Tightening The Noose On Liberty

""Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."
Nope, but if you can't win you're throwing your vote away. And Liberty comes from Liberals, and Liberalism.

Drake, P.W. and McCubbins, M.D., eds.: The Origins of Liberty: Political and Economic Liberalization in the Modern World. (Paperback)

Stop fibbing, Uncle Leftie.

The aim of what are laughingly called 'Liberals' is the destruction of liberty, and the United States Constitution.

Progressive/Liberal Woodrow Wilson said exactly that:

"Justly revered as our great Constitution is, it could be stripped off and thrown aside like a garment, and the nation would still stand forth in the living vestment of flesh and sinew, warm with the heart-blood of one people, ready to recreate constitutions and laws. …"
Woodrow Wilson [Woodrow Wilson
"The Modern Democratic State" (1885; first published in 1966)
The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Volume 5]

Bet you just hate it when I expose your lies, huh?

You have no idea what Wilson was talking about when he said that, do you?
Wilson wouldn't say that today with people like her around. In their version of the Constitution no one would have any rights at all. It would be dog eat dog since can't see beyond their own needs and those close to them.

"Wilson wouldn't say that today with people like her around. "

'Tis a consummation. Devoutly to be wished.'

I glow with pride!
Pride in fascists is to be expected. Carry on...
As posted in the OP, the Progressive/Liberal Democrats who run the country do so with a jaundiced view of governance, and of justice.

But not without a motive.....the self-same motive that caused a racist party, and the racist LBJ to provide a public relations mirage:

Without the black vote, the Democrat Party is doomed.

4. "On the national level, Democrats typically get around 90 percent of the black vote, even when a black man isn’t running for president as a Democrat. Al Gore got 92 percent of the black vote in 2000; John Kerry got 88 percent in 2004. These percentages aren’t just impressive; for Democrats, they’re imperative. Since 1980, the percentage of white votes received by the Democrats’ candidate for president has usually hovered around 39 percent. Unless Democrats maintain a vise grip on at least 90 percent of the black vote, the party’s presidential prospects usually fade to oblivion."
Blacks, Democrats, and Republicans | National Review Online

5. The Democrats have used the Department of Justice to make certain that blacks know who their masters are....and to keep them in the fold.

And they even overstep by oppressing the very black voters that keep them in power!!!

"Justice concludes black voters need Democratic Party
KINSTON, N.C. | Voters in this small city decided overwhelmingly last year to do away with the party affiliation of candidates in local elections, but the Obama administration recently overruled the electorate and decided that equal rights for black voters cannot be achieved without the Democratic Party.

The Justice Department’s ruling, ... went so far as to say partisan elections are needed so that black voters can elect their “candidates of choice” - identified by the department as those who are Democrats and almost exclusively black.

.... he city cannot get rid of party affiliations for local elections because that would violate black voters’ right to elect the candidates they want." Justice concludes black voters need Democratic Party - Washington Times

Kinston, North Carolina is a majority black town....it had voted to leave off party designations......But the Obama DoJ order: make sure blacks know who the Democrats are, so they vote for 'em!

The DOJ has been nothing more than the extended arm of the President's own ideology, bias, and agenda for a long time now.

'Justice call for 'THIS', but here is what I want to do...", says a President to the person who shares his ideology, bias, and vision, the person who is NOT going to put true justice 1st but will instead put those 3 1st.

Ex-Atty General Eric Holder is the perfect example of this. A whistle-blower within his own DOJ told how he told his DOJ they would NOT go after any cases of reverse discrimination. When he was caught perpetrating 3 Felony counts of perjury before Congress his hand-picked DOJ refused to press charges. At that moment the entire world saw the DOJ for what it had become - a bastardized, mutated mockery of Justice and a personal tool for Obama to carry out his agenda, and Holder was it's leader. Both the DOJ and Obama himself refused to enforce the Justice the DOJ was created to affect, and the man who sent Scooter Libby to jail for mis-remembering a date ('perjury') was protected from his own crimes.

The DOJ sadly, is a political AGENDA-ENFORCING arm of the Obama administration. The newest atty general is nothing more than a female Holder 'mini-me'. Much like the fabled Hydra, cut one head off and more grow back.

No reverse discrimination prosecutions under Obama/Holder?


Reverse Discrimination
  • In June 2015, the EEOC filed an amicus brief in support of a pro se plaintiff whose race and age discrimination case was dismissed for failure to establish a prima facie case. The Commission argued in this appeal that the district court erred in dismissing the case because the general manager's repeated references to the plaintiff's race and age, such as "you're the wrong color" and "you're too old" along with plaintiff's supervisor's comment to her, "old white bi…" shortly before the general manager and supervisor terminated plaintiff were sufficient to establish a prima facie case and to provide evidence of pretext.Kilgore v. Trussville Develop., LLC, No. 15-11850 (11th Cir. brief filed June 22, 2015).

  • In September 2012, the County of Kauai in Hawaii paid $120,000 to settle a federal charge of race harassment filed with the EEOC. A former attorney for the County of Kauai's Office of the Prosecuting Attorney, who is Caucasian, alleged that she was harassed due to her race by a top-level manager. The manager allegedly made continually disparaging comments to the former attorney, saying that she needed to assimilate more into the local culture and break up with her boyfriend at the time, also White, in favor of a local boy. The EEOC ultimately found reasonable cause to believe that the county violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for the harassment to which the former attorney was subjected. Following the determination, the County of Kauai entered into an over two-year conciliation agreement with the EEOC and the alleged victim. Aside from the monetary relief, the county agreed to establish policies and complaint procedures dealing with discrimination and harassment in the workplace and to provide live EEO training to all managers and supervisors. The county further agreed to post notices on the matter on all bulletin boards throughout the county and to permit the disclosure of the settlement.

  • In September 2012, the County of Kauai in Hawaii agreed to pay $120,000 to settle an EEOC charge of race harassment, alleging that a Caucasian former attorney for the County's Office of the Prosecuting Attorney was subjected to racially disparaging comments by a top-level manager. The manager allegedly referred to the Caucasian attorney as haole, and advised the former attorney that she needed to assimilate more into the local culture and break up with her boyfriend at the time, also White, in favor of a local boy. Aside from the monetary relief, the county agreed to establish policies and complaint procedures dealing with discrimination and harassment in the workplace and to provide live EEO training to all managers and supervisors. The county further agreed to post notices on the matter on all bulletin boards throughout the county and to permit the disclosure of the settlement.
  • In June 2011, a national women's off-priced clothing retailer agreed to pay $246,500 and furnish other relief to 32 class members to settle a race discrimination lawsuit filed by the EEOC. EEOC had alleged that the retailer denied employment to Caucasian applicants since early 2007. During that time, the EEOC contended, the retailer regularly hired Black entry-level applicants for sales positions, but excluded White applicants who were equally or better qualified. The store manager allegedly told one applicant that the store "does not hire White people." EEOC v. Dots, LLC, No. 2:10-cv-00318-JVB-APR (N.D. Ind. June 3, 2011).
  • In July 2010, the Seventh Circuit affirmed the EEOC's rulings on race discrimination and retaliation claims in a case brought by a White "policymaking level" employee under the Government Employee Rights Act. John Linehan contested his removal as chief deputy coroner by the elected coroner, who is African American. Among other reasons for removal, the coroner testified that he disagreed with Linehan's attempts to discipline certain subordinate employees. The Court decided that there was substantial evidence to support the Commission's determination that the coroner's reasons for Linehan's demotion and subsequent termination were pretextual. In its view, the coroner's "lack of credibility, combined with his stated preference for employing African-Americans and his actions taken in furtherance of that goal, was sufficient for the EEOC to find that Linehan was subjected to race discrimination." However, the court vacated the $200,000 compensatory damages award as excessive and ruled that the EEOC and Linehan either could accept the remitted amount of $20,000 or hold a new hearing on the issue. Marion County v. EEOC & Linehan, No. 09-3595 (7th Cir. July 27, 2010).
  • In May 2009, the fast food giant Jack in the Box has agreed to pay $20,000 to settle a lawsuit alleging that the company did not take prompt action after a White hostess at its Nashville restaurant complained she was being harassed by Black co-workers who called her racial epithets and insulted her when they learned she was pregnant with a mixed-race child. EEOC v. Jack in the Box, No. 3:08-cv-009663 (M.D. Tenn. settled May 19, 2009).
  • In April 2009, a private historically Black college located in Columbia, S.C. agreed to settle a Title VII lawsuit alleging that it discriminated against three White faculty members because of their race when it failed torenew their teaching contracts for the 2005-2006 school year, effectively terminating them. EEOC v. Benedict College, No. 3:09-cv-00905-JFA-JRM (D.S.C. April 8, 2009).
Significant EEOC Race/Color Cases
"Liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others; but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty. As the revolutionary American pamphleteer Thomas Paine expressed it in “Common Sense” (1776), government is at best “a necessary evil.” Laws, judges, and police are needed to secure the individual’s life and liberty, but their coercive power may also be turned against him. The problem, then, is to devise a system that gives government the power necessary to protect individual liberty but also prevents those who govern from abusing that power."
liberalism | politics

Moderation in all things, not PC's black and white dogma. I'd call it black and white thinking for most people but thinking is not something PC can manage.
The Republicans should, as I have been saying for a long time here and elsewhere, need to reach out to blacks and browns honestly and fairly meeting them where they are at.

Republicans will never win a sizeable portion of the minority vote is the keep patronizing and preaching at and to them.

No amount of Republican yelling at the Democratic Party substitutes for what Republicans need to do to attract minority voters.
1. Exactly how does this major polical power extant today, attempt to strangle liberty?

Politicizing thought.

Criminalizing speech.

This is done, directly, through the misnamed Department of Justice.

2. Michael B. Mukasey, who served as the Attorney General of the United States from 2007-2009, and as a U.S. district judge for the Southern District of New York from 1988-2006, and as an assistant U.S. attorney for that same district from 1972-1976, said this:

"The DOJ’s Civil Rights Division is the one we think of as having the main responsibility for protecting fairness.
Yet its recent record has indicated other priorities."

3. How has this Liberal/Democrat administration corrupted the Department of Justice, so as to keep their party in power?

" One lesson to draw from all this is that personnel is policy. If you examine the resumés of people hired into the DOJ beginning in 2009, you will find that the governing credential of new hires was a history of support for left-leaning causes or membership in leftist organizations. By the time of the 2012 election, it was considered unremarkable for DOJ lawyers to display political posters on their office walls, and even outside their offices—something inimical to the spirit and mission of the Department of Justice."
Justice and the Obama Justice Department - Imprimis | Hillsdale College

a. Let's see what the mission of the DoJ should be:

".... the attorney general is a member of the administration—but his principal responsibility is to provide neutral advice on what the law requires, not to fly in political formation."

"...provide neutral advice...."
That would be in the real America....not the Progressive corruption it has become.

""Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

LMAO and spit my coffee on the screen; phew, imagine how the hack who posted this thread would have reacted if she were honest and forthright?

Sense she is not, honest or forthright, (think of Winston's employers at the Ministry of Truth); had she an ounce of integrity she would have directed her ire at Alberto Gonzales and his far right hand religious zealot, Monica Goodling.

Failing to do so gives insight into the character flaws of a narcissist and an egotistical hack.
No reverse discrimination prosecutions under Obama/Holder?

NY, I didn't say there weren't any. I just pointed out that a member of the DOJ reportedly blew the proverbial whistle on Holder by CLAIMING he told them they were not going to go after such cases. The Washington Examiner wrote an article (May 19, 2013) citing a case against the DOJ for not aggressively going after such cases.

According to the Examiner, the Department of Justice’s Inspector General wrote a 300-pare report in which he concluded:
- "In other words, Coates wanted to pursue voter discrimination wherever it occurred, including reverse discrimination cases, while Holder saw no reason to do so."

Coates wanted to aggressively go after such cases but Holder disagreed with him based on the believed 'fact' that Coates “was not a person who believed in the traditional way in which things had been done in the Civil Rights Division” under Republican and Democratic administrations, and that Coates’s view on civil rights enforcement was “inconsistent with longtime Justice Department interpretations and policies.”

Again, I did not say that Holder had ordered the DOJ not to pursue such cases but that Coats prevented / did not agree with his view of doing so.
The Republicans should, as I have been saying for a long time here and elsewhere, need to reach out to blacks and browns honestly and fairly meeting them where they are at.

Republicans will never win a sizeable portion of the minority vote is the keep patronizing and preaching at and to them.

No amount of Republican yelling at the Democratic Party substitutes for what Republicans need to do to attract minority voters.

I see two errors in this ^^^ post:

1. Real Republicans are not the face of the current Republican Party, it has become something far different from the party of Lincoln, TR and IKE; they have been shouted out by extremists.

2. A leopard cannot change its spots.

Real Republicans have been thrown under the bus by the extremists and need to take back their party, or risk it going the way of the Wigs.

Kudos to Jake for trying, but for his efforts he two has been tossed under the bus by the Crazy Right Wing who hate him, and everyone who doesn't kneel before them in their quest for power.
"The Republicans should, as I have been saying for a long time here and elsewhere, need to reach out to blacks and browns honestly and fairly meeting them where they are at."

HOW? Be specific. How are Republicans NOT reaching out to them? HOW / WHAT should they do specifically?

When Black Republicans reach out to other blacks Liberals call them 'Uncle Toms', and worse.

Liberals, the same ones who created the KKK, who have put LBJ's 'Economic Slavery' plan into action, who have embraced the BLM crowd that calls for the deaths of all whites and of cops, have perpetuated the MYTH / STEREOTYPE about the 'evil' GOP while doing NOTHING since Civil Rights passed to better the black status in America EXCEPT to do just what LBJ said to do: 'We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference."

Liberals reach out to blacks, offering free Obamaphones, cheese, food stamps, welfare, etc...In 2008 a black woman smiled ear to ear talking about how Obama was going to buy her gas for her car. In 2012 another declared she was voting for Obama because he was going to give her a new kitchen. How about JOBS?! Black adult unemployment is double that of whites and unemployment for teen blacks is 6 times worse. In his 7 years in office Obama has not created 1 program to help improve the status of blacks in this country. He promised he would not abandon Detroit then turned his back on them. Oh yeah, he threw $1.8 billion at Baltimore to improve their city, and America watched afterwards as people looted and burned the city...not only because of 'injustice' but because of the economic hardship there.

Liberals reach out to blacks, offering them hand-outs not HOPE, offering 'freebies' but not a plan or a way OUT of the situation they are in. Libs' plans are designed to KEEP them there in poverty, dependent on the govt....and part of that plan is to continue to perpetuate the myth that the GOP care nothing for blacks.

Blacks need to realize that the definition of 'insanity' IS doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. After 50+ years of loyalty to the DNC, after trading their newly acquired power through the passage of civil rights, they are no better off now than they were then.
The Republicans should, as I have been saying for a long time here and elsewhere, need to reach out to blacks and browns honestly and fairly meeting them where they are at.

Republicans will never win a sizeable portion of the minority vote is the keep patronizing and preaching at and to them.

No amount of Republican yelling at the Democratic Party substitutes for what Republicans need to do to attract minority voters.

I see two errors in this ^^^ post:

1. Real Republicans are not the face of the current Republican Party, it has become something far different from the party of Lincoln, TR and IKE; they have been shouted out by extremists.

2. A leopard cannot change its spots.

Real Republicans have been thrown under the bus by the extremists and need to take back their party, or risk it going the way of the Wigs.

Kudos to Jake for trying, but for his efforts he two has been tossed under the bus by the Crazy Right Wing who hate him, and everyone who doesn't kneel before them in their quest for power.
That might be true if the TP gets control of the House, but they have not, and I don't think they will.

No one has thrown me under the bus. The crazies are not strong enough for that, never will be.

However, if we the GOP don't learn from the disaster we are bringing down on ourselves, the mainstream will have to create a new GOP.
"they are no better off now than they were then." is a lie.

easyt will not be able to show with stats on income, housing, education, promotion, political office holding, etc., that is silly statement is nothing but a lie. He knows it is a lie.
"The Republicans should, as I have been saying for a long time here and elsewhere, need to reach out to blacks and browns honestly and fairly meeting them where they are at."

HOW? Be specific. How are Republicans NOT reaching out to them? HOW / WHAT should they do specifically?

When Black Republicans reach out to other blacks Liberals call them 'Uncle Toms', and worse.

Liberals, the same ones who created the KKK, who have put LBJ's 'Economic Slavery' plan into action, who have embraced the BLM crowd that calls for the deaths of all whites and of cops, have perpetuated the MYTH / STEREOTYPE about the 'evil' GOP while doing NOTHING since Civil Rights passed to better the black status in America EXCEPT to do just what LBJ said to do: 'We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference."

Liberals reach out to blacks, offering free Obamaphones, cheese, food stamps, welfare, etc...In 2008 a black woman smiled ear to ear talking about how Obama was going to buy her gas for her car. In 2012 another declared she was voting for Obama because he was going to give her a new kitchen. How about JOBS?! Black adult unemployment is double that of whites and unemployment for teen blacks is 6 times worse. In his 7 years in office Obama has not created 1 program to help improve the status of blacks in this country. He promised he would not abandon Detroit then turned his back on them. Oh yeah, he threw $1.8 billion at Baltimore to improve their city, and America watched afterwards as people looted and burned the city...not only because of 'injustice' but because of the economic hardship there.

Liberals reach out to blacks, offering them hand-outs not HOPE, offering 'freebies' but not a plan or a way OUT of the situation they are in. Libs' plans are designed to KEEP them there in poverty, dependent on the govt....and part of that plan is to continue to perpetuate the myth that the GOP care nothing for blacks.

Blacks need to realize that the definition of 'insanity' IS doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. After 50+ years of loyalty to the DNC, after trading their newly acquired power through the passage of civil rights, they are no better off now than they were then.

  • Tokenism has been tried by the current iteration of the GOP and failed.
  • Remember "we are the party of the big tent?"
  • Who originated the term "Welfare Queens"?
  • Which party is working to suppress their voting rights?
  • Which party supports vouchers for private schools?"
  • Which party works to deprive public education of adequate funds?
  • Which party tried and failed to pack school boards?
  • Which party opposed Affirmative Action?
Last edited:
-Tokenism has been tried by the current iteration of the GOP and failed.
  • Remember "we are the party of the big tent?"
  • Who originated the term "Welfare Queens"?
  • Which party is working to suppress their voting rights?
  • Which party supports vouchers for private schools?"
  • Which party works to deprive public education of all of funds?
  • Which party tried and failed to pack school boards?
There is part of my point right there. Liberals see Ben Carson and degrade him personally by offensively and RACISTLY declaring him to be nothing more than a 'token negro' in the GOP.

'Welfare Queen':
While I am against the term you can not deny that there are many people out there who do not even try to find a job because they would rather sit on their ass and receive a check for doing nothing. THAT needs to change...Liberals have no intention of touching that one because asking that person to work / do something might offend them and risk a guaranteed vote.

'Big Tent': Yeah, so? I will admit the Washington Establishment has gotten to the point where they tell their entire base, "STFU, hold your nose, and vote for us again. We're still not going to listen to you or represent you, but it's us or the Libs." When you can't tell the difference between the 2, though, what does it matter?

'Suppression of Voters' Rights:
I can only guess that you mean the push for Voter ID cards... Tell me, WHY do/did Liberals claim it was it such a great thing for Obama to go to Africa and spend millions of tax dollars to help them establish voter ID laws/process there but it is 'evil' and 'voter suppression' here?! Maybe we should do what was done in Iraq to prevent voter fraud - make people dip their finger in ink after voting...

School Vouchers?
That would be the GOP that supports them. Look back at the news. Democrats tried to shut down the Charter school that was so successful in Washington DC. It is so successful that they hold a lottery to try to get a certain amount of kids into their non-failing school. The school's success is a direct threat to the FAILED / FAILING government-run public school system, which is why LIBERALS oppose it.

"Deprive public education of ALL funds"?
I have NO idea who does that because neither the GOP or the DNC does that.

According to Liberals the GOP hates clean air, clean water, small children, descent education, legal voting, any other race than white, blah, blah, blah.... I am sure once people cut through all the BS myth and rhetoric some Democrats have some descent ideas, but the constant BS demonization of the GOP built on lies makes that hard to do. Look, nether party has any moral high ground on which to stand and berate the other...but don't let that stop you from trying.

Conservatives stand for individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional governance.


Individualism? What does that mean? In your own words, in the context of what conservatives 'stand for'.
Her version of Individualism is I Got Mine, Fuck Everyone Else...

Of course, you are wrong about my views, but your vulgarity gives you away.

Gutter language is a well-known trait of one who recognizes that they've lost the argument. Defaulting to vulgarity proves that your thoughts are no more articulated on this subject than on any other.: a second-rater with a third grader's vocabulary.
Nope, but if you can't win you're throwing your vote away. And Liberty comes from Liberals, and Liberalism.

Drake, P.W. and McCubbins, M.D., eds.: The Origins of Liberty: Political and Economic Liberalization in the Modern World. (Paperback)

Stop fibbing, Uncle Leftie.

The aim of what are laughingly called 'Liberals' is the destruction of liberty, and the United States Constitution.

Progressive/Liberal Woodrow Wilson said exactly that:

"Justly revered as our great Constitution is, it could be stripped off and thrown aside like a garment, and the nation would still stand forth in the living vestment of flesh and sinew, warm with the heart-blood of one people, ready to recreate constitutions and laws. …"
Woodrow Wilson [Woodrow Wilson
"The Modern Democratic State" (1885; first published in 1966)
The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Volume 5]

Bet you just hate it when I expose your lies, huh?

You have no idea what Wilson was talking about when he said that, do you?
Wilson wouldn't say that today with people like her around. In their version of the Constitution no one would have any rights at all. It would be dog eat dog since can't see beyond their own needs and those close to them.

"Wilson wouldn't say that today with people like her around. "

'Tis a consummation. Devoutly to be wished.'

I glow with pride!
Pride in fascists is to be expected. Carry on...

Try to be more accurate.

Fascism, like communism, Nazism, Liberalism, socialism, and Progressivism, are all permutations of the same worldview.

Stop fibbing, Uncle Leftie.

The aim of what are laughingly called 'Liberals' is the destruction of liberty, and the United States Constitution.

Progressive/Liberal Woodrow Wilson said exactly that:

"Justly revered as our great Constitution is, it could be stripped off and thrown aside like a garment, and the nation would still stand forth in the living vestment of flesh and sinew, warm with the heart-blood of one people, ready to recreate constitutions and laws. …"
Woodrow Wilson [Woodrow Wilson
"The Modern Democratic State" (1885; first published in 1966)
The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Volume 5]

Bet you just hate it when I expose your lies, huh?

You have no idea what Wilson was talking about when he said that, do you?
Wilson wouldn't say that today with people like her around. In their version of the Constitution no one would have any rights at all. It would be dog eat dog since can't see beyond their own needs and those close to them.

"Wilson wouldn't say that today with people like her around. "

'Tis a consummation. Devoutly to be wished.'

I glow with pride!
Pride in fascists is to be expected. Carry on...

Try to be more accurate.

Fascism, like communism, Nazism, Liberalism, socialism, and Progressivism, are all permutations of the same worldview.

I'm being entirely accurate. You are a fascist, and not even an American in name only.

As to the above, total nonsense, as usual.

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