Threats to a free press on the rise

Looking back on the coverage of Trump



No, the Dinosaur Journos Have NOT "Dropped Objectivity"

Where are these journalists who are trying to report “freely and independently”?
Jurinalists Give Us Trickle-Down Information

It doesn't matter how conscientious they are if they're stupid. They are all incompetent in knowledge of grammar, history, and logic. The mental-midget media are far too inferior to merit public trust, no matter what their attitude is.
Attacks on journalists and their ability to report freely and independently have been increasing over the past few years along with an increasing trend towards authorita governance.

This article just caught my eye today, but there are many more examples.

Indian government raids BBC offices in wake of documentary critical of Modi

Gaurav Bhatia, a spokesman for Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party, told reporters in a conference that the BBC “must work within India laws” and called the organization “corrupt” without offering specifics, instead listing a litany of perceived problems with its coverage.

“The BBC’s work has historically been tainted with its hatred for India,” he said. “Our constitution allows them to do unbiased journalism, but let me show you how they use journalism as a pretext to put forward their agenda.” He added that media outlets that “have a hidden agenda” and “spew venom” cannot be tolerated.

The opposition Congress Party has loudly condemned the move against the BBC with one member of parliament calling it “imbecile, childish & beyond even silly,” in a tweet.

"As hosts of G-20 what are we telling the world that rather than an emerging great power we are an insecure power. Whichever bright spark thought this one up is the Prime Minister’s worst enemy,” said Manish Tewari, who was once the minister of information.

The raids took place less than a month after the Modi government took extraordinary measures to censor “India: The Modi Question,” a BBC film that resurfaced decades-old allegations that Modi failed to stop a bloody riot in Gujarat state while he served as chief minister in 2002.
Why should I care.

We can't trust them anyway.

They lie, push fake narratives, spread propaganda, place their thumbs on the scales of democracy to weight every story to the lefts advantage.

But do they investigate?

No. They claim Hunter Biden's laptop us fake Russian propaganda and allow Social Media to censor the story without a peep.

They say "it's illegal for you to read Wikileaks...wait for us to let you what's in there."

They brand Snowden a traitor.

The win Pulitzers for stories about fake Russian Collusion.

Fuck 'em.

Let them die.
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  • #46
“The autocrat’s handbook always begins with shutting down the independent media,” warned Kenneth Roth, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch. “Journalists play an essential social role to inform the public, so an informed public can then hold governments accountable for their actions.”

Attacks on journalists and their ability to report freely and independently have been increasing over the past few years along with an increasing trend towards authorita governance.

This article just caught my eye today, but there are many more examples.

Indian government raids BBC offices in wake of documentary critical of Modi

Gaurav Bhatia, a spokesman for Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party, told reporters in a conference that the BBC “must work within India laws” and called the organization “corrupt” without offering specifics, instead listing a litany of perceived problems with its coverage.

“The BBC’s work has historically been tainted with its hatred for India,” he said. “Our constitution allows them to do unbiased journalism, but let me show you how they use journalism as a pretext to put forward their agenda.” He added that media outlets that “have a hidden agenda” and “spew venom” cannot be tolerated.

The opposition Congress Party has loudly condemned the move against the BBC with one member of parliament calling it “imbecile, childish & beyond even silly,” in a tweet.

"As hosts of G-20 what are we telling the world that rather than an emerging great power we are an insecure power. Whichever bright spark thought this one up is the Prime Minister’s worst enemy,” said Manish Tewari, who was once the minister of information.

The raids took place less than a month after the Modi government took extraordinary measures to censor “India: The Modi Question,” a BBC film that resurfaced decades-old allegations that Modi failed to stop a bloody riot in Gujarat state while he served as chief minister in 2002.
comedy gold from you as always,we have not had a free press sense 1913:auiqs.jpg:you are like a 100 years late to the party. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

just ask all the citizens in Mena arkansas who were privy to the mena arkansaw scandal slick willie and his pal bush were involved in,about free speech,how they were ARKANSAWED off and the people that were SUPPOSE to be friends of bills who knew too much of his scandals and were ALSO arkansawed off.right MisterBeale ?LOL

or the hundreds citizens in dallas who wound up dying in very mysterious ways after giving versions of events that did not go along with the warren commissions fairytale version of what happened on nov 22nd 1963.:auiqs.jpg:
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  • #48

The 2022 edition of the World Press Freedom Index, which assesses the state of journalism in 180 countries and territories, highlights the disastrous effects of news and information chaos – the effects of a globalised and unregulated online information space that encourages fake news and propaganda.

Within democratic societies, divisions are growing as a result of the spread of opinion media following the “Fox News model” and the spread of disinformation circuits that are amplified by the way social media functions. At the international level, democracies are being weakened by the asymmetry between open societies and despotic regimes that control their media and online platforms while waging propaganda wars against democracies. Polarisation on these two levels is fuelling increased tension.
“The autocrat’s handbook always begins with shutting down the independent media,” warned Kenneth Roth, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch. “Journalists play an essential social role to inform the public, so an informed public can then hold governments accountable for their actions.”

The DNCCP didn't need to shut down the "independent media". They bought it. The media is not independent, nor has it been for years.

The 2022 edition of the World Press Freedom Index, which assesses the state of journalism in 180 countries and territories, highlights the disastrous effects of news and information chaos – the effects of a globalised and unregulated online information space that encourages fake news and propaganda.

Within democratic societies, divisions are growing as a result of the spread of opinion media following the “Fox News model” and the spread of disinformation circuits that are amplified by the way social media functions. At the international level, democracies are being weakened by the asymmetry between open societies and despotic regimes that control their media and online platforms while waging propaganda wars against democracies. Polarisation on these two levels is fuelling increased tension.

Yes, having an alternate viewpoint is so harmful that there must be only ONE viewpoint allowed.

Do you realize just how fascist that is?
comedy gold from you as always,we have not had a free press sense 1913:auiqs.jpg:you are like a 100 years late to the party. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

just ask all the citizens in Mena arkansas who were privy to the mena arkansaw scandal slick willie and his pal bush were involved in,about free speech,how they were ARKANSAWED off and the people that were SUPPOSE to be friends of bills who knew too much of his scandals and were ALSO arkansawed off.right MisterBeale ?LOL

or the hundreds citizens in dallas who wound up dying in very mysterious ways after giving versions of events that did not go along with the warren commissions fairytale version of what happened on nov 22nd 1963.:auiqs.jpg:
pesky facts that cant be countered are dismissed by our resident troll as fake news,why am i not surprised? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: so much more easy to dismiss them than try and counter them obviously. :auiqs.jpg:
“The autocrat’s handbook always begins with shutting down the independent media,” warned Kenneth Roth, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch. “Journalists play an essential social role to inform the public, so an informed public can then hold governments accountable for their actions.”

Nobody tried to shut down the independent media.

Of course, we don’t have an independent media in the first place.

And nobody has even attempted to shut it down.
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  • #53
Yes, having an alternate viewpoint is so harmful that there must be only ONE viewpoint allowed.

Do you realize just how fascist that is?
That is a pretty ignorant claim. There are thousands of “media” outlets out there now, mostly free and representing a plurality of views. They are given a public platform regardless of truth,accuracy, bias or accountability. Your claim of “one” alternative viewpoint is false.
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  • #54
Nobody tried to shut down the independent media.

Of course, we don’t have an independent media in the first place.

And nobody has even attempted to shut it down.
I’m talking around the world, not just here. And we do have a largely independent media from the government compared to many other countries. However, more and more media today is owned by fewer and fewer entities reducing what was once covered by local media. Also, in being owned by large entities, I have to wonder what else might influence the journalism. That is more of a problem then partisan squabbling which is largely baseless.
I’m talking around the world, not just here.
I believe you meant that. But your post didn’t indicate it.
And we do have a largely independent media from the government compared to many other countries.
Doesn’t mean our media is independent. It is an arm of our DNC.
However, more and more media today is owned by fewer and fewer entities reducing what was once covered by local media.
That may be. It’s a bit of hyperventilation to worry that much about it — especially given that new media forms are emerging.
Also, in being owned by large entities, I have to wonder what else might influence the journalism.
Whatever influences journalism nowadays isn’t new. It’s not always partisan politics. But, sadly, it often is unrelated to objectivity.
That is more of a problem than partisan squabbling which is largely baseless.
That depends. If our major media outlets act as arms of the DNC and what passes for modern American “liberal” political theory, then the partisan politics constitute the biggest problem in journalism these days.
I do not believe that any of the media companies and groups out there are owned by or controlled by either political party. BUT - the ownership and management of many of them are biased one way or the other, and many of them are significantly partisan in their reporting and programming. The result is that the public gets a slanted view of much of the news, and reporters/writers are coerced into following a certain political point of view or else they get fired or forced out of their jobs. And that is a threat to a free press; while the organization itself is not managed by any political party or faction, to some extent their output or product is not independent.
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  • #57
I believe you meant that. But your post didn’t indicate it.

Doesn’t mean our media is independent. It is an arm of our DNC.

That may be. It’s a bit of hyperventilation to worry that much about it — especially given that new media forms are emerging.

Whatever influences journalism nowadays isn’t new. It’s not always partisan politics. But, sadly, it often is unrelated to objectivity.

That depends. If our major media outlets act as arms of the DNC and what passes for modern American “liberal” political theory, then the partisan politics constitute the biggest problem in journalism these days.
I disagree that our major media act as the arms of the DNC, and that should certainly be evident by how they critical they have been about Biden. Note, that was RARE when it came to the rightwing outlets criticizing Trump.
I disagree that our major media act as the arms of the DNC,

That’s ok; you’re allowed to disagree. But I maintain it’s still what it is.
and that should certainly be evident by how they critical they have been about Biden.
Maybe the DNC is using them for future purposes like when they find it necessary to pull the plug on Plugs. He is basically a national joke and worse.
Note, that was RARE when it came to the rightwing outlets criticizing Trump.
There wasn’t much of a right wing media ever. And yet they did manage to attack Trump when it seemed appropriate.

Folks are so caught up in trivialities. . . I didn't think anyone cared about the really important stuff anymore.

Jul 28, 2022

Spies Like Us: The Assange Indictment​

January 20, 2023

Corbyn Tells CN Australia Should Press for Assange Release​

January 20, 2023

WATCH: Belmarsh Tribunal on Assange​

January 22, 2023

Ellsberg: Losing 1st Amendment Reverses War of Independence​

January 23, 2023

WATCH: The US War Against Assange​

January 24, 2023

Sterling: Espionage Act Like Slave-Era Anti-Literacy Laws​

January 25, 2023

Australia Has Not Written to US on Assange For 6 Months​

January 25, 2023

Donziger: Assange Case a Fraud From A to Z​

January 26, 2023

Hrafnsson: Empire Against One Man​

February 1, 2023

Why the Media Fear Julian Assange​

In threatening to bring democratic accountability to the press and the security services, WikiLeaks exposes their long-standing collusion, writes Jonathan Cook.

Protester outside Belmarsh Prison in London on Jan. 22, 2022. (Alisdare Hickson, Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0)
View attachment 756772

This is it folks. IMO, this is for all the marbles. If Assange goes, so too, goes all real press freedom. On both the left, and the right.
So some of us are already planning newsletters in three dimensions. Where's your project?
I disagree that our major media act as the arms of the DNC, and that should certainly be evident by how they critical they have been about Biden. Note, that was RARE when it came to the rightwing outlets criticizing Trump.

Your disagreement is noted. And, for my part, I disagree with your disagreement.


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