Three Members Of A Radical Right Wing Militia Group Sentenced

Mainstream Republicans criticize Obama for a number of reputable reasons.

Mainstream Republicans are voting for Romney, as am I.

Mainstream Republicans shudder at the likes of you, daveman, pretending to be mainstream.

Bullshit. You aren't mainstream Republican. You're a fucking mole.

You probably take money to do it, too, scumbag.
How do we both know that? And when did you become an authority on what clever people do, think and read....?

I'm not as much an authority on WHAT clever people read - as to the fact that clever people DO read.

The fact that you can barely read or write suggests to me that this isn't you.
Three members in an Alaskan radical right wing militia group have been found guilty of numerous charges including conspiracy to commit murder (against law enforcement) possession of numerous illegal weapons, destructive devices and more.

Another fact is the biggest threat of terror against freedom and the nation isn't from Islamists like the right wing media would like you to think, it's actually from domestic right wing terror cells.

Militiamen found guilty, face long sentences: Breaking News | Alaska news at


This is pretty stupid. Nobody denies that there are other threats than just the jihadi terrorist threat. But the Jihadi threat is clearly the greatest. Counting incidents is ridiculous. How many people were killed?
How do we both know that? And when did you become an authority on what clever people do, think and read....?

I'm not as much an authority on WHAT clever people read - as to the fact that clever people DO read.

The fact that you can barely read or write suggests to me that this isn't you.

Says the person who has demonstrated he's a total fraud and liar.
Mainstream Republicans criticize Obama for a number of reputable reasons.
Bitching because he's not far enough left to suit you is not one of them, kid.
Mainstream Republicans are voting for Romney, as am I.

Mainstream Republicans shudder at the likes of you, daveman, pretending to be mainstream.
If you really are a mainstream Republican, then you're what's wrong with the GOP -- too far left, not nearly conservative enough.
Mainstream Republicans criticize Obama for a number of reputable reasons.

Mainstream Republicans are voting for Romney, as am I.

Mainstream Republicans shudder at the likes of you, daveman, pretending to be mainstream.

If you are using labels jake why not stick with what you post as a label. It's left of alinsky
How do we both know that? And when did you become an authority on what clever people do, think and read....?

I'm not as much an authority on WHAT clever people read - as to the fact that clever people DO read.

The fact that you can barely read or write suggests to me that this isn't you.

...says the guy who can't properly use the Quote function.

"I'm smart, dammit! You have to respect me!!" *stamps feet*
Mainstream Republicans criticize Obama for a number of reputable reasons.
Bitching because he's not far enough left to suit you is not one of them, kid.
Mainstream Republicans are voting for Romney, as am I.

Mainstream Republicans shudder at the likes of you, daveman, pretending to be mainstream.
If you really are a mainstream Republican, then you're what's wrong with the GOP -- too far left, not nearly conservative enough.

Bang we have a winner.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
Three members in an Alaskan radical right wing militia group have been found guilty of numerous charges including conspiracy to commit murder (against law enforcement) possession of numerous illegal weapons, destructive devices and more.

Another fact is the biggest threat of terror against freedom and the nation isn't from Islamists like the right wing media would like you to think, it's actually from domestic right wing terror cells.

Militiamen found guilty, face long sentences: Breaking News | Alaska news at


This is pretty stupid. Nobody denies that there are other threats than just the jihadi terrorist threat. But the Jihadi threat is clearly the greatest. Counting incidents is ridiculous. How many people were killed?

I know it's hard for you to take, but the fact is the far right is a much bigger terror threat than jihad.
Three members in an Alaskan radical right wing militia group have been found guilty of numerous charges including conspiracy to commit murder (against law enforcement) possession of numerous illegal weapons, destructive devices and more.

Another fact is the biggest threat of terror against freedom and the nation isn't from Islamists like the right wing media would like you to think, it's actually from domestic right wing terror cells.

Militiamen found guilty, face long sentences: Breaking News | Alaska news at


This is pretty stupid. Nobody denies that there are other threats than just the jihadi terrorist threat. But the Jihadi threat is clearly the greatest. Counting incidents is ridiculous. How many people were killed?

I know it's hard for you to take, but the fact is the far right is a much bigger terror threat than jihad.

The idiot stick must have hurt bad when it hit you.
This is pretty stupid. Nobody denies that there are other threats than just the jihadi terrorist threat. But the Jihadi threat is clearly the greatest. Counting incidents is ridiculous. How many people were killed?

I know it's hard for you to take, but the fact is the far right is a much bigger terror threat than jihad.

The idiot stick must have hurt bad when it hit you.

Are you that dumb that you can't even read a simple chart?
Mainstream Republicans criticize Obama for a number of reputable reasons.
Bitching because he's not far enough left to suit you is not one of them, kid.
Mainstream Republicans are voting for Romney, as am I.

Mainstream Republicans shudder at the likes of you, daveman, pretending to be mainstream.
If you really are a mainstream Republican, then you're what's wrong with the GOP -- too far left, not nearly conservative enough.

No one of repute here is worried about what you think is conservative enough.

Folks like you on the far right are why Romney won the GOP primaries.
"facts are stubborn things" and the fact is the far right is the most dangerous terror cell to america.

I'm sorry, but that is a very ignorant statement..

Deaths: -------- Incident:
2,976 -------- September 11 attacks
309 -------- 1983 Beirut barracks bombing
237 -------- 1998 United States embassy bombings
13 -------- Fort Hood shooting
6 -------- 1993 World Trade Center bombing

You wanna argue with me on who the greatest terrorist threat to our country is? Idiot.
Right wing terrorists here in America are more dangerous to Americans than jihadists here. We have had less than 20 deaths since 9/12/2001 from jihadists (13 in one incident).

Both jihadists and militia wacks in America are police matters, nothing more.

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