not our rights.
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.
Where in the Constitution does it say you cannot be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint:. It doesn't.
Where in the Constitution does it say you can be told to wear a mask for public health?

Hint: It doesn't

Hint: Constitutions don't say what "can" be done. They say what cannot.
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.

Do you think the rationing and sacrifices Americans made during WW2 were in violation of their Constitutional rights?
Or do you think it might have been a country coming together to fight a common enemy?
You redneck Trumpanzees are willingly ignorant and seem unable to learn either from the past or from science.


Government FORCED people to purchase war bonds? Oh wait, they didn't. :itsok:
Meanwhile 3,000 liberals in liberal California defy liberal government overreach and protest beach closures. Liberal California government sends in SWAT in tactical gear.

WOW! 3000 out of 40,000,000 people!
That's like .0075% of the population of California!
That's a real revolution, man!
That's a real civil war!

LOL, ....idiot.

Plus, you're pulling that number out of your ass, where all of your other comments come from.

""""Hundreds of people — likely more than 1,000 — crowded around the California State Capitol on Friday to protest Gov. Gavin Newsom’s social distancing orders amid a pandemic that has now killed more than 2,000 Californians.""""
'Freedom' protest against coronavirus orders leads to arrests at California Capitol

^^^ facts and truth caused this liberal to pop a gasket.
People figured out the Bubonic Plague back in the 1300's
No they didn't. The first microorganisms were not even discovered until 1665, and viruses not until 1890. And wasn't until after that when the germ theory of disease took over from miasma theory. Just shut the hell up, you have no idea what you are talking about.
You may not like the message, but what I printed was not lying. Don't be so self righteous, dude.
You're just proving what everybody is thinking.
Where in the Constitution are pandemics addressed?
Nowhere, of course, because the founding fathers did not know viruses and bacteria caused disease, much less even existed. So maybe we shouldn't defer to them on matters regarding space travel, or quantum mechanics, or pandemics.
Wow! That's news to me. People figured out the Bubonic Plague back in the 1300's. No cure, but realized they had to quarantine.
The Founding Fathers knew for sure, had no doubt every one of them been through at least one serious epidemic of small pox or scarlet fever or.... They quarantined. Sometimes wouldn't even bury a victim in the same graveyard. They understood contagion and deadly disease. But outbreaks are USUALLY localized, so the Founding Fathers left that to the states. They never could have envisioned the transportation we have today that allows such free coming and going in our country.

Was it okay for government to imprison Japanese Americans during WWII, take their property, no trial no jury government just does whatever the hell it wants the law and Constitution be damned?
People figured out the Bubonic Plague back in the 1300's
No they didn't. The first microorganisms were not even discovered until 1665, and viruses not until 1890. And wasn't until after that when the germ theory of disease took over from miasma theory. Just shut the hell up, you have no idea what you are talking about.
You may not like the message, but what I printed was not lying. Don't be so self righteous, dude.
You're just proving what everybody is thinking.

The founders accounted for global pandemics. If government feels it needs broad powers to suspend the bill of rights, Constitution, and laws as they see fit during a pandemic the founders provided for that, simply amend the Constitution granting government that authority. Hence the left have no case.
he fact that they hadn't seen the germs and viruses yet under a microscope doesn't mean they didn't know the important part--that one sick person gives it to another person
The flaw in your reasoning is that they DIDNT know that. "Important part" until a good time into the plague pandemic. And they made the same errors in each pandemic, because they had no understanding of germ theory.

Second, that's not the only "important part". Hepatitis is contagious. But it spreads in a different way than an airborne virus.

And even at the end part of the plague, people were still making the error of thinking waste and fluids did not spread it. Because again, they had absolutely not a single clue as to what the hell was happening.
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.

he fact that they hadn't seen the germs and viruses yet under a microscope doesn't mean they didn't know the important part--that one sick person gives it to another person
The flaw in your reasoning is that they DIDNT know that. "Important part" until a good time into the plague pandemic. And they made the same errors in each pandemic, because they had no understanding of germ theory.

Second, that's not the only "important part". Hepatitis is contagious. But it spreads in a different way than an airborne virus.

And even at the end part of the plague, people were still making the error of thinking waste and fluids did not spread it. Because again, they had absolutely not a single clue as to what the hell was happening.
My position stands. Yes, they made mistakes -- not realizing that some diseases were spreading through their drinking water, for instance, but those details don't make a difference in why they left the decisions on management to the states. I've read a lot of those old town records, showing page after page of deaths, sometimes 4 children lost in days, or whole families wiped out. Those people who were sick were isolated. Whole towns and ships from infected places were forbidden entry. Outbreaks were unfortunately common everywhere. But they were localized due to the more limited means of spreading the disease from town to town.

Which reminds me, I've got to go check the details on one of my gr-gr grandmothers for a relative who wants it.
Orange man bad

This isn't about Trump unless you are admitting Trump told them to act this way...

Are you saying Trump told them to behave like this...

This stance is anti-healthcare workers, these actions cause them to put at risk of loosing there lives... This me over America ploicy...

Please don't pretend to be Patriots because when the chips are down you said fuck America, I am in it for myself..
In a way it is about Trump.

The right’s unwarranted hostility toward the health and safety guidelines has nothing to do with ‘liberty’ or ‘freedom’ and everything to do with conservatives’ fear that Trump will voted out of office and Republicans losing control of the Senate as the voters go to the polls this November during a recession and high unemployment.
My position stands.
That's too bad, because it is very dumb. They learned it passed from person to person is something a 4 year old could guess. That didn't inform them on what caused the disease, how to prevent or treat it, how to handle sick patients, how to handle waste, how long to quarantine, etc.

They also thought cancer passed from person to person. So, in reality, they didnt "know" anything at all.
Over a requirement to where a mask.

These almost certainly conservitard hicks are threading to harm the people in the stores because their almost certainly conservitard city government declared they must wear masks in public.

Cries of "unconstitutional" were heard. It's not, BTW. Unless you think the "no shoes, no shirt, no service" policy is as well.

From the mayor of Stillwater OK:
"In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse. In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm. This has occurred in three short hours and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain the spread of COVID-19."

My opinion?

Dumb-ass, selfish, redneck tRumplings with no common sense, no education, and the self preservation instincts of depressed lemmings.
Masks do no damn good except if you are down with the virus and are coughing and sneezing in which case it limits the range of aerosol spray but it does not contain nor will they filter out airborne virus cells. The virus cells are too small and pass right through any mask that can pass air. If it could block the virus, you'd likely suffocate.

No one is claiming otherwise.

What you failed to note is that asymptomatic spreading of the virus can take place; one wears a mask in the event he’s contracted the disease but hasn’t become ill, as to not unwittingly infect others.

Therefore masks do a great deal good and are effective for those not exhibiting any symptoms such as coughing or sneezing.
What did you lib pukes think would happen when you attempt to strip the people of their Constitutional rights.

Commie judges, upholding totalitarian bullshit, who'd a thunk?


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