Tightening The Noose On Liberty

The Supreme Court was cowed....and America has never been the same since.
That's correct, and it's been much better, for nearly everyone.

So it's good that we don't have a separation of powers??????

Gads.....are you so dumb that you don't realize you've proven everything I claim about you Liberals/socialists/communists/Progressives/Nazis/fascists?????

Folks are gonna think I have you on retainer.
The powers fought him, but the people were behind him. He was their leader and well worth the title of it in those bad, dark days.

Roosevelt couldn't have led himself on a good brisk walk.
Wait....who said that?
The people of America, who elected him, four times...

You might want to incorporate this into what passed for thinking from you, Uncle Leftie....

No democracy is possible without an unbiased press. That is the reason for the first amendment.
The Supreme Court was cowed....and America has never been the same since.
That's correct, and it's been much better, for nearly everyone.

So it's good that we don't have a separation of powers??????

Gads.....are you so dumb that you don't realize you've proven everything I claim about you Liberals/socialists/communists/Progressives/Nazis/fascists?????

Folks are gonna think I have you on retainer.
The powers fought him, but the people were behind him. He was their leader and well worth the title of it in those bad, dark days.

Roosevelt couldn't have led himself on a good brisk walk.

So THAT'S why you're known as the NYLiar!!!

"In 1934, it was a tailoring and cleaning establishment owned and run by Jacob Maged, 49.

With his responsibilities as a father of four, Maged should have shunned a life of crime. Instead, he advertised his criminal activity with a placard in his shop window, promising to press men's suits for 35 cents. This he did, even though President Franklin Roosevelt's New Dealers, who knew an amazing number of things -- his economic aides were not called a "Brains Trust" for nothing -- knew that the proper price for pressing a man's suit was 40 cents.
Maged trifled by his 5-cent violation of New Jersey's "tailors' code," written in conjunction with the NRA. On April 20, 1934, he was fined $100 -- serious money when the average family income was about $1,500 -- and sentenced to 30 days in jail."
George F. Will - Trifle with the government? Just ask Jacob Maged

Sieg Heil, Franklin!!!

You left out the part where he only spent 3 days in jail and didn't have to pay the fine.

You also left out that the price controls were legislatively enacted.

Next you'll be telling us that Truman's campaign against war profiteering mirrored the Gestapo.

But included the significant portions....the dictatorial methods of the totalitarian New Deal.

Don't you get tired of the beatings?
FDR was a leader, not a dictator, fruit-loop.

Could have fooled me. The internment of Japanese Americans sounds just like what a dictator would do.
The courts signed off, but it was a serious mistake. Happens in war.

Me: The Supreme Court was cowed....and America has never been the same since.
You: That's correct, and it's been much better, for nearly everyone.

You: The courts signed off, but it was a serious mistake. Happens in war.

Confederate General Wise, running from Union General Cox, refused to call it 'retreat,' called it, 'a retrograde movement.'
Nice retrograde movement you've made.
Wait....who said that?
The people of America, who elected him, four times...

You might want to incorporate this into what passed for thinking from you, Uncle Leftie....

No democracy is possible without an unbiased press. That is the reason for the first amendment.
There is no such thing as an unbiased press. There is a free press, and ours here mostly is. That's an element of Liberalism, nothing you'd like.
The Supreme Court was cowed....and America has never been the same since.
That's correct, and it's been much better, for nearly everyone.

So it's good that we don't have a separation of powers??????

Gads.....are you so dumb that you don't realize you've proven everything I claim about you Liberals/socialists/communists/Progressives/Nazis/fascists?????

Folks are gonna think I have you on retainer.
The powers fought him, but the people were behind him. He was their leader and well worth the title of it in those bad, dark days.

Roosevelt couldn't have led himself on a good brisk walk.
He sure kicked a lot of ass, for a man mostly sitting in a chair. He's not the most respected modern president for nothin'...
The Supreme Court was cowed....and America has never been the same since.
That's correct, and it's been much better, for nearly everyone.

So it's good that we don't have a separation of powers??????

Gads.....are you so dumb that you don't realize you've proven everything I claim about you Liberals/socialists/communists/Progressives/Nazis/fascists?????

Folks are gonna think I have you on retainer.
The powers fought him, but the people were behind him. He was their leader and well worth the title of it in those bad, dark days.

Roosevelt couldn't have led himself on a good brisk walk.


I don't know if you've ever visited the Roosevelt home and the Roosevelt Library in upstate NY...
I have, several times.

It always strikes me as irony at its best that his library is attached to that of the communist Henry Wallace.

Quite a statement, huh?
The Supreme Court was cowed....and America has never been the same since.
That's correct, and it's been much better, for nearly everyone.

So it's good that we don't have a separation of powers??????

Gads.....are you so dumb that you don't realize you've proven everything I claim about you Liberals/socialists/communists/Progressives/Nazis/fascists?????

Folks are gonna think I have you on retainer.
The powers fought him, but the people were behind him. He was their leader and well worth the title of it in those bad, dark days.

Roosevelt couldn't have led himself on a good brisk walk.
He sure kicked a lot of ass, for a man mostly sitting in a chair. He's not the most respected modern president for nothin'...

He couldn't have kicked his own ass.

Most respected? By whom? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Wait....who said that?
The people of America, who elected him, four times...

You might want to incorporate this into what passed for thinking from you, Uncle Leftie....

No democracy is possible without an unbiased press. That is the reason for the first amendment.
There is no such thing as an unbiased press. There is a free press, and ours here mostly is. That's an element of Liberalism, nothing you'd like.

So....you still get subscriptions to the Daily Worker and Pravda?
That's correct, and it's been much better, for nearly everyone.

So it's good that we don't have a separation of powers??????

Gads.....are you so dumb that you don't realize you've proven everything I claim about you Liberals/socialists/communists/Progressives/Nazis/fascists?????

Folks are gonna think I have you on retainer.
The powers fought him, but the people were behind him. He was their leader and well worth the title of it in those bad, dark days.

Roosevelt couldn't have led himself on a good brisk walk.
He sure kicked a lot of ass, for a man mostly sitting in a chair. He's not the most respected modern president for nothin'...

He couldn't have kicked his own ass.

Most respected? By whom?
The American public.
So it's good that we don't have a separation of powers??????

Gads.....are you so dumb that you don't realize you've proven everything I claim about you Liberals/socialists/communists/Progressives/Nazis/fascists?????

Folks are gonna think I have you on retainer.
The powers fought him, but the people were behind him. He was their leader and well worth the title of it in those bad, dark days.

Roosevelt couldn't have led himself on a good brisk walk.
He sure kicked a lot of ass, for a man mostly sitting in a chair. He's not the most respected modern president for nothin'...

He couldn't have kicked his own ass.

Most respected? By whom?
The American public.

You mean the idiotic leftist public? I'm part of the American Public and I don't have an ounce of respect for that piece of shit and I'm not alone.
1. Exactly how does this major polical power extant today, attempt to strangle liberty?

Politicizing thought.

Criminalizing speech.

This is done, directly, through the misnamed Department of Justice.

2. Michael B. Mukasey, who served as the Attorney General of the United States from 2007-2009, and as a U.S. district judge for the Southern District of New York from 1988-2006, and as an assistant U.S. attorney for that same district from 1972-1976, said this:

"The DOJ’s Civil Rights Division is the one we think of as having the main responsibility for protecting fairness.
Yet its recent record has indicated other priorities."

3. How has this Liberal/Democrat administration corrupted the Department of Justice, so as to keep their party in power?

" One lesson to draw from all this is that personnel is policy. If you examine the resumés of people hired into the DOJ beginning in 2009, you will find that the governing credential of new hires was a history of support for left-leaning causes or membership in leftist organizations. By the time of the 2012 election, it was considered unremarkable for DOJ lawyers to display political posters on their office walls, and even outside their offices—something inimical to the spirit and mission of the Department of Justice."
Justice and the Obama Justice Department - Imprimis | Hillsdale College

a. Let's see what the mission of the DoJ should be:

".... the attorney general is a member of the administration—but his principal responsibility is to provide neutral advice on what the law requires, not to fly in political formation."

"...provide neutral advice...."
That would be in the real America....not the Progressive corruption it has become.

""Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

The DOJ under Obama is a criminal organization. Eric Holder is a common thug. Operation Choke Point is a Mafia type bit of extortion. Holder basicallly going into legitimate business with his thugs and saying "yooz deals wid doz people we dun like and da boss said to breaka your legs, capiche?" Holder and the pile of shit Obama were hazing and harassing banks who dealt with ammunition manufacturers and other 100% legal and legitimate businesses, serving nuisance subpoenas as a threat to those who dealt with enemies of the gang,

The Obama administration is more of a criminal conspiracy than a government.
The powers fought him, but the people were behind him. He was their leader and well worth the title of it in those bad, dark days.

Roosevelt couldn't have led himself on a good brisk walk.
He sure kicked a lot of ass, for a man mostly sitting in a chair. He's not the most respected modern president for nothin'...

He couldn't have kicked his own ass.

Most respected? By whom?
The American public.

You mean the idiotic leftist public? I'm part of the American Public and I don't have an ounce of respect for that piece of shit and I'm not alone.
You were born too late then, and that is not my concern.
Roosevelt couldn't have led himself on a good brisk walk.
He sure kicked a lot of ass, for a man mostly sitting in a chair. He's not the most respected modern president for nothin'...

He couldn't have kicked his own ass.

Most respected? By whom?
The American public.

You mean the idiotic leftist public? I'm part of the American Public and I don't have an ounce of respect for that piece of shit and I'm not alone.
You were born too late then, and that is not my concern.

Three generations of my family were alive then and they thought the same way.
Gee....I put this in post #92....

"It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

Must be stipulated....no one disagreed.
Just patently obvious, I guess.
Gee....I put this in post #92....

"It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

Must be stipulated....no one disagreed.
Just patently obvious, I guess.
Just more of your fascism, criminals having no rights. In your world it's rights for you but not the other guy...
He couldn't have kicked his own ass.

Most respected? By whom?
The American public.

You mean the idiotic leftist public? I'm part of the American Public and I don't have an ounce of respect for that piece of shit and I'm not alone.
You were born too late then, and that is not my concern.

Three generations of my family were alive then and they thought the same way.
It surprises me not at all that you come from a long line of dipshits. Without FDR you wouldn't even recognize the place, nor want to live here.

You're confusing me with your own family.

Without FDR, we wouldn't have the entitlement minded mentality so many lazy pieces of shit have thinking the government should ease their pain.
Gee....I put this in post #92....

"It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

Must be stipulated....no one disagreed.
Just patently obvious, I guess.
Just more of your fascism, criminals having no rights. In your world it's rights for you but not the other guy...

Hmmmm......you seem to be hedging your bet....my slapping you around has had an effect, Uncle Leftie.

So....you aren't really denying "It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

I'll put you in the 'could be' column.
Good enough.
The American public.

You mean the idiotic leftist public? I'm part of the American Public and I don't have an ounce of respect for that piece of shit and I'm not alone.
You were born too late then, and that is not my concern.

Three generations of my family were alive then and they thought the same way.
It surprises me not at all that you come from a long line of dipshits. Without FDR you wouldn't even recognize the place, nor want to live here.

You're confusing me with your own family.

Without FDR, we wouldn't have the entitlement minded mentality so many lazy pieces of shit have thinking the government should ease their pain.
Without FDR we wouldn't have much of a nation.

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