Three Republican Candidates to Address AIPAC - Ron Paul Not Invited


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
WASHINGTON (JTA) - Three of the four Republican presidential candidates will speak to the AIPAC conference by satellite on Super Tuesday.

Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich each will address the American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference on the morning of March 6 before an expected 13,000 activists - a record number. The activists will spend the rest of the day lobbying Congress to ratchet up Iran's isolation and intensify the U.S.-Israel strategic relationship. AIPAC has refused to invite the fourth candidate, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), to speak, citing the precedent of the Republican Jewish Coalition which shuns Paul for his steady record of voting against assistance for Israel and for his past instances of anti-Israel rhetoric.

Three GOP candidates to Address AIPAC - JTA

Even though my opinion doesn't really count in this particular instance, Ron Paul has my support primarily for his stance on Israel. And if I were him I'd be honoured to be excluded from this parade of prostitutes to Khazar Zionism and a group that undeniably infringes upon American sovereignty.
Paul continually makes the case that Israel should be free to exercise their sovereignty and act how they want without the US getting in their way. Israel says it won't warn the US before it strikes Iran. Why should they? They're a free country.

You would THINK they would want him there more than the others.
I'm hearing that he will be there. Also, Obama will be there. Ultimately what difference does it make either way?

Where are you hearing this?

CNN mentioned this morning that all the gop hopefuls would be there. But like I said, does it really matter?

The media doesnt recognize Paul when they say "all". Just earlier David Gregory was interviewing Cantor, and he talked about the Virginia primary ballot and said "there's no one else on the ballot with Romney". Cantor had to correct him and mention that Paul is on there as well.

So I'll believe they mean Paul as well, when I SEE it.
I'm hearing that he will be there. Also, Obama will be there. Ultimately what difference does it make either way?

Where are you hearing this?

CNN mentioned this morning that all the gop hopefuls would be there. But like I said, does it really matter?

In the grand scheme of things, no, it doesn't really matter. But it certainly alludes to a sense of paranoia rippling through the Zionist ranks and them recognising his influence. Censoring or suppressing Ron Paul is like trying to force a basketball under water with your bare hands, in that no matter how hard you try, it'll always resurface.
Paul continually makes the case that Israel should be free to exercise their sovereignty and act how they want without the US getting in their way. Israel says it won't warn the US before it strikes Iran. Why should they? They're a free country.

You would THINK they would want him there more than the others.

It's all about the benjamins.

I thought Glenn Greenwald summed up this event nicely.

It's easy to forget because of how normalized it is, but this annual obligatory pilgrimage and oath-taking before AIPAC is just bizarre!/ggreenwald/status/176341357424672770

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