Three N.C. Democrats Admit Voting Twice For Obama...

I voted for Obama a dozen times

You have a problem with that?
This is what we get to look forward to again in 2012. :(

But TM says there is no such thing as voter fraud...and those that try to stop it with photo ID's
are ruthless evil people...well those are my words but I'm sure TM would agree with that
First off -- to vote TWICE -- with or without voter ID -- YOU HAD TO BE ON THE ROLLS in two different places. Voter ID is NOT gonna stop that. The govt is notoriously BAD at database management tasks and computer systems. There is no excuse for HUGE overlaps in INTRASTATE voter rolls. Just bad governance.. The registrars have YEARS between elections to resolve this.

(interstate duplication is a much harder problem, but folks can vote absentee on one and at the polls at the other).

Secondly -- you ought to be able to prance into the polls in your freaking SKIVVIES with NO ID and vote. Because if the rolls are correct and they show YOUR SIGNATURE --- all you should require is the loan of pen.. Same way I can jog into my bank and withdraw $10K with a signature (well some days -- maybe)..

The emphasis on resolving all this on VOTING DAY is misplaced. For those too incompetent or lazy and wait until election day.. Give them a double line at the registrar's office and do your best to process them THAT DAY.. No promises made.

A signature or a validated registration card should be all you need at the polls..
I wasn't aware that Obama took NC in 2008.

He did, barely, by about 14,000 votes. I'm sure this type of fraud can be found on both sides. I don't have a problem with requiring ID. Actually, where I vote, they do ask for it. Not sure if it is actually required or whether a signature is enough.

I don't either.

So long as the ID is provided free of charge to those that can't afford it on the day of the election.

:lol::lol:jesus christ.....:lol:
Voter fraud is bad. People shouldn't do it, and if they do they should suffer criminal penalties.

That being said, the current wave of restrictive voting laws aren't really intended primarily to correct voter fraud, but to prevent certain groups from casting legitimate votes. New Hampshire's House Speaker wasn't saying anything shocking when he identified the act his state's law was designed to prevent as "voting as a liberal". Laws that stop dozens of people from voting fraudulently and millions from voting legitimately are morally indefensible.

The republican lawmakers enacting the voter ID laws know that they are doing, it's only the stupid conservative public who is clueless. I'd have respect for the tea party crowd if they admitted the true purpose of voter ID laws.

and what is the true purpose of voter ID?
Voter fraud is bad. People shouldn't do it, and if they do they should suffer criminal penalties.

That being said, the current wave of restrictive voting laws aren't really intended primarily to correct voter fraud, but to prevent certain groups from casting legitimate votes. New Hampshire's House Speaker wasn't saying anything shocking when he identified the act his state's law was designed to prevent as "voting as a liberal". Laws that stop dozens of people from voting fraudulently and millions from voting legitimately are morally indefensible.

The republican lawmakers enacting the voter ID laws know that they are doing, it's only the stupid conservative public who is clueless. I'd have respect for the tea party crowd if they admitted the true purpose of voter ID laws.

and what is the true purpose of voter ID?

To deny black, Hispanic and young voters the right to vote. Why are states trying to deny the use of college IDs for voter registration?
The republican lawmakers enacting the voter ID laws know that they are doing, it's only the stupid conservative public who is clueless. I'd have respect for the tea party crowd if they admitted the true purpose of voter ID laws.

and what is the true purpose of voter ID?

To deny black, Hispanic and young voters the right to vote. Why are states trying to deny the use of college IDs for voter registration?

Not an acceptable form.
ACORN has not gone away. Many have gone to prison for Voter Fraud but the group has merely broken up into smaller groups with different names. So massive Democrat Voter Fraud will have to be watched in 2012. Nothing has really changed since the last Presidential Election.

How many ACORNers have gone to prison?

What percentage of the vote cast for Obama were fraudulent?

Because I could enroll tomorrow under John Doe with a check.

So states want to block student IDs but they allow hunting and fishing licenses, utility bills, credit cards or paychecks to be used as valid IDs and these are the tough states?

Not in my state they dont. Valid ID only and were a blue state.

However with the motor voter law we have thousands of extra votes every election. See the link I posted.

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