Three cops shot in Baton Rouge

now tell me what group those white men belonged to that has waged war on the Police for not letting them live their illegal lifestyle.
of the approximately 1001 people killed by police this year in America, 502 were white, 250 were black, 163 were Hispanic/Latino, 18 were Asian/Pacific Islander, 13 were American Indian, and 54 were other/unknown.

why dont we hear about the whites that are killed? Oh thats right, they usually deserve it and we dont have to cater to whites to keep them from acting like rabid animals.

Why don't you make a fuss about whites killed? IDK, best guess is you don't give a fuck and want blacks to act the same because that's a virtuous trait.
best guess is that when someone is acting in such a manner that gets him killed, regardless of color we are able to understand that its not an attack on our race.
Maybe if blacks as a whole started to act civilized, we would see the numbers drop.
now tell me what group those white men belonged to that has waged war on the Police for not letting them live their illegal lifestyle.
of the approximately 1001 people killed by police this year in America, 502 were white, 250 were black, 163 were Hispanic/Latino, 18 were Asian/Pacific Islander, 13 were American Indian, and 54 were other/unknown.

why dont we hear about the whites that are killed? Oh thats right, they usually deserve it and we dont have to cater to whites to keep them from acting like rabid animals.

Why don't you make a fuss about whites killed? IDK, best guess is you don't give a fuck and want blacks to act the same because that's a virtuous trait.
best guess is that when someone is acting in such a manner that gets him killed, regardless of color we are able to understand that its not an attack on our race.
Maybe if blacks as a whole started to act civilized, we would see the numbers drop.

So the reason you didn't bitch about the 500 whites shot by cops is because all them white boys were crazy? Thats statistically impossible.
now tell me what group those white men belonged to that has waged war on the Police for not letting them live their illegal lifestyle.
of the approximately 1001 people killed by police this year in America, 502 were white, 250 were black, 163 were Hispanic/Latino, 18 were Asian/Pacific Islander, 13 were American Indian, and 54 were other/unknown.

why dont we hear about the whites that are killed? Oh thats right, they usually deserve it and we dont have to cater to whites to keep them from acting like rabid animals.

Why don't you make a fuss about whites killed? IDK, best guess is you don't give a fuck and want blacks to act the same because that's a virtuous trait.
best guess is that when someone is acting in such a manner that gets him killed, regardless of color we are able to understand that its not an attack on our race.
Maybe if blacks as a whole started to act civilized, we would see the numbers drop.

So the reason you didn't bitch about the 500 whites shot by cops is because all them white boys were crazy? Thats statistically impossible.
Im sorry, I missed the threads you started to speak out against the death of these innocent whites. Please link me back to them so I can read through and come back with a formal apology to you.
Yes you idiot, they deserved to get shot, death is always a very real ending to being shot.
except for the whites that were murdered by the clinton administration simply for trying to live off the grid.
now tell me what group those white men belonged to that has waged war on the Police for not letting them live their illegal lifestyle.
of the approximately 1001 people killed by police this year in America, 502 were white, 250 were black, 163 were Hispanic/Latino, 18 were Asian/Pacific Islander, 13 were American Indian, and 54 were other/unknown.

why dont we hear about the whites that are killed? Oh thats right, they usually deserve it and we dont have to cater to whites to keep them from acting like rabid animals.

Why don't you make a fuss about whites killed? IDK, best guess is you don't give a fuck and want blacks to act the same because that's a virtuous trait.
best guess is that when someone is acting in such a manner that gets him killed, regardless of color we are able to understand that its not an attack on our race.
Maybe if blacks as a whole started to act civilized, we would see the numbers drop.

So the reason you didn't bitch about the 500 whites shot by cops is because all them white boys were crazy? Thats statistically impossible.
You are failing miserably in this debate with him. Your desperate attempt to divide along racial lines is being met with a law & order attitude.
Taking away anyones gun does nothing. The criminals will still get them. Don't you get that?? They don't follow the law! And it seems the more gun laws the more criminals are using them! Those that murder don't give a DAMN about laws!
Ok, The gun lovers have won, and I am willing to compromise. Would ya'll be ok with us just taking the guns away from blacks?
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now tell me what group those white men belonged to that has waged war on the Police for not letting them live their illegal lifestyle.
of the approximately 1001 people killed by police this year in America, 502 were white, 250 were black, 163 were Hispanic/Latino, 18 were Asian/Pacific Islander, 13 were American Indian, and 54 were other/unknown.

why dont we hear about the whites that are killed? Oh thats right, they usually deserve it and we dont have to cater to whites to keep them from acting like rabid animals.

Why don't you make a fuss about whites killed? IDK, best guess is you don't give a fuck and want blacks to act the same because that's a virtuous trait.
best guess is that when someone is acting in such a manner that gets him killed, regardless of color we are able to understand that its not an attack on our race.
Maybe if blacks as a whole started to act civilized, we would see the numbers drop.

So the reason you didn't bitch about the 500 whites shot by cops is because all them white boys were crazy? Thats statistically impossible.
Im sorry, I missed the threads you started to speak out against the death of these innocent whites. Please link me back to them so I can read through and come back with a formal apology to you.
Yes you idiot, they deserved to get shot, death is always a very real ending to being shot.
except for the whites that were murdered by the clinton administration simply for trying to live off the grid.
It's called consequences, they don't think there should be any, if there are, we'll then it's now your fault. Consequence.

Like when they rob someone, if cops catch them and they resist, the cop is now the bad guys. LOL
You are wrong-
Dead Baton Rouge
The suspect has been identified as a black male named Gavin Eugene Long of Kansas City, Missouri, sources tell CBS News. He was born on July 17, 1987.
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Police say he was a lone shooter.
Does he have ties to BLM or are we just making an assumption.
I have to know this before I start posting crap about BLM.
Taking away anyones gun does nothing. The criminals will still get them. Don't you get that?? They don't follow the law! And it seems the more gun laws the more criminals are using them! Those that murder don't give a DAMN about laws!
Ok, The gun lovers have won, and I am willing to compromise. Would ya'll be ok with us just taking the guns away from blacks?

This is the typical Leftist thinking, expecting criminals to obey the law :uhoh3:

Even if one were to restrict guns, people can always get guns on the huge black market.
Apparently this guy was a member of some anti-tax separatist group out of Kansas City named Gavin Long. Here's his FB page, Gavin Long | Facebook, and his Dad's. Daddy looks like Phil Robertson. :)

Bob Long | Facebook

Got the wrong Gavin, try again. I bet you were just hoping.

lol...I was going on the news he was one of those tax separatists like Bundy. Never heard of a black one. :)

There's always a first time for everything.
Pile the bodies high liberal media. Thanks for your promotion of the Ferguson lie. Pile the bodies high for Hillary to get her fat fucking ass elected. Liberal cop killers.

Wow, I read posts like this and wonder what the heck!! I would assume you call yourself a conservative. You do not deserve the moniker. Websters definition "a : tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions : traditionalb : marked by moderation or caution <a conservative estimate>c : marked by or relating to traditional norms of taste, elegance, style, or manners"

Calling all liberals cop killers is not a statement marked by moderation. Calling Hillary Hillicunt or calling the bodies stacking up for her fat f ing ass is not marked by caution nor is it showing manners. Hillary killed no body, not her fault, not even black lives matters fault. It was the fault of who ever pulled the trigger. Conservatives believe in culpability of all who show up to work, cops included. When unarmed people die who are not being violent, some one needs to be held responsible. It is that simple regardless of color of skin. There was no Ferguson lie, bad things happened period. Placing blame on those who had nothing to do with it is a waste of time. All lives matter, The movement is called black lives matter because as of now blacks are being killed in these situations at rates higher rates than others and because of the racism that still exists towards them. Please note that this has also happened to people of other color. I recently witnessed the killing of a young white engineering student by police. In this case he was acting erratically threatening to kill himself with a knife. He was shot to death while wielding a knife. The problem was that there was no other person with in twenty five feet of the young man. The knife was less than six inches long. I am not saying that shooting the fellow would not have been the eventual outcome but at the time it was done, with twenty five feet to the next person no other lives were in danger. A better outcome was possible. In my mind I do not think the cop who made the shot was criminal, fear in this type of situation can cause bad out comes and does not rise to the level of criminality, but that being said I do not think that the cop who made the shot is in the right profession.
DNC and liberal media are cop killers.
Hillary's racist wedge issue campaign killed those cops just as sure as if her race baiting campaign pulled the trigger.

So Mrs. Clinton campaign is more racist than Trumps? What a laugh!!! Also please note that when the news offers an opinion other than your own, or facts that do not substantiate your opinion it is a liberal conspiracy right? Can you say paranoid , delusional, completely self absorbed. If you are always right how do have any room for growth or improvement. It must be a rough life to feel as though you are always right and any other information not supporting this feeling is a conspiracy. You must feel that every one is out to get you. Should we hold you responsible for the shootings down in Florida because your party tends to be anti gay. Is it reasonable, to try and jail you or call you a terrorist. Do you see the left making statements like the gays should run around pulling drive byes on the RNC like one of your like minded compatriots is spewing on the next page.does this kind of speech seem conservative, educated, and reasonable to you? Should I call you a racist, bigoted idiot because some other on the right say such stupid things such as "the cops should start pulling drive byes in the hood killing every body" or like one idiot posted in my newspaper recently that climate warming can't be true because figuring averages is to hard to be possible. I was able to figure my batting average in the second grade. Do you really want to lump yourself into this category with the other idiots? I mean lets face it whether or not global warming is true or not do you really want to lump yourself in with people that believe calculating averages is impossible. It is not even advanced math. Blaming an entire party for the actions of a few is not conservative, it is radical. Saying there is a liberal media conspiracy is also radical. Grow up and realize that information contrary to your views does not constitute conspiracy. It does how ever constitute a difference in opinion. Calling the DNC and all media terrorists is lumping you into the above categories. As far as the Ferguson lies, an unarmed black man was shot, it happened. Did he say arms up don't shoot I do not know. The guy threatened physical violence to a store clerk before being shot, and was a large guy. I may have shot him myself in that situation I do not know!! I was not there to see how threatening it was. That being said he was unarmed. Due to the fact that I admit fear could have caused me to shoot an unarmed man in threatening situation, I would have to say that I do not posses a personality conducive to being a police officer. A good cop could have gotten the unarmed man into custody with out killing him. Do you want good cops or bad cops? Here is some reality for you not all republicans are good people, in the same token not all republicans are bad people. This logic holds true for almost ever group one can imagine.
Pile the bodies high liberal media. Thanks for your promotion of the Ferguson lie. Pile the bodies high for Hillary to get her fat fucking ass elected. Liberal cop killers.

Wow, I read posts like this and wonder what the heck!! I would assume you call yourself a conservative. You do not deserve the moniker. Websters definition "a : tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions : traditionalb : marked by moderation or caution <a conservative estimate>c : marked by or relating to traditional norms of taste, elegance, style, or manners"

Calling all liberals cop killers is not a statement marked by moderation. Calling Hillary Hillicunt or calling the bodies stacking up for her fat f ing ass is not marked by caution nor is it showing manners. Hillary killed no body, not her fault, not even black lives matters fault. It was the fault of who ever pulled the trigger. Conservatives believe in culpability of all who show up to work, cops included. When unarmed people die who are not being violent, some one needs to be held responsible. It is that simple regardless of color of skin. There was no Ferguson lie, bad things happened period. Placing blame on those who had nothing to do with it is a waste of time. All lives matter, The movement is called black lives matter because as of now blacks are being killed in these situations at rates higher rates than others and because of the racism that still exists towards them. Please note that this has also happened to people of other color. I recently witnessed the killing of a young white engineering student by police. In this case he was acting erratically threatening to kill himself with a knife. He was shot to death while wielding a knife. The problem was that there was no other person with in twenty five feet of the young man. The knife was less than six inches long. I am not saying that shooting the fellow would not have been the eventual outcome but at the time it was done, with twenty five feet to the next person no other lives were in danger. A better outcome was possible. In my mind I do not think the cop who made the shot was criminal, fear in this type of situation can cause bad out comes and does not rise to the level of criminality, but that being said I do not think that the cop who made the shot is in the right profession.
DNC and liberal media are cop killers.
Hillary's racist wedge issue campaign killed those cops just as sure as if her race baiting campaign pulled the trigger.

So Mrs. Clinton campaign is more racist than Trumps? What a laugh!!! Also please note that when the news offers an opinion other than your own, or facts that do not substantiate your opinion it is a liberal conspiracy right? Can you say paranoid , delusional, completely self absorbed. If you are always right how do have any room for growth or improvement. It must be a rough life to feel as though you are always right and any other information not supporting this feeling is a conspiracy. You must feel that every one is out to get you. Should we hold you responsible for the shootings down in Florida because your party tends to be anti gay. Is it reasonable, to try and jail you or call you a terrorist. Do you see the left making statements like the gays should run around pulling drive byes on the RNC like one of your like minded compatriots is spewing on the next page.does this kind of speech seem conservative, educated, and reasonable to you? Should I call you a racist, bigoted idiot because some other on the right say such stupid things such as "the cops should start pulling drive byes in the hood killing every body" or like one idiot posted in my newspaper recently that climate warming can't be true because figuring averages is to hard to be possible. I was able to figure my batting average in the second grade. Do you really want to lump yourself into this category with the other idiots? I mean lets face it whether or not global warming is true or not do you really want to lump yourself in with people that believe calculating averages is impossible. It is not even advanced math. Blaming an entire party for the actions of a few is not conservative, it is radical. Saying there is a liberal media conspiracy is also radical. Grow up and realize that information contrary to your views does not constitute conspiracy. It does how ever constitute a difference in opinion. Calling the DNC and all media terrorists is lumping you into the above categories. As far as the Ferguson lies, an unarmed black man was shot, it happened. Did he say arms up don't shoot I do not know. The guy threatened physical violence to a store clerk before being shot, and was a large guy. I may have shot him myself in that situation I do not know!! I was not there to see how threatening it was. That being said he was unarmed. Due to the fact that I admit fear could have caused me to shoot an unarmed man in threatening situation, I would have to say that I do not posses a personality conducive to being a police officer. A good cop could have gotten the unarmed man into custody with out killing him. Do you want good cops or bad cops? Here is some reality for you not all republicans are good people, in the same token not all republicans are bad people. This logic holds true for almost ever group one can imagine.

You should format that in a different way, paragraphs are your friend.
Taking away anyones gun does nothing. The criminals will still get them. Don't you get that?? They don't follow the law! And it seems the more gun laws the more criminals are using them! Those that murder don't give a DAMN about laws!
Ok, The gun lovers have won, and I am willing to compromise. Would ya'll be ok with us just taking the guns away from blacks?

This is the typical Leftist thinking, expecting criminals to obey the law :uhoh3:

Even if one were to restrict guns, people can always get guns on the huge black market.

Or at gun shows.
now tell me what group those white men belonged to that has waged war on the Police for not letting them live their illegal lifestyle.
of the approximately 1001 people killed by police this year in America, 502 were white, 250 were black, 163 were Hispanic/Latino, 18 were Asian/Pacific Islander, 13 were American Indian, and 54 were other/unknown.

why dont we hear about the whites that are killed? Oh thats right, they usually deserve it and we dont have to cater to whites to keep them from acting like rabid animals.

Why don't you make a fuss about whites killed? IDK, best guess is you don't give a fuck and want blacks to act the same because that's a virtuous trait.
best guess is that when someone is acting in such a manner that gets him killed, regardless of color we are able to understand that its not an attack on our race.
Maybe if blacks as a whole started to act civilized, we would see the numbers drop.

So the reason you didn't bitch about the 500 whites shot by cops is because all them white boys were crazy? Thats statistically impossible.
Im sorry, I missed the threads you started to speak out against the death of these innocent whites. Please link me back to them so I can read through and come back with a formal apology to you.

After a year with no answers in Fairfax police slaying of John Geer, family sues

I expect you to apologize as promised.
Police say he was a lone shooter.
Does he have ties to BLM or are we just making an assumption.
I have to know this before I start posting crap about BLM.

He's black and doesn't want to see blacks shot by many that will translate into him being a BLM leader or co-founder.
now tell me what group those white men belonged to that has waged war on the Police for not letting them live their illegal lifestyle.
of the approximately 1001 people killed by police this year in America, 502 were white, 250 were black, 163 were Hispanic/Latino, 18 were Asian/Pacific Islander, 13 were American Indian, and 54 were other/unknown.

why dont we hear about the whites that are killed? Oh thats right, they usually deserve it and we dont have to cater to whites to keep them from acting like rabid animals.

Why don't you make a fuss about whites killed? IDK, best guess is you don't give a fuck and want blacks to act the same because that's a virtuous trait.
best guess is that when someone is acting in such a manner that gets him killed, regardless of color we are able to understand that its not an attack on our race.
Maybe if blacks as a whole started to act civilized, we would see the numbers drop.

So the reason you didn't bitch about the 500 whites shot by cops is because all them white boys were crazy? Thats statistically impossible.
Im sorry, I missed the threads you started to speak out against the death of these innocent whites. Please link me back to them so I can read through and come back with a formal apology to you.

After a year with no answers in Fairfax police slaying of John Geer, family sues

I expect you to apologize as promised.
apology offered.
America is officially a full fledged Banana republic.

Very sad.

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