Zone1 Three Temptations

The only way for me to believe is because I want there to be a god and a heaven. Knowing that, I can't fool myself like you have.
The great difference between us were our wants: There was the a want of any god and a heaven.

And, there was a child who simply wanted to know God, without any thought to the rest.

Jesus once said of himself that the Son of Man had not place to lay his head. I have often wondered if he thought of the Father as he said that. Ever given any thought for God, who is everywhere and with us all, having no place for Himself? He always has to be somewhere...does no one have concern for God? How can anyone not want to know God?
People who believe in god don't believe in evolution or man made climate change. And a lot of them think the election was stolen from Trump, even though the evidence clearly shows Trump tried to steal the election. Still religious people support Trump.
I've believed in evolution from the moment it was explained. I believe in "man made climate change" as much as I believe in "dinosaur made climate change". The earth's climate has always been in flux, just as the Teutonic plates have always been on the move.

It amuses me that government can get people believe they can stop the climate from changing (but money is needed). Next step, get people to believe government can stop the Teutonic plates from moving (but money is needed).

Who cares about the election. Our country is run by a political machine that makes certain we vote the way we are told. Vote for the man who has dementia. (We bow down.) Vote for the man who is suffering from a stroke! (We bow down.) Let any man throw a spindle into the cogs of this machine, and the Machine will make sure everyone pays.

Star Trek's 7 of 9? We are all just # of 332,000,000. As far as politics goes.
My grandmother was dumb as a bag of rocks. She swallowed religion easily. Never questioned it.
My grandmother was very intelligent--a woman of faith (and yes, a nurse who also believed in evolution. She questioned everything, which kept her strong in her faith and strong in her profession.
The great difference between us were our wants: There was the a want of any god and a heaven.

And, there was a child who simply wanted to know God, without any thought to the rest.

Jesus once said of himself that the Son of Man had not place to lay his head. I have often wondered if he thought of the Father as he said that. Ever given any thought for God, who is everywhere and with us all, having no place for Himself? He always has to be somewhere...does no one have concern for God? How can anyone not want to know God?
I didn't want to? Of course I did. But I realized want has nothing to do with it. In fact want might be overweighing my common sense part of my brain.
I thought only through Jesus can you enter heaven? So Muslims go to heaven even though they worship a different messiah? Any messiah will do? So Mormons are cool worshipping Joe Smith?
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (i.e., the Way of God, of Truth, of Life). Jesus mentioned he had other flocks as well.

Muslims worship God (whom they call Allah). They do not worship Muhammad, he is a prophet of great honor. The same of Joseph Smith. People of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day saints honor Joseph Smith as a prophet. They worship God.
I've believed in evolution from the moment it was explained. I believe in "man made climate change" as much as I believe in "dinosaur made climate change". The earth's climate has always been in flux, just as the Teutonic plates have always been on the move.

It amuses me that government can get people believe they can stop the climate from changing (but money is needed). Next step, get people to believe government can stop the Teutonic plates from moving (but money is needed).

Who cares about the election. Our country is run by a political machine that makes certain we vote the way we are told. Vote for the man who has dementia. (We bow down.) Vote for the man who is suffering from a stroke! (We bow down.) Let any man throw a spindle into the cogs of this machine, and the Machine will make sure everyone pays.

Star Trek's 7 of 9? We are all just # of 332,000,000. As far as politics goes.
Just because climate change has always happened doesn't mean man made climate change isn't happening.

Yes if we stop putting up so much pollution into our atmosphere that will change the climate. OMG I can't believe I have to explain this to you but then again you do believe in fairytales so back to the intelligence thing.

They did a study and found religious people in America are the most against climate change. Or the biggest deniers. Wonder why that is. Why do religious people in Europe understand it's real?

I'll tell you why. Because you religious people also listen to Republicans, who take money from oil companies who pay them to deny global warming is real.

We all know man made climate change is real. Funny you don't.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (i.e., the Way of God, of Truth, of Life). Jesus mentioned he had other flocks as well.

Muslims worship God (whom they call Allah). They do not worship Muhammad, he is a prophet of great honor. The same of Joseph Smith. People of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day saints honor Joseph Smith as a prophet. They worship God.
So it's not true that Jesus is the only way. Thank you.
I didn't want to? Of course I did. But I realized want has nothing to do with it. In fact want might be overweighing my common sense part of my brain.
Seeking God to have God and heaven is seeking for oneself, putting self first. We cannot be our own priority, not when it comes to seeking God. He must be our priority.
Yes if we stop putting up so much pollution into our atmosphere that will change the climate. OMG I can't believe I have to explain this to you but then again you do believe in fairytales so back to the intelligence thing.
I think it almost unanimous that we stop putting up so much pollution. Period. Where I draw the line is finding something with which to scare people to gain than end. The first attempt was scaring people that climate was warming. When that wouldn't hold water, they went with, "Hey! Climate change is always happening--that cannot be disproven, so let's go with 'climate change' and make them believe we can stop it! Yes! That's the ticket!"

My daughter was in Asia for a couple of years, and not even the most polluted part of Asia. Are we believers in stopping pollution? Absolutely! Are we believers government can change climate? No. They can't even stop pollution where it is at its worse.

One of the first rules of advertisement is to find something that will scare people into buying. It is obvious people in government took a few advertising classes. They sure made believers out of the people, didn't they?
I agree children should not be brainwashed with religion. Lying to your kid like that is really setting us back. Your kids are growing up to be assholes. Insurrectionists. Racists. Sexist. Ignorant or greedy.
So you'd put a stop to it if you could.

You seem to be getting angrier as time goes by.
So it's not true that Jesus is the only way. Thank you.
Rethink the above statement. Jesus is truth. Jesus' way is God's way. Jesus is Life.

Do we agree God's way, God's truth, living a Godly life is the only way?
I think it almost unanimous that we stop putting up so much pollution. Period. Where I draw the line is finding something with which to scare people to gain than end. The first attempt was scaring people that climate was warming. When that wouldn't hold water, they went with, "Hey! Climate change is always happening--that cannot be disproven, so let's go with 'climate change' and make them believe we can stop it! Yes! That's the ticket!"

My daughter was in Asia for a couple of years, and not even the most polluted part of Asia. Are we believers in stopping pollution? Absolutely! Are we believers government can change climate? No. They can't even stop pollution where it is at its worse.

One of the first rules of advertisement is to find something that will scare people into buying. It is obvious people in government took a few advertising classes. They sure made believers out of the people, didn't they?
We are doing it despite your denials.
So you'd put a stop to it if you could.

You seem to be getting angrier as time goes by.
We are evolving. Eventually intelligent humans will stop with these ancient nonsense. By then maybe monkey's will evolve to be religious/superstitious.
We are evolving. Eventually intelligent humans will stop with these ancient nonsense. By then maybe monkey's will evolve to be religious/superstitious.
Actually according to the principles of natural selection faith has functional advantages over atheism. Otherwise religion would have died out long ago.
Actually according to the principles of natural selection faith has functional advantages over atheism. Otherwise religion would have died out long ago.
It would have died if it wasn't forced on us for so long. It' dying now. Fewer and fewer Americans worship. In the middle east it's huge because it's forced.

And you brainwash your kids from birth. Of course it hasn't died out. Even if you are successful with half your kids no shit religion hasn't died out yet.
And you brainwash your kids from birth.
How are you defining 'brainwash'? What are the examples that all agree are actual brainwashing?

For example, we actively encourage both our daughters to go to college. One did, one didn't. Was the one who went to college brainwashed?
Any difference is not in my faith.
I don't suggest that Christian faith makes anybody a good person. We can both rise above the 'bad' on this forum, and I'm proof that faith isn't necessary. You too were who you are, long before you got religion.

I don't claim to know why, because I don't know if your parents were an influence for good.

Aside from your parents being good or bad, they were quite likely highly religious. Perhaps J.W. or Mormons?
It would have died if it wasn't forced on us for so long. It' dying now. Fewer and fewer Americans worship. In the middle east it's huge because it's forced.

And you brainwash your kids from birth. Of course it hasn't died out. Even if you are successful with half your kids no shit religion hasn't died out yet.
That's horseshit. No one forced it on anyone. The voluntary belief in a higher power than man has persisted in overwhelming numbers in every society throughout the history of mankind. So the death of religion / belief in God is exaggerated and wishful thinking.
Aside from your parents being good or bad, they were quite likely highly religious. Perhaps J.W. or Mormons?
My Mom was raised in a Catholic-Atheist home. My dad's parents followed no religion, but after their children were grown, became Calvinists. My dad became a Catholic convert, and my mom chose Catholicism over atheism. I grew up in a Catholic home, remained Catholic (along with one of my seven siblings). The other six did not. I married an atheist, my Catholic brother married a Catholic.

It could be argued that I was more "religious" than my parents even though they were both faithful. They considered my childhood pursuit of God, "cute". Experiencing God was something that happened in the Old Testament, not in modern life.

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