Tillerson out?

wrong again, sonny. Obama did nothing except run up the debt and divide the nation. Trump has gotten the economy booming again, cut YOUR taxes, brought jobs back to the USA, built up our military, reduced unemployment (especially black unemployment), and gotten the respect of our allies and the fear of our enemies.
Trump did all that by himself? I doubt it very seriously.. There is no "I" on this team buddy..

Not the way the Orange Clown sees it...

is there anything in your existence besides hate?

Yes...I recognize a Charlatan when I see one..

so you recognize Obama and Hillary for what they are, good for you.

And you know I am talking about YOUR ORANGE CLOWN.
just to enlighten the "the peemeister's" minions, this is not a Exxon and it is not a business.
But then what can we expect from the FELLATIO FEST CROWD like you.

How Tillerson's firing proves that total loyalty is all that matters to Donald Trump
If you don't get down on your knees and open up... you are fired.
The fellatio feast that he demands from people is sickening.
Yet his little minions love doing the above.

    • Tillerson refused to back up Trump's both-siderism in the wake of the racially motivated attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia. "The President speaks for himself," was all Tillerson could offer.
    • Following a report last fall that he had referred to Trump as a "moron," Tillerson refused to issue any sort of denial."I'm not going to deal with petty stuff like that," he said.
    • Following the nerve gas attack against a former Russian spy in the United Kingdom last week, the White House has pointedly refused to lay the blame at Russia's feet despite British Prime Minister Theresa May doing exactly that on Monday. Tillerson broke with the administration and made clear he believed Russia was behind the attack.
    • Even as Tillerson was pursuing diplomatic solutions to the North Korea nuclear crisis, Trump tweeted that Tillerson was wasting his time. "I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary of State, that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man," Trump tweeted last October.

a clear conflict of egos, and there is only one boss. When Tillerson was CEO of Exxon Mobil no one dared question his decisions, he apparently was unable to deal with being subordinate to anyone. Good riddance.

government IS a business. the largest one in the country.

Not hardly. Business is to make a profit to enrich the few who own it. There's nothing immoral in it, but it's not the role of government. It has nothing to do with the thread though.
14 months in office and Donald Trump still has no idea what he is doing.
Tax Cut
Jobs program
Maybe denuclearize of NK in the upcoming months
ISIS on the run and losing land and fighters.

I'll take that for a guy you think doesn't know what he's doing.

ISIS was already decimated and on the way out in January 2017. If North Korea were to abandon its Nuclear program, it won't be because of anything Trump has done over the past 14 months. The past 14 months have seen North Korea from being years away from being able to hit the United States with an ICBM to actually having that capability now as well as having built a .25 megaton warhead and detonated it successfully.

Tax Cuts for the rich will just increase the national debt and are a complete waste and won't do anything for the economy. Warren Buffet doesn't buy more Big Mac's because he has an extra thousand dollars, someone living in the lower class does and that's why tax cuts or credits for the lower class stimulate growth, but tax cuts for the rich do not.

Meanwhile, we have hundreds of positions that have not been filled at the State Department. No chief diplomat in South Korea.

All the while, this man is Putins Bitch and won't criticize or say anything bad about Russia. Why is that? The Russians just used a weapon of mass destruction on British soil, a NATO ally, injuring a former Russian spy and his daughter, yet Trump won't denounce it.
just can't make this shit up!

the liberal hate/lie fest continues unabated. They are mentally ill.
when someone post stupid like that, it's all I got. these idiots believe obummer is still in office. It's truly amazing.
obummer was so bad it took nine years for his methods to finally reap middle class benefits after the new guy had been in a year.
You had four fathers?
WOW! you are some messed up species.
See, it is evident you are a fellatio artist for "the peemeister" lol


Did you sit in on the little meeting with him and profess your admiration and knelt before "the peemeister"

Seems like you need a little reference besides this one....

"The U.S. system of government is a republic, a type of democracy in which elected officials carry out the will of the people. These officials, called politicians, should know more about issues that face the society and how the government functions than the average citizen does.
The generation and corruption of governments, which may, in other words, be called the progress and course of human passions in society, are subjects which have engaged the attention of the greatest writers; and whether the essays they have left us were copied from history, or wrought out of their own conjectures and reasonings, they are very much to our purpose, to show the utility and necessity of different orders of men, and of an equilibrium of powers and privileges. They demonstrate the corruptibility of every species of simple government, by which I mean a power without a check, whether in one, a few, or many."

just to enlighten the "the peemeister's" minions, this is not a Exxon and it is not a business.
But then what can we expect from the FELLATIO FEST CROWD like you.

How Tillerson's firing proves that total loyalty is all that matters to Donald Trump
If you don't get down on your knees and open up... you are fired.
The fellatio feast that he demands from people is sickening.
Yet his little minions love doing the above.

    • Tillerson refused to back up Trump's both-siderism in the wake of the racially motivated attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia. "The President speaks for himself," was all Tillerson could offer.
    • Following a report last fall that he had referred to Trump as a "moron," Tillerson refused to issue any sort of denial."I'm not going to deal with petty stuff like that," he said.
    • Following the nerve gas attack against a former Russian spy in the United Kingdom last week, the White House has pointedly refused to lay the blame at Russia's feet despite British Prime Minister Theresa May doing exactly that on Monday. Tillerson broke with the administration and made clear he believed Russia was behind the attack.
    • Even as Tillerson was pursuing diplomatic solutions to the North Korea nuclear crisis, Trump tweeted that Tillerson was wasting his time. "I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary of State, that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man," Trump tweeted last October.

a clear conflict of egos, and there is only one boss. When Tillerson was CEO of Exxon Mobil no one dared question his decisions, he apparently was unable to deal with being subordinate to anyone. Good riddance.

government IS a business. the largest one in the country.
Our four fathers were truly great MEN!
just to enlighten the "the peemeister's" minions, this is not a Exxon and it is not a business.
But then what can we expect from the FELLATIO FEST CROWD like you.

How Tillerson's firing proves that total loyalty is all that matters to Donald Trump
If you don't get down on your knees and open up... you are fired.
The fellatio feast that he demands from people is sickening.
Yet his little minions love doing the above.

    • Tillerson refused to back up Trump's both-siderism in the wake of the racially motivated attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia. "The President speaks for himself," was all Tillerson could offer.
    • Following a report last fall that he had referred to Trump as a "moron," Tillerson refused to issue any sort of denial."I'm not going to deal with petty stuff like that," he said.
    • Following the nerve gas attack against a former Russian spy in the United Kingdom last week, the White House has pointedly refused to lay the blame at Russia's feet despite British Prime Minister Theresa May doing exactly that on Monday. Tillerson broke with the administration and made clear he believed Russia was behind the attack.
    • Even as Tillerson was pursuing diplomatic solutions to the North Korea nuclear crisis, Trump tweeted that Tillerson was wasting his time. "I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary of State, that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man," Trump tweeted last October.

a clear conflict of egos, and there is only one boss. When Tillerson was CEO of Exxon Mobil no one dared question his decisions, he apparently was unable to deal with being subordinate to anyone. Good riddance.

government IS a business. the largest one in the country.

Not hardly. Business is to make a profit to enrich the few who own it. There's nothing immoral in it, but it's not the role of government. It has nothing to do with the thread though.
just to enlighten the "the peemeister's" minions, this is not a Exxon and it is not a business.
But then what can we expect from the FELLATIO FEST CROWD like you.

How Tillerson's firing proves that total loyalty is all that matters to Donald Trump
If you don't get down on your knees and open up... you are fired.
The fellatio feast that he demands from people is sickening.
Yet his little minions love doing the above.

    • Tillerson refused to back up Trump's both-siderism in the wake of the racially motivated attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia. "The President speaks for himself," was all Tillerson could offer.
    • Following a report last fall that he had referred to Trump as a "moron," Tillerson refused to issue any sort of denial."I'm not going to deal with petty stuff like that," he said.
    • Following the nerve gas attack against a former Russian spy in the United Kingdom last week, the White House has pointedly refused to lay the blame at Russia's feet despite British Prime Minister Theresa May doing exactly that on Monday. Tillerson broke with the administration and made clear he believed Russia was behind the attack.
    • Even as Tillerson was pursuing diplomatic solutions to the North Korea nuclear crisis, Trump tweeted that Tillerson was wasting his time. "I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary of State, that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man," Trump tweeted last October.

a clear conflict of egos, and there is only one boss. When Tillerson was CEO of Exxon Mobil no one dared question his decisions, he apparently was unable to deal with being subordinate to anyone. Good riddance.

government IS a business. the largest one in the country.

Not hardly. Business is to make a profit to enrich the few who own it. There's nothing immoral in it, but it's not the role of government. It has nothing to do with the thread though.

Let's hope trump doesn't run the country like a business since he bankrupted four of them.

Obama is gone, move the fuck on. Nothing Obama’s did relates to IF Trump is still campaigning.

Every time one of you zealots bring up Obama to deflect from Trump’s actions all you are doing is proving how alike they really are

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Hillary is gone too, yet both of them keep popping up, and idiot liberals continue to site how much better life was under Obama and would have been under Hillary.

Life would be better without the most inept, incompetent and inexperienced person to ever occupy the office of POTUS. Those who continue to support Trump must hate America and be ignorant of our nation's history; they're thus incapable of making common sense judgments.

thank god obummer is finally out there. I couldn't have said that better about him.

Your posts make those of Redfish seem almost sane.
The circus continues

Who is next out of the clown car?
"He Left without His Jacket "

T-Rex Tillerson says "Get it on, bang a gong, get it on"

Trump’s Personal Assistant Is Fired
“President Trump’s personal assistant, John McEntee, was escorted out of the White House on Monday… The cause of the firing was an unspecified security issue,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

“Mr. McEntee was removed from the White House grounds on Monday afternoon without being allowed to collect his belongings… He left without his jacket.”
That's what they do in corporate America. The security guard comes to your desk and you are escorted fro the premises. Your personal belongings will be given to you in a couple of days. Trump is running the White House like a business. Just what we asked for: somebody to turn over tables and clean house.
You had four fathers?
WOW! you are some messed up species.
See, it is evident you are a fellatio artist for "the peemeister" lol


Did you sit in on the little meeting with him and profess your admiration and knelt before "the peemeister"

Seems like you need a little reference besides this one....

"The U.S. system of government is a republic, a type of democracy in which elected officials carry out the will of the people. These officials, called politicians, should know more about issues that face the society and how the government functions than the average citizen does.
The generation and corruption of governments, which may, in other words, be called the progress and course of human passions in society, are subjects which have engaged the attention of the greatest writers; and whether the essays they have left us were copied from history, or wrought out of their own conjectures and reasonings, they are very much to our purpose, to show the utility and necessity of different orders of men, and of an equilibrium of powers and privileges. They demonstrate the corruptibility of every species of simple government, by which I mean a power without a check, whether in one, a few, or many."

just to enlighten the "the peemeister's" minions, this is not a Exxon and it is not a business.
But then what can we expect from the FELLATIO FEST CROWD like you.

a clear conflict of egos, and there is only one boss. When Tillerson was CEO of Exxon Mobil no one dared question his decisions, he apparently was unable to deal with being subordinate to anyone. Good riddance.

government IS a business. the largest one in the country.
Our four fathers were truly great MEN!
yes, I had four fathers. why? I changed it because I figured twits like you wouldn't know what that meant. Guess I was right.

Obama is gone, move the fuck on. Nothing Obama’s did relates to IF Trump is still campaigning.

Every time one of you zealots bring up Obama to deflect from Trump’s actions all you are doing is proving how alike they really are

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Hillary is gone too, yet both of them keep popping up, and idiot liberals continue to site how much better life was under Obama and would have been under Hillary.

Life would be better without the most inept, incompetent and inexperienced person to ever occupy the office of POTUS. Those who continue to support Trump must hate America and be ignorant of our nation's history; they're thus incapable of making common sense judgments.

thank god obummer is finally out there. I couldn't have said that better about him.

Your posts make those of Redfish seem almost sane.
glad I can be help
Many Americans (including me) have been puzzled by all the changes in the President's appointments.

I think, however, President Trump is perhaps introducing the European system of politics. That is, officials there constantly come and go.

We are used to cabinet secretaries, for example, serving for a president's whole term.

But why should they?

I have just heard President Trump on the radio thank the Secretary of State. Then he said that he felt that the new Secretary agrees more closely with the President's ideas.

It seems logical that the President should work with people with whom he feels comfortable.

Stability for the sake of stability is not a virtue -- IMHO.
It is no wonder you teabaggers don't believe in science. So there is no sense explaining to you that biologically that doesn't happen with the human species.
So, carry on and drop to your knees for "the peemeister" again.

Now go whine to the moderators.
just like "the peemeister" a whiny little bitch.


You had four fathers?
WOW! you are some messed up species.
See, it is evident you are a fellatio artist for "the peemeister" lol


Did you sit in on the little meeting with him and profess your admiration and knelt before "the peemeister"

Seems like you need a little reference besides this one....

"The U.S. system of government is a republic, a type of democracy in which elected officials carry out the will of the people. These officials, called politicians, should know more about issues that face the society and how the government functions than the average citizen does.
The generation and corruption of governments, which may, in other words, be called the progress and course of human passions in society, are subjects which have engaged the attention of the greatest writers; and whether the essays they have left us were copied from history, or wrought out of their own conjectures and reasonings, they are very much to our purpose, to show the utility and necessity of different orders of men, and of an equilibrium of powers and privileges. They demonstrate the corruptibility of every species of simple government, by which I mean a power without a check, whether in one, a few, or many."

just to enlighten the "the peemeister's" minions, this is not a Exxon and it is not a business.
But then what can we expect from the FELLATIO FEST CROWD like you.

government IS a business. the largest one in the country.
Our four fathers were truly great MEN!
yes, I had four fathers. why? I changed it because I figured twits like you wouldn't know what that meant. Guess I was right.

Obama is gone, move the fuck on. Nothing Obama’s did relates to IF Trump is still campaigning.

Every time one of you zealots bring up Obama to deflect from Trump’s actions all you are doing is proving how alike they really are

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Hillary is gone too, yet both of them keep popping up, and idiot liberals continue to site how much better life was under Obama and would have been under Hillary.

Life would be better without the most inept, incompetent and inexperienced person to ever occupy the office of POTUS. Those who continue to support Trump must hate America and be ignorant of our nation's history; they're thus incapable of making common sense judgments.

thank god obummer is finally out there. I couldn't have said that better about him.

Your posts make those of Redfish seem almost sane.

There us nothing sane about redfish....
I still don't have any idea what Tillerson was trying to do at the DoS. And when he started, I was impressed. He is a product of public schools and the middle class, and went on to lead the biggest multinational.

But then, what is Trump trying to do? I understand and agree that the US has done much of the heavy lifting for our allies. But the US cannot affect much in the world without allies. No one wins trade wars. And Trump seems to be willing to do anything to avoid angering Russia.
Another fool who disgraced himself with his work in the administration, and ended up sent off in humiliation - fired in a tweet without knowing why :rofl:

Exactly! One way to put an end to your career is to day Yes to the Orange Clown. I just don't understand why anyone would want to work in this criminal regime.
Once the Russian collusion and sabotage was revealed to the public, Tillerson really had no role in the White House. He was there to deliver the goods to Russia as payment, but the goons couldn’t cover their tracks and their plot was foiled.

Tillerson turned out to be different from what most (inc. me) suspected him to be.

Having led Exxon and working closely with Russian government it would seem that he would come into office with warmer feelings towards Kremlin than your average American and more inclined to work to reverse the sanctions that killed a multi-billion dollar Exxon-Russia oil project. He even penned an article opposing sanctions in 2014. It's probably what got him the Trump's nomination over others.


In Russian media his nomination to head Department of State was treated as Trump's brazen deep-state defying, pro-Russia move. Remember, Rex took what was at one time Clinton's job - so to Russians that had a lot of symbolic meaning.

BUT Tillerson turned out to be exactly the guy who showed up in the confirmation hearings - competent, qualified and VERY strong on Russia...pretty sure that was disappointing to Putin and Trump, who Tillerson described as a "fucking moron" over ideas about expanding nuclear weapons arsenal.
Last edited:
So now you are talking about Bill don't change the subject...

just responding to your stupid claim that Trump was "still" campaigning.

Trump had a rally in Feb of 2017 that was paid for by his re-election campaign fund.

He has never quit campaigning

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

so what? obozo campaigned for 8 years and did zero as president. What, exactly is your point?

Thanks for once again showing there is little difference between the two men.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

wrong again, sonny. Obama did nothing except run up the debt and divide the nation. Trump has gotten the economy booming again, cut YOUR taxes, brought jobs back to the USA, built up our military, reduced unemployment (especially black unemployment), and gotten the respect of our allies and the fear of our enemies.

The country is more divided now than it was a year ago, mostly because Trump lives to divide.

The national debt has gone up more than a trillion dollars since the day Trump took office. In less than 6 months under the first Trump budget we have gone up .6 trillion and at the current rate he will add 1.36 trillion in his first full FY.

Very little difference between the two men

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
just to enlighten the "the peemeister's" minions, this is not a Exxon and it is not a business.
But then what can we expect from the FELLATIO FEST CROWD like you.

How Tillerson's firing proves that total loyalty is all that matters to Donald Trump
If you don't get down on your knees and open up... you are fired.
The fellatio feast that he demands from people is sickening.
Yet his little minions love doing the above.

    • Tillerson refused to back up Trump's both-siderism in the wake of the racially motivated attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia. "The President speaks for himself," was all Tillerson could offer.
    • Following a report last fall that he had referred to Trump as a "moron," Tillerson refused to issue any sort of denial."I'm not going to deal with petty stuff like that," he said.
    • Following the nerve gas attack against a former Russian spy in the United Kingdom last week, the White House has pointedly refused to lay the blame at Russia's feet despite British Prime Minister Theresa May doing exactly that on Monday. Tillerson broke with the administration and made clear he believed Russia was behind the attack.
    • Even as Tillerson was pursuing diplomatic solutions to the North Korea nuclear crisis, Trump tweeted that Tillerson was wasting his time. "I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary of State, that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man," Trump tweeted last October.

a clear conflict of egos, and there is only one boss. When Tillerson was CEO of Exxon Mobil no one dared question his decisions, he apparently was unable to deal with being subordinate to anyone. Good riddance.

government IS a business. the largest one in the country.

Not hardly. Business is to make a profit to enrich the few who own it. There's nothing immoral in it, but it's not the role of government. It has nothing to do with the thread though.

Some businesses are amoral, some are moral and others immoral. It is the owners and the leaders they select who set the values and polices in each business.

In that respect, we can and do judge the elected and appointed members in The Congress, The Executive and The Judiciary as to the morality of their policies, statements, actions and decisions; such judgments are made all the time of Federal, state and local persons in elected and appointed offices. And made by We the People and those who occupy offices of trust.

Obama is gone, move the fuck on. Nothing Obama’s did relates to IF Trump is still campaigning.

Every time one of you zealots bring up Obama to deflect from Trump’s actions all you are doing is proving how alike they really are

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Hillary is gone too, yet both of them keep popping up, and idiot liberals continue to site how much better life was under Obama and would have been under Hillary.

Life would be better without the most inept, incompetent and inexperienced person to ever occupy the office of POTUS. Those who continue to support Trump must hate America and be ignorant of our nation's history; they're thus incapable of making common sense judgments.

Yup, good thing he (Obama) is gone, and we hate the America that Obama tried to create.

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