Tillerson out?

I hate the way this is all purposely directed in the way a soap opera or reality show would be directed.....

President Chaos
Keeps us all tuned in....with heads still spinning from the last scandal or last firing or last resigning or last tweet or last press conference or last person poisoned by Russia or last agreement to meet some whacko leader or last porn star payoff......

I don't know how much more of this administration I can take..... :eek:

I've always hated Reality Shows..... :(
nothing i can really do about it. i like some of what he does, i hate other things. kinda like any other president we've had before him, just more TV based which started last president who needed to chime into every social situation and tell us what to think.

we as a country are not coming into the digital age of infomformation in politics very well at all.

The one thing the media, the haters, and sometimes even the supporters aren't able to wrap their heads around is that President Trump is not going to be like every other President. He isn't going to be like every other politician. He is no ideologue. He is no partisan. And he isn't a member of the permanent political class--elected, appointed, and/or hired--that has had things in Washington to suit and benefit THEM.

I don't know what happened with Tillerson, and this morning I hated hearing that Tillerson and the President probably did not come to a mutual agreement re Tillerson's leaving. It just grates on the nerves a bit and feels wrong. I often wish he would do these things differently.

But after objectively and I think impartially watching this President for the last 14 months, what he does is usually considered and calculated. He expects people who accept the jobs to do them, and to do them honorably and competently. And he has not only cut some of the bloat, he is accomplishing some very good things.

So at some time we'll no doubt find out the 'why' but for now I hate losing Pompeo as CIA director but think he'll be great as head diplomat too. At least he has remained 100% scandal free for the last 14 months and hopefully will continue that in his new post.

It is simple. He did not agree with the illegitimate president. He had his own opinion. Trump does not want to hear differing opinions. He wants to be surrounded by people that bow and agree with him...

"You are so smart Mr President."
"You are right Mr President."
"Your hair looks great Mr President."

Really? Please post your evidence for that. Otherwise please don't bother me with your TDS issues as I have made a pledge that I try to honor: Don't feed the trolls, argue with idiots, or engage in exercises of futility. Thanks for understanding and have a great day.
Once the Russian collusion and sabotage was revealed to the public, Tillerson really had no role in the White House. He was there to deliver the goods to Russia as payment, but the goons couldn’t cover their tracks and their plot was foiled.

Tillerson turned out to be different from what most (inc. me) suspected him to be.

Having led Exxon and working closely with Russian government it would seem that he would come into office with warmer feelings towards Kremlin then your average American and more inclined to work to reverse the sanctions that killed a multi-billion dollar Exxon-Russia oil project. He even penned an article opposing sanctions in 2014. It's probably what got him the Trump's nomination over others.


In Russian media his nomination to head Department of State was treated as Trump's brazen deep-state defying, pro-Russia move. Remember, Rex took what was at one time Clinton's job - so to Russians that had a lot of symbolic meaning.

BUT Tillerson turned out to be exactly the guy who showed up in the confirmation hearings - competent, qualified and VERY strong on Russia...pretty sure that was disappointing to Putin and Trump, who Tillerson described as a "fucking moron" over ideas about expanding nuclear weapons arsenal.
As soon as the Russia collusion was exposed Tillerson had no role in the White House. He was there to submit to Russia, but Trump’s thugs left fingerprints everywhere like fools and the plan was discovered.

It's possible there was some shady quid-pro-quo for him to get the job, but conducting foreign policy friendly to Russia is not in itself illegal.

If Tillerson thought that Russian sanction were against our interests there was plenty of space for him to conduct a more Russia-friendly policy than he has, so I think he really did have an honest hawkish position on Kremlin.
He was forced into it. The Exxon-Russia deal was his white whale that he lost when it was exposed that Russia was playing us for fools.
Can Pompeo get up to speed in time for a May meeting in No. Korea.
His advice will be ignored anyway
You could tell Tillerson wasn't real happy with the President's open arms policy toward NoKo. I suppose it shouldn't surprise me. I suppose nothing should surprise me at this point.
What sickens me is this: After hearing the findings of the House Intelligence Committee that investigated Russian involvement in the 2016 election, and now hearing that Pompeo is replacing Tillerson, it seems like Trump is surrounding himself with only yes-men as fast as he can. That scares me more than anything else. These yes men, teamed with our President, will take off like a runaway carriage. God knows where we'll end up. Hope we don't end up in a ditch with our axles broken.

What makes you think they are "yes men"?

Did you consider Obama's appointees to be "yes men" in the same manner?
What about OBAMA?

Your feeble attempts to claim the Obama State Department was the same as Trumps disaster is ridiculous

Your feeble attempts to throw a potato sack over the usual double standard is amusing, at best.

Was Hillary a yes man?

In more ways than one.

The State Department was fully staffed and had significant global accomplishments in fighting terror, imposing sanctions on Iran, N Korea and Russia, obtaining deals on global warming, Iran disarmament

The State Department under Obama was in effect a foreign agency working for our adversaries. The renovation is under way.

Trump has accomplished nothing and his State Department is in ruins

"Nothing" is relative to the worldview of the beholder.
The Great Obama had international accomplishments.

They did it by actually working with our allies to enhance trade, international cooperation, sanctions and nuclear disarmament

There is not a single nation that will work with Crooked Donnie or his lame State Department
The cult is running scared today except the lowest hanging fruit like JGalt because even they are starting to realize this is no way to run a White House.

When Lamb wins today it will be another death blow to Fat boi and the GOP.

This guy gets it.....Let's go Lamb!
Trump is running his cabinet like the real world: If you don't do the job like the boss expects you to, hit the bricks. The leftards see this a "chaos" but look at everything Trump has accomplished in just one short year.

Imagine how much more he could get done if the Democrats and never-trumpers weren't obstructing and dragging their feet as far as other cabinet postitions? They are truly terrified.
You apparently dont know that even in the real corporate world , stability is very important. But again you gonna lie to yourself because you are too arrogant to confess you made a bad choice.
Only Trump cultists are still harping on the NON-criminal "collusion" mantra....It is NOT the main focus of Mueller's investigation.......The MAIN focus is obstruction of an on-going investigation.....Here:Learn
Bwuhahaha....the 'Ever-Changing Goal Posts'....

The reason an investigation was supposedly started to begin with was the false insinuation by Liberal Extremists that Trump had illegally colluded with Russians....only to have it proven that the only ones who illegally colluded with the Russians, foreign spies, committed sedition, treason, etc were the Democrats - like Hillary herself.

The Propaganda-pushing Liberal press even eventually abandoned the waste of time.
Not one Democrats has come out to say there is evidence. Feinstein, for example, has declared there is NO evidence.
Mueller has used his 'Blanket Fishing License' to desperately, fruitlessly troll anywhere and everywhere...

You claim the investigation is about 'Obstruction'.... You mean like:
- How Hillary Obstructed Justice by violating a subpoena and destroying evidence?
- How Lynch colluded with / Ordered Comey to make sure Hillary was not Indicted
- How Comey wrote Hillary exoneration before witnesses were interviewed?
- How Strzok altered the wording of the FBI's final report, eliminating their statement of how Hillary HAD BEEN 'criminally negligent'?
- How Comey declared to the public that Hillary HAD broken laws but had been 'too stupid to know she was doing it', as if that mattered even if true?

You claim Mueller's investigation is about 'Obstruction', yet he ignored evidence of the Obstruction crimes committed by Democrats...

You claim Mueller's investigation is about 'Obstruction', but the names on that list you provided do nothing to support 'Obstruction' claims:
-- How do Tax Evasion charges dating back to before Obama was elected President support snowflake charges of non-existent Trump Obstruction?

:p Bwuhahahaha......
You apparently don't know that even in the real corporate world , stability is very important.
In the corporate world, if you realize the guy you put in charge is NOT the guy to lead your company to success, stock increases, sales increases, etc... you don't keep the guy on...unless he is the boss' nephew and you have no choice. :p
We used to hope Trump would grow into his new job. He has not, in fact he has become a liability and made America into a banana republic.
The biggest problem with the Trump Presidency thus far - STILL - is the surplus of criminal, seditious, treasonous, leaking, colluding, criminal Obama / Hillary / Liberal extremist loyalists. Instead of firing LESS people, Trump should have fired many more by now.

He should have fired the entire leadership - Chiefs, deputies, etc... - for the DOJ, FBI, EPA, DHS, etc.... when he walked into the WH on Day 1.

As far as his firings of hired Cabinet Members like Tillerson, Trump is taking a different approach to doing the same thing Barry did - get HIS people in the right seats, surround himself with HIS people. I have no problem with it. As the saying goes, 'It's good to be the king'. And as Barry once said, "If you don't like it - if you want something different, win some elections!"


However, Rex Tillerson was in no way an Obama/Hillary/liberal loyalist, so his departure isn't that. But yes, administering a very large, unwieldly government is new ground for both the President and most of the people he is putting into those key positions. Some who were great in their private careers seem to have turned out to be less well suited for their government jobs, but when they are it has been pretty neat to watch. President Trump is speaking well of Tillerson this morning, however, and Tillerson is not trashing the President. Most of the folks removed from various appointments so far have continued to sing the President's praises. So we'll see how this goes.

I still wish it had been handled differently so far as the public announcement went.
I think Tillerson agreed with Trump that the DoS served it's own view of foreign relations rather than the President's. Both Nixon and Reagan operated somewhat independently from the DoS, and Carter had to choose too.

But Tillerson had more experience than Trump in how globalism is a force that has to be worked with, rather than just ignored. And Tillerson considered Trump "a moron." I don't think Trump was ready to jump on PM May's bandwagon for punishing Putin for trying to kill a retired Russian spy in the UK. And Tillerson jumped.
Trump is running his cabinet like the real world: If you don't do the job like the boss expects you to, hit the bricks. The leftards see this a "chaos" but look at everything Trump has accomplished in just one short year.

Imagine how much more he could get done if the Democrats and never-trumpers weren't obstructing and dragging their feet as far as other cabinet postitions? They are truly terrified.
You apparently dont know that even in the real corporate world , stability is very important. But again you gonna lie to yourself because you are too arrogant to confess you made a bad choice.

The most competent executives in American business today said Filthy Don was the most incompetent person to lead his supposedly "Business Advisory Council". Filthy Don is a fvckin' joke so they jetted out! :113:
You apparently don't know that even in the real corporate world , stability is very important.
In the corporate world, if you realize the guy you put in charge is NOT the guy to lead your company to success, stock increases, sales increases, etc... you don't keep the guy on...unless he is the boss' nephew and you have no choice. :p
In a corporate world you don't hire scores of people within a year and send a message of chaos and instability.
We used to hope Trump would grow into his new job. He has not, in fact he has become a liability and made America into a banana republic.
The biggest problem with the Trump Presidency thus far - STILL - is the surplus of criminal, seditious, treasonous, leaking, colluding, criminal Obama / Hillary / Liberal extremist loyalists. Instead of firing LESS people, Trump should have fired many more by now.

He should have fired the entire leadership - Chiefs, deputies, etc... - for the DOJ, FBI, EPA, DHS, etc.... when he walked into the WH on Day 1.

As far as his firings of hired Cabinet Members like Tillerson, Trump is taking a different approach to doing the same thing Barry did - get HIS people in the right seats, surround himself with HIS people. I have no problem with it. As the saying goes, 'It's good to be the king'. And as Barry once said, "If you don't like it - if you want something different, win some elections!"


However, Rex Tillerson was in no way an Obama/Hillary/liberal loyalist, so his departure isn't that. But yes, administering a very large, unwieldly government is new ground for both the President and most of the people he is putting into those key positions. Some who were great in their private careers seem to have turned out to be less well suited for their government jobs, but when they are it has been pretty neat to watch. President Trump is speaking well of Tillerson this morning, however, and Tillerson is not trashing the President. Most of the folks removed from various appointments so far have continued to sing the President's praises. So we'll see how this goes.

I still wish it had been handled differently so far as the public announcement went.
I think Tillerson agreed with Trump that the DoS served it's own view of foreign relations rather than the President's. Both Nixon and Reagan operated somewhat independently from the DoS, and Carter had to choose too.

But Tillerson had more experience than Trump in how globalism is a force that has to be worked with, rather than just ignored. And Tillerson considered Trump "a moron." I don't think Trump was ready to jump on PM May's bandwagon for punishing Putin for trying to kill a retired Russian spy in the UK. And Tillerson jumped.

Tillerson was fired on Friday, before he jumped in on PM May's message to Russia.
LOL (you morons should realize that Trump should be THANKING the FBI)

For, along with Barry, hiding Russian crimes and helping them acquire Uranium One...

For, along with Barry, protecting Hillary from Indictment / Prison...

For, along with Barry, hiding Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election...

For, along with Barry, committing sedition, treason, etc....

For paying a foreign spy working with Russians for Russian propaganda Hillary used illegally in an election and which they used to illegally acquire warrants to spy on the GOP Presidential election, an election in which the Democrats had already rigged their primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during their primaries, violated election law, violated election campaign law, and obstructed justice by protecting the DNC's 'It's my Turn' Felon candidate from Indictment?

For ignoring the many reports about the school shooter, refusing to investigate and allowing him to murder 17 people?

Oh yeah, thank you, FBI! :p
We used to hope Trump would grow into his new job. He has not, in fact he has become a liability and made America into a banana republic.
The biggest problem with the Trump Presidency thus far - STILL - is the surplus of criminal, seditious, treasonous, leaking, colluding, criminal Obama / Hillary / Liberal extremist loyalists. Instead of firing LESS people, Trump should have fired many more by now.

He should have fired the entire leadership - Chiefs, deputies, etc... - for the DOJ, FBI, EPA, DHS, etc.... when he walked into the WH on Day 1.

As far as his firings of hired Cabinet Members like Tillerson, Trump is taking a different approach to doing the same thing Barry did - get HIS people in the right seats, surround himself with HIS people. I have no problem with it. As the saying goes, 'It's good to be the king'. And as Barry once said, "If you don't like it - if you want something different, win some elections!"


However, Rex Tillerson was in no way an Obama/Hillary/liberal loyalist, so his departure isn't that. But yes, administering a very large, unwieldly government is new ground for both the President and most of the people he is putting into those key positions. Some who were great in their private careers seem to have turned out to be less well suited for their government jobs, but when they are it has been pretty neat to watch. President Trump is speaking well of Tillerson this morning, however, and Tillerson is not trashing the President. Most of the folks removed from various appointments so far have continued to sing the President's praises. So we'll see how this goes.

I still wish it had been handled differently so far as the public announcement went.
I think Tillerson agreed with Trump that the DoS served it's own view of foreign relations rather than the President's. Both Nixon and Reagan operated somewhat independently from the DoS, and Carter had to choose too.

But Tillerson had more experience than Trump in how globalism is a force that has to be worked with, rather than just ignored. And Tillerson considered Trump "a moron." I don't think Trump was ready to jump on PM May's bandwagon for punishing Putin for trying to kill a retired Russian spy in the UK. And Tillerson jumped.

Tillerson was fired on Friday, before he jumped in on PM May's message to Russia.
Rex Tillerson Finally Lost His Secretary of State Job, Weirdly After Criticizing Russia
In a corporate world you don't hire scores of people within a year and send a message of chaos and instability.

You do if you are a LIBERAL! :p

Let me tell you about a 'hero' of mine:

Several years ago a HUGE company owned by some liberal was in dire financial shape and sought out the assistance of a world-renowned expert in his field. They were hoping this guy could miraculously un-do the massively destructive liberal practices, massive failed spending, and incompetence in their company.

On a FRIDAY they held a public press conference in which they touted the hiring of this guy. They called him their 'Future', the guy who would lead them out of the un-recoverable RED and back into the GREEN, on to success again. They bragged how they were paying him millions - one of the largest CEO salaries at that time, complete with massive other compensation and perks (un-matched health care, etc...) The guy announced he would take the weekend to look over the books and would make his 1st press conference on his own the following Monday.

On Monday the guy stepped up to the microphone and announced that after looking at the financial records of the company he had decided there was nothing he could do to help the company, that he was RESIGNING AT THAT MOMENT. He then stepped down from the podium as a near-silent crowd watched, and he left the building. Because the people who owned / ran this company were complete IDIOTS, they had made the contract with the guy they hired, the guy who just walked out on them after 2 days on the job, 'effective immediately' with no 'Out Clause' where they could get any of their money or other compensation back if he chose to do exactly what he had just done.

In 2 days they finished killing off the company they were trying to save because they were fiscally stupid, business-ignorant.

This guy, after 2 days, walked out their door with over a $100 MILLION DOLLAR 'Golden Parachute' from this company going nose down... Over $100 million for 2 days....it's great work if you can get it! :p

That is why the guy's my 'hero'. Bwuhahaha.....

(In a way that company, BTW, is like CALIFORNIA going bankrupt - spending hundreds of millions to support illegals and criminal sanctuary cities, deciding to stand with violent, criminal illegals instead of with the American people, instead of obeying US Immigration Laws....while holding out their grubby little criminal hands demanding law-abiding American citizens hand over their had-earned/paid tax dollars so California can keep breaking the law and spitting on them while doing so. They are stupid, illegal, criminal liberals who desperately rely on others to keep living the criminal lifestyle they can not afford to live on their own. Like that company, I hope funds are withheld from California, I hope California goes 'Tango Uniform', and I hope the American people walk out on them when they collapse and beg for help for themselves and the millions of illegals they have decided to side with.)
Rex said a bad thing about Putin poisoning that guy in Britain. I absolutely will not tolerate anyone saying bad things about my friend Putin! So I said to Rex, "YOU'RE FIRED!"

Not to his face though. I didn't even tell him directly. I tweeted it to the world instead. I have the best management style.

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