Tillerson out?

Trump is running his cabinet like the real world: If you don't do the job like the boss expects you to, hit the bricks. The leftards see this a "chaos" but look at everything Trump has accomplished in just one short year.

Imagine how much more he could get done if the Democrats and never-trumpers weren't obstructing and dragging their feet as far as other cabinet postitions? They are truly terrified.

Get rid of the Democrats and never-trumpers and you have a dictatorship, just like SADDAM. It is easier to get things done in a dictatorship. Guess your on board for taking this country there?

Of course I am. Get rid of the Democrats, the liberals, the never-trumpers, and the Obama-era Tories, and we'd have damned fine well-oiled smooth-running government, just like the founding fathers inntended.

No fucking chance if Rump is still running it.
There doesn’t need to be anyone left in the entire government because,” I alone can fix it.”
Imagine being stupid enough to hear that during the campaign and not run like hell from this dope.

Just how many of these dolts can FOX hire???.............lol
Once the Russian collusion and sabotage was revealed to the public, Tillerson really had no role in the White House. He was there to deliver the goods to Russia as payment, but the goons couldn’t cover their tracks and their plot was foiled.

Tillerson turned out to be different from what most (inc. me) suspected him to be.

Having led Exxon and working closely with Russian government it would seem that he would come into office with warmer feelings towards Kremlin then your average American and more inclined to work to reverse the sanctions that killed a multi-billion dollar Exxon-Russia oil project. He even penned an article opposing sanctions in 2014. It's probably what got him the Trump's nomination over others.


In Russian media his nomination to head Department of State was treated as Trump's brazen deep-state defying, pro-Russia move. Remember, Rex took what was at one time Clinton's job - so to Russians that had a lot of symbolic meaning.

BUT Tillerson turned out to be exactly the guy who showed up in the confirmation hearings - competent, qualified and VERY strong on Russia...pretty sure that was disappointing to Putin and Trump, who Tillerson described as a "fucking moron" over ideas about expanding nuclear weapons arsenal.
As soon as the Russia collusion was exposed Tillerson had no role in the White House. He was there to submit to Russia, but Trump’s thugs left fingerprints everywhere like fools and the plan was discovered.

It's possible there was some shady quid-pro-quo for him to get the job, but conducting foreign policy friendly to Russia is not in itself illegal.

If Tillerson thought that Russian sanction were against our interests there was plenty of space for him to conduct a more Russia-friendly policy than he has, so I think he really did have an honest hawkish position on Kremlin.
There doesn’t need to be anyone left in the entire government because,” I alone can fix it.”
Imagine being stupid enough to hear that during the campaign and not run like hell from this dope.

Just how many of these dolts can FOX hire???.............lol
Well they need many syncopants trying to explain away this lying hypocrite.

14 months in office and Donald Trump still has no idea what he is doing.
Tax Cut
Jobs program
Maybe denuclearize of NK in the upcoming months
ISIS on the run and losing land and fighters.

I'll take that for a guy you think doesn't know what he's doing.

ISIS was already decimated and on the way out in January 2017. If North Korea were to abandon its Nuclear program, it won't be because of anything Trump has done over the past 14 months. The past 14 months have seen North Korea from being years away from being able to hit the United States with an ICBM to actually having that capability now as well as having built a .25 megaton warhead and detonated it successfully.

Tax Cuts for the rich will just increase the national debt and are a complete waste and won't do anything for the economy. Warren Buffet doesn't buy more Big Mac's because he has an extra thousand dollars, someone living in the lower class does and that's why tax cuts or credits for the lower class stimulate growth, but tax cuts for the rich do not.

Meanwhile, we have hundreds of positions that have not been filled at the State Department. No chief diplomat in South Korea.

All the while, this man is Putins Bitch and won't criticize or say anything bad about Russia. Why is that? The Russians just used a weapon of mass destruction on British soil, a NATO ally, injuring a former Russian spy and his daughter, yet Trump won't denounce it.

those positions are open because the dems in the senate have blocked the confirmation votes. Try to deal with reality just once in a while.


Link it.
There doesn’t need to be anyone left in the entire government because,” I alone can fix it.”
Imagine being stupid enough to hear that during the campaign and not run like hell from this dope.

Just how many of these dolts can FOX hire???.............lol
Well they need many syncopants trying to explain away this lying hypocrite.


Wow talk about getting caught on blatant self contradiction.
Once the Russian collusion and sabotage was revealed to the public, Tillerson really had no role in the White House. He was there to deliver the goods to Russia as payment, but the goons couldn’t cover their tracks and their plot was foiled.

Tillerson turned out to be different from what most (inc. me) suspected him to be.

Having led Exxon and working closely with Russian government it would seem that he would come into office with warmer feelings towards Kremlin then your average American and more inclined to work to reverse the sanctions that killed a multi-billion dollar Exxon-Russia oil project. He even penned an article opposing sanctions in 2014. It's probably what got him the Trump's nomination over others.


In Russian media his nomination to head Department of State was treated as Trump's brazen deep-state defying, pro-Russia move. Remember, Rex took what was at one time Clinton's job - so to Russians that had a lot of symbolic meaning.

BUT Tillerson turned out to be exactly the guy who showed up in the confirmation hearings - competent, qualified and VERY strong on Russia...pretty sure that was disappointing to Putin and Trump, who Tillerson described as a "fucking moron" over ideas about expanding nuclear weapons arsenal.

Yes....Tillerson said No to trump and that is what doomed him. Either you bow to the Orange Clown or you are out.
You hillary panty-sniffers are funny!

You sound like you sniff glue.
There doesn’t need to be anyone left in the entire government because,” I alone can fix it.”
Imagine being stupid enough to hear that during the campaign and not run like hell from this dope.

Just how many of these dolts can FOX hire???.............lol
Well they need many syncopants trying to explain away this lying hypocrite.

View attachment 182306

Hannity's lips are a disturbing shade of orange......
Most of the folks removed from various appointments so far have continued to sing the President's praises. So we'll see how this goes.

Oh. some are "singing" alright.......


Are they? So far not a single soul other than politically motivated Democrats/leftists have pointed to the Trump campaign/administration as colluding with Russians in any way. Not even Comey with whom there is obviously no love lost.

But Mueller and the leftist haters should be thinking about the lives torn apart and reputation and economic stability destroyed by what is looking more and more like an unsupportable witch hunt. Who restores those people caught up in it?

But this thread is about Tillerson and that he is no longer Secretary of State. Everything isn't about Russian collusion.
Oh. some are "singing" alright.......Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Papadapolous, Gates, Nuberg

Yes, the growing list of 'Scooter Libby's is impressive...to snowflakes who are being thrown bones like these laughable indictments just so they will be appeased, so the Liberal Witch Hunt will be justified.

Flynn was indicted for lying to the FBI, the same FBI that protected Hillary aides Abedin and Mills from the exact same charge, except Flynn was dumb enough to let Mueller intimidate him into lying about something that wasn't even illegal.

2 of those were indictments for TAX EVASION dating back to a time BEFORE OBAMA WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT.

Papadapolous is a self-important, unpaid, Trump campaign worker whose 'claim to fame' was Liberals using his 'overheard drunken conversation held in a British Pub's bathroom with an Aussie Rep - a notoriously HUGE Clinton Foundation Donor - as half of their basis for obtaining illegal warrants to spy on the GOP Presidential candidate during an election (Watergate on Steroids)...Papa later 'wore a wire' (no doubt working for a desperate Mueller who had and still has no evidence of criminal collusion by Trump) and shopped a book deal.

I guess to make the list seem longer, more formidable - to make up for the fact that this list of 'Libby's prove no criminal connection between Trump and Russians or that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation - gnat put Gates down twice... :p
Are they? So far not a single soul other than politically motivated Democrats/leftists have pointed to the Trump campaign/administration as colluding with Russians in any way. Not even Comey with whom there is obviously no love lost.

Only Trump cultists are still harping on the NON-criminal "collusion" mantra....It is NOT the main focus of Mueller's investigation.......The MAIN focus is obstruction of an on-going investigation.....Here:Learn

Trump told Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak of his decision to fire Comey.

"I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job ……I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off."
I hate the way this is all purposely directed in the way a soap opera or reality show would be directed.....

President Chaos
Keeps us all tuned in....with heads still spinning from the last scandal or last firing or last resigning or last tweet or last press conference or last person poisoned by Russia or last agreement to meet some whacko leader or last porn star payoff......

I don't know how much more of this administration I can take..... :eek:

I've always hated Reality Shows..... :(
nothing i can really do about it. i like some of what he does, i hate other things. kinda like any other president we've had before him, just more TV based which started last president who needed to chime into every social situation and tell us what to think.

we as a country are not coming into the digital age of infomformation in politics very well at all.

The one thing the media, the haters, and sometimes even the supporters aren't able to wrap their heads around is that President Trump is not going to be like every other President. He isn't going to be like every other politician. He is no ideologue. He is no partisan. And he isn't a member of the permanent political class--elected, appointed, and/or hired--that has had things in Washington to suit and benefit THEM.

I don't know what happened with Tillerson, and this morning I hated hearing that Tillerson and the President probably did not come to a mutual agreement re Tillerson's leaving. It just grates on the nerves a bit and feels wrong. I often wish he would do these things differently.

But after objectively and I think impartially watching this President for the last 14 months, what he does is usually considered and calculated. He expects people who accept the jobs to do them, and to do them honorably and competently. And he has not only cut some of the bloat, he is accomplishing some very good things.

So at some time we'll no doubt find out the 'why' but for now I hate losing Pompeo as CIA director but think he'll be great as head diplomat too. At least he has remained 100% scandal free for the last 14 months and hopefully will continue that in his new post.

It is simple. He did not agree with the illegitimate president. He had his own opinion. Trump does not want to hear differing opinions. He wants to be surrounded by people that bow and agree with him...

"You are so smart Mr President."
"You are right Mr President."
"Your hair looks great Mr President."
Flynn was indicted for lying to the FBI, the same FBI that protected Hillary aides Abedin and Mills from the exact same charge, except Flynn was dumb enough to let Mueller intimidate him into lying about something that wasn't even illegal.

LOL (you morons should realize that Trump should be THANKING the FBI)


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