Three Percenters, Patriot Prayer, Proud Boys: - How Can A Civilised Country Allow These Hate Militia's?

Oz and the Orchestra

Platinum Member
May 25, 2020
Lake District England
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,
I am all for free speech, but.....

IOW, you're not really for free speech.

There are reasons our forbears kicked your despotic limey asses off the continent.
I am all for free speech, but

In other words you’re not for free speech.

They aren’t breaking any laws, they aren’t violent, they aren’t racist.

Unlike Antifa and BLM, who are blatantly racist and violent, yet you have no issues with them.

Proud Boys will respond to being attacked with force, and that may lead to them breaking laws, even in self defense.

However what you lack at their rallies is the wonton property damage you see from the left.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,
Dont you have enough problems to solve in the UK without poking your nose in our affairs?
We on the left believe that all human beings are responsible for the safety & rights of all human beings across the world. The UN and Int. Criminal Court were set up for that very purpose.
If the US Government are too chicken livered to declare and ban on these terrorist hate groups, then the UN should.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,
Dont you have enough problems to solve in the UK without poking your nose in our affairs?
We on the left believe that all human beings are responsible for the safety & rights of all human beings across the world. The UN and Int. Criminal Court were set up for that very purpose.
Maybe they should start doing their job. People all over the world live in fear and have few rights.
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,
Dont you have enough problems to solve in the UK without poking your nose in our affairs?
We on the left believe that all human beings are responsible for the safety & rights of all human beings across the world. The UN and Int. Criminal Court were set up for that very purpose.
If the US Government are too chicken livered to declare and ban on these terrorist hate groups, then the UN should.
What's your direct evidence that Proud Boys is a "terrorist hate group"?....I mean other than that they're in favor of the traditional western values that Marxists like you hate.

Please show your work.
I am all for free speech, but

In other words you’re not for free speech.

They aren’t breaking any laws, they aren’t violent, they aren’t racist.

Unlike Antifa and BLM, who are blatantly racist and violent, yet you have no issues with them.
like the man said, to libs anyone to the right of hillary is a white supremacist

its just another trick of the left to silence the opposition
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,
Dont you have enough problems to solve in the UK without poking your nose in our affairs?
We on the left believe that all human beings are responsible for the safety & rights of all human beings across the world. The UN and Int. Criminal Court were set up for that very purpose.
If the US Government are too chicken livered to declare and ban on these terrorist hate groups, then the UN should.
But of course not BLM or antifa right?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,
Dont you have enough problems to solve in the UK without poking your nose in our affairs?
We on the left believe that all human beings are responsible for the safety & rights of all human beings across the world. The UN and Int. Criminal Court were set up for that very purpose.
If the US Government are too chicken livered to declare and ban on these terrorist hate groups, then the UN should.
You got to love the craziness. ”we on the left believe all human beings are responsible for the rights and safety of all human beings”. Got to love that bullshit statement. Yet the ones on the left are killing, maiming and destroying lives by looting and burning.

using SPLC as a source of anything is ludicrous as they are a hate group.
But hey the left never was known for their thinking skills.
Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?
"Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?"



Are you PROUD of images above?
Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?
"Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?"


View attachment 396021View attachment 396022View attachment 396024

Are you PROUD of images above?
Yes, indeed, Democrats were white supremacists back in those days. We already knew that.

We also already knew you wouldn't come up with a list.

Thank you for participating; please play again.
Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?
"Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?"


View attachment 396021View attachment 396022View attachment 396024

Are you PROUD of images above?
Those images are no less than 75 years old.

Have something a little more contemporary?
There are according to SPLC 940 Hate Groups across the USA.
Many of them armed and form militia's.
White supremacist hate groups have increased 55% since Trumps presidency in 2016.

I am all for free speech, but in what way can it benefit a society to allow these self confessed anti-Government, anti-democratic and anti-everybody who is not like them, bigots to prance around wielding lethal weapons en masse.

This couldn't and wouldn't happen in any other civilised country in the world.

The US Government is elected by her people. People may question that, but forming militia groups, and directly threatening the government is simply crazy to those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

All these groups should be labeled terrorist, and imprisoned.

One day the US Government will suffer what happened when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was left un monitored for years in Beirut, except with liquid gas it does not declare its intentions. These terrorists do and should be eradicated,
Dont you have enough problems to solve in the UK without poking your nose in our affairs?
We on the left believe that all human beings are responsible for the safety & rights of all human beings across the world. The UN and Int. Criminal Court were set up for that very purpose.
If the US Government are too chicken livered to declare and ban on these terrorist hate groups, then the UN should.
What's your direct evidence that Proud Boys is a "terrorist hate group"?....I mean other than that they're in favor of the traditional western values that Marxists like you hate.

Please show your work.
The fact that they openly threaten to overthrow the Government of the USA. By armed revolt.
Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?
"Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?"


View attachment 396021View attachment 396022View attachment 396024

Are you PROUD of images above?
Damn straight! Proud and love it.
Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?
"Oz, do you have a list of black entrepreneurs and citizens who were assaulted or murdered by white supremacists while minding their own business?"


View attachment 396021View attachment 396022View attachment 396024

Are you PROUD of images above?
Those images are no less than 75 years old.

Have something a little more contemporary?
The mentality of race hate is handed down over generations in the US.

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