Thunderstorms - do you like them - or do you fear them?

Thunderstorms - do you like them - or do you fear them?

  • I like them

    Votes: 16 84.2%
  • I fear them

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am neutral to them

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters
I like them. I grew up in Kansas and then moved to Florida, both thunderstorm capitols. It seems amazing that more people aren't struck. When the TV weathermen could map individual strikes on their maps, it got really impressive. I remember a weather guy showing how one stroke they detected traveled horizontally about 40 miles before hitting the ground in an area that would have had clear blue skies at the time. Wouldn't that make you just out of your shorts.
I like them. I grew up in Kansas and then moved to Florida, both thunderstorm capitols. It seems amazing that more people aren't struck. When the TV weathermen could map individual strikes on their maps, it got really impressive. I remember a weather guy showing how one stroke they detected traveled horizontally about 40 miles before hitting the ground in an area that would have had clear blue skies at the time. Wouldn't that make you just out of your shorts.
not every thunderbolt makes it to the ground. know something for fking once.

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