Zone1 Three Temptations

I would suggest to you that your political based opinions are interfering with a sense of compassion toward others and in that it is sinful. (sinful being against compassion toward others in this case, in an atheist's POV
Again.... Instead of hearing what I am actually saying, you are convinced you know what I am "really" saying.

The entire reason for the thread was that I was mulling over yesterday's Gospel and Jesus' temptations and choices for how he would approach individuals. Jesus never preached to nations. I simply began wondering if our leaders ever thought about our spirits needing something more than bread alone. Jesus was not about doing away with bread, he was simply noting that we are not nourished by bread alone, but from every word that comes from the mouth of God. Shouldn't our leaders have some concern for our spirits/souls.

This is a spiritual thread about a religious matter posted in a religion forum. It is a million miles away from advocating we starve the poor. I can almost predict in the case of hunger and starvation, Jesus would say, "Mankind does not live on the word of God alone." Again, that is a different topic for a different thread.
This world is a piece of shit like it was in the days of Noah. I wish for Yeshuas return to clean up again for he is "not of this world". I prefer not to be either. Satan runs the show. Please close the curtain.
What about when you are with those you are closest to, your family and loved ones? Who is it that makes it seem the world is not such a great place? Isn't it usually those others--over there--not those close to us?
Meriweather understood what I said.
But perhaps not as well as you wished? ;)

I did understand what you were saying, but it wasn't the issue that, admittedly, I am narrowly focused on for the purpose of this thread.
True Christianity is in exile. The Catholic Church went into exile in 1958 when the Vatican was taken over by unbelievers (I should just call them anti-Christs).

things have not been the same since, not only in the Cahtolic world but in the world Period.

The "Mass" was altered, and is not (in the Vatican or novus ordo sect) celebrated as the real Mass is supposed to be. Thank God true Catholics carried on the True Faith, but their Churches are scattered here and there.

"Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter."
Again.... Instead of hearing what I am actually saying, you are convinced you know what I am "really" saying.

The entire reason for the thread was that I was mulling over yesterday's Gospel and Jesus' temptations and choices for how he would approach individuals. Jesus never preached to nations. I simply began wondering if our leaders ever thought about our spirits needing something more than bread alone. Jesus was not about doing away with bread, he was simply noting that we are not nourished by bread alone, but from every word that comes from the mouth of God. Shouldn't our leaders have some concern for our spirits/souls.

This is a spiritual thread about a religious matter posted in a religion forum. It is a million miles away from advocating we starve the poor. I can almost predict in the case of hunger and starvation, Jesus would say, "Mankind does not live on the word of God alone." Again, that is a different topic for a different thread.
You do understand that we can't be responsible for all of our human needs. If that violates your purpose for this topic then I'll leave it for you to carry on with your intended purpose. At our level of discussion we don't need to lay out rules for every issue relating to one's responsibility. We just accept it for what it is. If you feel I'm wrong on that then please do elaborate further, for the sake of others.

You don't disagree in principle with what I've said; you simply find it not applicable, I'm assuming.
True Christianity is in exile. The Catholic Church went into exile in 1958 when the Vatican was taken over by unbelievers (I should just call them anti-Christs).
I think that sort of extremism in not productive and is annoying to all, regardless of Christian or atheist.
things have not been the same since, not only in the Cahtolic world but in the world Period.

The "Mass" was altered, and is not (in the Vatican or novus ordo sect) celebrated as the real Mass is supposed to be. Thank God true Catholics carried on the True Faith, but their Churches are scattered here and there.

"Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter."
But perhaps not as well as you wished? ;)

I did understand what you were saying, but it wasn't the issue that, admittedly, I am narrowly focused on for the purpose of this thread.
I don't think I've ever underestimated your ability to understand.
Thank you for putting this matter to rest.

I think your biggest challenge has now become 'not my fault', who is expressing extremist views on the Catholic church that shouldn't just be ignored!
I think that sort of extremism in not productive and is annoying to all, regardless of Christian or atheist.
If the truth annoys people, maybe there is something wrong with them, not the truth teller.. much less the Truth Period

Gee... whoda thunk it?
You don't disagree in principle with what I've said; you simply find it not applicable
Yes, precisely--but only for the purposes of this thread. For this thread, I am interested in a very specific point, not the whole nine yards.
If the truth annoys people, maybe there is something wrong with them, not the truth teller.. much less the Truth Period

Gee... whoda thunk it?
I like it when religious people get mad when we tell them their entire religion is made up. Just like all the other religions. They can't handle the truth so they make it personal. They ask us "why we attack the lord" when in reality we are not attacking the lord. We don't think the lord exists. We are attacking them. We are mocking them. Then they tell us we're going to go to hell for mocking the lord. When we are not. We are mocking them!
Meriweather ignores me because I tell the truth about Vatican II and he doesn't want to hear it

He's comfortable with all the BS in the Vatican sect
We don't think the lord exists. We are attacking them. We are mocking them.
No kidding. I've been saying that for years. You guys are militant atheists who have elevated your atheism to a religion which is why you attack rival religions.
Meriweather ignores me because I tell the truth about Vatican II and he doesn't want to hear it

He's comfortable with all the BS in the Vatican sect
You're a moron, plain and simple. I don't believe the persona you are playing for one minute. You're a switch hitter.
I think your biggest challenge has now become 'not my fault', who is expressing extremist views on the Catholic church that shouldn't just be ignored!
I forget who the wise person was who first said it, but I am an avid believer of it. I kept yelling it (through the TV) at President Trump when he was in office, but if he heard me, I was ignored. (Happens to me a lot. ;) )

The advice someone gave once upon a time is:

Don't pursue the lie.

When it comes to the Vatican (which I ignore/am oblivious of most of the time) notmyfault2020 is so far out in left field, he and I are no longer playing on the same field. Or, perhaps, I am the one so far out in left field...whoever fits best.
No kidding. I've been saying that for years. You guys are militant atheists who have elevated your atheism to a religion which is why you attack rival religions.
And you've seen our common response to that right? The day a militant atheist burns you at the stake let us know. Because usually all we want to do is debate you. And we don't want you insisting that god be intertwined with our government because it's made up horse shit used to control the stupid masses. Secular is the way to go.
I forget who the wise person was who first said it, but I am an avid believer of it. I kept yelling it (through the TV) at President Trump when he was in office, but if he heard me, I was ignored. (Happens to me a lot. ;) )
I think I understand what you're saying but I do have to point out that yelling at the t.v. probably won't be heard. LOL
The advice someone gave once upon a time is:

Don't pursue the lie.

When it comes to the Vatican (which I ignore/am oblivious of most of the time) notmyfault2020 is so far out in left field, he and I are no longer playing on the same field. Or, perhaps, I am the one so far out in left field...whoever fits best.
That's even more than I felt you should be responsible for saying. But I'm afraid that you have pursued the lie.

I don't think it's necessarily wrong to do so.

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