Tillerson out?

We used to hope Trump would grow into his new job. He has not, in fact he has become a liability and made America into a banana republic.
The biggest problem with the Trump Presidency thus far - STILL - is the surplus of criminal, seditious, treasonous, leaking, colluding, criminal Obama / Hillary / Liberal extremist loyalists. Instead of firing LESS people, Trump should have fired many more by now.

He should have fired the entire leadership - Chiefs, deputies, etc... - for the DOJ, FBI, EPA, DHS, etc.... when he walked into the WH on Day 1.

As far as his firings of hired Cabinet Members like Tillerson, Trump is taking a different approach to doing the same thing Barry did - get HIS people in the right seats, surround himself with HIS people. I have no problem with it. As the saying goes, 'It's good to be the king'. And as Barry once said, "If you don't like it - if you want something different, win some elections!"



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Uh oh!

Trump says Tillerson out as secretary of state


03/13/2018 08:51 AM EDT

President Donald Trump said Tuesday he is replacing Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, nominating CIA Director Mike Pompeo in his place.

"Mike Pompeo, Director of the CIA, will become our new Secretary of State. He will do a fantastic job!" Trump tweeted Tuesday. "Thank you to Rex Tillerson for his service! Gina Haspel will become the new Director of the CIA, and the first woman so chosen. Congratulations to all!

Pompeo's favored status in the West Wing for months led administration officials to view him as Tillerson's likely replacement. Haspel, who Trump said would replace Pompeo, became deputy director of the CIA las
State Department contradicts the White House: Tillerson has no idea why Trump decided to fire him
The State Department on Tuesday issued a statement saying that just-fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had been planning to remain in his post — while adding that Tillerson still has no idea why he was fired.
Fired by Tweet .. class act.
Uh oh!

Trump says Tillerson out as secretary of state


03/13/2018 08:51 AM EDT

President Donald Trump said Tuesday he is replacing Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, nominating CIA Director Mike Pompeo in his place.

"Mike Pompeo, Director of the CIA, will become our new Secretary of State. He will do a fantastic job!" Trump tweeted Tuesday. "Thank you to Rex Tillerson for his service! Gina Haspel will become the new Director of the CIA, and the first woman so chosen. Congratulations to all!

Pompeo's favored status in the West Wing for months led administration officials to view him as Tillerson's likely replacement. Haspel, who Trump said would replace Pompeo, became deputy director of the CIA las
Can Pompeo get up to speed in time for a May meeting in No. Korea.
His advice will be ignored anyway
You could tell Tillerson wasn't real happy with the President's open arms policy toward NoKo. I suppose it shouldn't surprise me. I suppose nothing should surprise me at this point.
What sickens me is this: After hearing the findings of the House Intelligence Committee that investigated Russian involvement in the 2016 election, and now hearing that Pompeo is replacing Tillerson, it seems like Trump is surrounding himself with only yes-men as fast as he can. That scares me more than anything else. These yes men, teamed with our President, will take off like a runaway carriage. God knows where we'll end up. Hope we don't end up in a ditch with our axles broken.

What makes you think they are "yes men"?

Did you consider Obama's appointees to be "yes men" in the same manner?
What about OBAMA?

Your feeble attempts to claim the Obama State Department was the same as Trumps disaster is ridiculous

Your feeble attempts to throw a potato sack over the usual double standard is amusing, at best.

Was Hillary a yes man?

In more ways than one.

The State Department was fully staffed and had significant global accomplishments in fighting terror, imposing sanctions on Iran, N Korea and Russia, obtaining deals on global warming, Iran disarmament

The State Department under Obama was in effect a foreign agency working for our adversaries. The renovation is under way.

Trump has accomplished nothing and his State Department is in ruins

"Nothing" is relative to the worldview of the beholder.
Of course I am. Get rid of the Democrats, the liberals, the never-trumpers, and the Obama-era Tories, and we'd have damned fine well-oiled smooth-running government, just like the founding fathers inntended.

The "founding fathers" envisioned an orange buffoon, bankruptcy-king, megalomaniac as the best future of this republic????..............Really, Trump cultist??? ....Really?.........lol
Trump is running his cabinet like the real world: If you don't do the job like the boss expects you to, hit the bricks. The leftards see this a "chaos" but look at everything Trump has accomplished in just one short year.

Imagine how much more he could get done if the Democrats and never-trumpers weren't obstructing and dragging their feet as far as other cabinet postitions? They are truly terrified.
You couldn’t be more full of shit if you got a pick up truck full of shit and dumped it into all of your orifices.
Blaming your incompetent boob’s troubles on the democrats is laughable because the R’s control the executive branch and both houses of Congress.
“He’s running his cabinet like the real world.”
There is no company that has this type of turnover and could survive.
The problem is at the top and Tillerson made it very clear why there is a problem... it’s because the guy at the top is a “ fucking moron.”
Doofus: I now have the people I want.
Who chose all of the people in the first place?
Of course you wouldn’t/ couldn’t admit that because you suck the incompetent one’s balls.

People who work in the WH complain everyday to WH correspondents that they hate working there because of trump’s volatile moods and his incompetence.
“ Everyone loves working in the WH.”
Add that lie on the 100 ft stack of lies he’s already vomited out.
This is the most chaotic WH in history hands down and if you’ve ever worked in a business CHAOS is the last thing you want for it to be effective.
seeing multiple stories saying tillerson is out for Pompeii. Any truth to it or just rumor mill?

He's been fired. So much for him not going to Kenya because he was ill.

Another lie from Trump's team.

What a butt hurt little bitch. Why do you demand they insult and attack people when it's not necessary?

Also, do you notice that view of yours is only for Republicans?

There was no reason to insult him. And you'd suddenly grasp that if we flipped parties. What an ass
Uh oh!

Trump says Tillerson out as secretary of state


03/13/2018 08:51 AM EDT

President Donald Trump said Tuesday he is replacing Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, nominating CIA Director Mike Pompeo in his place.

"Mike Pompeo, Director of the CIA, will become our new Secretary of State. He will do a fantastic job!" Trump tweeted Tuesday. "Thank you to Rex Tillerson for his service! Gina Haspel will become the new Director of the CIA, and the first woman so chosen. Congratulations to all!

Pompeo's favored status in the West Wing for months led administration officials to view him as Tillerson's likely replacement. Haspel, who Trump said would replace Pompeo, became deputy director of the CIA las
State Department contradicts the White House: Tillerson has no idea why Trump decided to fire him
The State Department on Tuesday issued a statement saying that just-fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had been planning to remain in his post — while adding that Tillerson still has no idea why he was fired.
Fired by Tweet .. class act.

Efficiency is not a bad thing.
True. But why would you come here for verification? Did you need to have a thread that badly?

Swish. If he had validation, he'd have just taken the question mark off the thread title. Why do leftists insist on being dicks?
We used to hope Trump would grow into his new job. He has not, in fact he has become a liability and made America into a banana republic.
The biggest problem with the Trump Presidency thus far - STILL - is the surplus of criminal, seditious, treasonous, leaking, colluding, criminal Obama / Hillary / Liberal extremist loyalists. Instead of firing LESS people, Trump should have fired many more by now.

He should have fired the entire leadership - Chiefs, deputies, etc... - for the DOJ, FBI, EPA, DHS, etc.... when he walked into the WH on Day 1.

As far as his firings of hired Cabinet Members like Tillerson, Trump is taking a different approach to doing the same thing Barry did - get HIS people in the right seats, surround himself with HIS people. I have no problem with it. As the saying goes, 'It's good to be the king'. And as Barry once said, "If you don't like it - if you want something different, win some elections!"


However, Rex Tillerson was in no way an Obama/Hillary/liberal loyalist, so his departure isn't that. But yes, administering a very large, unwieldly government is new ground for both the President and most of the people he is putting into those key positions. Some who were great in their private careers seem to have turned out to be less well suited for their government jobs, but when they are it has been pretty neat to watch. President Trump is speaking well of Tillerson this morning, however, and Tillerson is not trashing the President. Most of the folks removed from various appointments so far have continued to sing the President's praises. So we'll see how this goes.

I still wish it had been handled differently so far as the public announcement went.
We used to hope Trump would grow into his new job. He has not, in fact he has become a liability and made America into a banana republic.
The biggest problem with the Trump Presidency thus far - STILL - is the surplus of criminal, seditious, treasonous, leaking, colluding, criminal Obama / Hillary / Liberal extremist loyalists. Instead of firing LESS people, Trump should have fired many more by now.

He should have fired the entire leadership - Chiefs, deputies, etc... - for the DOJ, FBI, EPA, DHS, etc.... when he walked into the WH on Day 1.

As far as his firings of hired Cabinet Members like Tillerson, Trump is taking a different approach to doing the same thing Barry did - get HIS people in the right seats, surround himself with HIS people. I have no problem with it. As the saying goes, 'It's good to be the king'. And as Barry once said, "If you don't like it - if you want something different, win some elections!"

Leave it to Queasy to point the finger at Obama instead of where the problem really lies.
It lies with a president who is totally unqualified for the job LIKE WE WARNED YOU, one who doesn’t want any to learn the job WATCHES TV 8 HOURS A DAY and gets his info from FOX AND FRIENDS.... not his intelligence briefs HE REFUSES TO READ.

If you EVER told the truth a bolt of lightning would come right thru your small window in your trailer and pulverize you.
Most of the folks removed from various appointments so far have continued to sing the President's praises. So we'll see how this goes.

Oh. some are "singing" alright.......

The cult is running scared today except the lowest hanging fruit like JGalt because even they are starting to realize this is no way to run a White House.

When Lamb wins today it will be another death blow to Fat boi and the GOP.

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