Threats to the families of pizza donors

John Marston

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2014
These lib threats to man who launched GoFundMe for Memories Pizza will make your blood boil (screenshots)

Take a look at how the fight for religious freedom was doing today
These lib threats to man who launched GoFundMe for Memories Pizza will make your blood boil screenshots Twitchy

What does need to happen is that the libs needs to lose some scalps, to realize that their thuggish behavior can cost them at least as much as they seek to take from others. Civility and tolerance isn't working in dealing with the libs. Maybe it`s time to try the stick?
The O'Connors' donations have now reached close to a MILLION $$$. They can afford to hire a small army of bodyguards to shred any of the loons who would attack them. Sad that it's come to this, but if you give in to these despicable degenerates, like the cowards in Indiana and Arkansas, you only embolden them, and encourage them to attack you all the more. Pence and Hutchinson need to be kicked out ASAP, and replaced with somebody with the strength to uphold what is right, and represent the people who voted for them, not gangs of thuggish sex perverts.

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